Chapter 10

My Two faced lover
Luhan's POV
"Suho look, I told you he will come" Lay said as he came toward us with a smile on his face.
"Welcome" he smiled at Sehun and hugged him.
"Congratulations hyung" Sehun faked a smile as he hugged him back.
"You brought also your friend?" he said as he shooked hands with me.
"You should say 'you brought your friend also' baby" Suho said as he kissed Lay's hand.
"What did I say?" He said as he pouted making his boyfriend smile. "Nothing dear" 
"Anyways have fun guys" Lay smiled as he walked away toward others.
This place is boring. I never actually went to an engagement party but I was thinking of a place with a loud music that I can dance and all. There is only a person playing a piano there.
"Don't pout you look ugly" Sehun said as he walked toward the big table in the middle. did I just pout? ughh my manly posture! ruined!
"I-I wasn't pouting" I said as I ran after him. He turned around and rose his eye brows.
"Ok if you say so" He said with a sarcastic tone. Is he making fun of me?
"Are you drinking alcohol?" I looked at the glass in his hand and widened my eyes.
"Problem?" He said with a poker face. what is he thinking?
"You can't just drink alcohol! give me that!" I said trying to get the glass from his hand.
"Are you here to tell me what to do? Then just go away" He said as he walked back toward our table.
"Look I'll tell-"
"What? you're telling Xiumin hyung? pff" He said as he rolled his eyes. ughh!
"But you can't just drink that! you're under Eighteen" I said frowning. "Have you ever drank?" I asked not receiving an answer. Then it's a no right?
"Then one glass is enough" I said as I nodded. "Are you even listening?" I rose my eyebrow. He is just so stubborn!
He finished his glass and walked toward the table to take another one making me hit my forehead.
"This is the last ok?" I said as I looked at him in the eye.
"You are talking too much, just go back to dorm" He said as he glared at me. "I'm ok" 
"You are ok now because it hasn't effected yet. I can't even imagine you drunk" I whispered the last part but he heard it clearly.
He stood up again. Is he even listening to me? ughh!
"Yah come he-" My word where cut off as I heard my phone ringing. Aish Suzy if it's you again- mum?
I frowned as I walked out of the place. "Yes mum?" what is it again!
"Xi Luhan!" She shouted from the other line making me frown even more. That isn't a good sign right?
"Where are you?" 
"Um.. Dorm?" I said smiling nervously as if she can see me.
"Don't lie to me! Come home now!" She shouted making me take the phone away from my ear.
"How can I come now? it's late" I said as I looked at my watch.
"Suzy is crying now" She said making me roll my eyes. i knew it!
"Mum Suzy again? Are you kidding me? I'm not coming" I said and ended the call. I heard her shouting Xi Luhan in the end but I don't care.
I walked inside and walked toward Sehun.
"How much did you drink?" I said as I looked at him.
"It's the fifth glass" He said calmly. fifth?!
"Are you stupid? It's your first time drinking and five glasses? you-" I stopped talking as he glared at me. Ok I  should just shut up right?
"Look I'm ok" He said as he pointed at himself.
"It hasn't still effected"
"You said that once"
"And you said that once also" I said glaring at him.
"Have I told you to go back to dorm ?" He said glaring back at me.
"Yes you said that" I said, not braking the eye contact.
"Then don't make me say it for the third time." He said as he stood up. I swear if he drinks another glass i'll- Aish!
"No you're not going" I said as I held his wrist.
"You are really making me angry"
"I don't care" I said looking at his eyes.
"Luhan?" I heard someone calling me and I turned my head around, only to see Siwon and Eunhyuk hyung.
"Siwon hyung! what are you doing here?" I asked confused. Sehun used the opportunity and freed himself just to walk toward the table again. Aish!
"I should ask you. I'm here for Suho's engagement." He said nodding.
"I'm here for Lay hyung" I said as he nodded again.
"I didn't know you knew them, good  to see you here" He said as he patted my head.
"By the way your mum called me she said if I see you I should bring you back home" He said as he started laughing making me roll my eyes.
"It's because of Suzy again, she just won't stop" I said making him smile at me.
"How is Donghae hyung?" I said as I looked at Eunhyuk hyung.
"Well he came back from his trip yesterday" He said as he nodded.
"Why didn't you bring him! I missed hyung" I said as I looked at him with puppy eyes.
"Well.. he couldn't walk" Eunhyuk said as he smiled.
"What? is he ok?" I asked as I got worried. Why the hell is he smiling?
"No he just.. you know" He said as he started laughing with siwon hyung.
"H-Hyung!" I shouted as I realized what he meant. This is embaresing!
He shrugged as he walked toward the table to take a drink. wait a minute! where is Sehun?
I thought and looked around. I ran toward him as soon  as I spotted him near the table.
"When are we going to go back? we have school tomorrow." I said as I reached him. Is he laughing? Is he laughing at me?
"No no lulu" he said as he shook his head. Lulu? "That was a very wrong word" He said as he started laughing again. ! he is drunk!
"Um..uh.." I really don't know what to say. "You know what? Let's go back to dorm" I said as I held his wrist.
"You like touching me huh?" He said as he smirked.
"What?" I said frowning.
"But I don't like you.. I like Yixing hyung" He said as he pouted. Pout? I mean seriously!
"Look at my eyes! look" He shouted as he widened his eyes.
" What?" I said as I looked into his eyes.
"What do you see?" he asked again as he pointed at his eyes.
"Uh.. Myself?" I said raising one of my eyebrows. He started laughing again. His laugh is cute but I really just can't think about that right now!
"Look you are going to do something stupid, let's just go back" I said as I started to walk toward the door.
"Ummm noo" He shouted.
"Don't shout Aish!" I said as I put my hand on his mouth.
"hmmm huff hmm" What? I took my hand away from his mouth with hesitance.
"I said I told you that you like to touch me" He said as he started laughing again.
I was going to answer him but my phone vibrated again. I looked at the caller and widened my eyes. uncle?
"L-Look Sehun you wait for a minute I'll come back ok?" I said as I walked outside.
"Yes uncle?" I said while frowning.
"Your mum called me, She said you aren't listening to her and all, go home or she will get mad" He said with a calm voice.
"But uncle you know I don't like Suzy! you know it all" I said as I was getting mad also. My mum isn't just leaving me alone.
"I know I know but you know your mum, anyway I just thought I should tell you, you know what to do yourself" He said as he ended the call. What is my mum thinking? am I a little child?
I walked inside and looked around. Where is he now? He disappears the second I leave him. I thought as I rolled my eyes. He can't just listen to me can he?
I walked toward Siwon as I couldn't see Xiumin and Chen hyung also.
"Hyung did you see the guy that was beside me when you came?" I asked as I was still looking around.
"Your boyfriend? No " He said as he shook his head. Aish where is he? Wait a second.. WHAT?
"Hyung! He isn't my boyfriend" I said as I widened my eyes.
"Ok then soon to be boyfriend" He said as he nodded making me nod also. Why am I nodding? I have gotten insane.
"Aish anyway hyung thanks" I said as I walked away. I spotted Xiumin hyung and ran toward him.
"Hyung did you see Sehun?" 
"Where is everyone? Suho was looking for Lay also" He said as he shrugged. L-Lay? Are they together? 
I widened my eyes as I ran toward the kitchen. where can they be? I don't even know this place.
I was thinking hard when a door in the end of the kitchen caught my attention.
"Where does that go?" I thought as I walked toward it. I turned the knob and walked out of the kitchen.
The cold breeze hit my face as I stepped out. It was like a little garden and it seemed really beautiful. I turned my head and what I saw next made my smile fade.
"Sehuna you are drunk" Lay said with a concerned voice.
"Hyung I'm telling you I loved you for two years and you are telling me I'm drunk? I love you hyung! I love you so damn much" Sehun shouted as tears fell from his eyes.
I fisted my hand. I don't know if my anger is for his stupidness or is it just... I shook my head and turned around, walking back inside.
"Luhan where are you going?" Suho said as he held my wrist as I was walking out of the kitchen.
"I'm going back to dorm" I said trying to fake a smile. How could he do that? I'm so angry that I just want to go out of here!
"Where is Sehun? Is he there?" He said as he walked inside the kitchen.
"NO WAIT!" I shouted making him stop. 
"What is it?" he said as he looked at me confused. I can't just let him see that!
"I'll go and see, you just go inside, I heard someone calling you" I said as I pushed him inside.
"Ok then" He said as he nodded.
I sighed as I walked toward the garden again. Why am I feeling nervous? It isn't like something is going on.. right?
I took a deep breath and walked out of the kitchen. My eyes widened t the sight. I-I just wasn't expecting this!
Sehun had his hand around Lay's neck and he was.. They were.. kissing.
I bit my lip. H-He- How could he! 
I saw Lay pushing Sehun aside. "Sehuna please" he said as he looked at him with worried eyes.
I don't know how I walked toward them and took  Sehun's wrist harshly. "Can you please leave us alone" I said, My eyes never leaving Sehun.
"Luhan shi it's not like what you saw" He said trying to calm me down.
"Please" I said again trying to keep my voice as low as I could.
Lay nodded as he walked out of the place. 
"What the hell do you think you are doing?" He said as he glared at me.
"What? I'm the one who should ask that!" I said as I glared at him.
"Who the hell are you to ask that?" He said as he was struggling to free himself.
"Answer me! What was going on here" I shouted making him stop struggling.
"I said that I love him! I finaly did it ok? Now let me go" he said as he struggled again.
"Are you stupid? He is getting engaged for 's sake! can't you just forget him?" I shouted. I never thought I could get this angry, I don't even know why I'm acting like this!
"What are you expecting from me?You never loved someone, you don't know! You'll never know" he shouted the last part making my grip around his hand tighten.
"You are hurting me" He shouted as he glared at me.
I pushed him toward myself as I held his face between my hands.
"Why don't you see me" I said as I looked at him in the eyes.
"what are you saying?" he said as he looked back at me.
"What does he have than I don't huh?" I whispered. He frowned and his lips. 
"You are very stupid" I said as I leaned in. It's like I have lost my control, His lips are just so.. So inviting!
I closed my eyes and right before our lips touch, I felt a weight on my hand. 
I held his waist right before he falls on the floor, Of course he would faint after that much alcohol. I shook my head as I looked at his face. 
"You really are a stupid person" I said as I held him bridal style.
"A very heavy one" 

Chanyeol's POV


I was sitting in the living room while writing Baekhyun's homework but My phone vibrated shocking me for a second. Aish!

"Yes?" I said as I waited for the person to talk. Who was it anyway?

"Where are you Channie? Aren't you coming?" Xiumin hyung said making me hit my head. It was Lay hyung and Suho hyung's engagement. How did I forget that?

"I'm sorry hyung! I totally forgot" I said as I stood up and walked toward our room.

"Why are you saying sorry to me? Just come here quickly" He said as he ended the call. Aish! I'm really stupid!

I opened the door and what I saw made me froze in my place. Am I dreaming? Is this heaven?

I saw Baekhyun shirtless, Standing in front of the closet, Probably looking for something to wear, I don't know, My mind wasn't even functioning.

His back was facing me and I couldn't help but think how it would feel to touch it, It looked so soft, so touchable.

He must have sensed my presence that he turned around with widen eyes But I don't even care.

"GET THE OUT YOU ING ERT" he said as he hid his body with a T-shirt that was in his hand.

I was still frozen in my place not even blinking. How can someone be this perfect? Everything about him is just flawless.

"ARE YOU HEARING ME?" He shouted again, looking at me with the -Are you ing kidding me- face.

He walked toward me, My mind wasn't functioning, I was only seeing a beautiful creature walking toward me.. Actually, a y creature.

"GET OUT" He shouted as he tried to push me away with one hand as the other was still holding the shirt in front of his body,

I don't know what came in me that I held his hand and prevented him from sending me out making him look at me with shocked face.

"Your body is dazzling" I whispered as I looked at him in the eye making a blush visible in his pretty face.

"WHAT THE-" He said as his eyes widened even more.

"I said you are dazzling" I said as I took the shirt from his other hand making his body visible in front of me, I don't even know where this courage is coming from.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? DO YOU WANNA DIE?" he shouted as he tried to took both his hand from my grip, his face as red as tomato.. so cute

"Don't act, I know you feel the same" I said what was in my mind. Since when have I been this brave?

"What are you saying? Are you using drugs? If you don't let me go now I swear-" I cut his words as I hugged him. I really wanted to kiss him but I want our kiss to be in somewhere special. So I'll just calm my heart by hugging him.

"LET ME GO" he shouted as he struggled to free himself making me hug him tighter.

"You can act all you want, But remember that I'll wait for your love, no matter how much time it takes" I whispered in his ear making him stop struggling.

I kissed his hair as I let go of him.

"I wanted to say I'm going out, Don't wait for me" I said with a smile as I walked out of the room, Leaving a shocked -Super cute- Baekhyun alone.

As I walked out of the Dorm I smiled like a mad man. I never felt this good in my life.

This day must be written in a golden ink in the book of my life.



Kris' POV


I was sitting on the couch watching the boring Talk show. I should have just gone to the engagement party, I thought it must be boring but staying at home is even more boring.

I sighed as I turned off the TV. Maybe I'll just sleep, It's ten anyway.

I stood up and sighed again. I'm hungry too. I started to walk toward the kitchen and I saw Tao coming out of our room fully dressed as he walked toward the door to wear his shoes.

Where the hell is he going in the middle of the night?

"Where are you going?" I asked loudly and regretted immediately as he looked at me with a smirk on his face. Is he not going to answer me again?

As he turned around to leave I shouted again. "I said where are you going?" This time he turned around and faced me, The smirk was still on his face.

"What do you care?" He said as I walked toward him.

"When I ask a question it must be answered" I said as I looked at him with a poker face.

"Well I'm not answering what are you gonna do about it?" He said in a challenging voice. You Shouldn't have challenged me!

As I was about to answer him his phone started ringing and he answered it with a smile. Who the is that?

"Yes baby? Oh you are there already? I'll be there in 5 minutes love.. Me too" He was talking on the phone but his eyes were looking directly at me. WHO THE HELL IS HE TALKING TO?

"Bye baby" He said as he ended the call, his eyes not leaving mine.

"I think you got your answer" he said with a smirk as he turned around. I held his wrist harshly and hit him hard on the wall.

"You jerk" I grabbed his hair harshly and kissed him fully on the lips. He tried to push me away but his action stopped as I pushed my body harder toward him making him moan in to the kiss.

He started to kiss back making our kiss even more passionate, Our lips moving in the perfect way, As if they were two puzzle pieces. his lips are thin and my lips are plump, a perfect match.

I pulled back as oxygen became a necessary element, looking at him with lust.

"If you see the permission in yourself to use me like you want, Let it be a fair play" I said with a hoarse voice as I started to him neck.

"W-What are you saying? Ahh let me go" He said as he tried to push me away. I let go of his hair and held his neck between my hand, biting it harshly.

"Y-Yah I said let go.. Ahh" He moaned shamelessly as I found the sensitive spot in his neck, I it harshly making him a mess.

I pulled away and looked in his half open eyes, He is even more beautiful from near.

"Go now if you want.. With that hickey on your neck" I said with a smirk as I let go of him and started to walk toward our room.

"Uh by the way" I said as I turned toward him again only to see him looking at me with widen eyes.

"I don't know how you get my words but.. I never bottom" I said with a smirk as I turned around and started to walk toward our room again.

"" I heard him shouting right after I closed the door making my smirk grew wider.

If You are smart Tao, I'm way smarter than you. And remember that I always take what I want, Always.



Luhan's POV


Urgh why did I say I can bring him back by myself? What was I thinking?

I stopped in my way and took a deep breath. I was piggy backing Sehun to our dorm since he fainted in the party. And hell! How can someone this skinny be this heavy?

I sighed as I started to walk again. It's ok lulu it's only one block left, only one block.

I was trying to cheer myself. My feet hurt already and Sehun's lips that were touching my neck weren't helping either.

I smiled as the dorm came into the view. Thank God we have elevator or my back would totally brake.

As I walked inside the dorm I looked at the clock hanging on the wall. It's already eleven.

I Pressed the elevator button and the door opened. I walked inside and pressed the third floor's button.

"hmm" Sehun moaned into my ear sending shiver down my spine.

" you" I said as the elevator door opened. I walked toward our room and took out the keys in my pocket and unlocked the door.

As I walked inside I immediately ran toward the bed and put him on it.

"Aish I never been this tired in my life" I said as I walked back to the living room to close the door. After taking out my shoes I walked back to the room.

"If you think I will take out your shoes too, you are wrong" I said as if he could hear me.

As I was going to walk toward the other side of the bed to sleep I Stopped and took out his shoes.

"I hate you so damn much" I said as I threw his shoes to the other end of the room.

I sat on the bed and looked at his face. What the hell was I thinking When I went forward to kiss him? He is a stupid jerk that can't even let go of his childish love. He is now engaged for 's sake! Is he stupid? 

I wasn't aware that I was looking at his face for about a minute until I started to lean forward.

"What are you doing to me? huh?" I said as our faces were only inches apart. "How can you control my mind this easily?" I could feel his breath on my face, He looked so innocent.

"Aish" I leaned forward and closed the small gap between us. I'm really insane! I'm kissing someone that is sleeping and that is something that just an insane person would do. But I can't help it, His lips are so damn inviting!

I kissed him softly but my eyes widened as soon as I felt him kissing me back. Am I dreaming? Is he really kissing me back?

As I felt him kissing me I started to kiss him harder,our kiss became more than just an innocent and soft kiss. Is he fully awake? Or is it just the effect of the alcohol?

Urgh what do I care! I thought and started to kiss him passionately while holding his face between my hands.

Hell I never felt this good before, I don't know what's happening now and I don't care, The only thing I know is that I'm kissing him and he is kissing me back, And that's all that matters now.

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IheartKPopandJPop #1
Chapter 28: Author nim fighting!!!
moonday #2
Chapter 28: Oh , I really like it .., I want chanbaek together because I seriously cried .
Chapter 28: Okay I will wait.. But author-nim you HAVE to come bacckk!!! Pls pls come back soon
Yuki2626 #4
Chapter 28: Authornim I hope you did well on your exams! That said its time for me to be selfish, PLEASE COME BACK!! YOUR STORY IS SO GOOD AUTHORNIM!!!! (And again I wish you the best at uni)
muaniforeverluhan #5
Chapter 28: OMO! you're amazing author nim i like the way you make up and all your great ideas.....I really miss you just like how i miss your stories. FIGHTING~
NoblesseZen #6
Chapter 4: My My My..Luhan and Sehun are sooooooooooooooooo very cute together muahh
I'm still on 3 chapter and I'm soo very excited :P
emilkairyll #7
Chapter 28: Let it rain is the best
I had read it before
Chapter 28: UGGGGGGGHHHHHHH ~ No Sherlock >_< !! Good Luck to you hun ^^ ..

Too much feeeeeels .. ♥♡♥♡♥♡╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╯ GO!
Chapter 28: omo!!! i'm so so in love with this story....i can't wait for the next update kekeke