Club, Guys, Problems?

Truth: Is it better told or hidden?


CL was pushing her way through to get to the bar. Since she had to pass the dance floor to get to it, she was squished between people of both genders.

And she didn't enjoy either.

She was actually disgusted by the whole thing and didn't want to spend another second on that dance floor. She doubted it was a 'dance' floor anymore.

What people were doing on the 'dance' floor isn't even considered dancing in her mind. 

She decided to just put more effort into getting to the bar and just ignore all the people around her.

After a couple of agonizing minutes, CL finally reached the bar, swearing that once she gets home she will burn the dress even though it is Bom's.

I doubt she still wants to wear it after what had happened, CL said to herself.

"So what can I get this beautiful lady?" The bartender asked while wiping the table. 

"umm.....I'll take 2 shots of _______" She said ordering a drink for her and Bom.

She then started debating in her head whether she should be drinking since 2NE1 has a concert tomorrow night.  

Why the hell not?! I'm here to enjoy myself, She thought before turning to bartender. 

"Make that 10 shots" She told him as he just nodded, a little surprised by CL sudden request of 10 shots instead of 1.

 As CL waited for her drink, or more like drinks, she looked around the club. 

She spotted a couple of young girls,with drinks in their hands, and rocking their body to the music with some older men. 

Their parents probably don't know about this, CL thought.

She sighed, getting a little impatient..............

Where the hell are my drinks?!, and angry.

"Here you go, Miss" The bartender said as he put her drinks on the table before attending to another customer.

CL took the first glass and drank it with one go. The strong drink immediately releasing its effect on CL as she became a little dizzy.

As she was about to take the drinks to the table where Bom is sitting, she realized 2 things. 

First, that she can't possibly hold all the 10, well now 9, shot by her 2 hands only.

Second, she has to go through the dance floor to get to the table Bom is currently seated on. 


CL took hold of her second glass, and like the first one, she drank it in one go. 

She felt the drink sting through her as soon as it went down . 

But that didn't stop her from drinking, she went for her third shot and closely followed by her fourth. 

She felt even more dizzy but again, that didn't stop her from her fifth shot.

Little did she know that she was attracting much attention from all the men around her.

As she was about to take her sixth shot, a handsome man, named Nichkhun, approached her, of course his mind filled with naughty thoughts of him and CL things.

HEY! JUST CUZ IM THE NARRATOR DOESNT MEAN I COULD SAY THOSE THINGS!! I'm pretty sure my parents are here somewhere............


"Is this seat taken?" He asked CL pointing to the chair next to her. 

CL glanced at him and then at the chair before replying....

"Yes" The baddest female said before taking her sixth shot.

The man gulped hardly as he took in his rejection. 

He started to head back to hear his friends laugh at him. 

~REWIND~ (A/N: YES I STOLE THE 'Rewind' THING FROM  'dmargallo'. All credit goes to her or maybe him for this idea)

"Dude, she's perfect. Drunk and Hot." His friend, Wooyoung told Nichkhun, "I bet you $100 that you can't get her into bed."

"Count me in that bet too"  His other friend, Taecyeon said before he poured his probably 30th drink of the night. 

"So, what do you say? You up for it?" Wooyoung asked Nichkhun, who seemed a little nervous. 

"O-Of course. Just make sure the money is ready when I get back" Nichkhun said as he put his glass down and made his way towards CL.

(A/N: Nickhkun, Taecyeon, and Wooyoung aren't famous in this FF.)

~FAST FORWARD~ (A/N: Again, all credit goes to her/him. I hope she/he is fine wid me stealin her idea. If ur readin this and ur not, then plz comment and ill will change it)

As he heard his friends laugh at him, he knew he couldn't just go back.

On The Other Side Of The Club.....

"haha! really corn?!" Jonghyun said between laughs.

"HEY!! ITS NOT MY FAULT THEY'RE SO GOOD!!" Bom told Jonghyun, who was busy laughing.

"Don't get me wrong, they're good BUT SACRIFICE YOUR LIFE FOR THEM?!" He was truly surprised by the girl infront of him.

Cute, smart, crazy, adorable, and of course beautiful. She just dazzled him with everything she did.

Bom sighed before saying "its hopeless, you're never gonna understand." She heard him snicker and that made her pissed off as she turned to face him with an angry expression.

Jonghyun stopped laughing upon seeing her you-laugh-one-more-time-and-you-will-meet-your-grave-at-a-very-young-age look.

"What would you sacrifice your life for?" Bom asked him, emphasizing on the word 'you'. 

Jonghyun took a while to think before replying "A date with you"

Silence overtook their conversation as they both stared deeply into each other's eyes. 

Suddenly, the distance between their faces became smaller and smaller and they were inches apart when Bom broke the gaze. 

"umm....funny" she said as she faked a laugh. She didn't know why but she just felt that she needed to stop what was happening. 

Maybe she didn't want to enter another relationship,

Maybe she wasn't ready yet, 

Or maybe she didn't want to get hurt again.

"I'm not kidding, Bom." He tried to look her in the eye again but she kept looking everywhere but him so she left him no choice but to make her look at him.

He held her by the chin and lifted her face. He saw fear in her eyes.

Fear that she might get hurt and to be honest, he had that same fear in him. He already had his fair share of bad relationships but he truly likes Bom and thinks that this could actually work out.

"Just give me a chance." He said to Bom as he made sure she doesn't break their eye contact. "How about tomorrow? Brunch?" He asked as he pouted, earning a cute laugh -Jonghyun thought.

"fine bu- Wait! brunch? what happened to romantic dinners?!" Bom was kinda confused. Brunches aren't exactly the perfect first date.

"Yeah, you see. I have this concert called 'Nolza' tomorrow night which I completely forgot about!" Jonghyun said sarcastically. 

"! I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT ABOUT IT AGAIN!!" She said as she hit her forehead. 

"Hey, stop hitting yourself." He said as he held her hands to stop her from hitting herself again, "You're too beautiful"

"Aigoo.." Bom looked away to hide her now blushing cheeks. 

"So what do you say? Can you make it?" Jonghyun knew an artist would be very busy before her or in this case, her group's concert so he wanted to make sure she was a hundred percent fine with it. 

"Yeah, of course" She smiled at Jonghyun and they both exchanged contact information.

And for the third time in less than an hour, they got lost in each other's eyes. 


Nichkhun couldn't just accept rejection and go back to his friends so easily. 


He immediately his heel and marched towards CL, who by now had had her 13th shot.

She didn't seem to notice him and picked up her 14th shot. 

Once he was close to CL, who btw still didn't notice him, he pulled her closer by grabbing her head with his hands and he placed his lips on top of her very roughly.

CL shocked by what is happening, froze up and dropped her glass.

? POV:

I had been trying to get some sleep for the last hour but I couldn't. It wasn't unusual as I couldn't get any sleep almost every night. What I did keeps haunting me and my heart just aches remembering our last meeting. I needed to see her face, hear her voice, touch her, hold her, and just kiss her. 

I knew I couldn't kiss her but for some reason, I found myself praying to God that He would let me have one more kiss. 

Just one, that's all I needed. 

But I guess for now, I'll have to stick to memories. 

I grabbed my phone, which was placed on the table next to the rose, and I her song and started to look at all the pictures of us. 

Many thoughts were going through my head. We were so happy, so carefree. 

Why did we have to change?

Why did I have to do what I did?

Why am I the one who has to let the person they love the most go

I know I said I will try to update sooner but I hav been very busy. Thank you all so much for being so patient. I took even longer to write this cuz it hurt so much. I love TOPBOM and SKYDRAGON and this chapter was bout different guys wid our Bommie and CL. Anyway, I will try to keep my word and update sooner but if im not able to, I deeply apologize. Srry bout any grammar or spellin mistakes, I don't re-read my update. Also, srry if the drinks dont make sense. I dont drink at all.

I want to thank everyone who subscribed and took the time to comment, u all really make my day. 


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WHAT THE !!!!!!!!!!
I was so looking forward to the ending TT.TT
Serendipity2love #2
wow wasnt expecting a final like this! really disappointing
omoooo! did anyone already asked to be the cowriter? i like the plot although it quites dark. pm me! :)
N'aaaaw! How could you get over kpop? Now who's going to read my stories? I'LL MISS YOOOOOU! :))
Aigoo, you got over Kpop ):
Kyah!!..Seungri knows it..I hope he will tell to everyone so they will know that Tabi is suffering for so long and so Bom will forgive him from leaving her..KyaH!..Please update soon..I'll be waiting for it..
hi! new reader<br />
Will TOP tell everyone?<br />
Please update soon
Kay37541 #8
I need a Topbom reunion soon please:)<br />
<br />
I hope will be able to live