Chapter 3

My Two faced lover


'No no this can't be this can't be' Sehun was still staring at Luhan with wide eyes. 'Was he always this hot? I mean, not that he is hot, but.. WHAT AM I SAYING?'

"The hell. Are you gonna answer or what?" Luhan was still standing there waiting for an answer.

Sehun looked at the floor. "um, I, just came." He said and ran past Luhan toward the door.

"Hey aren't you shocked or something? Aren't you gonna-" Luhan's voice was cut off as the door got shot.

"y-you bastad, how dare you?" Luhan shouted. Of course he couldn't get any answer. "I'm gonna make you pay you bastard, leaving me like that huh?" he said with an angry tone.

*knock knock*

"I knew you would come back" Luhan ran toward the door while wearing his shirt. "HUH WHA-..oh it's you?" Luhan looked at his pissed off friend.

"Yeah of course it's me are you blind? step aside" Baekhyun said as he went inside without asking for permission.

"Hey what is wrong with you?" Luhan said and went inside his bedroom to take another shirt to wear.

"What is wrong? Your asking me what is wrong? EVERYTHING!" Baekhyun threw his hands in the air.

Luhan rolled his eyes 'This guy really needs to control his anger'

"Ok what do you expect me to do?" Luhan came inside the leaving room sitting next to him.

"Nothing. You're stupid you can't do anything. I will just ask Tao" Baekhyun put his hand on his chin and started thinking.

"Who the hell do you call stupid? I'm the gang leader" Luhan said while pointing at himself.

"That why I say that. Leaders are always stupid" Baekhyun said as he stood up and went toward the door.

"Let's go for lunch I'm hungry." He said and walked out.

"Can't you just wait for me? You're rude." Luhan said as he ran after him.


On the other hand Tao and Kris were totally not having a fun time together.

'Should I open a topic to talk? Hell no. Maybe I should just stand up and leave. Uh that's rude. Wait a minute? Why is it rude? Urghh I'm pathetic '

'~~Hush hush hush hush our love is broken our love is broken baby hush hush~~'

Tao turned his head toward Kris with his brows crossed.

"" Kris cursed under his breath and answered the phone making a mental note to change that ringtone as soon as possible.

"What!?" He said with an angry tone.

"It's lunch time stupid do you want the diva to kill you? Get your here now" Sehun said and ended the call.

Kris looked at his phone and put it in his pocket. He stood up and went toward the door. He heard Tao's book being closed with a small thud.

He went out of the door and as he wanted to close it Tao's hand held it. Kris turned around and saw Tao also coming out.

"uh you're-" Tao went to the other way not even listening to him.

"Who the hell does he think he is? Why am I even nervous around him?" Kris cursed as he started to walk toward Chanyeol's room.

"Hey Park come down for dinner." He said after knocking the door and went toward the stairs.

Chanyeol came outside seeing no one in the hall."Who was that?"

"Stupid " Baekhyun said as he passed Chanyeol and went downstairs with Luhan following after him.


15 minues later almost everyone were gathered in the dinner hall.

"See Geng baby my student's always listen to me" Heechul said as he kissed Hangeng on the lips.

"Everyone listens to you baby" He said as he kissed him back.

"Everyone is in the hall. They are waiting for you to come. Geez why do they even care?" Leeteuk said and rolled his eyes.

"They should care. Anyway let's go" He said and dragged Leeteuk and Hangeng toward the hall and went to the front.

"Ok my babies listen up. Kai, I said listen! " Heechul shouted making Kai stop staring at Kyungsoo.

"Good. Ok my sparrows thank you for coming. It's the first dinner so I wanted you all to be here. have a good time! If there is anything wrong tell Leeteuk" He said and blew some flying kisses before leaving.

With that everyone started eating. In Sehun's table the three didn't have much to talk.

At Luhan's table everything was like usual. Baekhyun was blabbering about everything, Kaisoo were having their moments and both Tao and Luhan were just listening to Baekhyun.

"I DON'T LIKE THE FOOD EITHER" Baekhyun shouted.

"urghh will you just shut up for a moment" Kyungsoo said and eyed him with anger.

"I don't like you either." Baekhyun said but listened to him anyway.

"Hey guys I wanna do something with Sehun. give me ideas" Luhan said while chewing his food.

"kill him. Stupid people must die" Baekyhun said as he was stabbing his food like it was some imaginary person.

"No I can't have fun like that" He said while looking at Baekhyun's plate. He actually took what Baekhyun said seriously.

"Make him sleep on the floor. There is only one king sized bed anyway" Kai said.

"Yeah you can do that. Or maybe pour water on him when he is sleep" This time Kyungsoo gave his idea.

"What kind of water?" Kai said with a smirk making Kyungsoo hit his arm.

"You know what. I'll do both" Luhan said and started clapping his hand.

"Lulu baby are you having fun" Heechul said as he was passing their table.

"Yeah Mr Kim thank you" He said as he bowed a little.

"Channie baby you having fun?" This time Heechul went toward Sehun's table.

"Yeah Mr Kim it's great. The rice tastes just like rice" Chanyeol said with his deep voice making Sehun roll his eyes. was that even a compliment?

"Have fun sweety" He winked and went toward other tables.

"Yeah totally having fun" Sehun said. "Totally." Kris said.

"Yah I think it's great. I have a lot in mind to do" Chanyeol started laughing creepily.

"Have fun with your mind. I'm not having fun at all" Sehun stood up. "I'm going to my room. It's very noisy here"

"Text me goodnight ok?" Chanyeol shouted. "Are you a baby? I won't" Sehun said and went toward the stairs.

"He will" Kris said. "of course he will" Chanyeol said as he looked at him.

"Hey! where is Sehun going?" Luhan said as he saw Sehun walking out of the hall. He took another big bite of his food before standing up.

"GuysSeeYouTomorrowBye" He said in one breath while ranning after Sehun.

"Hey Dear why so early? Is Sehun baby sleepy?" Luhan said as he reached Sehun at the stairs.

"Shut up. why are coming after me?" He glared at Luhan as he was walking up the stairs.

"I'm not coming after you. I'm going to my room" Luhan said as a matter of fact.

Sehun stopped in the way "Listen you bastard. Don't ever bother me at the room and don't you ever dare touching my stuff. I'll go wherever I want and you should never be in my way. And if I ever see you on the bed you're dead because the bed is mine. Did you hear me?" Sehun said and started walking again, leaving a smirking Luhan behind.

"Babe what's with the sudden out burst?" 'Oh my god this is hell fun'

Sehun opened the door and walked in. As he stepped inside his angry face immediately softened.

"Baby if you are going to the room take my phone with you" Luhan said waiting for Sehun to shout at him.

"Ok " Sehun said as he took his phone and went toward the room.

"The hell." Luhan said and stared at Sehun's back. 'He is pulling a prank on me huh? Acting good and all? Pff, we will see who is gonna win."

He said and went toward the small kitchen in the room. Sehun came back inside and the TV as he sat on the couch.

"Hey turn that off I get headache at nights" Luhan shouted from the kitchen startling Sehun.

"Ok" Sehun said and turned off the TV.

Luhan came back iside with a glass of water in his hand "Did you really turn it off?" He rose his eye brow as he eyed Sehun weirdly.

"Yeah?" Sehun said confused "Didn't you say that?"

"Uh..yeah but.." Luhan said confused. 'Did I use drug in dinner? or has he used one? oh my god I'm leaving with someone who uses drugs! That's scary!'

"Ehem anyway. If you think I'll let you sleep on the bed you must know that you can just see it in your dreams. The bed is mine" Luhan pointed at himself, ready for a fight.

"It's ok I can sleep on the floor. I like sleeping on the floor" Sehun said as he walked toward their room.

"Are you really ok with that? You were like shouting two minutes ago" Luhan was very confused. He wanted to fight with the guy. At least he expected the guy to answer.

"Oh I shouted? Sorry " Sehun said as he put a pillow and a blanket on the floor already to sleep.

"Can the lamp on the night stand be on? I see nightmares when they are off " Sehun said as he pointed at the lamp.

"That's stupid. No way, I can't sleep with a light on. And it's also bad for the skin" Luhan said pointing at his face. This time he was sure Sehun was going to have an out burst.

"Ok. If you say so" Sehun said and turned the lamp off before putting his head on the pillow.

Luhan stared at the guy in disbelief. Something was wrong. Was it a kind of plan?

Luhan went back in the living room and turned off the lights. 'Oh my, what if he is standing there with a knife ready to kill me?' Luhan thought as he went back to the room in deafence mood.

But then again, he was all disappointed to see the guy in his place. 'This is sick. I will sleep and wake up and everything will be back to normal' Luhan thought and went to the bed.

He saw Sehun texting someone. He didn't know why but he wanted to know who the person was and what the text was, He couldn't really read the text but he saw a lot of red hearts in the text.

"He has a girlfriend?' Luhan thought. 'What do I care. it's just that, who would be with this stupid guy? She must be very stupid herself'

Sehun pressed the send button and put his phone on the night stand. "Goodnight"

'D-did I hear right? Did he say goodnight? Great now Luhan your hearing stuff just great.'

Luhan turned his back to Sehun. 'I hope this night just passes or I will totally go insane'

About an hour later Luhan was still tossing and turning not able to sleep.

".. ehem.. Are you awake?" He said and got no answer. He looked at Sehun. 

'Huh a great moment to pour water on him' He smiled evilly as he ran toward the kitchen, bringing a glass full of cold water.

He stopped in front of Sehun, about to pour the water.

Sehun was like an angel while sleeping. Luhan has never seen the guy so peaceful, so..

So beautiful.

Luhan shook his head 3 times. Just pour that water! He repeated this sentence about 7 times now but still no action. He cursed under his breath and drank the water in one go.

''I hate you Sehun" Luhan said and went back to his bed, Still cursing under his breath.

Just before going to sleep, Luhan turned his head toward Sehun "Goodnight to you too"

He said and closed his eyes, right after turning on the small lamp on the night stand.


The next day Luhan was the first to wake up.Today was Saturday so it meant no school.

He looked at his left side to see Sehun still sleeping while hugging his blanket.

He stood up and went toward the bathroom. While he was washing his face he heard a phone ringing.

“hmm hello?” Sehun answered without opening his eyes.

Luhan pressed his ears on the door to hear better, Though he himself didn’t know why he was suddenly curious about it.

“Hello baby sehuna how are you doing in the dorm? Is your bed comfty?” Xiumin said while preparing the breakfast table. Of course Chen is staying with him from now on, not wanting his one and only boyfriend to be alone.

“It’s totally great here, nothing’s wrong ” Sehun said. He doesn’t like to make people worried specially his xiumin hyung.

“oh thank god I’m happy to hear that.. I love you dear don’t forget to call me ok?” Xiumin smiled as Chen kissed his cheek and whispered a good morning.

“I will.. love you too very very much” Sehun said and sent a kiss to his hyung before ending the call.

‘pff what a can’t even stand a minute without calling him.. good,I’m happy his girlfriend is as stupid as him’ Luhan thought and opened the bathroom door. He passed Sehun and went out of the room.

Sehun looked at him entering the kitchen “How rude, not even saying good morning” Sehun pouted and went toward the bathroom.

Luhan poured a glass of milk and started to drink it. “ love you too very very muchhhhh, that’s digusting” he said and drank the whole glass in one go. “why do I even care?” luhan said out loud.

“what?” Sehun said as he entered the kitchen. “Did you say something?”

“What? you hear stuff now?” Luhan said with a frown. ‘there is no way I will say I was talking to myself.'

“but I’m sure I heard something” Sehun said while scratching his head. In some other time Luhan would totally say the guy is cute..actually so cute, but now he preferred calling this stupid.

“Never mind you’re a moron” Luhan said before leaving the kitchen.

Sehun pouted “Why is he talking like that. I didn’t even say anything”

Luhan went back to the bedroom and closed the door. “I can’t even stand his presence”

He heard Sehun’s phone vibrate.

 He went toward his phone and picked it up. ‘should I read the massage?’ Luhan thought and looked at the door and back to the screen  ‘of course not’ he said and put the phone back on the table.

As he was about to leave he cursed and quickly took the phone and opened the massage.


From: baby chan

Good morning sugar missing me already?


‘So he really does have a girlfriend with that ugly face. What’s her name? Chan di? Chan jae?’Luhan said as he was thinking about different girl names.

 “What the hell is wrong with me?” Luhan threw the phone on the bed and took his own phone and went out of the room.

He saw Sehun watching television with a bowl of cereal in his hand.

Luhan went toward the door and wore his shoes. “where are you going?” Sehun said innocently while looking at him.

“it’s none of your business jerk” Luhan took his bag and went outside leaving Sehun alone in the room.

“I will understand what you have in mind by acting like this” Luhan said while walking toward the stairs.

In Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s room also, the day started not so perfectly.

“PARK CHANYEOL WHERE IS THE CEREAL” Baekhyun shouted waking Chanyeol up.

“Oh my god! what? Who? “ chanyeol looked at him, his brain wasn’t functioning.

“I said where the hell is the cereal! It’s empy” He showed chanyeol the empty cereal box.

“oh..“ chanyeol robbed his eyes “since I couldn’t eat so much last night I woke up at night and ate it” He said not even feeling guilty.

For baekhyun this was a very good reason to just kick the guy.

He threw the box at chanyeol’s face “Go and buy me some “ He said and crossed his hands while tapping his foot.

“ I can’t, I’m sleepy” He said and yawned.

“What the hell! No one can say no to Byun Baekhyun! No one” Baekhyun shouted making chanyeol roll his eyes.

“aw come on Baekhyun you don’t really expect me to do that” chanyeol said and put his head on the pillow again and started to text Sehun a good morning making Baekhyun stay there with his mouth open.

Baekhyun went toward him. When Chanyeol saw Baekhyun coming he quickly stood up “What?” he said and held his hand near his face in defence, scared that the guy would attack.

Bakhyun took both Chanyeol’s hands and looked at him in the face “listen you useless brat I don’t know what you think about me and I don’t care but one thing you should know is that you wouldn’t want to make me angry and most importantly If I say something it has to be done and my roles must be obeyed” Baekhyun said in one breath. He was getting angry, this guy was totally on his nerves.

Chanyeol on the other hand was happy. He has never seen the guy  this close and more importantly holding his hands. “you’re beautiful” he smiled.

Baekhyun was startled. This wasn’t the answer he expected. He blinked a few times before pushing chanyeol away.

 “I hate you” he shouted and left the room.

Chanyeol on the other hand was still smiling ‘Can a day start  better?’ he thought.

‘Can a day start worse?’ Baekhyun thought while texing and telling his friends they should meet outside and not stay in the dorm. He couldn’t stand Chanyeol much longer.


From: kai

Kyungsoo is sleeping I can’t wake him up, you know that he is like an angel while sleeping ..and also when he wakes up we have to do


Baekhyun frowned.


Eww..don’t come I don’t  need you anyway


He pressed the send button angrily. “Why are my friends so stupid “


From: tao

You woke me up


Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

From: Baekhyun

So what? Will you come or not?


From: tao



“urghh I hate you ALL” Baekhyun shouted making chanyeol run to the kitchen. “What happened? did you burn yourself?” he said.

“No but I will totally burn you one day” with that Baekhyun went toward the door ready to leave.

“it’s still 8 in the morning where are you going?” Baekhyun turned around and glared at him before going outside.

As Baekhyun was walking to the stairs he saw Luhan also coming to that way. “yah Luhan” Luhan looked at him and waved.

They both went downstairs, going to the dorm’s yard. It was a peaceful place.

“Having a good time with Chanyeol?” Luhan said as he saw his friends angry face.

“yeah actually I will have a good time if the guy dies.. I will be happy to stab him myself” Baekhyun said.

“We have the same situation.. Sehun is pulling a prank on me, does he think I’m stupid?” Luhan said and sat on the grass under a tree.

“What prank?” Baekyun said confused.

“He is acting all good with me. I don’t know what he has in mind but I will find out” Luhan said and looked at their window.

“Acting good? I really don’t think so” Baekhyun said and pointed at Luhan’s back.

Luhan turned back and saw Sehun coming toward them with an angry face.

“Did you ing read my massage and throw my phone on the bed? How dare you touch my stuff? You’ll regret it you jerk” Sehun said angrily and went back toward the building.

“You were saying?” Baekhyun started laughing as he saw his friend's shock state “what the hell was that” Luhan said angrily.

“Maybe you weren’t right after all”

“That’s..he..urghh I don’t understand” Luhan shook his head.

“I told you, maybe you were wrong.” Baekhyun said not really caring.

“I don’t ing know ” Luhan said and looked at the direction Sehun went.

“Did you know he has a girlfriend?” Luhan said and turned back to look at Baekhyun.

“Really? wasn’t he gay?” Baekhyun said while yawning.

“What? He is gay? How do you know?” Luhan said.

“Hey dude calm down” He said and rolled his eyes “I heard from a guy once that he had a crush on a boy at primary school, but maybe he has changed” Baekhyun said.

“Now that’s interesting” Luhan said as he put his hand on his chin.

 “I want to know everything about this guy” luhan said with a smirk on his face.


“I have a plan.."


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IheartKPopandJPop #1
Chapter 28: Author nim fighting!!!
moonday #2
Chapter 28: Oh , I really like it .., I want chanbaek together because I seriously cried .
Chapter 28: Okay I will wait.. But author-nim you HAVE to come bacckk!!! Pls pls come back soon
Yuki2626 #4
Chapter 28: Authornim I hope you did well on your exams! That said its time for me to be selfish, PLEASE COME BACK!! YOUR STORY IS SO GOOD AUTHORNIM!!!! (And again I wish you the best at uni)
muaniforeverluhan #5
Chapter 28: OMO! you're amazing author nim i like the way you make up and all your great ideas.....I really miss you just like how i miss your stories. FIGHTING~
NoblesseZen #6
Chapter 4: My My My..Luhan and Sehun are sooooooooooooooooo very cute together muahh
I'm still on 3 chapter and I'm soo very excited :P
emilkairyll #7
Chapter 28: Let it rain is the best
I had read it before
Chapter 28: UGGGGGGGHHHHHHH ~ No Sherlock >_< !! Good Luck to you hun ^^ ..

Too much feeeeeels .. ♥♡♥♡♥♡╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╯ GO!
Chapter 28: omo!!! i'm so so in love with this story....i can't wait for the next update kekeke