
Truth: Is it better told or hidden?


"Hyung! I'm hungry!" I know you're hungry Seungri, thats the only damn thing you have been saying for the last 5 minutes!!!

"Hyung~~! Cook me something~!" He said pouting. I felt like puking at the sight of his face. 

"Quit it Seungri!" I'm trying to watch t.v here!

"Oh come on~~! I need breakfast!" He was starting to get on my last nerve.

"WOULD YOU SHUT UP?!" He got on my last nerve.

"fine...." FINALLY!! "I guess I'll just go and tell Chaerin that you were the one who broke her favorite vase." He said getting up. 

"umm.." I said trying to concentrate on the show, so it took me a while to process what he said, but when I did...

"HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT?!" I said jumping off the couch.


(6 months ago)

God! What's taking her so long?! 

I was waiting for Chaerin to wake up for about an hour now, I cooked us breakfast as an apology for yesterday when I forgot about our date.

In my defence, I was busy with working on BIGBANG's new album. So when I came home late yesterday......, let's just say I was fighting for my life.    

I went back downstairs making sure everything was perfect because I had nothing better to do.

While I was checking it, I realized I had forgotten to bring drinks.

I went to the kitchen and poured some juice in 2 cups. As I was walking to the table, I dropped some juice on the floor.


I sighed and put the drinks on the table and went back to the kitchen to get something I could clean the floor with and that was when it happened.

I slipped on the juice I was trying to wipe and accidently pushed one of the side tables which had the vase on. The vase that owned to Chaerin's great grandmother.

It fell off the table and shattered into small pieces as it hit the floor.

CRAP! was the only thing going through my mind. After 5 minutes of absolutely no movement, it hit me that Chae didn't wake up otherwise she would be here kicking my a*s.

Okay Jiyong, you can still save your a*s.

I quickly started to pick up the small pieces of debris that were scattered on the floor and put them all in a trash bag.

As I was about to leave the apartment to throw it away, I realized something. If Chae sees the breakfast and doesn't see the vase, well then it wouldn't be too hard to do the math. 

I quickly opened the bag and stuffed it with the breakfast I made. I then ran as fast as I can outside the duplex and threw the bag inside the trash can.

I ran back inside the duplex and started to get rid of any evidence that show that I was awake so early in the morning; I cleaned all the plates and cups, I wiped the stupid floor, and removed the candles from the table.

Yes, even though it was breakfast, I thought the candles would make it more romantic. After I finished, I quietly crept into our bedroom and laid down on the bed.

You see, my Chae thinks she is a light sleeper, so I figured if she saw me asleep then she would think that I never got up from bed in the first place and since I went to bed before her yesterday, I thought she would eliminate me as a suspect. 

And I was right, she didn't even suspect me. But.....

When she finally woke up and didn't see the vase when she went downstairs, she started to freak out.

She kept on investigating every single member of the YG family.

She even almost investigated YG himself. After a month, she started to let it go. 

Don't get me wrong, I feel so guilty for not telling her but if I did now, she would literally kick my a*s.

End of flashback.

"HAHA!! So it was you!!" OH MY GOD! I can't believe I fell for that!!

"W-what?! n-n-no..." I tried covering up my stupidness, AGAIN!!

"Stop lying Hyung!" I'm so screwed.

"You know, I could keep it as a secret if you cook me breakfast" He smirked. I can't believe he's blackmailing his own hyung!

Note to self: Kill the king of blackmail aka Taeyang for teaching their maknae how to blackmail.

I sighed in defeat, "So, eggs and bacon?" Maybe I should start taking lessons from Taeyang. 


I went to the kitchen and began to cook. While I was frying the eggs and the bacon, I started to look for the pepper. Where did Chae and Bom put it?

I couldn't find it so I decided to ask them. I checked on the bacon and eggs one more time before I walked upstairs.

When I reached Bom's bedroom, I knocked on the door.

"CL,  can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked her from behind the closed door.

I heard them saying something but I couldn't make out what they were saying. The door then opened, revealing CL. She then walked out and closed the door behind her.

Before I could even say anything to her, she jumped on me and wrapped her legs around my waist and started to kiss me.

I was taken back by her actions but who am I to say no?

I started to respond and we shared a hot kiss. After a while, she broke the kiss. 

"What was that for?" Although I enjoyed our kiss, CL doesn't usually do that.

"For saving me from Bom, she's asking me why I was knocking on the door like crazy and I have no idea what to tell her" She told me in one breathe.

"Wow! breath woman!" She then gave me her infamous I'm-gonna-kill-you look, "I'm just kidding, okat how about you tell her the truth?" I told her trying to solve her problem.

"The truth is what I have been avoiding the entire time!" No wonder she's panicking. CL was never a good liar. 

"OH! Makes so much sense!" I slapped my forehead.

"Wait, what did you want to talk to me about?" She asked me, that kiss made me fo-...

"Oh !!" I quickly let go of her, and sprinted to the kitchen but not before I made sure she was standing on her own.

"What is wrong with him?" I heard her say, but didn't really care. Once I made it to the kitchen, I turned off the stove as fast as I could but apparently not fast enough because the fire alarm started to buzz.

"KWON JI YONG!! WHAT DID YOU DO?!!" 1 minute she is kissing me, and the next she is shouting at me, but this time, I can't blame her.

"N-nothing, I j-just.." I said, starting to panic. 

She pushed me away and took the pans and put them in the sink. Then, she the water tap, letting the water run over the 'eggs and bacon' creating even more smoke.

The stupid alarm would not stop, it just got louder.

"Hyung, what did you do to my eggs?!" Don't forget the bacon....WAIT!! I'M GONNA DIE NOW AND ALL SEUNGRI CARES ABOUT IS HIS BREAKFAST?!

What a nice dongsaeng he turned out to be.

I gave Seungri the help-me look. He turned and looked at CL's angry face, and turned back to me and shook his head and mouthed a 'no'.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON NOW?!!" Great, more people to kill me. She gasped at the scene of their 'kitchen' and then turned to me with the same angry face as CL. No wonder they're bestfriends.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I started to think of something that could save me.

"Wait!! how do you know it is me who caused this?!" I thought I brought up a really good point but like always, I was wrong.

"Because, Seungri is too lazy to get off his and cook something," She just knew Seungri too well.

"Chae is smart so she will definitely not burn down her own kitchen," Crap........

"And then, there is you" She said pointing at me. I turned to look at CL to save me but it looked like she was enjoying it herself. 

"I'm sorry!!" I started to beg for forgiveness.

"Please!! I will do anything to make it up for you guys!! please!" I know any man would laugh at me right now but I couldn't care any less right now.

"Anything?" Oh sh*t! Bom had that evil look on her face. The one she gets when she's thinking of something  evil, and I mean evil. It has been a while since I saw that look.

I nodded my head. Yes, Bom is gonna ruin my life but at least this way, I would still have a life.

30 minutes later: 

"I AM NOT GOING OUT!' I should have just let them kill me.

"YOU HAVE TO!!" Bom shouted from behind the closed door. 

"GET YOUR A*S HERE KWON JIYONG!!' And that was what my girlfriend said.

No one is going to recognize you anyway, the stupid thing covers your face. I was trying to keep myself calm. I took a deep breathe and opened the door. 


I sighed deeply and made my way to the front door, with them following me and laughing like maniacs. 

Bom unlocked the car and sat in the driver's seat with CL in the passenger's seat, while Seungri sat in the back with me. THEY WOULD NOT STOP LAUGHING!!

Even though I was really angry, a part of me was really happy. Bom was laughing so hard, she was smiling. I had not seen that smile in like 3 months.

If seeing me dressed up like this makes her happy, then I'm glad I have to do this.

"Would you guys stop?!" It was already bad enough I'm doing this.

"fine" Bom said, FINALLY!! 

Bom started to drive to our destination. They stopped laughing and CL put in Eminem's album 'Recovery' inside the CD player. 

The first song was 'cold wind blows' and I have got to admit that the song is really catchy as I started to rap along, but that was a huge mistake......

"HAHAHA!!" Seungri started to laugh, causing the others to break and start laughing too. I wanted to jump and choke Seungri so badly but I decided to wait. 

We will see who's laughing when you are locked outside the apartment, Seungri.

After having to tolerate their laughter and stupid jokes for an hour, we arrived at our destination. Why 1 whole hour? Cause Bom made sure we go to the most crowded park in the morning. 

We all got out of the car, with me being the last of course, and started to walk to the centre of the park. Why the centre? Cause that's the place with the most people.

As we were walking, I could hear people laughing at me that I put my head down.

When we arrived at the centre, Bom walked closer to me.

"Don't forget your lines." She whispered that before she walked away with CL and Seungri leaving me all alone. 

I still can't believe I'm doing this. EVERYONE WAS LAUGHING AT ME!! I turned around to beg for mercy from them but instead I saw Bom with a camera recording me. Oh God.....

"BUCK BUCK!" I started to shout as I flapped my so called 'wings'. 

Yes, I was a chicken. My 'bestfriend' Bom gave me a chicken costume  and told me I have to act like a chicken in front of everyone.

( thts the costume GD had to wear, btw srry i hav no idea how to spell chicken sounds)

I started to do the chicken dance, and everyone was laughing even louder. At least they couldn't see my face, I was turning in circles and once I turned to my 'friends' I saw they weren't laughing.

They all were looking to one direction. Bom had tears flowing down her cheeks.

I followed their gaze to see something I have always feared to see since the incident, or in this case someone. 

Jessica Jung.

Hey guys! srry 4 the late update like always. I found out a couple days of ago that my bestfriend is leaving forever on Friday so I'm trying to spend as much time as I can with her before she leaves. Anyway, how's the chapter? I'm not exactly proud of it. Wrote it in a hurry, srry if its short. Plz do comment and subscribe.

Special thx to amy91luvKey and SugarStars for the poster.

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WHAT THE !!!!!!!!!!
I was so looking forward to the ending TT.TT
Serendipity2love #2
wow wasnt expecting a final like this! really disappointing
omoooo! did anyone already asked to be the cowriter? i like the plot although it quites dark. pm me! :)
N'aaaaw! How could you get over kpop? Now who's going to read my stories? I'LL MISS YOOOOOU! :))
Aigoo, you got over Kpop ):
Kyah!!..Seungri knows it..I hope he will tell to everyone so they will know that Tabi is suffering for so long and so Bom will forgive him from leaving her..KyaH!..Please update soon..I'll be waiting for it..
hi! new reader<br />
Will TOP tell everyone?<br />
Please update soon
Kay37541 #8
I need a Topbom reunion soon please:)<br />
<br />
I hope will be able to live