
Lust Or Love ?

"Thanks for letting me sleep at your house for tonight.." I say half sleeping in Kyungsoo's huge bed.


Since we're bestfriends, our parents don't really mind to let us sleep togheter. They know we're friends, nothing more. Kyungsoo looks at me. He still has sad eyes, but at least they're not angry anymore. "No problem, you know I'd do anything for my bestfriend."


I smile and look at the ceiling. "You didn't have to do that.. After all the things I've done to you during the past two weeks.."


"Well actually, you didn't do anything.. you just.. Ignored me.. " He laughs and look at me again, but with a serious face this time. "I understand.. I know him really well, you know..Let's say that... Kai and I were really close friends back then.. But you know, things happen and .."


Kyungsoo stops talking and looks down.


"..and what?" I ask. "What happened?"


Kyungsoo stays quiet and bits his lip. "Well.. We.. we just grew appart. That's all." I look at him and frown. I know he's hiding something from me, but I dont ask any other question.


'Maybe he doesnt fully trust me yet.. He'll tell me another time.. I hope so..'





Sunji turns her head to face the ceiling and stays quiet. Kyungsoo finally looks at her again and breaks the silence. "I'm sorry.."


She suddenly faces him and frowns again. "Sorry for what? I'm the one who should say that.. You don't have to be sorry for anything.."


'Oh Sunji.. If only you knew.. If only I could tell you the truth. But what if you become angry at me? I should have told you all this before, but I didn't. I was so scared to face the truth. I killed her.'




"Kai!" Baekhyun suddenly appears in the dark hallway. "Guys! He's there... Kai, are you ok?" Baekhyun walks closer to Kai and frowns when he see him...cry? He sits down beside Kai with a worried look in his eyes.


'The only time Kai really cried was when..'


"Baekhyun! Kai! Man, we looked for you everywhere! Where have you-"


"Sehun, shut up." Kai interrupts him with a low and shaking voice. Chanyeol and Sehun sudenly stops running and look at Kai with worried eyes.


"Damn.. Kai are you crying? T-The only time you cried, it was when-"


"HE SAID SHUT THE UP." Baekhyun screams as the two others look at him in shock. "Please, guys, let us alone for a minute. Or no, just.. just go back home." Baekhyun says with a serious and concerned look on his face. The two others boys looks down and slowly walk away. They know they can't do anything anyway. Baekhyun knows Kai well, he knows what are the best things to do..


As soon as the echo of their steps can't be heard anymore, Baekhyun breaks the silence. "Do you want me to leave you alone or-"


"No. Stay. Please.. I have to talk to you." For the first time since Baekhyun found him, Kai looks up at him. He definitly cried. He looks so sad. Broke. Baekhyun sighs and lay his head on the wall, looking at the ceiling.


"You love her, don't you? You really do. Or you wouldn't be like that." Kai waits a bit before he finally answers.


"I-I love her. I really do.. Yeah. I-It's the first time since-"


"I know. Don't say it." There's a big silence once again.


'Kai looks so horrible. It hurts me to see him that way. It reminds me everything that happened years ago. The scenes are playing again in my head. The hospital, the doctors, Kai, Kyungsoo... and her.'


"B-Baekhyun.. Sunji thinks I just used her, she thinks I'm just an horrible player ! W-What can I do now? She gave me one chance and.. Everything's finish.. She's gone now.. I lost her too.." Kai whispers his last words and some more tears fall down on his cheeks. Baekhyun can't do anything but just look at him and pity him.


Suddenly, Kai stands up and slowly begins to walk away. "K-Kai, where are you going?!" He doesn't answer and just continues to walk. Baekhyun stands up too and follows him.


"No. J-Just leave me alone. Please.." Kai doesn't even stop when he talks and just continues his way. Baekhyun stops and looks at Kai's back slowly fading in the dark.





"Sunji..?" I turn my head to face Kyungsoo. Actually, I can't see anything since all the lights in the bedroom are off.




"I-If I'd ever do something...that I'm not proud of, and if I wouldn't tell you, or only tell you after a long time, w-would you be angry at me?"


I frown and try to look at his expression but it's so dark I can't see anything. I face the ceiling, close my eyes and whisper to him: "Of course not.. It's your life after all, you don't have to tell me everything.. No?"


Kyungsoo sighs quietly. "O-Ok.."


I immediatly fall asleep after what he says, so I don't hear the rest of his words. "Well.. That's good to hear..Oh.. Sunji.. I have so many things I hid from you..."




Author's note


Hello Hello! I hope you enjoy my story till now! :D Sadly we're already at the middle of this story, but.. wait.. Can I say it ? Naaaa.. ;) I think you can all guess there's a story between Kyungsoo and Kai behind all this... One day (Yesss, I said one day) you'll discover the truth..












But not now :D 

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Chapter 5: well, that was quick... falling in love and all
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 15: Awwww.great story done reading this one btw ^^
Chapter 15: good story :) wished it would be more dramatic but anyway, well done ;)
Chapter 15: Daebak! :D
Chapter 15: How could you leave me hanging like this..... huhu
hoidere #6
Love love love
victory_kpop #7
kpop_shirll #8
Chapter 1: luuuuvvvv itttt <3 cant waitt for the next chapter ;)
victory_kpop #9
Chapter 2: Wowwww I love this story already <3 you write really well! I wonder how it's gonna continue to unfold <3