
Lust Or Love ?

I fall on my knees when I get near Jong In. I shake him and try to wake him up, calling his name again and again as more and more tears run down my cheeks. After at least one minute, that seemed like an hour, my voice gets quieter and becomes a little whisper in the dead silence of the room, once in a while interrupted by my sobs. I slowly put his head on my lap and play with his hair. He seems exausted.


"K-Kai.. I'm so sorry.. I-I didn't know what to do! I-I was scared.. What if you really were what Kyungsoo told me? W-What if you just wanted to use me? I-I should have listened to you.. I should have answered you that day.. I should have tell you that.. that I love you too.." There's a big silence again. I just stay there and play with his hair, I don't know what to do.


Suddenly, two arms grab me by the waist and hug me tight. I look down and look at him. His arms around me. He is smiling. "W-What? You're awake?"


He slowly opens his eyes and looks at me. "I-It hurts. My body. But you came.. You're with me. So everything is fine now.." He closes his eyes again, still smiling and moves even closer. I frown and look down at him.


"W-Wait! You heard everything I said, didn't you?" He doesn't answer and just laughs.


His laugh. It's been a long time I hadn't hear it. Yet it is the most beautiful thing I ever heard.




I frown and blush. "Oh.. I see.." He opens his eyes and laughs even more at my expression. I bite my lip and look away. "Yaah! That's not funny!" I slap his shoulder lightly and cross my arms. He raises his head, sits down in front of me and smiles again. I just stay there and stare at him. I missed that smile. I missed that happy face. I missed these beautiful and sparkling eyes.


I missed him.


"K-Kai?" He takes my hand and draws little parterns on it with his fingers.




"I.. I love you."


He looks at me and stops playing with my hand. Instead he just take it in his and smiles. "I love you too, Lee Sunji."


We just stay there. Hands in hands, looking at eachother. I don't dare to say a word, scared of breaking this magic moment. The feeling of loving and being love. I feel it right here, right now.


And damn it feels so good.




"Mmh.. Kyungsoo? When are you going to tell her, thought?" Says Chanyeol who had a mouth full of food.


"Ah gross, Chanyeol! Seriously don't talk when you have food in your mouth, you're disgusting!" Sehun says, sitting in front of him.


After he had this conversation with Kyungsoo, Baekhyun thought it would be acceptable to invite him to go somewhere, at least he wouldn't be alone in his thoughts. Even if Kai tried to convince him to, Baekhyun never hates Kyungsoo. Instead, he felt bad for him. He still wanted to be his friend. But Kai hated him. And so he was forced to. Finally, they ended up at Baekhyun's house, along with Chanyeol and Sehun. Kyungsoo didn't know them very well, since they only joined Baekhyun and Kai later, but after a little 30minutes in baekhyun's house, he soon discovers that they're not as calm as they seem.


Chanyeol just smiles at Sehun, being sure he opens his mouth as big as possible so Sehun can admire all the variety of food inside it. Sehun rolls his eyes and looks away. "Disgusting, really. I hate you." The tall boy laughs and continues to eat. Kyungsoo sighs. At least they all seemed to forget the fact that Chanyeol asked him a question. He doesn't want to answer it anyway. So he just stays quiet, his chin in is hand and thinks.


"Here, eat this." Baekhyun drops a plate full of food in front of Kyungsoo and sits in front of him, beside Chanyeol.


"Thanks.." Kyungsoo still feels awkward in front of them and Baekhyun soon realize it. He quickly tries to find something to talk about.  


"Ummm.. Well.. Do you think Sunji will text you soon?" Kyungsoo looks at him and then at the others. They're all waiting for him to answer and he feels even more pression on his shoulders.


"I-I don't know.." Then he quickly places his attention on the food in front of him and starts to eat.


When Chanyeol and Sehun are finish with their plate, they look at eachothers.


"Video games?" They say at the same time and then both of them smile widely as they stand up and run to another room. There's a big silence again. Baekhyun stares at Kyungsoo and when he finally realizes it, Kyungsoo looks up.




Baekhyun sighs. "I miss the old time with you.. That , you know. Everything that happened.. We both went on seperate ways."


Kyungsoo looks down. "Me too.. I really miss you Baek.. But everytime I see you, or everytime I see Jong In, I can't stop thinking about her.. About the fact that I-"




"But it's not your fault!" Baekhyun suddenly says a little bit too loud as he hits the table with his fist. "I know Kai didn't stop saying that, but you don't have to trust him! You just made you feel even worse. You don't even think how it hurts me to see you like this, as it hurts me when I see Kai like this too. I still care about you.." Baekhyun looks down too.


"I wish everything could be just like before." Kyungsoo suddenly says, still looking down.


"Maybe... Maybe we could be just like before.."


Kyungsoo shakes his head. "It's impossible.. Since she isn't there anymore-"


"Kyungsoo, please! After all these years, you have to stop haunting you with that! You have to think about something else, you have to burry her with your past. It's done, you can't do anything.."


The other boy just stays quiet and nods. "I'll try.. Don't worry."


Baekhyun smiles. "Good, wanna join the boys for some video games? I bet you can't beat me." Baekhyun smirks and Kyungsoo looks up at him, a smile slowly forming on his lips.


"Well if you haven't change since the last time we played, prepare your money, because you're so going to die." The two boys laugh and head to the other room, joining the two others already playing.


'Well, I guess he was right. Maybe everything can come back like before.'





Author's note

Hello! WOOT WOOT! Happy ending yaaaaay!


NO WAIT. What am I talking about?! Ending?!




Actually guys this isn't the ending yet! So stay tuned because yeah... Next chapter is cool. :D


Thanks for reading! I love you <3






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Chapter 5: well, that was quick... falling in love and all
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 15: Awwww.great story done reading this one btw ^^
Chapter 15: good story :) wished it would be more dramatic but anyway, well done ;)
Chapter 15: Daebak! :D
Chapter 15: How could you leave me hanging like this..... huhu
hoidere #6
Love love love
victory_kpop #7
kpop_shirll #8
Chapter 1: luuuuvvvv itttt <3 cant waitt for the next chapter ;)
victory_kpop #9
Chapter 2: Wowwww I love this story already <3 you write really well! I wonder how it's gonna continue to unfold <3