
Lust Or Love ?

It's been two weeks since I agreed to date Jong In. I wouldn't say these weeks have been horrible. No, actually they were perfect. Kai is perfect. He is probably the most adorable, nice, cute and handsome boyfriend on earth. I finally managed to trust him. He has changed so much since I first met him, but something was missing. I felt like he wasn’t telling me everything.



‘Naaaa, I shouldn’t worry for nothing, because it’s nothing anyway.. isn’t it?’



He's not the only one that changed though. Kyungsoo changed a lot too. He never really comes and talks to me when I'm with Kai. He looks at me with the same eyes that looked at me when I walked away two weeks ago, when he told me I was Kai's girlfriend. These sad and angry eyes. It hurts me to see him that way, and until now I never really went to him to talk seriously. Until now I never really thought about his feeling. What an horrible bestfriend.



"I'll go see Kyungsoo, I really need to talk to him... I'll be right back." I whisper to Kai and kiss him goodbye.


"No problem. I have something important to talk about with the guys, I'll see you later, ok?" I nod and stand up from his lap, waving goodbye at his friends (Well, they're also my friends now, no?) and walk to Kyungsoo's locker. I know he's there, he's always there since...



'Since you abandonned him. Since you're with nobody else but your Kim Jong In. You let go your bestfriend of always for a guy you met two weeks ago. Pathetic.'



I bite my lip at this though and quickly walk to Kyungsoo's locker.  "H-Hey.. Kyungsoo.." I lay beside him and look at him.


"You're not with your boyfriend?" He doesn't even look at me. He just stays there and watches the inside of his locker.


"I... I wanted to talk to you-" Kyungsoo suddenly slams his locker's door and finally looks at me.



His eyes. Full of sadness, of frustration. They're so different. They changed so much. The Kyungsoo I used to know had these eyes full of life and happiness, they were sparkling. But today, the eyes I see are the total opposite.



"What? You want to tell what? That you're so happy with Jong In? That you don't want me in your life anymore? At least tell me I don't have to erase all my memory with you!" He closes his eyes and lays his head on the locker.



'In you're face Sunji. That's what you deserve for making him feel like a little .'



"NO! No kyungsoo listen to me! Please.. I'm.. I'm.." I can't hold myself anymore and my eyes gets all red and wet as I feel a warm tear running down on my cheek. "I-I'm sorry.. So sorry, Kyungsoo.. Please.."


He looks back at me and I can see his eyes are red too. He stands up in front of me and quickly wipes my tear. "Dont cry.. Jong In doesn't like when girls cry. You shouldn't disapoint him."


My eyes widen in shock. I push Kyungsoo's hand away and look at him with sharp eyes. "Look. Now listen to me will you? How can you say such things like that? Don't you even think that it hurts me to see you like that? To realize I've shamelessly abandonned you like that?" Now it's his turn to look at me with wide eyes. He opens his mouth to say something but stays quiet. My eyes softened as I continue to speak. "Actually, I've come to see you tell you that.. I'm sorry.. I know I've been a . You can agree I don't care. I feel so bad I mean.. We're best friends since we're four and I just ditched you for someone I've met two weeks ago! I'm ridiculous.. So please, forgive me.."


He looks down and bits his lip. He closes his eyes and I can see there's a tornado of thoughts in his head. But the only thing that goes out of his mouth is: "You should go now. Kai is probably waiting for you."



'Did he just really say that?'



Two, three, four more tears run down on my cheeks as I walk away. Walk away of my friendship with Kyungsoo, I guess. As soon as I think that nobody can see me anymore, I run. I don't know where, but I run. School is finish anyway, nobody can be there. I can stay alone, and think. I stop in an hallway I don't even recognize. There are classes everywhere. I just sit near the wall and enjoy the little time I have for myself.



'Wait, alone? Why do I hear some voices in that classroom?'







Kyungsoo just stays there. Alone in front of his locker. They never got a fight. They've never been like that before. In all those years they spent togheter, not once they went away like she did, but also not once they've said such things like he did.



If it was only him, he would have hug her. If it was only him, he would have forgiven her with all his heart. But he couldn't. He felt bad. Bad for Kai. He had to feel the way he felt. It's the only way to stop everything. He had to give Sunji to Jong In.



'Or... Or maybe not. It wasn't my fault after all. I dont have to suffer like that. I have to protect Sunji. She's probably just Kai's toy anyway. That's what he swore to do..'



Kyungsoo looks up and walks to where she left.



'I have to find her. And tell her the truth...maybe?'




Author's note

Helloooo ! Yess yess, the truth ? What's the truth ? Well you'll discover it at the end of the story.... maybe? But for now, there will be a lot of hints here and there! Just because I'm mean and I like to make you wait >:D Anyway! Stay tuned, there'll be some big actions in the next chapter! And more hints? Hehe;) 
I hope you guys enjoy the story! Thanks for reading! xoxo 
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Chapter 5: well, that was quick... falling in love and all
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 15: Awwww.great story done reading this one btw ^^
Chapter 15: good story :) wished it would be more dramatic but anyway, well done ;)
Chapter 15: Daebak! :D
Chapter 15: How could you leave me hanging like this..... huhu
hoidere #6
Love love love
victory_kpop #7
kpop_shirll #8
Chapter 1: luuuuvvvv itttt <3 cant waitt for the next chapter ;)
victory_kpop #9
Chapter 2: Wowwww I love this story already <3 you write really well! I wonder how it's gonna continue to unfold <3