An Exception.

Run and Hide (Hiatus)


Sammy heard clashing when she woke up the next morning. She walked to the kitchen half asleep and saw Seung hee cooking.

“Good Morning” Sammy yawned.

“Oh Good morning. Did I wake you?” she asked.

Sammy shook her head and stretched, “No. I should be up anyways. We both work today right?” she asked.

Seung hee nodded.

“Okay I’m just going to take a shower.”

Seung hee nodded again and went back to making breakfast. As Sammy left she heard a knock at the door.

“Who’s here so early in the morning?” she asked herself.

She heard the shower going in the next room. When she opened the door Junhyung was on the other side.

“Hi,” he smiled.

Seung hee felt her cheeks warm up, “Hi.” She replied.

“Is Sammy here?” he looked over her shoulder.

She internally sighed and nodded, “She’s busy though.”

He nodded, “Ah I see, uhm well can you tell her to call me later.”

Seung hee nodded.

“Great thanks…”

“Seung hee and no problem.” She smiled gently.

“Thanks Seung hee.” he nodded his head then walked away.

She closed the door with a heavy heart. She sighed and shuffled back to the kitchen. She would never find a boyfriend. Seung hee got back to making breakfast for her and Sammy.

By the time Sammy came back out the food was done. They both sat down and ate in silence. Sammy was oblivious to Seung hee and her jealousy.

When it was time to leave for work Sammy was in a happy mood and Seung hee was still feeling lonely.

She wasn’t angry with Sammy. She was extremely happy that she met her but she couldn’t help but wondered how she was meeting all these guys.

Seung hee was only lonely and she was only jealous.

When they got to work there was a line forming.

“What’s going on?” she asked and looked t Sammy.

Sammy shrugged, “I have no idea but they’re all young girls.” She added.

Seung hee took a longer look and noticed that they were indeed young girls. Most were in high school uniforms.

When the two girls walked up to the line. The first few girls noticed them.

“What are you girls doing here so early in the morning?” Seung hee asked.

“We’re waiting to eat here.” One of them answered.

“This is a noodle shop. Do girls your age eat noodles at 7 in the morning?” Sammy asked.

“Yah! It’s you! You’re the girl who was with Taeyang oppa!” a girl behind the first one squealed.

Sammy eyes shot wide open and opened.

“It is her! Yah! Tell us your name? Who are you? How do you know Taeyang oppa?”

All these questions were being shouted at the two girls. They looked at each other and rushed to the door. Unfortunately it was unlocked. Sammy laughed and tried knocking on the door. The young girls had encircled them and the only option they had was to go through the restaurant doors.

Seung hee was irritated and tried knocking as well. The door finally opened and they both rushed in then they quickly closed the door before the young girls barged in.

“What was that?” Sammy asked.

“The power of fangirls.” Seung hee looked at her.

Then both girls started laughing.

“Yah why were you laughing out there? That was a bit terrifying.” Seung hee shook her head.

“I don’t know. I just had an urge to laugh. I guess because I found it really ridiculous.” She answered.

“Yah! Why are there so many girls outside this early?” Mr. Shin suddenly spoke up.

Both girls stood straight up.

“Ah father. They were just silly girls. Come on we have to get ready for the day.” Seung hee smiled.

Sammy only nodded, “She’s right sir. Please don’t worry about them. They’re leaving for school now.”

When they all looked outside the group of girls had reduced to half. Sammy looked back at Mr. Shin and smiled. He simply nodded then returned to the kitchen.

“They are really annoying.” Sammy pointed to the now dwindling group of girls.

Seung hee only nodded, “Come one let’s set the table. The rest will leave soon.”

Sammy listened and started setting the chairs at the tables.

When they finally opened the store it was slow. Not many people come at 11 a.m. but the lunch rush was about to come in and Sammy was getting everything ready.

Seung hee joined her in the back bringing in dirty dishes. She placed them in the sink and turned to Sammy.

“Junhyung came by when you were taking shower this morning.” she finally told her.

Sammy didn’t even glance at Seung hee, “Really. Did he say what he wanted?” she asked.

Seung hee nodded, “It seemed he wanted to talk to you about something.” She toyed the dirty dishes.

Sammy finally looked up and noticed Seung hee’s posture. Her shoulders were low and she was slowly washing the dishes. Sammy sighed and stood up and walked over to her friend.

“What’s the matter?” she asked.

“Nothing.” Seung hee shrugged.

“That sigh doesn’t sound like nothing.”

Seung hee stopped what she was doing and turned to Sammy, “I’m…I don’t know I guess I’m just jealous and lonely.” She sighed.

Sammy nodded understanding where her friend was coming from.

“You know I don’t like him like that.”

“I know but it’s not just him. How do you do it? How did you get all these amazing guys to notice you?” Seung hee slumped against the counter.

“I honestly don’t know how to answer that. I guess if you really want to know you have to ask those guys. I haven’t changed who I am to get them to like me if that’s what you were thinking.” Sammy truthfully told her.

Seung hee placed her head on Sammy’s shoulders, “I know that. You are an amazing chick.”

Sammy laughed, “No I’m not. I haven’t done anything in my life that’s been amazing.” She sighed.

As soon as she said those words aloud Sammy realized that she hadn’t done anything to make her life fulfilling.

She was empty.

“Yah! You girls get back to work! It’s lunch time!” Mr. Shin called out.

“Can you get the first few tables? I’ll just finishing these dishes and come out.” Seung hee patted her shoulder.

Sammy nodded and walked out. She worked extra hard that afternoon trying to hinder the emptiness she was feeling. When she started to feel empty it usually led to her moving.

But the thing this time was that she didn’t want to leave. She liked where she was. After all the cities and countries she visited she actually felt that she could possibly build a life in Seoul.

It was almost time to close up shop and Sammy had offered to close up shop.

She knew that Seung hee and her father had a family supper to go to in a small town outside the city. She didn’t want them travelling late.

They left and Sammy was going to close up the shop when the last couple finished they meal.

She heard the couples seats move and quickly opened the door for them. The older man paid her and Sammy bowed in respect.

“Thank you. Please visit again.” She smiled.

She was now alone. She started putting the chairs up to mop the floor then she heard the jingle signalling.

“I’m sorry but we’re closed.” She wiped her bangs from her eyes and looked to the door.

“Can I get special treatment from the cute waitress for a table for two?” Seung hyun grinned.

He held up a bag of take out.

Sammy laughed and nodded, “I’m sure we can make an exception.”

Seung hyun grinned wider and walked over to her. He towered over her and untied her apron. Sammy blushed and pushed him away.

“Hey. What are you doing?” she pointed her finger.

He held up his hands in defence.

“Nothing. I just thought I’d help taking off only your apron.” He placed the food on the table, “Are you hungry?”

Sammy raised her eyebrows in disbelief but walked over to him, “I am actually.”

Seung hyun put a chair down and gestured her to sit. Sammy sat and he pushed her chair in.

“What a gentlemen.”

He sat across from her and started opening the plastic containers. It a bowl of noodles with black bean sauce. He gave her chopsticks and she started at the food he placed in front of her. He took her chopsticks and started mixing the noodles.

“Uh..,?” she looked questioningly at him.

“You don’t know what this is?” he asked.

She shook her head and immediately Seung hyun wanted to kiss her again. She was so cute he thought.

“It’s jjajangmyun. Chinese black bean noodles.”

“Oh,” she nodded.

“I shouldn’t be eating this but I allow myself to eat this once in a while and… I thought this time I’d share a meal with you.” He smiled.

Sammy smiled, “A dish you only eat once in a while and you’re sharing it with me. Well I feel honoured.”

She didn’t know what he did to her but Sammy always felt giddy when she was around Seung hyun. He did something to her and she wanted to know what exactly what made her feel the way she did. She wanted to know everything about him.

“Yes, know eat before it get’s cold and mushy.” he laughed.

When they finished Seung hyun cleaned up and put the chairs away. Sammy put on her apron again.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I have to still mop.”

“No you’re not. I’m walking you back to your place.”

“No you’re not. I have to finish my work.” She cheekily smiled.

“Hey listen to your boyfriend. You need rest.” He walked over to her and was about to take off her apron but she flicked his hand away.

“We’re officially a couple now? She smirked.

He took a step back and raised his eyebrows feeling suddenly embarrassed, “I just thought…” he scratched the back of his head.

Sammy giggled finding his flustered reaction extremely cute. She swatted his chest and let out a real laugh. He stared at her realizing that she was teasing. He laughed and hugged her then placed a kiss on her forehead. She smiled and hugged him back.

“Hey is that extra time at the gym really working?” she teased.

“Yah quit it. I just recharged my ego before seeing you” he teased back.

Sammy giggled hiding her face in his chest.

“I’m sorry it’s just so fun.”

“I’m glad I can make you smile.”

“Now go. I have to get back to work.” She retied her apron.

“Okay you do the kitchen and I’ll do the main area.” He rolled up his sleeved and took the mop from Sammy.

“What are you doing? You should go home. I’m sure you had a busy schedule today.” She tried taking the mop back but he had a strong hold on it.

“I didn’t have much of a day actually.” He answered.

Sammy gave up and went to the kitchen. She started mopping but during the whole time she kept glancing at Seung hyun. He was working diligently on the floors every time.

She was done before him but he finished shortly after her.

He waited outside for her while she turned off all the lights. She locked the door and joined him on the sidewalk.

He was about to say something when his phone went off.

“Hello?” he answered.

Sammy stared up the sky and wondered what her family was doing. This was the most she thought of them and she wondered why.

“Hey, sorry but I have to go to the studio.” He said regretfully.

“Oh yeah of course. I’ll see you later. Thanks for the food.” She nodded, “Good night.”

She started walking up the sidewalk feeling a bit sad.

“Sammy,” he laughed and took a hold of her hand, “Did you want to come with me? I know it’s late but I’d like you to come.”

She grinned, “What are you talking about late? It’s only 11 p.m. the night is still young.”

Seung hyun chuckled.

They arrived at YG and Seung hyun parked near the entrance. They walked inside hand in hand and he guided them to the recording studio. Inside there were two men inside working. She recognized Ji yong right away.

They both looked at them and Sammy noticed that their eyes moved to their hands.

“Hey TOP. Sorry for ruining your evening but we need this verse recorded again.” The guy in the hood told him.

“No it’s fine. Sammy understands.” He let go of her hand and quickly took off his jacket, “You can sit on the couch while I finish this. It shouldn’t take long.” He whispered in her ear then placed a kiss on her cheek.

Sammy nodded and slightly blushed with the little audience they had.

“TOP since when?” Teddy teased.

“Never mind bro. Which verse needs rerecording?” he asked.

“It’s the rap for Love Song.” He handed him a paper and Seung hyun went into the other room.

Before he started recording Ji yong sat next to her.

“Hey Sammy. How are you?” he asked.

“Hey I’m good.” She smiled.

“I hope that article didn’t make trouble for you or… Seung hyun.” he smiled.

“Oh no,” she smiled, “It was a silly rumour anyways.”

“You know I’ve known Young bae for 10 years. We were trainees together and debut together.” he stated.

Sammy knew where this was going.

“Ji yong. I know about his feelings and I didn’t lead him on or anything.”

He patted her shoulder, “He’s sensitive so tell him gently.”

His eyes moved to Seung hyun who was about to record. She smiled and nodded. Sammy could tell that Ji yong was close with the members and I respected him.

“You should hear his rapping.” Ji yong stood up and looked at her, “I have to go now but I just want to say is that I like you Sammy. You do something to him and it’s good. He seems happy.”

She didn’t know what to say to him but Sammy nodded.

“See you around.” He smiled, “Catch you later Teddy.” He waved at the guy and he waved back then Ji yong left.

“Okay, you ready TOP?” Teddy asked.

Seung hyun nodded and readjusted his headphones. He noticed me staring and winked at Sammy.  slightly blushed and continued watching him.

She heard the music and it sounded familiar. Her eyes opened wider and she realized that she heard it before. Back when Young bae wanted her to hear his singing. Knowing this made her eager to hear Seung hyun’s part.

The warm rays of the sun are of another world
The field of reeds are dancing all alone
I remain paused at a green hill, holding a conversation I’ve yet to finish with her
The sky is of an expressionless face that holds no answers
You’re probably hiding behind the clouds, you’re probably a star

Seung hyun finished and she was simply amazed. He came out and went right over to Teddy. No wonder this group was popular. Sammy couldn’t believe how amazing his voice was. It was husky but it wasn’t annoying to listen to.

His voice, she realized, made her heart race.

He patted his friends shoulder then walked over to Sammy.

“See didn’t take that long.” He grinned and took her hand.

“Have a good night you two.” Teddy snickered.

“Yeah, you to bro. All by yourself here.” Seung hyun teased.

That made Teddy return to his work. Sammy giggled and stood up.

“Hey I’m Teddy.” He said from his chair looking at Sammy.

“Hi, I’m Sammy.” She smiled.

“Keep an eye on him. This guy can be quite a hand full.”

“Hey man.” Seung hyun intervened.

“Yeah yeah.” Teddy nodded, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Seung hyun nodded then led Sammy out. They walked outside and he opened to the car door for her then he got in as well.

Sammy yawned and realized the time. They had been there for an hour already. It didn’t even seem like an hour.

“We are in there for an hour? Where did the time go?” she asked yawning again.

He chuckled, “Didn’t you realize I went over that verse a few times.”

Sammy shook her head.

“Ah I see. You were memorized weren’t you?”

Sammy lightly pushed him, “You like to think so.”

He chuckled and started the car, “You’re tired. I’ll drive you home.”

She nodded yawning again, “Sorry I didn’t know how tired I was.”

“It’s fine. Sorry for making you come.” He grabbed her hand intertwining their fingers.

She smiled, “No don’t be. I had a good time. You were great.”

He smiled.

The rest of the ride was quiet but a relax quiet. Both of them were tired and Sammy noticed Seung hyun yawning as well.

When they got to her place they both got out of the car.

“Come up for a cup of coffee?” she asked opening the door.

“I shouldn’t it’s late.” He replied.

“I insist. You look exhausted and I don’t want you falling asleep driving home.” She smiled.

He nodded and followed her inside. When they walked inside Sammy went and started the coffeemaker. Seung hyun stayed standing watching her from the living room.

She joined him and laughed. Sammy quietly took his hand and they both sat on the couch. They stayed quiet and she placed her head on his shoulders. He comfortably wrapped his arm around her shoulder and they snuggled.

Before each of them knew it they had falllen asleep.


Happy Holidays! I hope you are all well! ^^ and that you liked this update. I was in a happy mood and decide to progress the relationship! Drama is coming! ahaha! See you at the next update!

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Okay, I decided to finish the story before I post it. I want to end it soon and I feel like I'm almost done. Sorry for the long update T_T


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lovis89 #1
aww she's confused. she can't date seunghyun and youngbae... sigh
TokioKills #2
Please keep updating, I really like your story. <3
SenyaG #3
top stalker?? hehe ^^
Aww cute update ^-^<br />
I would of kept the money though~ o:
Oh wow r going to have them fight over her? I hope that she doesn't come between their friendship. I wanna see some Beast!! Haha I need to cool down my fan girl reactions. Sorry for commenting so late I was having some Internet problems. Please update soon!!! <3
Lol TOP being a stalker~ kekeke ^^ please update soon!
Thank you for updating!!! I sense a little jealous, hostility coming from TOP?? I can't wait to see what happens next, and I like that shes working with them plenty of opportunities to have interaction between her and both Taeyang and TOP. And I also cant forget about about Junhyung. Wow im so excited to read the next chapters.Please update soon!!
Aww cute! ;D
Aww this was sweet! I love this fanfic! Hehe :D
Thanks for updating!! Hmmm, since she's gonna work part-time with Eunmi at YG, I'm kinda guessing TOP isn't gonna be allowed to like her, right? I love how TOP just makes up any excuse to see her, soo cute. I enjoyed this chapter and I'm excited see whats going to happen in the next chapters!!! <3