
Lust Or Love ?

Three weeks passed after that day and it's still so confusing. My mind is always busy. But not with the things I want to. I'm always thinking about Kai. Only him.


'Damn, wake up! He broke your heart into pieces, why do you still think about him ?'


Maybe because a part of me still think everything is a lie. Maybe he really loves me. If I had listened to what he wanted to tell me, maybe I wouldn't be like that now.


'He's a player Sunji. Only a player. And players are good comedian, they can make you believe anything...'


It's only on the first of the three wednesday that has passed that I truly realize I was in trouble. Because wednesday = dance class. Because dance class = being Kai's partner. And well, that's enough to drive me crazy.


"Hey hey! Nononono it doesn't work ! It doesn't work at all!" Our dance teacher says as he stops the music. He looks at Kai and I with a confused look. "I don't understand.. You guys were so amazing on the last few weeks, your dances were really awesome! But today.. I don't know what's happening today but you seem to have a problem." I quickly glance at Kai before I look down. He seems as bad as I am. Sad..and hurt too..


'Wow... He plays his heartbroken boy role really well.'


"I'm sorry sir," Kai begins. "It's just that.. Well..-"


"I don't feel it anymore. It's all my fault. But I danced so many years alone and this partner thing.. I guess it was fun at the beginning but I can't continue like that, I'm really sorry." I interrupt him. It was the best excuse I could find.


"Oh.. Well.. I guess you can forget that then.." The teacher says, sad of his decision. Kai, still looks down with the same expression he always had since I decided to ignore him. It hurts me so much inside to see him like that.




When the class is finish, I quickly prepare my things and get out of the dance studio. It's only when I'm outisde of the building that I realize I forgot my cellphone in the room. I sigh and enter the building again. I see the teacher going out and quickly wave him goodbye before I run to the studio. That's when I hear music for the room.


'Wait.. The teacher is gone.. Who can it be?'


I walk to the door and look by the little window only to see Kai, dancing alone with loud music. His dance is beautiful. Sad, deep and romantic. I feel the pain in his face as he gets himself into the music and just dances as if his life would end soon. Music and dance seem to do its magic on him. I stay there, looking by the window and just totally forget my cellphone. I just watch him. Once again, Kim Jong In is the only thing I'm thinking about.


When the song finishes, I'm still deep in my thoughts and looking at him. He stops and I feel like the world is finally moving again. Suddenly, his eyes move to the door and he looks at me. Without even thinking, I slowly move back and run to the building's door and forget to get back my cellphone.






Kai feels like it's the only thing he can do correctly. Dancing helps him forget everything. It helps him feel free. Like if the world would just stops for a second to let him some time to breath. But at the second the music stops, at the second his two feet touch the ground again, at the second his body stops moving, it's like everything is falling on him again. The world continues to turn. Everything continues has if nothing happen.


Tonight, when he comes back to himself, he feels that someone is watching him. He turns his head to the door's window and see a face looking at him. Sunji's face. But less then a second later, the face disppears and steps can be heard.


'She's running away from me, again. But why was she here? Why did she come back? She had left so quickly, but she was there..'


Suddenly, Kai hears a vibration. And a second one. He looks where he thinks the sound comes from and, on a table, he sees a cellphone.


'So that's why she came back.. She forgot her phone.'


He walks to the table and take it. The screen is on and there's a notification of a text message.


Kyungsoo(9:03pm): So, how did the dance class went? I know it must be hard to see Jong In there. Be strong, and just forget him. You'll get over him, everything is gonna be finish soon, ok?<3




Author's note


Hellooo :D So yeah, only a little chapter to fill the blanks and prepare for the real action that's coming soooooon ! Well actually, it's coming in the next chapters:)

Stay tuned! <3 

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Chapter 5: well, that was quick... falling in love and all
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 15: Awwww.great story done reading this one btw ^^
Chapter 15: good story :) wished it would be more dramatic but anyway, well done ;)
Chapter 15: Daebak! :D
Chapter 15: How could you leave me hanging like this..... huhu
hoidere #6
Love love love
victory_kpop #7
kpop_shirll #8
Chapter 1: luuuuvvvv itttt <3 cant waitt for the next chapter ;)
victory_kpop #9
Chapter 2: Wowwww I love this story already <3 you write really well! I wonder how it's gonna continue to unfold <3