Chapter 16

My Two faced lover

3rd person's POV


"I've waited so long to tell you this" Luhan said as he looked deeply inside Sehun's sparkling eyes.

"I.." He said as he took a deep breath. ', How should I say it?'

Sehun looked at him with that mixture of happiness and sadness, not sure what he was going to say.


I love you


I hate you


I regret what we did


weren't they all possible to be told?


"I-" Luhan's words were cut off as a knock on the door was heard. 

Luhan looked at the door with that Are-you-ing-kidding-me look. when He turned around to look at Sehun he saw him running toward the room and closing the door after him.

He sighed as He walked toward the door.

'This person is ing going to die!'

"What the hell do you want?" He said as he opened the door, seeing that stupid Kris with that stupid poker face.

"Shut up" He said as he walked inside. 

"Who said you can come in?" Luhan said as he glared at him.

Kris rolled his eyes with a smirk as he started to walk toward the room.

'That bastard!' Luhan thought as he closed the door. 'It's ok Luhan! just keep calm'

Luhan looked at the room which Sehun and kris were inside. Should he go and listen? Nah, he is so proud to do such a thing. Or isn't he?

Luhan looked at his left and right like there was supposed to be someone there watching him. after thinking about it Luhan finally decided to listen to what they were saying. He had nothing to loose right?

He tiptoed toward the room and pushed his ears on the door.

"Are you sure? I don't think so Kris" Sehun said with a worried tone.

"Aish just lets go" 

As Luhan was about to walk back the door opened, Kris was looking at him with a glare.

"Were you listening to us?" He said making Sehun hold his hands. 

"Just lets go" Sehun said as they started to walk again.

"You bastard" Kris said to Luhan as he followed after Sehun.

"Were are you going?" Luhan said as he looked at Sehun not even caring about Kris who was glaring at him like a mad man.

There was a silence for a moment. As Sehun was about to open his mouth Kris interrupted him.

"I think it's none of your business girl" Kris rolled his eyes as he took Sehun's hand and walked out of the room.

Luhan clenched his fist as he followed after them, taking Sehun's hand from Kris' grip with a harsh movement.

"You are going to tell me, you have to" Luhan said with an angry tone, telling the last part louder.

"I don't think so" Sehun said as he took his hand away from his grip. "It's none of your business" He said as he started to walk toward the stairs with a smirking kris following after. "Loser"

Luhan was still standing there staring at the stairs where Sehun walked down seconds ago.

What just happened? Weren't they supposed to be together? Shouldn't people in a relationship tell each other everything?

Luhan was confused, he didn't know what to feel. 

'Maybe something bad had happened' Luhan thought as he took a step back before turning around and walking inside the house.

"Maybe he was sad" Luhan said with a low voice as he was staring at the wall in front of him.

"Maybe-" Luhan's words where cut for the second time today by a knock on the door.

Luhan widened his eyes as he opened the door with a smile, but his smile immediately faded as he saw the last person he wanted to see at that moment.

Bae Suzy

"What the are you doing here?" Luhan said as he looked at her without any emotion.

"What the ? You forgot oppa didn't you?" She siad as she glared at Luhan making him raise his eyebrow.

"What did I forget?" Luhan said making Suzy clench her fist and take a deep breath.

"IT'S MY BIRTHDAY" Suzy shouted making Luhan close his eyes in annoyance.

"ok happy birthday" Luhan said as he was about to close the door.

"You can't!" Suzy held the door preventing Luhan from closing it. "Give me my gift!"

"Are you stupid? I forgot your birthday and you want gift?" He said as he rolled his eyes.

"You don't have to buy one.." Suzy said as she his lips. "You can just give me a kiss" She said with a smirk.

Luhan widened his eyes a little and closed them right after.

"Look Suzy we-"

"I'll tell your mother" She said with a glare.

"I don't care" Luhan said as he threw his hands in the air.

they have kissed before but not now. Yes they have kissed many times because of Mrs Xi's force but not now. 

not now that Sehun's taste still lingers on his lips.

not now that Sehun is finally his boyfriend. There is no way!

"What?" Suzy said with a glare. "Then I'll shout" Suzy said, getting angrier every second passing.

"Are you crazy? can't you just leave me alone?" Luhan was beyond frustrated, this girl is ruining his life.

"you know oppa, when I want something I must get it" She said as she crossed his hands. "I'll make my father hurt your friends! you know I will" She said as she pointed at luhan in an annoying way making Luhan sigh in defeat.

"I hate you Suzy, I really do" He said with a low voice but she didn't care. She wanted a kiss now and she knows she will get it soon.

"If I kiss you, will you leave?" He said pointing at the stairs making her nod not so cutely.

"" Luhan cursed under his breath as she grabbed Suzy's neck, pulling her in for a kiss.

Luhan tried hard to think about sehun, those heaven tasted lips but there was no use. Suzy's cherry flavored lipstick made Luhan want to puke. But he had to keep it go a little longer so that she would just leave.

He hated this situation. The feeling of betraying your lover, your one and only lover.

Luhan pulled back, not able to continue it any longer. As he was about to tell her to just off, he got the shock of his life.

There he was.

His one and only.

standing there, looking at him with those cold eyes.

Luhan widened his eyes. No, this can't be!

Sehun's stare was full of emotions yet without any. What was he feeling? Betrayed? Sad? or wasn't it important for him?

"Sehun" Luhan said like a whisper, his breath stuck in his throat.

Sehun took a step back and turned around immediately, running down the stair with the speed of light.

Luhan ran, ran after him just as fast as him. He felt bad, it hurt so bad. "SEHUN WAIT" He shouted as Sehun walked out of the building.

He ran after him with his bare foot, the cold and wet ground was hurting his feet but he didn't care, it didn't matter now!

Sehun sat inside the cab that was standing right in front of the gate, leaving Luhan behind.

"SEHUN DON'T, DON'T GO" Luhan shouted, tears falling down his eyes.

Luhan was crying, That proud playboy. The one that made everyone in school cry was now crying like a baby, looking at the car that was getting out of sight.

Luhan hit the wall beside him hard. He hit it so many times that his hands felt numb, blood falling on the ground and being washed by the rain right after.

"Can't I just be happy once" He said as he sat on the ground, letting the water pour on him.

He smiled bitterly as he bit his lips.

"We weren't even together for an hour" 



Chanyeol's POV


I walked toward my old house where I used to live before moving to the dorm. I opened the door with my key and walked inside.

I the light as I started walking toward the couch. The house smelled nice, just like before.

I smiled as I remembered all my memories here, I used to be very happy. I always daydreamed of him, I didn't have him but I was fine. Not as miserable as I am right now.

The door bell rang making me snap out of my thoughts. I stood up as I walked toward the door, opening it.

"Chanyeol!" Sehun said right after stepping inside the house with Kris following after.

"Are you ok? What happened?" Sehuns said with a worried tone as he held my face between his hands.

"I'm fine" I said as I looked down. "Just sit down guys" 

"Yah! What is wrong with you? What do you mean you are going back to Busan?" Kris said as he glared at me.

"Sit I'll tell you" I said as I walked toward the couch making them follow after me.

"Chanyeol you were kidding right?" Sehun said as he looked at me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry guys, I just need to be alone for a while" I said as I bit my lips.

"What about school? you can't just go like that?" Kris said, his voice lower than the last time.

"I don't care. I don't wan to see Baehyun. I-I can't see him." I said as I bit my lips harder, trying to not cry in front of my friends.

"Chanyeol we are worried. Aren't you going to tell us?" Kris said as he held my hands. Kris has an arrogant personality, but when it comes to his friends, he is just like an older brother.

"There is nothing to worry about guys, I'm sure grandma can take good care of me" I said as looked down again. "I'll be back after a while. I promise" I said as I looked at both of them who were looking at me with doubtful eyes.

"Really!" I said again as I looked at them with sad eyes. 

"We believe you." Sehun said as he smiled.

"I'm sorry again guys, just bare without me for a while" I said as I smiled at them. But my smile faded as I felt a tear drop on my hand.

I was crying and I wasn't even aware of it. So stupid.

I closed my eyes as I felt Sehun standing up and running toward me, hugging me tight.

"It's ok Chanyeol" He said with shaky voice. I know he was crying too. I don't know why but he was.

"It hurts" I said as I hugged him back.

"I know Chanyeol, It does hurt" Sehun said as he patted my back, trying to comfort me.


"I have a boyfriend jerk. Don't mess with me"


Tears were falling like the rain falling outside. It hurt me. The sound of the rain hurt me.

Is Teamin holding him tightly right now? Is he taking good care of my angel?

Is my Baekhyun feeling safe?

Please be happy Baekhyun, even if I don't want you with him, but I don't want to see tears in your eyes.

Please be ok.



Baekhyun's POV

The next morning


I looked at the mirror in front of me, scared of the image I saw.

Puffy eyes, tired face, dry lips, zombie like look. I seemed so pathetic.

I looked at the broken window at the other end of the room. 

I really believed he would come.

I walked toward the bathroom, washing my face hoping that I would look better but no use. I didn't feel like going to school but I had that little hope that I can see him. After all these I still want to see him.

I walked toward the closet taking out my school uniform. I wanted him here, I wanted to tell him to get out of the room so that I can change. I want him to tell me he doesn't want to go out and so I'll just kick him out.

I really believed he would come.

I sighed as I changed my cloths and started to walk toward the door. I felt like something was missing. Maybe I was used to him walking everywhere after me. Maybe I was used to just walking out of the room knowing that he is coming after me so he will lock the door. 

I walked out and locked the door myself. I looked around the hall. The student where coming out of their rooms one by one. 

I saw Luhan coming out of him room as well. I walked toward him. I didn't want to go to school alone.

"Hey" I said making Luhan turn around. I was a little surprised by his looks.

puffy eyes, tired face, dry lips, zombie like look. he seemed pathetic.

"Are you Ok?" I said as I looked at him with worried eyes. 

"You don't seem Ok either. Are you fine?" He said as he turned around, locking his door.

"I'm ok, just insomnia" I said as I smiled at him.

"The same" He said as he faked a smile. I didn't want to talk about the matter anymore, It seemed like he wasn't fine with talking about it either.

"Where is Chanyeol?" Luhan asked as we were walking down the stairs. The name made my heart clench. I never felt this way toward his name, maybe because I never cared. 

He was no one, yet he seems to be everything now.

"I don't know. Where is Sehun?" I said as I looked at him.

"He didn't come yesterday, he went out with Kris" Luhan said as we walked out of the gate, walking toward the school.

I saw his right hand was wounded. Luhan has the habit of hitting the wall when he is angry but the wound seemed so deep this time, It actually made me worried.

"Your hand" I said as I held his hand. "Why did you do that?" I said as I frowned. It seemed so bad.

"Nothing important" Luhan suddenly stopped as we saw Sehun in front of the school gate, walking inside with Kris beside him.

I didn't see Chanyeol with them. What was I feeling? disappointed? Sad? Hurt?

I turned around and saw Luhan looking at Sehun with fierce, sad eyes. What happened between them? I don't know. But it seems to be an important matter. 

I wasn't going to ask him about that, I was so sad myself that I'm sure I won't be any help for him. It seems like we are both at the same hole.

"Let's go inside." I said making him snap out of his thought. He nodded as he started to follow me.

I wouldn't lie if I tell you I wasn't disappointed that Chanyeol wasn't at the class. I walked toward my desk and sat down, with Luhan sitting beside me.

I didn't understand when the teacher came, or what he was saying. I had my eyes glued to the door. I just wanted him to come inside. Maybe he will come right?

I really believed he would come.

The rest of the day? I don't know how it went. Maybe I was just staring at the walls in front of me, not even aware of my surroundings.

I'm not even sure where Luhan went at the last lesson. I'm not even sure If Sehun was with him or somewhere else since they were both gone.

My heart started to beat faster as I heard the teacher asking about why that man was absent. His name gave me a bad feeling. my heart clenched so hard I felt like I couldn't breathe.

I looked out of the window, praying for the school to end so that I can go back home.

The sky seemed cloudy and I would lie If I tell you I didn't feel scared. I was scared of another night alone. Another night without someone protecting me.

Another rainy night.

I sighed as I heard the bell ring. Finally I could leave this stupid place.

I walked home alone, I still had no idea where Luhan was. I didn't have the energy to look for him either. I looked at the ground as I was walking toward the dorm.

I bumped into many people on my way, some cursing some asking me if I'm blind.

It didn't matter. 

I never felt this way and it was bad. I always thought falling in love was for stupid people and Love made people blind. And now I realized that I'm stupid, indeed.

"Baekhyun" I heard someone calling me making me stop walking.

I turned around and saw Kris walking toward me, his hands in his pocket. It's the first time I actually realized this, He was just as tall as him.

"Did anything happen between you and Chanyeol?" Kris said as he looked at me with a poker face.

That name, the clenching of my heart. I hate it.

"Do you know where he is?" I asked as I looked at him. I wanted to know where he is but I'm so proud to admit.

"Yeah but.. Never mind, just forget it" He said as he threw his hand in the air as he started to walk inside the building.

I couldn't shout and tell him to stop, tell me where he is, help me find him. My pride had made me loose many things but I can't help it. I really can't.

I sighed as I walked inside the building as well. I walked toward the stairs not in the mood to wait for the elevator. I walked toward our room, opening the door with my keys. Usually he opened the door for me, and I would say step aside and walk in first.

I walked inside and closed the door. I looked at the clock. 5 PM

The school ended two hours late today. Mr Kim had a speech at school's gym but I don't really know what he talked about. I didn't care.

I walked toward the kitchen and took the newspaper on the table as I started to walk toward our room. I put my bag on the bed and took the tape from my desk as I started to walk toward the broken window.

As I finished putting the papers and closing the window a little I sat on the bed and looked at it. At least the wind can't come inside.

I put my head on the pillow as I closed my eyes. I felt so tired since I couldn't sleep yesterday. I closed my eyes trying hard not to think about him. Maybe this was for the best.

Who am I kidding? 

I clenched on the blanket that covered my cold body. When is this all going to end?


Four hours later


I opened my eyes as I heard the sound of the rain pouring hard. I closed my eyes again. The sky is dark and I realized that I had been sleeping for hours. I wished I didn't wake up.

My heart started to beat faster. The rain. The stupid rain.

I clenched my fist as tears started to build in my eyes. The sound wasn't stopping. I wanted to shout but it seemed like my voice was taken from me. I wanted to shout his name. That mans name but I couldn't. 

I'm not even going to say I believed he would come. I don't want to believe in that anymore. I'm scared of believing anymore.

I heard a sound from the leaving room but I'm not sure what it was. Maybe another window was about to break.

My eyes were still tightly closed, It seemed like they were glued together. I tried to breathe properly, my heart beating so fast I felt like it was going to jump out of my chest.

I felt a weight on the bed and I froze. Am I dreaming?

The smell seemed so familiar. I felt the body nearing me but I wasn't scared. I actually felt better.

I felt a hand around my waist, hugging me from the back and I suddenly relaxed. Now I know.

It him. It's that man.

It's my Chanyeol.

I started to breathe properly. I knew he would come I knew, and now he is here.

I wanted to turn around and hug him tight, telling him I missed him, telling him I love him. But that moment everything seemed so great that I didn't want to ruin it.

"I'm sorry Baekhyun" He whispered as he kissed my neck. "I know I shouldn't be here. Maybe if you were awake you would just kick me out" He said, giggling a little at his own words.

"Is he taking good care of you?" He said with a breaking voice. It made me hurt, It ing hurt so bad.

"The old man told me to be Bold, to fight for you" He said, I felt a drop of tear on my neck.

"How can I? I was so near to have you. Baek, I thought I had you." He said bitterly.

"If I leave you will you be fine?" He said while caressing my hair. I suddenly felt his face near me, sniffing my hair.

"I-I don't want to forget your smell." His tears where wetting my neck. Every tear drop was like a blade piercing my heart, cutting it into pieces. It was eating me inside out.

"I thought we could be. I wanted us to be," He said as he held my hand. "I wanted to hold your small hands forever, I wanted to show you all my love, all I had" He said like a whisper. His voice breaking even more after every word.

"Can I kiss you before I go, Or don't I have the right?" He said as he kissed my neck, his hand still caressing mine. "I think I don't" He said as he robbed his nose on my cheek.

"I'm sure Teamin would have killd me if he found out, If I were him I would do the same though" He said as he took a deep breathe.

"I-I'm sorry Baekyun. For loving you," He said as he took his hand away. "F-For wanting us to be" He said as he gave me one last kiss on the head before stepping back. 

It suddenly felt cold, It felt so cold without him.

I felt his weight disappear from the bed, I heard his footsteps getting farther. I wanted to shout, tell him to stop but I couldn't, As soon as he stepped away from me I felt the sound of the rain again.

I wanted to shout, Hell I really wanted to.

The sound of the door was the last drop to make the glass full. I stood up, trying hard to stop my feet from trembling. I had to run after him.

I took a deep breath and ran toward the door opening it. I ran toward the stairs. "CHANYEOL" I shouted as I looked around. I closed my ears at the sound of the rain. No, No please don't go.

I ran down the stairs, I had my sleepers on and It felt so cold but it didn't matter. I had to find him.

I ran until I reached the door to the yard. The rain was pouring hard. I saw him walking out of the gate. He turned around one last time as he looked at the window and turned around to leave again. 

"CHANYEOL" I shouted again but he was too far to hear that. I looked at the rain. My feet started to tremble again.

I can't stand it anymore. 

I took a deep breath as I opened the door and walked outside. As soon as the rain poured on me, my feet couldn't take it anymore.

I fell on the ground and My breath stock in my throat, all the memories came back to me. All the memories, all the sleepless nights, all those scary nightmares. I held my ears. I was trembling so hard that I felt like dying.

"Ch-Chanyeol" my voice was coming out like a whisper. My body was hurting so bad.

"D-Don't go"  

And after that, everything went black.




This chapter was mostly written for Baekyeol fans, I saved Hunhan for the next.

By the way I'll be happy if you read my sisters new story. You'll Always be my baby lulu


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IheartKPopandJPop #1
Chapter 28: Author nim fighting!!!
moonday #2
Chapter 28: Oh , I really like it .., I want chanbaek together because I seriously cried .
Chapter 28: Okay I will wait.. But author-nim you HAVE to come bacckk!!! Pls pls come back soon
Yuki2626 #4
Chapter 28: Authornim I hope you did well on your exams! That said its time for me to be selfish, PLEASE COME BACK!! YOUR STORY IS SO GOOD AUTHORNIM!!!! (And again I wish you the best at uni)
muaniforeverluhan #5
Chapter 28: OMO! you're amazing author nim i like the way you make up and all your great ideas.....I really miss you just like how i miss your stories. FIGHTING~
NoblesseZen #6
Chapter 4: My My My..Luhan and Sehun are sooooooooooooooooo very cute together muahh
I'm still on 3 chapter and I'm soo very excited :P
emilkairyll #7
Chapter 28: Let it rain is the best
I had read it before
Chapter 28: UGGGGGGGHHHHHHH ~ No Sherlock >_< !! Good Luck to you hun ^^ ..

Too much feeeeeels .. ♥♡♥♡♥♡╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╯ GO!
Chapter 28: omo!!! i'm so so in love with this story....i can't wait for the next update kekeke