
Lust Or Love ?

I barely slept that night. I was thinking about him, again. Him and his dance. It was so beautiful but so sad at the same time. I kept asking myself if I made the good choice when I let him go.


I slowly make my way to my locker, even if I'd still like to be in my bed right now. I open it and take my books for the first class of the day. "Huuh.. S-Sunji..?" I frown at that familiar male voice that just called me and face him. It's Baekhyun.


"What do you want?" I ask him, looking at him with sharp eyes. He looks down, take a cellphone from his pocket and give it to me.


"Umm.. Kai asked me to give you back your cellphone. You forgot it at the dance studio yesterday and.. Yeah. He didn't want to bother you.." I slowly grab my phone from his hand and bite my lip.


"Oh.. Well, thanks.." I turn aroud to face my locker and wait for him to go but he doesn't move.


"I-I wasn't finish.." He puts his hand on my shoulder and I quickly push it away and face him again. I stay quiet and look at him, waiting for him to speak. "It's about Kai.. He-"


'Wow.. Even his friends are good comedian now? So he really wants me that bad? Disgusting.'


I roll my eyes and sigh. "Look, I don't want to hear about that, ok? Stop acting and at least tell me he just wants me in his bed!" I turn around again and slam my locker's door.


I begin to walk away but his hand grabs my arm. "Please.. Just at least listen to me!" I slowly turn to face him and look in his eyes sharply. As soon as I see his expression, though, the frustration slowly fades away.


His eyes. The same sad and hurt eyes Kai had.


'Why would he be hurt like that? He has nothing to do with what happened with Kai and I..'


He slowly lets go of my arm and begins. "I really care about Jong In.. I know him for years now, and I can see the difference when he only wants someone...and when he really loves someone. He feels really bad and trust me, he really loves you." I feel like my heart begins to beat faster as he says his last words.


'But how can I know he says the truth ? Maybe he's just lying like Kai..'


As if Baekhyun reads in my mind, he continues. "If you don't trust me, go see it by yourself. Go talk to him. But don't let him stay like that, ok? He's in the same hallway where you guys fought.." With that, he just walks away without glancing back at me. I stay there, watching him with wide eyes.


'He seemed to say the truth.. But I'm scared seeing him will just hurts me more.. What could I do?'


"I think you should go and see him.." A voice interrupts my thoughts. Scared, I quickly turn around and face Kyungsoo. He has a concerned look on his face. I frown.


"Why are you saying that? Last time he wanted to talk to me, you just took me away from him, saying I had heard enough.."


"I know.. But as I also told you, I know him very well.." He takes a pause, not sure about what he's going to say. "And I also know Baekhyun really well.. I know when they're lying and when they're not. I can say Baekhyun said the truth...and I can also say you still love Jong In.." He looks at me deeply in the eyes and I look down, bitting my lip. Kyungsoo continues. "So maybe if you go talk to him... Maybe it will helps.."


I look up at him and a little smile appears on my face as I hug him tight. "Thank you.. Thank you so much." I move back and I see he's smiling too. "Well.. I guess I'll go see him now.." He nods and slowly walks away. I take a heavy breath and make my way to that hallway as all the memories of that night come back into my mind.


"You got her now. What's next?" "she even fell in love with you.. The rest is just easy ! You wanted your revenge, here it is!" "Just mess with her again, tell her you love her and I swear in less then one month you'll get her in your bed. Sunji accepted to date a erted player like you, after all.."


"SHUT UP! I said that's not what you think! Now just ing listen to me will you?! I-"


I close my eyes to prevent me from crying again. I can't look weak in front of him. I have to be strong this time. I'll listen to what he has to say. And then just go away. It's simple.


'Oh, simple, you say? It's Kim Jong In after all, didn't you learn that the word simple doesn't exist for him?'


After a few minutes, I finally arrive in the hallway. I look down on the floor and finally see him. He looks miserable, sitting there alone on the floor with a hurt look on his face. I walk closer and when he finally hears me walking near him, he looks up and sees me. I can see his eyes widen in shock and sparkle.


"S-Sunji.. You came.."

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Chapter 5: well, that was quick... falling in love and all
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 15: Awwww.great story done reading this one btw ^^
Chapter 15: good story :) wished it would be more dramatic but anyway, well done ;)
Chapter 15: Daebak! :D
Chapter 15: How could you leave me hanging like this..... huhu
hoidere #6
Love love love
victory_kpop #7
kpop_shirll #8
Chapter 1: luuuuvvvv itttt <3 cant waitt for the next chapter ;)
victory_kpop #9
Chapter 2: Wowwww I love this story already <3 you write really well! I wonder how it's gonna continue to unfold <3