
Lust Or Love ?

I slowly walk to the only classroom with its lights on. I hear people talking from the slightly open door. Boys' voices. When I get nearer, I finally recognize some words. "-and about your plan, what are you going to do after? You got her now. What's next?"


'Chanyeol's voice? What is he doing here?'


"Yeah.. About that, I-" I finally arrive beside the door and look in the classroom as Jong In begins to speak.


'Oh.. He said he had to talk with the guys.. But what are they talking about?'


As I talk to myself, I miss Kai's words. I hear Baekhyun sighs. "Come on Kai! You want to give up now? You waited so long to have this opportunity! Don't waist it! Look, she even fell in love with you.. The rest is just easy ! You wanted your revenge, here it is!"


"It's not as easy as you think-" Kai begins but gets cut by Sehun.


"Oh shut up, will ya! She ing loves you! How can you pretend there's a ing problem! Just mess with her again, tell her you love her and I swear in less then one month you'll get her in your bed. Sunji accepted to date a erted player like you, after all.."


I can't hear more of this conversation.


'He wanted to use me? I'm such a naive and stupid girl! He's right. I really accepted to date a erted player! I must be crazy or something. But it certainly won't stay like that forever..'


I slowly start to step back but I forget there's a wall beside and I bump into it, hitting my head.




'Woops.. I think I spoke too loud...'


Just before I come back to myself, someone opens the door. "S-Sunji! W-What the are you doing here?" Kai almost screams and it makes my head hurts even more. I feel someone grabbing my wirst. Kai, I guess. He brings me somewhere in school and suddenly pushes my on the wall. Fortunatly, my head don't hit it and I slowly realize what happened and who's in front of me.


Yep, it's Kai. But his expression.. It's unreadable. I'm not able to say if he's sad, angry, curious or even happy. He stays like that for a moment, just staring at me, probably waiting for me to break the big silence between us.


"I.. What.. You.. W-Why?" I slowly try to say. And then my brain finally analyse everything that happened earlier.


"You got her now. What's next?" "she even fell in love with you.. The rest is just easy ! You wanted your revenge, here it is!" "Just mess with her again, tell her you love her and I swear in less then one month you'll get her in your bed. Sunji accepted to date a erted player like you, after all.."


" I swear in less then one month you'll get her in your bed. "


"A-Are you ing crazy? I heard everything they said! So I was right at the beginning, huh? You just want to me. That's all! You invented all that bull! You played with my heart!" I scream.


Kai just look at me with no expression on his face. He looks down and bit his lip. "Please.. Sunji.. It's not what you think, I swear-"


"Oh I've heard enough! I gave you one chance Jong In. One ing chance! And you just threw it away! You threw me away! As if I was a little you just stepped on! Is that what I am for you? A burdensome little you were just suppose to and then let go?!"


Kai's eyes pass from unreadable to mad. Really mad. He takes me by the shoulders and pushes me even harder on the wall, his face really close to mine. "SHUT UP! I said that's not what you think! Now just ing listen to me will you?! I-"


"No Jong In. She already heard enough." A man's voice says not too far away in the hallway. "Let go of her. Now." The stranger walks closer and I finally recognize him.


"K-Kyungsoo!" I scream and Kai suddenly let go of me, but doesn't move back. With a suprised and dark face, he looks at the other boy.


"What are you doing here? She's mine now. Go away and let me talk to her alone." Kyungsoo laughs and looks at Kai in disgust.


"Still the same after all those years, huh? I seriously never thought you would hold your promise. You know, you were right, it hurts to see the ones you love being taken away from you. But you know what hurts even more?" Kyungsoo looks at me and continues. "To see the one you love heartbroken because they fell in love with the wrong person."


Kai moves back at Kyungsoo's last words. He looks at me and I can swear his eyes are red.. and wet. He's not the only one, though. I wipe the tears from my cheeks and look at Kyungsoo. He walks nearer again and, without even thinking about it, I jump into his arms and I can't hold back my tears anymore.


'So that's how it feels, to be heartbroken? That's how it feels to realize the one you love only used you?'


Kyungsoo slowly moves back and puts his hand on my shoulder. He smiles at me an we just walk away, letting Kai alone in the dark hallway.





Kai stays there for what sounds like hours. He can't think anymore. He can't believe it all happened.


"I gave you one chance Jong In. One ing chance! And you just threw it away! You threw me away! Like if I a little you just step on! Is that what I am for you? A burdensome little you were just suppose to and them let go?!"


Kai feels warm tears running down his cheeks and just lets them go. "I wasn't finish.." He says to himself. "I was suppose to answer to Sehun, and tell him how wrong he was. At the begining, it was suppose to be like that.. But I didn't plan to really fall in love with you. I didn't want to hurt you. I wanted you to be happy.. Happy with me. I finally found someone to replace her.. And it's you, Sunji. I love you. I really do."


Kai sits on the floor and just stays there. He doesn't want to go home. He doesn't want the time to continue. He just wants to go back and change the past. Change everything.


'I forgot how painful it is to be heartbroken. I can only imagine what my present would look like if, some years ago, she would have chosen me, and not Kyungsoo, maybe it would have saved her.'

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Chapter 5: well, that was quick... falling in love and all
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 15: Awwww.great story done reading this one btw ^^
Chapter 15: good story :) wished it would be more dramatic but anyway, well done ;)
Chapter 15: Daebak! :D
Chapter 15: How could you leave me hanging like this..... huhu
hoidere #6
Love love love
victory_kpop #7
kpop_shirll #8
Chapter 1: luuuuvvvv itttt <3 cant waitt for the next chapter ;)
victory_kpop #9
Chapter 2: Wowwww I love this story already <3 you write really well! I wonder how it's gonna continue to unfold <3