
Lust Or Love ?

I run. The school isn't really far away from where I wanted to go, so it only took me about 5minutes to go there. The dance studio. I know Kai loves to dance. I know it's his only way to feel free, to feel liberate of everything around him. He must be there.


I enter in the building and walk to the door in front of the practice room. As I try to catch my breath, I look throught the little window and a little smile appears on my face as I see him there, dancing again. This time, his dance his more rough, though, and my smile quickly fades away as I see his red and teary eyes. I can feel the pain he is trying to forget in all his moves.


Without even knowing it, I just stay there, watching every of his little movements. After a while, he slows his pace and I can see it becomes harder and harder for him to dance correctly. He gets angry and tries again and again but there's so much pain, so much sadness he can't even do the thing he likes the most in this world.


I bite my lip and fight the urge to run into his arms and to tell him how much I'm sorry.


'What if he feels worse if he sees me? He probably hates me now..'


My thoughts are soon interrupted as I hear a loud noise. I quickly look at the little window again but I can't see anything. Kai just disappeared? I try to look again, searching for him and my eyes finally fall on a body on the ground. Kai. I frown and realize he isn't moving at all. Only his chest is slowly moving up and down, following his breathing pace. Five, ten, twenty seconds pass and he still isn't moving. My eyes widen and I open the door of the studio.


"J-Jong In!"


No answer.




Baekhyun stares at Kyungsoo while the other looks at the school's main entrance, where all the students leave for their house. "You haven't change a single bit since all those years, Kyungsoo." He turns his head to face Baekhyun and frowns.


"Why are you saying that?" Baekhyun laughs and looks away.


"I mean.. You're still the same little cute boy with who I was hanging out." Kyungsoo rolls his eyes and sighs, looking at a bunch of students not too far away.


"Oh.. Trust me Baekhyun, what happened had changed me.. So much. But you didn't even see it. You were too concerned by Jong In because he was crying his heart out. Because he was screaming at me, he was so angry.." Kyungsoo suddenly stops and shivers. It's been a long time since he really thought about that.


Baekhyun doesn't seem to care of Kyungsoo's accusation and stays still. "He was heartbroken. He just lost the one he loved the most. Would you just stay there and do as if nothing had happen if you'd have been him? I don't think so."


There's a big silence as Kyungsoo doesn't answer Baekhyun. He's right. He would probably have had the same reaction as Jong In. But at least..


"At least I wouldn't be low enough to do what he did to me."


Kyungsoo suddenly says. Baekhyun stiffens at the other boy's words. Even if he doesn't want to admit it, Kyungsoo's words are true. He's right. Baekhyun wouldn't have done that either. And yet he chose to follow Jong In.


"I'm sorry."


Kyungsoo frowns and looks at Baekhyun. "Why are you saying that?"


"Well.. It's kind of my fault if it happened.. I shouldn't have gone with him! Maybe if I'd have reasoned him, maybe if I'd have convinced him that what he wanted to do wasn't the good thing.. Maybe he wouldn't have done that. I feel bad for Sunji. She doesn't even why all this happen.. And yet she was probably the most important thing in this affair.."


Kyungsoo looks down and just nods. "She should have known.. I should have told her.."


"Then why didn't you tell her!"


'That's a good question. Why didn't I tell her? I don't even the answer myself.'


Kyungsoo just closes his eyes and doesn't answer. Baekhyun sighs, puts his hands in his pockets and looks away. "What can we do now, anyway? Kai is hiding somewhere, probably hoping to die or something because he's just so angry and sad at himself. Sunji is gone somewhere too, trying to find him. And we're just there, standing in front of the school awkwardly waiting for everything to be alright." Baekhyun says.


Kyungsoo just stays there, still thinking about a reason. A good reason that could explain why he didn't tell his bestfriend about his life at school when she wasn't there. A good reason that could explain why he didn't tell her everything that just happened in the past few years. But even if he's thinking about it really hard, he can't find a good reason. He just stayed quiet. He just didn't tell her.

'So that's my fault after all. It's my fault because I didn't pay attention at that time. It's my fault if Kai is heartbroken, angry and hurt again. It's my fault if all our past came back in our minds. It's my fault if everyone aroud me is suffering like that.'

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Chapter 5: well, that was quick... falling in love and all
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 15: Awwww.great story done reading this one btw ^^
Chapter 15: good story :) wished it would be more dramatic but anyway, well done ;)
Chapter 15: Daebak! :D
Chapter 15: How could you leave me hanging like this..... huhu
hoidere #6
Love love love
victory_kpop #7
kpop_shirll #8
Chapter 1: luuuuvvvv itttt <3 cant waitt for the next chapter ;)
victory_kpop #9
Chapter 2: Wowwww I love this story already <3 you write really well! I wonder how it's gonna continue to unfold <3