
Run and Hide (Hiatus)

When Sammy finally closed the shop it was already midnight. The streets were quiet and her boss was already gone.

She quickly walked home but when she was walking up the staircase she ran into Eunmi.

“Oh my goodness Sammy you have to help me!” she exclaimed.

“How?” she asked nodding her head.

“Come with me.” she huffed and pulled her back down stairs.

The two quickly got into a car that was waiting for them downstairs. It wasn’t until then that Sammy thought to ask what Eunmi needed help with.

“Um, Eunmi what exactly do you need help with?” she turned to her.

“I need an extra pair of hands at the studio.” she smiled.


“One of my regular girls bailed on me and I have no one to handle the clothing.” she continued.

“Ok start from the beginning? I thought you worked at the salon down the street?” Sammy asked.

“I do but my manager there signed me up to work regularly with this Idol group and one of the girls suddenly quit on me today and they have a huge photo shoot in a few hours.”

“But I have no experience with this sort of thing.” Sammy panicked.

“It’ll be fine. You’ll only help hand the clothes to the stylists, putting away clothes, and if they need help to put on accessories. You’ll be fine.” Eunmi grinned.

“Well I’m already in the car.” she shrugged.

“Thank you Sammy!” Eunmi hugged her.

Sammy hugged her back. A few minutes later the car stopped in front of a warehouse.

“This is where they’re shooting?” she asked.

Eunmi nodded then told her to follow her. The two girls walked by as people rushed back and forth getting everything ready. Eunmi led her behind a black curtain and through it were tables, mirrors, and racks of clothing.

“Okay Sammy this is Lee she’ll tell you what to do when the members come.” Eunmi told her, “And Lee this is Sammy. She’s your extra pair of hands since your regular quit.”

“I still can’t believe she would do that.” Lee sounded frustrated. “Ahh well it’s nice to meet you Sammy.” she extended her hand.

“Yes, nice to meet you too.”

“Okay well basically you’ll just hand me the outfits the boys will be wearing and help with the finishing touches. It’s not difficult.”

Sammy nodded.

“Are you nervous around semi men?” Lee asked.

“Uhh no?”

“Okay I’ll take that.”

“The members have arrived.” someone yelled and everyone stopped moving except a few people who brought food to where they would be sitting.

“Oh! They ordered those yummy desserts again!” one of them yelled.

Sammy stared at them and couldn’t believe that 5 guys could be so good looking.

“Daesung don’t be so loud this early in the morning.” one of them yelled.

“Sorry Hyung.” he sighed and sat down.

The rest sat down and soon everyone got busy again. There was music playing now and Sammy continued to stare at them.

“Hey, quit staring like a fan and help me set up the shoes.” Lee giggled.

Sammy blushed but quietly helped her sort the shoes.

They arranged them by names. There was GD, Taeyang, TOP, Daesung, and Seungri. There were also a lot of shoes. Every name had at least six different pairs. Next they arranged the accessories again. When they finished that they waited until one of them was finished doing their hair.

Sammy looked at them again and almost all of them were asleep in the chair except the one with short black hair. On the back of the chair it spelt TOP and when she looked back up at him he was staring at her through the mirror.

When they made eye contact both of them looked quickly away and Sammy went back to sorting the clothes one more time.

Lee left to get some coffee for them and when she returned she found Sammy going through the clothes again and shook her head.

“It’ll go by faster if you don’t make much eye contact.” she whispered.

Sammy looked at her confused.

“Oh come off it. We all had that instant attraction too.” she smiled.

Sammy blushed and took the coffee that was handed to her. She took a sip so she wouldn’t have to answer. When she placed her cup down the one who was staring at her walked over to get his clothes.

“Good morning TOP.” Lee smiled.

“Morning.” he spoke with a deep voice, “Did you get a new assistant?” he nodded towards Sammy who was getting the right pair of shoes for the first set.

“Yes, unfortunately my other girl suddenly left the city.” she sighed.

“That . So what’s her name?”  He asked before she came over.

“I’m not telling you.” she gave him his shirt which then he quickly put on.

“Come one Lee just tell me. She’s not Korean.” he looked at her searching through the shoes.

Sammy finally found the right pairs and quickly went over to Lee. She was oblivious to what they were talking about and smiled at the singer.

“Sorry it took me so long.” she smiled.

“That’s okay. TOP is taking his time putting on his clothes.” she gave him a look.

“Hey I just woke up.” he grinned at Sammy, “Hi I’m Seunghyun.” he extended his hand, “Also known as TOP of Big Bang.

Sammy gave him a polite smile not sure of what he was talking about. “I’m—”

“Could you get me his earrings?” Lee interrupted.

She nodded then walked over to the table. She quickly found them and handed them to TOP who glared at Lee.

“That’s good for now. You can get Taeyang’s outfit ready. He looks almost done.” Lee asked.

“Sure.” Sammy smiled and got it ready.

“Why did you do that?” Seunghyun asked Lee.

“You can’t be interested in her. Remember no relationships with employees.” she shook her finger at him.

He grinned but nodded with agreement. He knew about that rule but then again he never was good with following the rules

Sammy went through Taeyang’s rack and applauded his excellent taste.

“They’re pretty nice right?” a voice behind her asked.

She jumped a little and turned to see who it was. It was Taeyang she guessed.

“Hi I’m Taeyang or Youngbae. Whichever you prefer.” he smiled.

“Hello, I’m Sammy.” she nodded.

“Is that my outfit for the first set?” he pointed behind her.

Sammy nodded and quickly grabbed it for him. She looked over at Lee but she was busy with another member who was done. Taeyang noticed where she was looking.

“GD, he’s always the longest to get ready.” he chuckled.

Sammy looked at him not knowing what to do know since Lee was busy.

“You’re her helper so do you mind helping me with my clothes and accessories.” he asked rather shyly.

“Oh, yeah that’s not a problem.” she finally spoke.

She handed him his shirt and he switched it with what he already had on. He turned around and Sammy admired his toned back. When he turned back around she coughed then handed him his pants. There was only a vest left so she hanged it for him to see and then she left to quickly get his shoes and accessories.

She walked over with a pair of earrings and a hat. Taeyang took the earrings and put them on.

“You can just put on my hat for me.” he spoke.

Sammy nodded and slowly placed his hat on him but when she looked at how she placed it which was the normal way she found it to look weird.

“Umm do you mind if I rearrange your hat?” she asked.

“No go ahead.” he smiled and leaned his head towards her.

She titled the hat so it looked slanted on his head and when she looked at him she liked what she saw. Soon enough he was all dressed and ready. Lee finally came over and gave him a once over.

“Good job Sammy.” she grinned.

“Yes, she was very helpful.” Taeyang nodded and did a quick turn which made the two girls giggle.

“Okay show off time to go. We still have a lot to do.” Lee teased.

“Yes Ma’am,” he smiled, “Thanks Sammy.” he winked then walked onto the set.

“Hey Taeyang what were talking to her about?” his hyung asked.

“Oh nothing. I was just playing around. She’s cute right?” he chuckled.

“Yeah, she’s not bad.” Seunghyun agreed.

The rest of the shoot Sammy continued to help Lee with all the guys clothing. She mainly helped Taeyang and the youngest member, Seungri. She enjoyed talking to them and soon her giddiness from before was completely gone and she was comfortable around the idols. When they finally finished it was already lunch and they were there before the sun even rose.

When everything was packed and put away Sammy caught a cab back with Eunmi.

“Thank you so much for helping.” she told her.

“It was no big deal. I had a lot of fun.” Sammy smiled.

“I’m glad. Hey I’ll treat you to lunch.” Eunmi offered then told the driver where they were going.

When Sammy finally got home it was close to 5 and she was very much grateful that she had a day off today because all she wanted to do was sleep.

“Sammy? Where did you go?” Seunghee asked.

Sammy had just walked inside when she asked her.

“Eunmi needed help at her job and I offered. We went to lunch afterwards.” she answered.

“Okay I was just wondering. How was it?”

“It was... interesting to say the least.” she nodded.

“I bet. Those idol groups can be very good looking.” Seunghee raised her eyebrows.

Sammy agreed and the two laughed.

“I’ll see you after work.” Seunghee waved at her.

Sammy waved her good bye and then went into her bed falling quickly asleep.





Hi! NickNack here! I hope you're enjoying my story! Because I'm really having fun writing this. This isn't my first fanfic but it is on this website. ^^ anyways please comment because I love to read what you guys think of it! Well until next time VIP's <3


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Okay, I decided to finish the story before I post it. I want to end it soon and I feel like I'm almost done. Sorry for the long update T_T


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lovis89 #1
aww she's confused. she can't date seunghyun and youngbae... sigh
TokioKills #2
Please keep updating, I really like your story. <3
SenyaG #3
top stalker?? hehe ^^
Aww cute update ^-^<br />
I would of kept the money though~ o:
Oh wow r going to have them fight over her? I hope that she doesn't come between their friendship. I wanna see some Beast!! Haha I need to cool down my fan girl reactions. Sorry for commenting so late I was having some Internet problems. Please update soon!!! <3
Lol TOP being a stalker~ kekeke ^^ please update soon!
Thank you for updating!!! Hmm..do I sense a little jealous, hostility coming from TOP?? I can't wait to see what happens next, and I like that shes working with them plenty of opportunities to have interaction between her and both Taeyang and TOP. And I also cant forget about about Junhyung. Wow im so excited to read the next chapters.Please update soon!!
Aww cute! ;D
Aww this was sweet! I love this fanfic! Hehe :D
Thanks for updating!! Hmmm, since she's gonna work part-time with Eunmi at YG, I'm kinda guessing TOP isn't gonna be allowed to like her, right? I love how TOP just makes up any excuse to see her, soo cute. I enjoyed this chapter and I'm excited see whats going to happen in the next chapters!!! <3