Lust Or Love ?

Warning for mega extra super spoiler. 

If you haven't read the prequel, read this chapter at your own risk. (or simply read the prequel hohohoho)

http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/561924/lust-or-love-the-reason-angst-drama-exo-kai-baekhyun-kyungsoo )

~Thank you~

A/N: I wrote this and decided to post it immediatly after. I don't know where I'm going with this but some of you asked for more, so here it is :) Enjoy~














Because Kaisoo







‘’So… You’re telling me there was this girl at your school… She was in love with you but Jongin liked her… Then there was her brother who didn’t like you guys… Then you all had an accident and she… died… And since then you guys hate eachother and Jongin promised you to take a revenge on you for killing her because you were the one driving…?’’


I look at Kyungsoo and he nods, looking down at his lap. Jongin stares down as well, probably feeling just as awkward as Kyungsoo while there’s Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Sehun looking at me and waiting for my reaction.


Reaction that just doesn’t come at all.


I stay there and blink in confusion, truly taken aback by the sudden revelation. I really don’t know what to think, to be honest, and to say I’m lost would probably be an understatement.


‘I’m probably just dreaming. Of course, Sunji, this is a dream. You’ll wake up and realize this is just your imagination playing with you. You’ll wake up in 3, 2, 1-’’


‘’S-Sunji… Are you.. okay?’’


I look at Jongin who just spoke to me and bite my lip. ‘’A-Am I even suppose to feel okay?’’ I sigh and look down at my hands. ‘’I’m probably suppose to feel angry, sad, lost, anything but okay!’’ I almost scream and stand up from the chair I’ve been sitting on.


Sehun and Chanyeol almost jump as my chair move back with a loud noise. They look at me and blink. It’s Baekhyun’s turn to feel awkward, now. ‘’Look, Sunji, this is something we wanted to keep hidden forever. And-’’


‘’Then why did you tell me then? No, wait. Actually, why didn’t you tell me sooner!’’ I reply, but not at Baekhyun. I look down at Kyungsoo, my bestfriend since we’re babies. ‘’H-How come you never told me anything? I thought we’d always say everything to eachother..’’


Kyungsoo bites his lip and nods. ‘’I know… But it was so hard for me.. I know I should have told you, but I was so scared you’d look down on me and abandon me when I clearly needed you the most..’’


Kyungsoo’s words come out weakly and I kneel down in front of him, taking his hands in mine. Everyone is watching us as if we’re actors in this cute little movie. ‘’I wouldn’t have ever done that, Kyungsoo, you know it. I would never do such thing to you! But knowing this everything only now… It hurts way more..’’


I sigh and stand up again. I turn around to look at Jongin, who’s looking down as well. They all seem so guilty and I can’t blame them. I feel bad for what happened, this is so horrible, but I also feel…


‘Jongin promised Kyungsoo he would hurt you, Sunji. He wanted to make you fall in love with him so he could break your heart just like Kyungsoo broke his...’


As if he can feel a glare on him, Jongin looks up at me. He looks completly lost and scared, just as much as I am. And probably worse.


I don’t say anything and simply look at him. I’m completly gone in his eyes, like I’ve always been. It’s only when I hear a weird fake coughing that I manage to look away, my eyes falling on the tall Chanyeol.


‘’It’s uh um… kind of late already… And I think we should all go home, huh? Think about it by ourselves and come back tomorrow after a fresh night of sleep! So we’ll all think clearly again and be friends and have fun! What about video games night tomorrow? I bet it would- Ouch!’’


Chanyeol is suddenly interrupted by a quite harsh slap on the back of the head, given by no others than Baekhyun. ‘’Shut the up, Chandumb, and just leave if you want!’’ He groans, but I pay the boys no attention, looking at Jongin again.


After a few complains, Sehun and Chanyeol decide it’s late enough for them to leave. I sit back down next to Jongin and Baekhyun’s livingroom suddenly seems so tensed and quiet it’s getting uncomfortable.






‘’This… I mean the past isn’t going to change anything between us, right?’’ Jongin looks over at me and puts his hand on mine. The warmth of his touch manages to relax me a bit, but not completly.


‘Jongin promised Kyungsoo he would hurt you, Sunji. He wanted to make you fall in love with him so he could break your heart just like Kyungsoo broke his...’


I gulp and look at our hands. ‘’I… guess not..? I mean.. I don’t know..’’


As if Jongin completly forgets about Kyungsoo and Baekhyun’s presences, he turns around a bit to face me and makes me look at him. ‘’Sunji, please.. You know I love you! We’ve been through complicated stuff and this is just one like another… You’ve stayed with me even though I’ve been.. really awful at first… Knowing this shouldn’t change many things, right..? It’s just another thing about my horrible past..’’


I nod, trying to understand but I can’t really think about anything at the moment. How does he want me to understand him? Sure, he loves me, and I love him too. But at first all he wanted was to hurt me so it would hurt Kyungsoo. I was just an object to him… Just…


‘Nothing. I was nothing to him. I was just a goal, something to help him hurt someone else. Something to make him forget about his first love’


Tears start to burn my eyes. My heart burns, too.


It’s funny how the more I learn about Jongin, the more I get hurt. Is love suppose to feel like this?





Baekhyun looks over at Kyungsoo, who’s still looking down at his lap, while Jongin and Sunji seem lost in one another’s eyes. He pokes the other boy’s shoulder, who quickly looks up at him. Baekhyun doesn’t like the look in Kyungsoo’s eyes. He motions him to stand up and they both walk in the kitchen.


‘’Not the reaction you expected?’’ Baekhyun asks as soon as they step in the room. Kyungsoo shakes his head.


‘’No, it’s exactly what I expected.. I just didn’t think it would hurt that much..’’ Kyungsoo leans on the nearest counter and sighs. ‘’She’s shocked for now, but what if she wakes up tomorrow and hates me? What if she’s so angry at us she decides not to talk to us anymore? I can’t let her go like this, Baek’’


Baekhyun nods and pats Kyungsoo’s shoulder. ‘’Hey, don’t think so negatively like that. This won’t happen. The girl is strong, she’ll easily get through it, okay? Of course it’s something hard to swallow, but we all did, didn’t we? We all got through it, so she will, too’’


Kyungsoo nods, still looking down at the counter under him. He doesn’t feel really convinced, but it’s the best he can have for now.


‘I should have told her before. I should have told her everything as soon as it happened. Then she would have been there with me, she would have hold me and everything would be alright.’


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Chapter 5: well, that was quick... falling in love and all
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 15: Awwww.great story done reading this one btw ^^
Chapter 15: good story :) wished it would be more dramatic but anyway, well done ;)
Chapter 15: Daebak! :D
Chapter 15: How could you leave me hanging like this..... huhu
hoidere #6
Love love love
victory_kpop #7
kpop_shirll #8
Chapter 1: luuuuvvvv itttt <3 cant waitt for the next chapter ;)
victory_kpop #9
Chapter 2: Wowwww I love this story already <3 you write really well! I wonder how it's gonna continue to unfold <3