Chapter 9

My Two faced lover


Luhan’s POV


Sehun widened his eyes as I repeated what I said. he is going to make fun of me, This is really awkward.

“Look just forget what I said ok, I’m.. I’m going to the bedroom” I turned around and started to walk out of the kitchen. God I’m so stupid so stu-

“w-wait” Sehun said making me stop in my track.

“I-I mean” he continued as I turned back to face him again.

“You mean” I repeated his words, Is he going to say yes? I looked at him with hope as he was still looking at the floor.


~Careless, careless, shoot anonymous, anonymous, heartless, mindless~


“ urghh this ” I shouted as I heard my phone ringing, whoever you are, I’m so going to kill you.

I took my phone out of my pocket harshly and answered it without looking at the Caller ID.

“What the hell do you want?” I said as I walked toward our bedroom leaving Sehun alone in the kitchen.

“oppaaa let’s go out” I rolled my eyes, Who else could it be.

“look I’m angry now if you don’t want me to chop you with a knife don’t call me again”

“b-but opp-“ I ended the call not even letting her finish her sentence. ruined the mood, now I don’t even know what to do.

“” I cursed as I sat on the bed. What am I gonna do now? Go outside like hey Sehun will we go out? Aish this is the most awkward situation I have ever been in.

I was still sitting on my bed when I thought about asking for help from my stupid friends.

“I’ll just call Baek” I dialed his number and he answered immediately.

“Baekhyun listen-“

“I’m eating lunch don’t you dare disturb me again” He shouted and ended the call. say what?

Urghh what a good friend. Who else who else.. KAI!

“Eyo bro wuss up?”

“Shut up and listen it’s a serious situation”

“okay dude chill” He said making me roll my eyes.

“you know, I asked Sehun out and Suzy called and ruined it now I don’t know if I should ask again or just forget it but I don’t want to forget it and if we forget it-“

“Wo bro I said chill will ya?” Kai said, “I know about your plan, Baekhyun talked about it, so you started ha?” He said. The plan? I have forgotten that.. Then why the hell did I ask him out?

“So just ask him again bro, don’t be a , act like a brave man and make him yours” He said making me nod.

“Be arrogant dude you can’t just make someone yours by being cute and all you know! Kyung and i-“

“Ok kai don’t start with Kyung and I stories I know them all.. Anyway thanks” I said.

“Suit yourself dude have fun.. kyung babe I-” He said as he ended the call making me roll my eyes. He can’t even stay a minute without talking to his Kyungsoo.

Okay so Luhan baby, like Kai said, be a man! I took a deep breath and walked out of the room. It won’t be that hard will it?

“ehem.. Hey” Luhan what was that?

Sehun looked up at me as he was making the sandwiches. “Yes?”

“So.. um” urgh Luhan is this your manly side for 's sake?

“We are going out today, and that’s final” I said as I looked at him in the eyes. Well it was manly right?

“b-but” He said as he widened his eyes.

“I said that's final, Oh Sehun” I said. Wait, Is he blushing?

Sehun was looking down as he took one of the sandwiches and gave it to me.

"h-here" he said still not looking at me.

“Thanks” I said as I took it gladly. “So.. we are going, right?”

“It seems like we are” He said in a low voice. When did he get this cute? I just want to kiss the hell out of hi- what the hell Luhan?

“Anyway, be ready at 6” I said as I walked back to the living room. Yess I did it! I smiled at the thought, we are going on a date out.

“Luhan” Sehun called me making me widen my eyes. Luhan.. My heart never raced when someone called me but now, What is this?

“C-can we go to L-Lay hyung’s engagement after g-going out?” Sehun said as he was looking down. Lay’s engagement?

“You are going to go?” wasn’t he upset about the matter? Why does he want to go now?

“I-t’s rude if I don’t go” He said like a whisper.

“If you say so” I said as I sat down. Why am I feeling bad about this? I don’t want him to go there.

“Thanks” He said as he sat in front of me.

I hope nothing bad happens.


Kai’s POV


“Kyung don’t work there!” I pouted at my boyfriend as he was making the lunch.

“Jongin we talked about this, can’t you just approve?” He said as he looked at me with those beautiful eyes.

“Then don’t expect me to leave you alone” I was still pouting, how can I let my little baby work in a bakery just like that, people will eat him there.

“Ok Jongin do what you want it’s not like I can stop you” He said with a smile as he brought the pan to the table.

“wuuu baby it looks delicious” I looked at the food like a hungry beast as I started to eat.

“It’s just eggs” He said as he rolled his eyes.

“I will give you something you like after this as a thank you” I said with a wink making him blush.

“I don’t want it” He said as he smacked my head.

“Oh yes you do” I said with a smirk. Since the day we came here, our love life has gotten even better, not that we were bad but it just can't get any better.

“Can I also work there?” I said bringing the topic back, I just can’t help it.

“Look Jongin if you open the topic again no food for 2 days.. And I’m also included as the food” He said as he was eating.

“Ok ok I’m sorry I’ll just shut up” I shut my mouth, There is no way! 2 days without food is okay but without Kyung? HELL NO!

“What was Luhan saying?” Kyung said as he looked at me. Oh my god, those eyes, those beautiful doe eyes.

“Jongin” He called me making me snap out of my thoughts.

“uh yeah Luhan.. it seems like he has asked the guy out”

“Sehun? Really?” Kyungsoo said as he widened his eyes. His eyes..

“JONGIN” He shouted this time.

“Sorry baby your eyes are just so mesmerizing” I said as I stared at his eyes.

“Anyway did you hear what I said?"

"Did you say something?" I said making him roll his eyes.

"I said I think it’s not a good idea, fooling Sehun.. I feel bad”

“Oh my baby you’re just to good for this planet” I said as I kissed him on the lips.

“I don’t know Jongin, don’t you feel bad?” He said.

“I don’t care actually” I said as I shrugged.

“yah that’s cruel” He said as he pouted.

“You know what is cruel?” I said as he looked at me curiously. “You pouting like that and me not kissing you” I said, making him blush.

“y-yah it’s not-“ I cut his words as I kissed him fully on the lips. Those lips that I can never get enough of.

Our kiss was slow at first but I made it sloppy as soon as he started to respond, he is a great kisser, I know cuz I have kissed a lot of people before him but now, I don’t even think there are other people on the planet, it’s only me and him that I care about, I want no one else but him.

“You are mine” I whispered as I kissed his neck.

“J-Jongin not now” He said as he let me kiss his neck all I want.

“Okay not now” I said but didn’t let go, how can I?

“Jongin are you listening?” He asked again as I was his neck, it's so addicting.

Kyungsoo immediately pulled back as I bit his neck. “JONGIN! You are going to leave a hickey” He said as he ran to the bathroom.

“like I care” I shouted as I watched him looking at himself in the mirror.

“Look what you did! How am I going to go out now?” He said as I walked toward him.

“Who said we are going to go out?” I said as I reached him.

“You said we will go and buy me an apron” He said as he pouted.

“What did I say about pouting?” I said as I trapped him between my hands.



Chanyeol’s POV


I watched him from the living room as he was eating the noodles. He liked it!

I smiled at myself as I couldn’t get my eyes off of him, he is just so cute. People say I’m stupid for loving him but they don’t know, He is not like what they see, he is not always arrogant and y. He can be soft too.

I remember the night he was scared from the rain, he looked so fragile, like he could brake with just one touch.

I promised myself that night, that I will protect him no matter what. I know he acts bad sometimes but I know inside of him, he is not like what others say. I never cared about people and I’m not going to care about them now either.

I want to make him mine, I will make him realize the true love I know he hasn’t seen from his parents, or anyone else.

I know everything about him, yes I have spied on him. It’s creepy I know but I couldn’t help it. I liked him since the first time I saw him in the yard.

When I first saw him he was crying, the strong Baekhyun that everyone knew was crying, I didn’t know who he was at that time but I wanted to help him, I felt a bond between us but he never let me in his life.

I feel like this is the best opportunity, I have waited for the time that he would actually notice me.

If Kris would see that I’m writing his punishment instead would call me the most stupid person on earth, But I know Baekhyun’s math is just bad, I saw him study the night before but it wasn’t his fault to get a bad mark, well at least that’s how I think. So that’s why I’m going to help him.

“Yah Park Chanyeol” I heard him shout making me snap out of my thoughts. I ran to the kitchen to see what he wants.

“Yes Byun Baekhyun” I said with a smile, he has finished it all.

“I also want pizza” He said as he looked at me with a glare making me smile even more. I knew it!

“I bought two” As I said that I saw his lips turning into a smile but he stopped immediately.

“Good” He said as he walked toward the living room, leaving me alone, smiling by myself.

I love you Baekhyun, please love me back.



Luhan's POV


“It’s six” I said as I walked inside our room. Where is he?

“SEHUN” I shouted. Is he taking a bath?

I walked toward the bathroom and pushed my ears on the door, I could hear the water drop. “I remember telling you to be ready at six” I said loud enough for him to hear. Aish he is making me wait.

“If you didn’t want to come you could’ve just said” I said as I walked away. He is doing this on purpose so that we won’t go. What was I thinking in the first place anyway?

As I was walking out of the room the door of bathroom opened.

“I didn’t say that” Sehun came out with a towel around his waist and one on his shoulder. Water was dripping from his hair and that looked freaking y!

I watched as one of the water drops went down from his neck to his collar bone to his and down to his abs. It disappeared as it reached the towel on his waist. What a lucky water drop.. What the hell Luhan!

“Can you?” Suhan said as he looked at me while raising his eye brows.

“Can I what?” I asked confused.

“ I said I will be ready in 5 minutes if you leave the room and let me dress” He said. When did he say all of these?

“Uh yeah ok, I will just, um, leave?” I said as I pointed at the door.

“Yeah leave” He said while nodding. “Yeah ok” I said as I walked out closing the door behind.

What is wrong with me it’s not like I haven’t seen anyone like this in my life. But the problem is none of them made me feel this way, this is a problem right?

I growled as I sat on the couch, why am I even nervous?

I didn’t realize the time passing until I heard the door open revealing a ready Sehun.

He was wearing a black V-neck T-shirt making his skin visible, With black tight pants. He just looked so.. so dazzling!

“I’m ready, sorry” He said with a smile.

“N-no it’s just, ok” I said coming out of my dreamland. My brain isn’t working right today.

He turned off the lights as we wore our shoes. I opened the door for him so he can go out first.

“Where did  you say we are going?” he asked as he walked out.

I followed after him, closing the door behind. “Um.. Actually I don’t know” I said with an apologetic smile.

“You don’t know?” He asked raising his eye brow.

“Well, we can find somewhere” I said smiling.

“whatever” He said as he started to walk.

“So, um” as I was going to start a conversation my phone vibrated.


From: Stupid Kai

I saw you guys going out already huh? Get his heart tonight man!


I rolled my eyes. What are you saying?

“What was your purpose that you brought me out?” He asked with a cold face. My purpose?

“Well I thought we can be.. Be..” I frowned. What do I want us to be?

“Friends?” He said with a sarcastic tone.

“N-No” I shouted making him widen his eyes. Luhan what’s with the outburst!

“I-I mean.. Maybe we can be more?” I said with a smile as we walked out of the dorm.

“Are you crazy?”  He said as he frowned. “What more are you talking about?” He rolled his eyes as he started to walk again.

“You don’t even know where to go” He said.

“Do you want ice cream?” I asked as we were passing an ice cream store.

“Ice cream?” He asked while raising his eye brow. “Ok” he nodded.

“Great then let’s go in” I said as I dragged him inside.

“Hello sir how can I help you?” A girl said. Is she blushing while looking at him?

“Uh.. Do you have lemon flavor?” Sehun asked as he was looking at the menu.

“Oh your taste is cute” She said while giggling. Is this trying to flirt? There in no way!

“So baby did you choose?” I said as wrapped my arms around his waist as I looked directly at the girl, giving her the message.

She glared at me and looked away. That’s right he is mine! Wait a minute, what am I saying?

I looked at Sehun only to look away immediately. How can he glare like that? I thought he was tearing my soul.

“Sir what would you like?” The girl asked me, still glaring.

“I want vanilla and please no chocolate pieces in it ” I said with a smile.

“Ok sir you may sit we will bring your ice creams” She said trying hard to smile at me. What a !

Sehun pushed my hands away and walked toward one of the sits making me run after him.

I looked at him and my smile immediately faded, why is he looking so angry?

“What?” I said raising my hands in front of me.

“Who gave you the permission to touch me?” He said still glaring.

“Um well.. I just felt like doing it” I said. Was it even an answer?

“What? You are a jerk” He said as he looked another way.

“Hey I just-“ My words were cut off as the waiter came.

“Here you are sir” She said as she smiled at Sehun. Sehun on the other hand didn’t even bother to look at her. Huh in your face!

She walked away pouting. Sorry girl, there is no way for you.

wait a second! What are these chocolate pieces in my ice cream? That stupid waitress she did it on purpose. I took a deep breath.

“Can I have a spoon of your ice cream?” I said trying to smile cutely. I can be cute if I want, really!

“No” He said not even looking at me.

“Thanks for thinking about my question and answering after it” I said as he answered immediately, like he didn’t even care.

“Ok so let me think” He said as he put his hand on his chin. “Still, NO” He said smiling at me.

I pouted. Well, I’m Xi Luhan for nothing right? I took a spoon from his ice cream before he could even protest.

“yah! How dare you!” He shouted as he glared at me.

“Just felt like it.” I said as I had a victory smile.

He took a spoon full of his ice cream and threw it on my shirt. My beautiful shirt!

I looked at him with widen eyes. “What was that for?”

“Just felt like it” He said smiling this time. Aish! Aren’t dates suppose to be lovey dovey? Like ice cream will be on the corner of his lips and I will wipe it with my thumb and he will be blushing and all! What the heck is this?

I wiped the ice cream with tissues while talking to myself.

“You are paying right?” He said as he looked at me with cold eyes.

“Yeah, Men always pay” I said winking at him making him widen his eyes.

“What the hell?” He said looking angry. Why do I feel like he is just cute in that way, it isn’t even scary.

“Oh! We can go the cinema!” I said as I suddenly thought of a place.

Sehun rolled his eyes as he started to eat again.

“Let’s go then, I’m done” He said as he stood up.

“B-But I’m not done yet” I said as I looked at him. He didn’t even bother to answer and walked toward the door. Aish!

I ran to the counter and paid and ran after him. As I walked outside I saw him standing beside the door.

“The movie will be till nine” I said as we started to walk toward the theater near the place. “When is the engagement?”

“We can go there anytime” He said not looking at me.

“Watch out” I pushed him toward me as a motorcycle past by.

“I don’t need your help” He said as he pushed his hand away from my grip making me roll my eyes.

“What kind of movies do you like?” I asked.

“Scary” He said with a poker face.

“Scary?” I asked while raising my eye brows. Ugh he isn’t giving me a chance!

“Let’s watch something better” I said with a smile “Like a Romantic movie?” I said as we walked inside the theater.

“Romantic? Are you kidding me?” He said while rolling his eyes. “If we aren’t watching horror then I’m out”

“Okay Okay we will watch horror” I said and went to buy the tickets. “What the hell is this? Is this even a date? This isn’t even a hangout! I really in these things, ” I talked to myself as was waiting on the line.

“Mum what is ?” A small boy beside me asked. WHAT?

“Oh my God! Where did you hear that?” Her mum said as she widened his eyes.

“The guy said things ” He said as he pointed at me. Uh-Oh

Her mother glared at me. “Sorry” I said with an apologetic smile.

“Come dear don’t listen to him” Her mum said taking him away. Aish should I care? What is he listening to my words anyway!

I bought the tickets and walked toward Sehun, who was sitting on one of the couches.

“Buy popcorn” He said as he took the tickets.

“Why didn’t you buy when I was buying the tickets?” I asked raising my eye brow.

“Didn’t feel like it” He said. ugh he is using my words against me.

“Are you still here?” He said shooing me away.

I cursed under my breath and went to buy the popcorns. This date is really fun!

I bought the popcorns and walked toward Sehun, who was already walking toward the theater.

“Here is your popcorn lady” I said as I handed him his popcorn.

“You ” He said with a glare as he gave our tickets to the man standing beside the door and walked inside.

“You’re welcome” I said as I walked after him.

We sat down and the movie started immediately. Aren’t we supposed to go to a romantic movie? And we will be like kissing all the time and--- no wait a minute! I didn’t mean that!

Or maybe this can be fun too! Like he will get scared of a scene and he will hug me and I will be like ‘Baby it ok’ and-

I looked toward him and got disappointed as I saw his poker face. I shook my haed, What am I expecting?

“The guy is the one that kills everyone” He said as he looked at the doctor who was talking.

“Him? But he is a good guy” I said as I looked at the screen.

“Are you stupid?” He said, sarcasm in his tone.

“Are you making fun of me?” I said with a glare.

“Sorry, it’s now your fault that you’re stupid” He said while nodding. Ugh!

“Whatever” I said as I looked back at the screen.

An hour of the movie passed, I rolled my eyes. This movie is boring, it isn’t even scary. As I turned my head to look at Sehun I saw that he has closed his eyes as his face was on the other side. I rose my head tried to look at his face. Is he sleeping?

“Hey Sehun” I called out making him open his eyes and turn his head toward me. A Wrong move! A very wrong move!

As he turned his head toward me, I felt something soft on my lips making me widen my eyes.

Sehun quickly backed away, his eyes as doe as mine.

“Y-You.. W-Why are you.. Aish”  He said as he stood up, walking out of the theater making me run after him.

“Hey I’m sorry, it wasn’t on purpose” I said as I ran after him. He stopped immediately after we came out of the theater making me startled.

“You know what?” He said glaring at me.

“What?” I asked innocently. It really wasn’t on purpose, but his lips are really tasty, and I’m not regretting it actually.

“Ugh just forget it” He said as he started walking.

“Think about it this way, we are the first couple kissing while watching a horror movie” I said as I started laughing.

“Couple?” he said as he stopped to glare at me.

“What couple?”

“You said couple” He said still glaring while pointing at me.

“Me?” I asked as I pointed at myself. When did I say couple?

“Ugh you really are stupid indeed” He said as he started walking again.

“B-But.. I didn’t say couple” I said as I ran after him.

“Just forget it” he said, rolling his eyes.

I was still walking after him as I realized we were walking toward the Bubble tea shop.

“Is the engagement held there?” I asked as I looked at him. He nodded not bothering to look at me.

As we reached there I could hear the sound of the music coming from inside. We walked inside to see a lot of people crowding.

“Oh look Sehun came!” A guy said as he ran toward us.

“Hyung” Sehun smiled at the guy as he hugged him. He didn’t even smile one bit when he was with me!

“How dare you not come to visit me! I have missed you” The guy said, still smiling.

“Who is your friend?” He said as he pointed to me.

“He is not my friend”  Sehun said as he rolled his eyes.

“I’m Luhan” I said as I shook hands with the guy.

“And I’m Xiumin” He said with a smile. Uh! So he is the famous Xiumin hyung.

“Come, we are sitting there” Xiumin said as he took us toward their table.

“Sehuna” A guy said as he walked toward Sehun, hugging him. His name was Chen I think.

“Oh Luhan-shi, Welcome” He said smiling at me. “Thanks” I answered politely.

“Where is Lay? He was here a minute ago” Xiumin said as he was looking at his left and right.

“Suho took him to the back, maybe they are making out” Chen said with a smirk as he leaned in to Xiumin’s ear, whispering something.

“Yah do you wanna die?” Xiumin said while smiling at him.

I turned my head to look at Sehun. He had a poker face but I know what is going through his mind.

He suddenly looked at me, catching me staring at him, but I didn’t look away. I thought he must see, that someone is actually caring about him now. I looked at him with sad eyes. He smiled bitterly and looked away.

Why is torturing himself by coming here?

I walked toward him as I put my arm around his waist.

“What are you doing?” He said struggling to free himself.

“Helping you”

“I said I don’t need your help” He said as he struggled to push me away, making me hold him tighter.

“And no one asked for permission” I said in his ears.

“You’re an ” He said as he looked away.

I know what you are feeling.. I can see your face threw the mask you are wearing now. I may be an but I promise, I'm going to protect you tonight, I don't care if you push me away..

I’ll be here..



you I wrote a new story ^w^ check it out :33



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IheartKPopandJPop #1
Chapter 28: Author nim fighting!!!
moonday #2
Chapter 28: Oh , I really like it .., I want chanbaek together because I seriously cried .
Chapter 28: Okay I will wait.. But author-nim you HAVE to come bacckk!!! Pls pls come back soon
Yuki2626 #4
Chapter 28: Authornim I hope you did well on your exams! That said its time for me to be selfish, PLEASE COME BACK!! YOUR STORY IS SO GOOD AUTHORNIM!!!! (And again I wish you the best at uni)
muaniforeverluhan #5
Chapter 28: OMO! you're amazing author nim i like the way you make up and all your great ideas.....I really miss you just like how i miss your stories. FIGHTING~
NoblesseZen #6
Chapter 4: My My My..Luhan and Sehun are sooooooooooooooooo very cute together muahh
I'm still on 3 chapter and I'm soo very excited :P
emilkairyll #7
Chapter 28: Let it rain is the best
I had read it before
Chapter 28: UGGGGGGGHHHHHHH ~ No Sherlock >_< !! Good Luck to you hun ^^ ..

Too much feeeeeels .. ♥♡♥♡♥♡╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╯ GO!
Chapter 28: omo!!! i'm so so in love with this story....i can't wait for the next update kekeke