A Day at the Office

Run and Hide (Hiatus)

When Eun mi told Seung hyun that Young bae was with Sammy he was a bit annoyed. He was annoyed because he had spent his whole morning looking for her.

He woke up early that morning to see Sammy off to work. But when he arrived at the noodle shop no one was there not even the old man, Mr. Shin was there.  Seung hyun waited a few minutes for someone to show up thinking they were running behind this morning but those few minutes turn into 30 minutes then an hour until he realized he had been waiting for almost 2 and half hours.

He gave up and got back into his car. He drove over to Sammy’s apartment trying to see if she was home. He knew he was coming off as a stalker but he couldn’t help himself. He had to see Sammy. The curtains were drawn and it looked like no one was home. Seung hyun felt like a fool. Nobody knew what he was doing this morning but he still felt foolish.

Giving up he drove to the YG building to work out his frustrations. He knew it would make his trainer happy since Seung hyun was never one to work out outside his scheduled times. But when he ran into Eun mi who told him where Sammy was exactly and with whom, well he felt guilty.

He parked his car and made his way towards the gym. He didn’t look for Sammy or Young bae when he entered the building. Seung hyun didn’t want to do anything that could potentially ruin his friendship with Young bae and so he decided that if his friend liked Sammy then Seung hyun would forgo is past ambitions with Sammy.

Just as he made that promised, she appeared right in front of him.

“Oh Seung hyun I’m glad I ran into you.” she beamed.

Seung hyun felt his heart beat rise and he hadn’t even stepped inside the gym yet.

“Hey Sammy. What’s up?” he asked.

“I’m... kind of lost. I was just with Young bae oppa but I stopped to tie my shoelace and when I was done he was gone.” she laughed.

“Oh, uhh were you already on this floor?” he asked.

“No. We were on the first floor and I think he went onto the elevator.”

“I’ll just call him.” he nodded.

Sammy felt relief and smiled widely at Seung hyun, “Thank you.”

Seung hyun simply nodded and quickly made the call. Thankfully Young bae answered his phone right away.

“Young bae where are you?” he asked.

“I’m in the dance studio. Why?” he answered.

“I’m with Sammy.”

“Really? I was about to look for her!” he laughed, “Where are you guys?”

“Just outside the gym.” he looked over at Sammy who was actually twiddling her thumbs.

She looked really cute. He yelled in frustration internally and turned around.

“Ok I’ll be right there.” he told him and hung up.

Seung hyun sighed and carefully looked over at Sammy. She looked at him with a smile on her face.

“He’s coming.” he slowly spoke to her.

“Great. Thanks again.” she smiled.

Seung hyun nodded, “No problem.”

Sammy felt curious and turned around looking through the glass wall, “Wow this is some gym. I’ve never seen so many high tech machines before.” she whistled; “well truthfully this is my first time I’ve ever seen a gym this close.” she laughed.

Seung hyun chuckled, “Well I can’t say I don’t blame you. I try to avoid this place like the plague.”

“Then why are you here?” she titled her head.

“I had nothing else better to do. So I thought I would make this,” he posed with confidence, “even more attractive.” he joked suddenly feeling comfortable around her.

Sammy laughed and felt her cheeks warm up, “Oh really.”

“Yes.” he nodded.

“Well good luck because you’re going to need It.” she teased.

“Yah! That was rude.” he poked her arm.

Sammy laughed and tried to protect her arm from another jabbed. Seung hyun didn’t know what it was that made their interactions so comfortable for each other. It was like they’ve known each other for years.

Seung hyun chuckled and took a step back as Sammy tried to poke his arm back. She laughed when he moved.

“Yah! Don’t move! I’m trying to get my revenge.” she giggled.

She tried once more but he moved again.

“Okay, okay enough.” he held up his hands in defence.

“Am I interrupting something?” Young bae spoke.

Sammy and Seung hyun looked over to see him coming through the door that led to the stairs and both stopped their childish behaviour.

“Ah no of course not,” Sammy looked to Seung hyun who seemed uncomfortable.

Young bae came to stand next to Sammy, “Where did you go? I look away for one second and you’re gone.” he smiled.

“Where did you go?” she laughed, “I only stopped to tie my shoe.”

The two of them laughed while Seung hyun stood there awkwardly.

“I’ll see you guys’ around.” he spoke up.

They both waved and Young bae took her downstairs. Seung hyun watched as they walked off talking. He could see that Sammy was laughing and wondered what his friend said to her to make her so happy. He smiled and knew he made a good decision. They made a good pair.

Sammy glanced behind her to see Seung hyun go into the gym. His head was down and the way his shoulders drooped he seemed disappointed. She was about to tell Young bae that she had to leave but he had a hold of her wrist and they were already on the staircase.

He showed her to a studio and finally let go of her wrist.

She stood by the door and glanced around the room. There was a massive board with a lot of controls and buttons. There were huge stereos hanging from the walls and a big glass window that showed the mic. And of course the room was decorated in a chic fashion.

Sammy was really impressed with everything about this building. They had the best of everything. It was unbelievable that a company could give such good working conditions for their talent but then again each and every one of them were dedicated to their craft.

“Sammy, come here. I want to show you something.” Young bae called out to her.

She nodded and joined him by the controls. He fiddled with a few things and twisted a few knobs then he went to the computer and clicked on a few things.

“We’re coming out with a new song and I’d like your opinion about my part.” he told her.


“You need to be brutally honest.”

“Okay I’ll hold nothing back.” she nodded.

Young bae smiled and clicked play.

A strong melody came out the speakers. It was a smooth sound also and Sammy liked it. She heard a deep voice singing and it sounded like Seung hyun. She smiled at the thought of him. About a half a minute in she could that it was Young bae’s voice.

She looked over at Young bae who seemed very nervous. Sammy grinned and nodded her head to the beat. Young bae immediately smiled then he stopped the song.

“Hey I was listening to it.” she grinned.

“I know but I want to say something.” he turned his body towards her.

“What’s that?”

“I- I like—” he took a big breath.

“Yo! Young bae are you hungry?”

Sammy and Young bae quickly turned to the door and one of s walked in. They both backed away from each and Young bae stood up.

“Daesung what are you doing here?” he asked.

His friend looked startled, “Jiyong wanted to know...” he looked at Sammy then behind him and turned his head back to them, “Should I have knocked?”

“No, no it’s fine.” he shrugged his shoulders, “Yeah I’m hungry.” he sighed then looked at Sammy, “Did you want to grab something?”

“Sure.” she answered.

“Hi Sammy!” Daesung waved.

“Hi Daesung” she waved back.

“Come on everyone is waiting.” he walked over and grabbed Sammy.

“Yah! What are you doing Daesung?” Young bae called out.

“Come on.” he answered smiling.

Sammy turned around and waved at Young bae. He smiled and ran to catch them. She had no idea what Young bae was going to say but she felt relieved when Daesung interrupted them. Daesung led them to the parking lot where the rest of the members were waiting.

“Why did you take so long to get them Daesung?” Jiyong asked.

“It was hyung’s fault. He had all these questions.” he pouted.

“Where’s Seung hyun?” he asked.

“He said he’s not coming. He’s still in the gym.”

“Really? Since when does he work out this much?” Jiyong questioned, “Never mind I’m hungry. Let’s go.”

He opened the door and the youngest member, Seungri, went inside first followed by Daesung. Young bae took Sammy’s wrist and guided her to the van.

“Hi Sammy were you working today?” Jiyong asked.

“Yeah I guess. I was here for a meeting.” she answered.

Young bae nodded at Jiyong who noticed where his hand was and raised his eyebrows. Jiyong grinned at Young bae who just smiled his crescent eyed smile.

Meanwhile Sammy was thinking of Seung hyun and hoped he was taking care of himself. She even caught herself thinking of him as she was eating.

The four guys were all talking while Sammy swirled her almost finished beef stew. She couldn’t stop thinking of Seung hyun. She thought of how sad he looked going into the gym and she wondered what would make him sad?

Every time she was with him he had a smile on his face and always seemed happy that she sometimes thought he was being flirty with her.

“Hey Sammy are you okay?” Young bae whispered.

“Huh?” she asked startled.

“Are you okay?” he asked again.

“Oh yeah of course.” she nodded and straightened up, “I think I should get going though.”

“Oh really? I thought... never mind. I’ll see you later?” he stood up to walk her out.

“I’m fine. Finish your meal.” she lightly pushed him to sit back down, “Thanks for lunch guys. I’ll see you at the next shoot.” she smiled and waved.

The three were surprised by her sudden leaving but waved anyways. Young bae was confused as to why she was leaving so early. He was hoping to spend his free afternoon with her.

“Hey Young bae what’s going on with you and Sammy?” Jiyong asked.

He turned to his friend, “Nothing. We’re just hanging out.”

“Sure you two are.” he chuckled and nudged Seungri.

“Ahaha hyung you may end up in the tabloids soon if you’re not careful.” he teased.

Young bae pushed his Seungri and laughed at him. He secretly glanced at the door hoping that she would come back.




Hi everyone!

I hope you're liking the story! See you soon! p.s. Sorry for the short note.

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Okay, I decided to finish the story before I post it. I want to end it soon and I feel like I'm almost done. Sorry for the long update T_T


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lovis89 #1
aww she's confused. she can't date seunghyun and youngbae... sigh
TokioKills #2
Please keep updating, I really like your story. <3
SenyaG #3
top stalker?? hehe ^^
Aww cute update ^-^<br />
I would of kept the money though~ o:
Oh wow r going to have them fight over her? I hope that she doesn't come between their friendship. I wanna see some Beast!! Haha I need to cool down my fan girl reactions. Sorry for commenting so late I was having some Internet problems. Please update soon!!! <3
Lol TOP being a stalker~ kekeke ^^ please update soon!
Thank you for updating!!! Hmm..do I sense a little jealous, hostility coming from TOP?? I can't wait to see what happens next, and I like that shes working with them plenty of opportunities to have interaction between her and both Taeyang and TOP. And I also cant forget about about Junhyung. Wow im so excited to read the next chapters.Please update soon!!
Aww cute! ;D
Aww this was sweet! I love this fanfic! Hehe :D
Thanks for updating!! Hmmm, since she's gonna work part-time with Eunmi at YG, I'm kinda guessing TOP isn't gonna be allowed to like her, right? I love how TOP just makes up any excuse to see her, soo cute. I enjoyed this chapter and I'm excited see whats going to happen in the next chapters!!! <3