
Lust Or Love ?

Not only the third day at that new school, an horrible day by the way, but also my dance class day.

'At least this day wont be that bad, or can it be worse?'


"Ok guys! Please come here, the class will begin. But before that, I'd like to introduce you to a new dancer that'll join us for the rest of the year." The teacher smiles at us and look at the door. "You can come, you know? Guys, let me present you-"


'Oh well, it seems I was right, that day is definitly going to be worse than I expected'


"-Kim Jong In!"


Kai enters in the class and all the girls look at him like he's a god or something. "Oh my oh my, what am I going to do..." I whisper while I try to hide myself behind one of my girl friend.

"SunJi! What are you doing?" She whispers to me "Did you see that guy Sunji? He's so hot! Hey wait a sec, is he looking at me?" I slowly move my head to look at him and I realize that he is actually staring at me... again.

'Now I'm definitly in big . He's already invading my life at school, now he had to invade my personnal life too ? That's seriously so stupid! Why does he drive me crazy like that? I just met him today! I can't believe I'm actually-'


My thoughts are interrupted by a sudden hand in front of me. I look up and discover a smirking Kai. "Uh.. What?" I frown at him and move back.

"I dont know if you just heard what the teacher said," he begins "but he asked me to show some of my skills. I want to dance Tango and I chose you as a partner. Do you want to dance with me, Lee SunJi?" He pronounces my name in such a y way I could litteraly melt on the floor right there. I smile gently and take his hand while all the girls are staring at me with jealousy and curiosity. I can't really decline his offer so I just accept and follow him in the middle of the room. I don't even notice his smirk didn't fade off of his face since he saw me.

The teacher puts the music and at the second it begins, Kai puts one hand on my waist and another in one of mine and he begins. The music invades me, takes control of every tiny parts of my body and I just let it go and dance as if it was the time I would ever do that.


Kai isn't only handsome as a god, he also dances as one. All his moves are fluent and so beautiful. Everybody watches us moving around the room in silence. I can only hear the music and our loud breathing. For a moment, I swear our heart beats were following the song, as if we are part of it. For a moment, I forget I'm supose to hate this guy and just dance. Actually, I just forget everything. Everything exept the music, Kim Jong In and I.

"Wow! That was totally amazing! Thank you really much to both of you. You did an amazing job!" The teacher says while everyone still look at us, applauding. I silently go back to my spot without looking back at Kai.

"Wow Sunji!" My friend says "That was totally awesome! Do you realize he asked you to dance with him? Oh my I can't believe..."


'Oh I can't believe it either. The feeling I had when I was dancing with him. The pleasure I felt when he was holding me. That dance was just... Amazing. But at the same time I feel so bad, so guilty. I totally ignored Kyungsoo's advice... What will happen now ?'



"Thank you guys for your big effort during today's class. See you next week!" We all prepare ourselves to leave but the teacher's voice interrupted us just before I leave the room. "Kim Jong In ? Lee SunJi ? Can I talk to you guys for two minutes?" I slowly make my way to the teacher. Kai is already there, waiting for me.

'Why does he have to look at me with that damn-so-hot smirk everytime i see him?'

"Ok so, with the performance you gave us today, I can't deny the fact that you two complete yourselves when you dance and that's truly amazing. That's why from now on, I'd like you two to be partners. It would be awesome if you could also prepare a dance for the show at the end of year, no ?" He smiles widely and just before I can speak, Kai talks for me.

"It'll be a pleasure for me to be Sunji's partner, sir. And it's also a pleasure to have a chance to prepare a dance with her. We surely accept your offer." He bows at the teacher and adds "See you next week." With that, he takes my hand and walks out of the room, taking me with him.

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Chapter 5: well, that was quick... falling in love and all
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 15: Awwww.great story done reading this one btw ^^
Chapter 15: good story :) wished it would be more dramatic but anyway, well done ;)
Chapter 15: Daebak! :D
Chapter 15: How could you leave me hanging like this..... huhu
hoidere #6
Love love love
victory_kpop #7
kpop_shirll #8
Chapter 1: luuuuvvvv itttt <3 cant waitt for the next chapter ;)
victory_kpop #9
Chapter 2: Wowwww I love this story already <3 you write really well! I wonder how it's gonna continue to unfold <3