Lust Or Love ?

Jongin walks in the hallways, head down. Sunji’s words hurt him way more than he thought they would. It’s an horrible feeling to have her think she’s still just an object to him, or something to make him forget about Clary. Sure, he already feels bad enough knowing that it was exactly that when he first laid his eyes on her. But the more he got to know her, the more he fell hard for her. And the more he spends time with her, the more he manages not to let Clary invade his mind.


Now he understands why Kyungsoo cares about her so much, or loves her, even. He almost smiles at the thought that Sunji never realized how much Kyungsoo has fallen hard for her. It’s almost cute how oblivious she is, but also incredibly funny how Kyungsoo isn’t subtle at all.


But Sunji is suppose to be his. He knows she still loves him, deep inside she surely does. It’s just a question of time before she can come back to him. And she will, Jongin is ready to do almost everything to prove her she’s not there to replace another one, but there because his heart chose her over Clary.




Jongin stops as he hears in his name and finally moves his head up. The bell has probably rung already, so why isn’t he alone in the hallway? He turns around and face a smaller boy, looking at him with worried eyes. He scoffs at that because, really, that’s the only expression he sees on everyone’s face these days and he’s starting to get tired of it. He turns around again and simply continues walking.


‘’What do you want, Baek? Aren’t you suppose to be in class?’’


Baekhyun sighs and starts following Jongin, though stays a couple of steps behind him. ‘’You weren’t coming, so I figured something went wrong. Can’t I worry about my bestfriend? With everything that is happening, I thought I maybe could help..’’


Jongin chuckles a that and stops, making Baekhyun almost bump into him. ‘’This is all you guys say, these day, this is getting repetitive. I’m tired of you always checking my back and worrying about me. I got over Clary’s death even though it took a while. This is just another problem I need to take care of by myself’’


‘’Maybe you got over Clary’s death but not until you broke somone’s heart. Twice, even. Do you think you’ll really be able to face this problem if the last time you solved one, you created this one? Are you planning on creating another problem by trying to help your cause?’’


They both stay quiet for a while. Baekhyun stares at Jongin’s back, who still hasn’t move. He knows it was harsh, and the tone he employed doesn’t help, but Jongin needs to hear these words. He needs Jongin to realize he is just creating problems and he doesn’t want him to make another mistake again. He knows how much he cares about Sunji, and he doesn’t want to see him even more destroyed than he was now. And if helping him means saying this, then he will.


After a moment, Jongin groans in response and starts walking again, but this time Baekhyun doesn’t follow him. It doesn’t worth it, because he knows Jongin would tell him to walk away anyways. When the other disappears in the hallway and Baekhyun can’t hear his footsteps anymore, he turns around and heads back to his class, excusing himself as he walks in and taking his place right before an empty desk. Jongin’s desk.




A tan figure walks slowly in the empty hallways, trying to think about something better than his own little and sad love life. His feet involuntarely brings him to Sunji’s class and he sees her, sitting beside Kyungsoo and working on something together. He sees her smile even though her eyes are telling otherwise. He even sees her laugh, and his heart breaks a bit more at the sight.


He wants her to smile with him, too. He wants her to laugh with him and be happy with him again. He can’t help but feel jealous of Kyungsoo because he gets to see her like this. For years, since he was so young, he got to see her smile and hear her laugh. He has her comforting him and telling him everything. He has her crying in his arms when she is sad. He has her everything.


‘And he got to have Clary’s love, too’


Jongin’s fingers curls into fists. Kyungsoo always had everything he ever wanted, yet Jongin was the one who should have had these. He deserves them. He deserved Clary’s love just as he deserves Sunji’s smile and laugh.


As Jongin’s staring at her, Sunji finally looks at the small window next the classroom’s door and her smile immediatly fades away. It’s like a sharp knife hits Jongin’s heart. He looks back at her, wanting to show her how much he loves her, how much he wants her to forgive him but the only thing she sends back is a blank glance. An emotionless face.


He can see Kyungsoo poking her to have her attention back, and without changing her expression, not even a sign or a small smile, she looks back at Kyungsoo and smiles weakly at him, but when the boy asks her what she was looking at and looks through the window as well, Jongin is already gone.

Sunji doesn’t really manage to smile again during that class, staring blankly at the paper in front of her as Kyungsoo tries to boost her mood again. He was so happy when she started smiling and laughing with him and he wants her to smile again, but nothing can make her. He wish Sunji could answer him truly when he asks her what was at the window, but he feels like he already knows the answer anyways.

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Chapter 5: well, that was quick... falling in love and all
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 15: Awwww.great story done reading this one btw ^^
Chapter 15: good story :) wished it would be more dramatic but anyway, well done ;)
Chapter 15: Daebak! :D
Chapter 15: How could you leave me hanging like this..... huhu
hoidere #6
Love love love
victory_kpop #7
kpop_shirll #8
Chapter 1: luuuuvvvv itttt <3 cant waitt for the next chapter ;)
victory_kpop #9
Chapter 2: Wowwww I love this story already <3 you write really well! I wonder how it's gonna continue to unfold <3