Chapter 1

My Two faced lover


"Hyung can I borrow your bag?" Sehun was shouted while running downstairs.

"Sure but don't lose it like my watch." Xiumin said while making the breakfast table.

"I'm late. Give me a kiss" Sehun pouted at his older brother.

"You're still such a baby, " He kissed Sehun on the forehead "By the way I have a night shift at the hospital tonight, don't wait for me."

"Do you have a night shift or are you staying at your boyfriend's house?" Sehun laughed while running toward the front door with an angry Xiumin running after him.

"How dare you talk to your older brother like that!" 

Sehun ran out of the house after sending a flying kiss to his brother. "See you tomorrow hyung"

As soon as he stepped out of the house his smile faded and his sparkling eyes suddenly turned into cold ones.

Sehun himself didn't know the reason of it. It wasn't like he was acting, it was like this since he was a child. That's why it was very hard for him  to make friends, well except from this two stupid friends he had.

He was walking in a slow pace toward his school. It was a bus ride away from his house but Sehun preferred walking. He liked seeing different people in the streets and also the morning breeze made him relaxed.

"Sehun," A panting Chanyeol came into the view with a not so happy Kris "Ya why didn't you wait for us?"

"Didn't feel like it." Sehun said as he continued walking.

"I couldn't finish what I was saying on the phone last night so, where was I ?" Chanyeol said with a smile. A totally creepy one.

"I don't care, go tell someone else" Sehun said not even bothering to look at his hyper friend.

"You weren't saying like that yesterday. Aish I knew I shouldn't have said I'll tell you tomorrow. you never listen to me at school" Chanyeol pouted and looked away. He was used to it anyway, Sehun wasn't the Sehun they knew at home after all.

As they reached the school gate Chanyeol was looking around the school yard to find a certain brown eyed boy.

"Oh my, look who came. my beloved Thehun." There they were, Luhan and his gang sitting in their usual spot, laughing their asses off. well except from that Tao guy. Does he even know how to smile?

"How ith your day Thehun?" Luhan said making his friends laugh even harder.

"You Justin bieber faced !" Sehun turned to leave but Luhan was fast enough to come and block his way.

"Why are you leaving so soon? Don't you like me anymore?" Luhan opened his arms as if he was asking for a hug "I thought you love me" He said while faking sobs.

"I don't have time for your stupid ." Sehun said as he tried to walk pass the blond guy.

"I was just gonna tell you to be aware of what is going to come for you today" Luhan said with a wink while going back toward his friends.

Sehun didn't even care what he said, It was an everyday event. Luhan saying everything he likes and Sehun not even caring.

He started to walk inside the school building but suddenly realized that his friends weren't following.

"The hell! Are you guys coming or what?"

Kris and Chanyeol both came back to reality and ran inside the building.

Tao and Beakhyun where members of Luhan's gang, They were both known as the cold hearted guys in the group not to mention Tao that doesn't even know how to laugh. Sehun doesn't even understand why his stupid friends have crush on such a people. They are pathetic.

"Who can tolerate Mr Kim for the first period for 's sake. I don't even understand what he says." Chanyeol said as he sat on his chair with a loud thud.

"He better not hear that " Kris said and sat on his chair with Sehun next to him.

"Kris don't you wanna hear what I was gonna say to Sehun?"

"Not interested " Kris said while putting his head on the desk like usual.

"You are both so rude" Chanyeol pouted as he looked out of the window. His sad face immediately turned into a bright one as he saw Baekhyun at the yard.

The class started five minuets later and Mr Kim came on time,like always. "Hello my beautiful student did you miss me?" Heechul said throwing his hand in the air like the diva he is "We saw you yesterday"

"Exactly my Sehun baby your right. I'll give an A+ because of being so genius" Heechul smiled at Sehun and wrote the A+ on his book.

Heechul loved guy students. Not in some ual ways but lets just say he didn't like girls. Not at all.

He asks boys the easiest questions and gave them an A+ while asking girls the hardest questions giving them all F at the end. No matter what their answers are.

"Well babies, me and principal Leeteuk have a brilliant idea" He said while clapping his hands. "Aren't we awesome? We wanted to make the student have a better Communication, so we are-"

'baby Hangeng is calling~ if you don't answer he will cry cry cry~~' 

"This is the most srupid song I have ever heard" Kris said as he rose his head from the desk, frowning at the ringtone.

"Sorry this is an important call. Hello baby" Heechul said as he exited the class.

"Hell, whenever this Leeteuk and Mr Kim talk to each other they do stupid things." Chanyeol said with a sad tone.

"Yeah like the prom last year that boys had to wear girls cloth and girls had to wear boys cloth. Thank god it wasn't for us" Sehun thought it was the most stupid idea ever and he didn't even want to know what is the new one.

"Sorry my angles I had to answer or my baby would cry cry cry~" Heechul started singing and laughing. "Ok so where were we? oh, my brilliant idea" he paused and threw his arms in the air.

"We are going to make a dorm" He shouted while clapping again.

Some of the student where happy about the idea, some got sad, and some didn't even care. like Sehun.

"All of you must join. I don't accept anything! I tried so hard for it" He said as he pointed at the students.

"But our houses are near" Sehun said with a poker face. He didn't like to stay with some stupid freak in the same room for a whole year.

"Sehun I love you but if you don't listen to me, I won't love you anymore" Heechul said, winking at him.

"But that's stupid. If our houses are near we shouldn't come" Yuri said. That was a very wrong sentence to use in this situation, most importantly to Kim Heechul.

As you may guess Yuri was given a detention.

"These days girls have gotten more and more stupid" Heechul said as he was fixing his hair.

Sehun didn't like dorms, They were stupid. Everyone in this school were stupid and having them in the same place with you all day was like a living hell.

"I think it's a great idea" Chanyeol said with his deep voice making Sehun glare at him.

"May I ask what is great about it?" Sehun raised he brows as Chanyeol smile deepened.

"You may never know!" Chanyeol started laughing making everyone turn around and look at him. Sehun rolled his eyes and looked away. He doesn't feel good about the matter.

"Mr Kim who is going say with whom we should stay?" Luhan asked not even bothering to raise his hand.

"Of course me" Heechul winked "Do you want to stay with someone specific?"

"Well, I'll will think about that" Luhan said with a smirk. No one saw it though.

"I want to stay with Yoona" Sunny said while smiling at Heechul.

"Who said girls can choose themselves? You will stay with Tiffanny." 

"But..but I don't want-" 

"What did you say?"

"Yeah Mr Kim I will stay with Tiffany." Sunny pouted and Sat down making Heechul smirk.

The class went on with Heechul talking about his idea's about the dorm and about how awesome he is. Sehun was fast sleep the whole class, not even caring about it.

As the bell rang everyone ran to the cafeteria to get their food, leaving the class empty. Sehun didn't even bother to stand up. He preffered to just wait for his friends inside the class.

"Sehunnie why are you alone?" Luhan came with smirk on his face.

Sehun didn't like this guy one bit, he always liked to make fun of everyone and mostly him. Sehun and Luhan were both the most popular boys in the school. Luhan was the playboy type while Sehun was the mysterious one. How they became enemies? No one really knows.

"look I don't like seeing your face all the time, it makes me want to throw up." Sehun said while staring at him with his cold look.

"Why don't you ever smile at me?" Luhan approached Sehun, his smirk not leaving his face. He leaned in Sehun's desk, staring at his eyes.

"Listen carefully Sehun. From tomorrow on, I will make your life a living hell did you hear me?" luhan whispered, his stare was as cold as Sehun's.

They stared at each other for half a minute, both not daring to brake the eye contact. Sehun was the first one to brake it by standing up and pushing Luhan aside. "Do whatever you like" He said and left the class.

"Oh, I will "Luhan's smirk grew "I will."


School went on so fast. Chanyeol was staring at Baekhyun the whole day, Kris was also staring at his crush like there was no tomorrow. Sehun on the other hand listened to music at all the lessons.

When it was time to leave, Sehun started packing his things while listening to Chanyeol blabbering about how he wanted to kill the guy for winking at Baekhyun in the hall.

Chanyeol loved this Baekhyun guy since he first saw him in the school yard years ago. But Baekhyun won't even answer his greetings.That's why he can only look at his crush from afar.

"Chanyeol lets talk to Mr Kim tomorrow and tell him to put us in the same room. I don't want to be with a freak." Sehun said as they left the class.

"Uh..oh..haha yeah ok" Chanyeol laughed nervously making Sehun raise his eyebrows.

"Don't you want to stay with me?" Sehun said as he frowened.

"No it's not like that.. it's just that.. I.. aish.. I told Mr Kim to put me with Baekhyun." Chanyeol closed his eyes, ready to get shouted at by Sehun but it didn't turn out as he expected.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY?" An angry Baekhyun came into the view, His eyes red from anger.

Chanyeol widened his eyes, not expecting to see him there.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?" Chanyeol didn't know to be happy that Baekhyun was talking to him or to be scared because he was angry as .

"What? can't you talk?" Baekhyun was still angry, but he suddenly got confused as he saw Chanyeol smiling at him. 'what the hell is wrong with him'  

Baekhyun was still waiting for an answer, Though it was useless because Chanyeol wasn't even in this world.

"Aish you're a moron" With that, Baekhyun left a still smiling Chanyeol. Kris on the other hand was holding his stomach, laughing hard at the scene.

Sehun rolled his eyes and continued walking. As he was passing the teacher's room he saw the stupid Xi luhan smiling his fake smile at Mr Kim while Heechul patted his head while nodding his own.

"Pff now he is teacher's pet, Stupid face" Sehun said as he exited the hall.


*At the Teacher's room


"Mr kim I would be happy if you put us in a same room." Luhan smiled innocently at his teacher.

"I thought you guys fight, am I wrong?" Heechul said as he tore his gaze from the mirror in his hand.

"It's right Mr kim, but I want us to become friends. If we get to be in the same room we can also learn to be friend" Luhan smiled again making Heechul smile at him.

"That's very nice of you my lulu. Then I will totally fix that " Heechul nodded and patted Luhan's head. 

"Thanks Mr Kim I will totally appreciate that." Luhan bowed before leaving the room.

"Oh Sehun, we are totally going to have fun" Luhan left the hall with a big smirk on his face .



" YA sehun can't you walk slower?" Sehun stopped at the school gate as he heard his name being shouted by a pissed of kris.

"What? did you expect me to wait for you?" sehun said while rolling his eyes. "You could have said your leaving" kris said while throwing his hands in the air.

A still smiling chanyeol came, staring at the sky  "God.. I knew i should have believed you were there..siwon hyung always says you think about me..I LOVE YOU" chanyeol started shouting while running out of the school.

"Aish he is not my friend he is not my friend he is-" Sehun followed chanyeol while repeating his sentence over and over. kris on the other hand didn't even care about it.

"By the way sehun can I stay at your house? My mom said we don't have lunch" chanyeol pouted before going back to his smilling self again.

"Xiumin hyung is not home we don't have lunch either" sehun said while shuffling the song in his i-pod.

"Xiu hyung is not home? hell yeah i'm totally staying.. I'm gonna play with his playstation. today is totally my day I can even win the lottary" Chanyeol started laughing making people turn back and look again at the owner of the deep voice.

"Aish no way you're gonna stay I want to be alone.. I'm done with stupid people for today" Sehun whispered the last sentence making the two raise their eye brows to hear better but of course sehun won't repeat that.

As they reached sehun's house sehun bid them goodbye.

As soon as he stepped in the house he closed the door 'aish was I rude? Maybe I should tell them they can stay tonight'  Sehun thought about it for a second before opening the door again.

He wasn't expecting to see both of his friends standing in the door way. "I knew you would come after us" Chanyeol ran into the house with kris following behind.

"I'm sorry guys I was rude.. You can use the playStation as much as you want. " Sehun smiled while taking his friend's bag and taking them upstares.

"Hey do you have food? I'm hungry" Kris walked to the kitchen with Sehun coming after him.

"I'll make you snack hyung"

"I love the way you call me hyung when we are home.. Actually I love you when you are home" kris winked at Sehun while leaving the kitchen.

"Hyung are you saying you don't love me at school?" Kris didn't even bother to answer. The answer was pretty obvious.

"Chanyeol?" Again no answer. " I hate you guys" Sehun pouted again and started making some snacks for his 'hyungs'

"By the way sehun I heard a guy talking about having a crush on you he even said he would bottom for you" Chanyeol said while focused on the game he was playing with kris.

"W-what? a-a guy?" Sehun said while coming with the snacks in his hand.

"Yeah he said you are totally a guy to top" chanyeol took one of the sandwiches and took one big bite. "He alfo faid thaf you are the moft hanfsome guy in the fchool"

"Don't talk with your mouth full that's disgusting" kris said with a glare.

"But you know what, if he met you at your house the guy would totally are not so the top type if you ask me" Chanyeol looked at sehun from head to toe and shook his head.

"Hey I can top ok?" Sehun said and both chanyeol and kris rose their eye brows " Ok maybe not" Sehun stared at the ground. 'it's not that I wanna top either'

"You are blushing" chanyeol said "I'M NOT" sehun shouted.

"ok ok don't shout geez" chanyeol rolled his eyes and focused on his game again.

The day went on with the three of them fooling around.


The next morning Sehun was the first one to wake up.

He went downstairs and started making breakfast. Today they were suppose to write the names of the people who are sharing the same room in the dorm. Chanyeol ditched him yesterday and Sehun was totally not gonna stay with Kris and his loud as hell snores there was no way.

Sehun was thinking about trying to convince Mr kim for not staying at the dorm but well, Sehun knew that it was totally no use.

"GOOD MORNING" chanyeol ran in the kitchen making the glass on Sehun's hand fall.

"Hyung don't shout" Sehun glared.

"You don't even look scary" Chanyeol laughed.

"I'm trying ok?" Sehun said as he turned back and took another glass.

"Chanyeol you will totally pay for waking me up like that" kris said as he sat himself next to chanyeol.

"That was my revenge for not letting me sleep with your loud snores" Chanyeol said.

After 10 minutes of some stupid Krisyeol fight the three were ready to leave. Chanyeol was the first one leaving with Kris and Sehun following behind.

"Sehun how fun it will be if they put you in the same dorm with that creepy nerd in the class.. he would totally you" Chanyeol started laughing with kris.

" Haha guys very funny" Sehun said while rolling his eyes. " You think about the Byun guy who is totally gonna kill you"

"I prefer dying by his small hands than-" Chanyeol paused a second "..his beautiful..cute..and small hands " chanyeol said while smiling at his own hand.

"You're way to creepy for his liking" Kris said.

"That's none of your business jerk you think about the karate kid" Chanyeol said.

"Wushu stupid it's wushu" Kris glared at chanyeol. " Whatever."

They reached the school earlier than usual. Sehun was way more greatfull to see that Luhan guy wasn't in the school yet.

"If I knew I would totally come to school early every day" Sehun said while going toward his class.

"Why is everyone crowding there? Is something on the wall?" Chanyeol looked at the crowd in the hall.

"They were supposed to put the names remember.." kris said while walking toward there.

"Hah I know who I'm with.. I'm going to class" Chanyeol smiled and went inside.

Sehun followed behind Chanyeol. He hated crowded places and there was no way he would go through the crowd for some stupid .

The place was more than noisy with everyone shouting some for being happy and some not very satisfied by the names.

"THIS CHANYEOL GUY IS GONNA DIE I WILL KILL HIM" Baekhyun was shouting, Kai was holding him so he won't attack some random guy.

"Yo Baek will ya relax it's just a room for 's sake." Kai said while winking at his boyfriend who rolled his eyes as response.

"Shut up you're with your boyfriend I'm with some freak I can't take this I CAN'T" Baekhyun shouted while exiting the hall.

" He is very angry" Kai watched as he was leaving. "by the way baby you aren't gonna have any sleep from now on" Kai winked at Kyungsoo with a smirk on his face.

"Shut up you ain't gonna ruin my beauty sleep you hear that?" Kyungsoo started walking toward the place Baekhyun went followed by a still smirking Kai.

"NO it can't be.. I'm with that scary Tao guy" A guy with a cute face said as he saw his name on the board.

"He will eat me hyung do something " he pouted while looking at his said hyung. " Baby I don't know..what can I do?"

"Um..uh.. Sorry" They both turned to look at the owner of the voice.

"If you want you can switch rooms with me" Kris smiled at the guy who started to thank him like a mad man.

"Oh my god you're and angle I will never forget your help" He pinched his cheeks before leaving.

He didn't even need to thank kris. Kris was more than happy himself.

As Kris turned to leave he bumped into someone. "Sorry " Kris didn't even look at the guy and started to walk again. "Stupid"

Kris paused and turned around. he was about to shout a loud 'what the hell did you say' but his words where caught in his throat as he saw the certain chineese guy he had a crush on for two years.

It wasn't even a second their eyes met contact that Kris turned around and started to walk.. fast

'be cool be cool ' Kris ran back to the class and sat on his chair. Not even caring to listen to chanyeol's questions about who he is with and is the guy hot.

The first period went on pretty fast. Sehun was walking out of the class when a hand pulled him out and pushed him to the wall.

"How are you baby? Why didn't you come and find me today?" Luhan said with his usual stupid and not so handsome smile. Well in Sehun's opinion.

"The hell! don't touch me" Sehun said as he pulled his hand out of Luhan's grip.

"What is wrong with you? can't you leave me alone for once?" Sehun glared at him, he was very pissed off.

"Oh I thought we have a lot in common from now on so we can get to know each other more." Luhan smirked.

"What in common? look, I don't have time for your stupid ." Sehun started walking toward the cafeteria. 'this guy must be high as '

Before he enters, the last thing he heard was the blond guy shouting "let's have lots of fun, love "




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IheartKPopandJPop #1
Chapter 28: Author nim fighting!!!
moonday #2
Chapter 28: Oh , I really like it .., I want chanbaek together because I seriously cried .
Chapter 28: Okay I will wait.. But author-nim you HAVE to come bacckk!!! Pls pls come back soon
Yuki2626 #4
Chapter 28: Authornim I hope you did well on your exams! That said its time for me to be selfish, PLEASE COME BACK!! YOUR STORY IS SO GOOD AUTHORNIM!!!! (And again I wish you the best at uni)
muaniforeverluhan #5
Chapter 28: OMO! you're amazing author nim i like the way you make up and all your great ideas.....I really miss you just like how i miss your stories. FIGHTING~
NoblesseZen #6
Chapter 4: My My My..Luhan and Sehun are sooooooooooooooooo very cute together muahh
I'm still on 3 chapter and I'm soo very excited :P
emilkairyll #7
Chapter 28: Let it rain is the best
I had read it before
Chapter 28: UGGGGGGGHHHHHHH ~ No Sherlock >_< !! Good Luck to you hun ^^ ..

Too much feeeeeels .. ♥♡♥♡♥♡╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╯ GO!
Chapter 28: omo!!! i'm so so in love with this story....i can't wait for the next update kekeke