Longing to go home.

Run and Hide (Hiatus)

The next morning Sammy was up before Seung hee. She stood up and shook the sleep off from her body. Sammy opened the small window in her “bedroom” and let the air come in and wash away the stuffiness of the room. The weather outside was foggy and it looked to be a chilly morning but the sun was beginning to peak through the clouds.

It reminded her of back home.

Sammy quickly pushed out her feelings of longing and walked over to the kitchen. She wanted to make breakfast and traditional English breakfast came to mind but when she looked into the fridge all there was, was kimchi.

“Guess I’m heading to the store.” she sighed.

Sammy quickly put on a pair of jeans pants and a sweater. She quickly rinsed her face with a wet wash cloth and was out the door. She plugged in her ipod and let the talented Chopin fill her ears.

The streets were quiet and there was a light rain coming down. Sammy walked down the empty streets to the market. There she slowly walked up and down the aisles. She picked out some fruit and vegetables for the house. Then she got some eggs and milk. She searched the store for some potatoes and found them in the corner.

As she grabbed a few she felt someone tapping her shoulder. She took out her earphones and turned around.

“Doing some early morning shopping?” Jun hyung asked.

Sammy laughed and nodded, “Good morning.”

“Good morning.” he smiled, “So what are you buying?”

“These are just some things to make my roommate breakfast.” she smiled.

“Oh, you’re such a good roommate. I wished mine would cook more often.” he chuckled.

Sammy laughed along with him and an idea popped into her mind.

“Would you like to have some?” she asked.

Jun hyung eyes widen. Sammy saw the shock in his face and immediately felt stupid. He was an idol; it wasn’t right for her to ask him such a thing.

“Oh right. Uhh I shouldn’t be asking you that.” she shook her head in embarrassment.

Jun hyung immediately shook his hands in the air, “No, no it’s not that. It’s just,” he was nervous to admit that this was the first time he was asked to go over to a girl’s home.

“I get it. I really understand.” Sammy nodded, “I’ll see you around.” she waved.

“Sammy,” he spoke quickly.

She turned around.

“I’d love to.” he smiled and walked to her.

Sammy smiled and they continued to shop together.

“So what are you doing up so early?” she asked as they were walking back.

“I haven’t slept yet.” he chuckled.

Sammy gasped and stopped.

“What? You should be getting some rest.” she insisted.

“It’s fine. I’m hungry anyways and none of my members will cook.” he grinned.

Sammy was about to protest but then his stomach growled so loud she was able to hear it from where she was standing.

“Well okay then.” she looked to him, “I think that settles that.” she laughed.

Jun hyung felt embarrassed and scratched the back of his head trying to hide it. But when Sammy laughed and brushed it off, he felt the situation lighten up.

“I think it does.” he laughed with her.

The two started walking again and chatted about the weather. When they reached the apartment Sammy showed him upstairs. When they reached the door they heard footsteps inside and Sammy prayed that Seung hee was decent.

“Good morning.” Sammy called out.

She switched her shoes to house slippers and Jun hyung followed after her.

“Good morning,” her friend called out.

Seung hee walked to the door and saw who was with Sammy.

“Oh, hello.” she smiled at him.

“Hello,” he nodded.

“Seung hee this is my friend Jun hyung. Jun hyung this is my friend and roommate Seung hee.” Sammy introduced them.

She then noticed that Seung hee looked like she was getting ready to leave the house.

“Are you going somewhere?” she asked.

Seung hee grabbed her bag nodding her head.

“I’m heading over to my dad’s. He needs help around the house today.” she smiled.

“Oh,” Sammy nodded and looked at her grocery bag.

Seung hee noticed and felt guilty, “Were you going to cook breakfast?”

“I was but it’s fine. Go help your dad.” she smiled.

Seung hee was hesitant.

“Go, he’ll get annoyed if you’re late.” Sammy laughed.

She nodded, “Okay but I’ll make it up to you.”

Sammy waved her friend off. She was disappointed that her plan to cook breakfast had failed. She really wanted to show how grateful she was for her friend. Sammy sighed and turned around facing Jun hyung. She kind of forgot that he was there.

“Should we do a rain check?” he asked.

Sammy shook her head right away, “No, I need someone to eat all this fresh food with me.”

She shook the bag and nodded towards the kitchen. He smiled and agreed. She took out the ingredients while Jun hyung stood there.

“You should take a nap while I cook. It’s going to take at while.”

“No, I’m fine.” he nodded.

“Are you sure.” she asked, “Is that not a yawn I see coming?” Sammy teased.

Jun hyung grinned but shook his head. Sammy locked eyes with him and he knew what she was going to do. She raised her lips into a devilish grin and raised an eyebrow. He saw her open and she slowly yawned.

He tried holding his mouth shut but Sammy yawned again. She giggled seeing how much he was trying to hold back his own.

Finally he broke down and a yawn escaped his lips. Sammy laughed and pointed to the couch.

“Sleep.” she commanded.

“Yes ma’am.” he saluted and walked over to the couch.

Sammy scoffed, “Ma’am?”

Jun hyung chuckled and made himself comfortable on the couch. Sammy laughed and continued making breakfast.

Soon she heard a soft snore coming from the living room and smiled. She tried cooking as quietly as she could. Every time she would bang a pan her head snapped to Jun hyung, who was still snoring away.

Sammy started cracking eggs and whipped them in a bowl. She decided to make a classic breakfast of eggs, sausage, cubed potatoes (hash browns) and toast.

When she was done with the eggs she cooked the sausage and started cutting the potatoes. While she was cutting them she thought of the time when Harry gave her one and only cooking lesson.

They were in the kitchen on a night when they couldn’t sleep and Sammy had gotten hungry.


“Harry, make me an omelette.” she pouted.

Her brother sighed and shook his head, “Make it yourself. You’re old enough.”

“I don’t know how to cook. Chef Walker does it all.”

“You haven’t made a single dish in all you’re 20 years?” he laughed.

Sammy nodded her head.

“Sammy honestly! You have not made one plate of food?” he asked again.

“No I haven’t Harry. I never had an opportunity too.” she sighed.

“Well the opportunity is here.” he stood up and got out a pan. “You’re going to make an omelette.” he nodded.

“What? Are you serious?” she stood up.

Harry nodded, “Get out the eggs, hashbrowns, and some vegetables.”

Sammy sighed and walked over to the fridge. She got out the food and brought it to her brother. He got out a bowl and whisk.

“Now crack five eggs into the bowl and whip them for two minutes.”

She did it while Harry washed the vegetables.

“Okay Harry I’m done. What shall I do now?” she asked.

“Here cut the peppers.” he placed it front of her.

Sammy looked at him with a confused how. “And how does one cut a vegetable?”

“Sammy,” he exasperated.

She laughed, “I’m kidding. I’ve watched Chef do it a hundred times.”

“Oh really?” he rubbed her head.

“Hey,” she swatted his hand away and continued cooking.

“You’re taking too long!” he commented, “Chef is much faster.”

“Well Chef had years of training in Paris.” she spoke back.

“Okay I’ll give you that one.” he smirked.

Sammy laughed and the two continued to making an omelette. Sammy placed the egg into the frying pan and a minute later she flipped it then added the vegetables.

“I think you successfully cooked yourself an omelette.” Harry patted her on the back.

“I did.” she nodded.

Sammy grabbed two forks and gave one to Harry. They both took a bite out of her omelette but after the first couple of bites spat it back out.

“Round 2!” Harry laughed.


“What’s so funny?” Jun hyung asked.

The sounds of Sammy’s laughter woke him from his nap. He walked over to the kitchen to see Sammy frying potatoes and laughing while she did.

She looked startled as she turned to face him.

“Oh it was nothing. I was just remembering the time my brother tried to teach me to cook.” she smiled.

“I take it by that laugh that it didn’t go so well?”

Sammy watched as Jun hyung looked closely at the food she was cooking.

“I’ve gotten better since then.” she laughed.

Jun hyung laughed along with her following her to the table in the living room. He sat across from her and was memorized by her smile and the way her eyes were shining and it looked like she had just cried. He wanted to ask why she might have been crying but he had a feeling that she wasn’t ready to talk about it yet.

“Here you go.” Sammy placed a plate of food in front of him.

“Thanks.” he smiled and stared at his food, “Uhh how do you eat this?” he stared at his food and at the chopsticks he was carrying.

Sammy looked at him, “Its easy.” she smiled and picked up her chopsticks.

She easily picked up her potatoes, her eggs, and sausages. He looked at her feeling a bit embarrassed. Sammy laughed and motioned for him to eat. He nodded and took a bite of the potatoes.

“This is so yummy!” he exclaimed and popped more in his mouth.

“I’m glad.” Sammy smiled.

“Tell your brother thanks.” he teased.

Sammy gasped. In revenge she took a bit of his toast. Jun hyung eyes widen.

“I will.” she sighed knowing she wouldn't be able to tell him for while.

They both laughed and continued eating. Jun hyung was talking about his practice and how hard his group have been getting ready for their comeback. Sammy listened and was amazed at how determined he was to succeed as an artist.

“So you write most of your raps?” she asked after he mentioned that he was learning to become a composer.

“Yeah, I’ve been working with one of the producers since our debut.” he nodded.

“That’s impressive. I actually heard one of your songs the other day.” she mentioned.

“Really? Which song?” he asked.

“Um I’m not entirely sure but it was off of your recent album and it was a slow melody.” she nodded.

"That really narrows it done." he laughed.

The two got up laughing and cleared the table. They both walked over to the kitchen and Jun hyung started on the dishes.

“Oh you don’t have to do that.” she told him.

“It’s my way of saying thanks.” he insisted.

Sammy nodded and dried the dishes. They continued talking about nothing really in particular. They switched from the topics of movies to food. Jun hyung looked over at the clock and realized it was already 10. He knew s would worry about his whereabouts.

“Do you have to go somewhere?” Sammy noticed the look of panic on his face.

“No, not really I just don’t want my friends to worry.” he yawned.

“I think you should get to bed. From what you told me you need the rest after practicing.” she demanded.

Just then his phone went off telling him he had a new message. He sighed and read it. It was from Yo seob wondering where he was.

“You should go. You look exhausted.” Sammy insisted.

He nodded and looked at her. “Thank you for breakfast. Everyone is going to be jealous when I tell them.” he smiled.

Sammy grinned and walked him to the door, “Oh you flatter me.” she giggled.

“Bye Sammy.” he waved.

“Bye.” she waved back.

With that he was out the door. Sammy locked the door then went to take a shower. When she was done she heard the door bell. She sighed hoping it wasn’t Eun mi.

“Sammy! You in there?!” she asked.

“She always picks the perfect time.” Sammy whispered sarcastically.

She answered the door, “Hey.”

“Hi! Are you busy? I heard from Seung hee that you had the day off.” she asked.

“Yeah I’m free.”

“Awesome. I need to take you down to the hair studio and to YG Building.” she told her.

“For what?” Sammy nodded for her to come inside.

“You have to sign a few forms and my boss wants to meet you. It won’t take more than two hours.”

“Okay. I’ll be ready in fifteen minutes.” Sammy nodded.

Twenty minutes later the two girls were walking down the street to the hair studio. It had gotten a lot warmer since this early morning and Sammy wished she didn’t bring her sweater. The walk was only ten minutes and the place Eun mi looked so expensive.

“You work here?” Sammy asked.

“I know. It’s amazing.”Eun mi agreed.

They walked inside and Eun mi’s boss, Mrs. Park, greeted them right away. She was a kind middle aged woman who was very welcoming to Sammy. She told her that the only rule they had was that none get’s involved with their clients. Sammy agreed to that which made her even more likable to Mrs. Park. It was sort visit since Eun mi wanted to get Sammy to YG before noon.

They look a cab this time.

When they got to the building Sammy was amazed at its structure. Eun mi walked over to the door and pressed the intercom building.

“We have an appointment with the creative director.” she spoke into the machine.

“Name?” the person asked.

“Song Eun mi and Sammy Edwards.”

“Please watch your step.” the person replied.

The door buzzed and the girls walked inside. There was a woman waiting for them and directed them to the third floor where they were to meet the creative director.

The lady showed them to a small boardroom then left immediately.

“This is office is amazing.” Sammy spoke with astonishment.

“I know. It would be amazing to work for them.” Eun mi agreed.

Sammy stared out the window and sighed at the view. It showed the streets of Seoul. To others it would be nothing special but Sammy always found it pretty. It was just appealing to her.

“Sammy, here comes the director.” Eun mi whispered quickly.

Sammy turned around and straightened her posture. A man walked inside and was dressed very casually then another man walked in behind him. Eun mi stood up and bowed. Sammy copied her. The two men sat down and so did the girls.

“Hello Eun mi nice to see you again.” one of them spoke.

“Hello, it’s nice to see you again Sir.” she spoke.

He nodded and took out a few pieces of paper.

“This is your new girl? The assistant for Lee?” he asked.

“Yes, this is Sammy.”

“Hello, I’m Sammy Edwards.” she spoke up.

“Yes,” he spoke, “It’s nice to meet you.” he smiled at her.

“You too sir.” she smiled politely.

“I asked Eun mi to bring you here just to sign an oath and let you know a few rules.” he nodded.

Sammy nodded too.

“Okay, this is just an oath of confidentially. It’s a precaution so we know you won’t talk about anything you see or hear outside the company.” he slid it over to her.

Sammy read it over quickly and nodded then signed it. “Okay.”

“Good now that we have that over with just a few rules.” he spoke.

Sammy nodded.

“No dating the artists and if you’re caught dating you will be immediately fired. The only other rule is that we don’t accept tardiness. You’ll only be given one warning after that you can be fired.” he looked at her for her understanding.

Sammy nodded, "I understand.”

“That's good. You’re only part time now but if everything works out I think we'll have a permanent place for you here.” he smiled.

Sammy smiled, “Thank you Sir.”

“Okay so now that all the formalities are taken care of would you like a quick tour of the building?” he asked.

“If you don’t mind Sir.” Sammy couldn’t resist.

“Call me Mick.” he nodded, “I’ll have Jung min give you one.” the guy next to him finally moved and nodded.

“Thank you Mick.” the girls said at the same time.

He left and his assistant started the mini tour.

He showed them a few rooms where the dancers practiced, the gym, and the cafeteria. It wasn’t an authorized tour so he couldn’t show them much more.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t show you more ladies.” he bowed.

“It’s fine. We’re glad we even got to see inside.” Eun mi laughed.

“I’m glad. I have to get back to work. Have a good day.” he bowed again then left them in the main lobby.

“That was so cool!” Eun mi exclaimed as they walked out of the building.

“It was. That was really great.” she smiled.

The two walked down the path way towards the street when they heard someone yell.


They turned around seeing Taeyang getting out of a van.

“Young bae!” Eun mi called out.

Sammy stopped herself from calling him Tae yang and realized that, that was his stage name. She should be calling him by his real name since she calls Seung hyun by his real name she thought with a guilty conscience.

He ran over to them and greeted them both.

“What are you doing here?” he asked Sammy.

“We had a meeting with the creative director.” she answered.

“Ah, yeah I heard you work for YG now.” he sighed.

Sammy nodded. She was about to ask why he sounded disappointed when his head popped up suddenly.

“Are you busy?” he asked.

“Eun mi and I were about to get lunch.” she told him.

“Do you mind if I steal her?” he asked Eun mi.

She was surprised and nodded without really thinking, “Sure.”

“Great. Thank you Eun mi. I’ll treat you two to lunch next time!” he called out since he was already taking Sammy back to YG.

“Uhh see you Eun mi I’ll call you later!” Sammy called out.

Eun mi laughed and waved at her friend. She watched them go inside then turned  back around. She started walking to the street but a car pulled up right next to her. The person rolled their window down and Seung hyun was the driver.

“Eun mi, what brings you here?” he asked.

“I had to bring Sammy to a meeting.”

“Sammy’s here?” he perked up and glanced behind her.

Eun mi hid her laugh and shook her head, “Young bae took her inside. I think he needed her help.”

“Really? Young bae.” he hummed, “Thanks Eun mi I’ll see you around.”

With that he rolled his window and drove away. Eun mi sighed and looked back at YG.

“Good luck Sammy.” she sighed walking away.




Hello everyone! Sorry for my disappearance! My excuse is pretty lame. I've been enjoying my summer! ^^b but i'm back and ready to write! HAHA! *determined face*

This update is a bit longer for you! I hope you enjoyed it! Comments and anything else (nice) you'd like to say is gladly accepted! Have a good day/night VIP's!!!

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Okay, I decided to finish the story before I post it. I want to end it soon and I feel like I'm almost done. Sorry for the long update T_T


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lovis89 #1
aww she's confused. she can't date seunghyun and youngbae... sigh
TokioKills #2
Please keep updating, I really like your story. <3
SenyaG #3
top stalker?? hehe ^^
Aww cute update ^-^<br />
I would of kept the money though~ o:
Oh wow r going to have them fight over her? I hope that she doesn't come between their friendship. I wanna see some Beast!! Haha I need to cool down my fan girl reactions. Sorry for commenting so late I was having some Internet problems. Please update soon!!! <3
Lol TOP being a stalker~ kekeke ^^ please update soon!
Thank you for updating!!! Hmm..do I sense a little jealous, hostility coming from TOP?? I can't wait to see what happens next, and I like that shes working with them plenty of opportunities to have interaction between her and both Taeyang and TOP. And I also cant forget about about Junhyung. Wow im so excited to read the next chapters.Please update soon!!
Aww cute! ;D
Aww this was sweet! I love this fanfic! Hehe :D
Thanks for updating!! Hmmm, since she's gonna work part-time with Eunmi at YG, I'm kinda guessing TOP isn't gonna be allowed to like her, right? I love how TOP just makes up any excuse to see her, soo cute. I enjoyed this chapter and I'm excited see whats going to happen in the next chapters!!! <3