
Run and Hide (Hiatus)

Sammy followed Seung Hee down the street. They turned a few corners until she finally stopped in front of an apartment complex.

“Welcome home!” Seung Hee clapped.

It was a decent place. A bit run down but nothing that wasn’t liveable. She followed Seung Hee into the building and up three flights of stairs. The walls were painted white but it was slowing peeling off. The stairs themselves were creaky but other than that Sammy loved the place. It was a huge improvement from her last apartment in the States. The two finally stopped in front of a brown door on the third floor and Seung Hee took out her keys.

“I know it’s not much on the outside” Seung Hee cutely spoke.

“Oh no Seung Hee this looks awesome.” Sammy laughed, “I wouldn’t be able to find a place like this anywhere else as quickly as I have.”

Seung Hee grinned, “I’m glad to hear that.”

She gave Sammy a set of keys and just as they were about to walk inside, a voice called out.

They both turned to the person who was walking down the stairs. It was a girl who looked to be in a rush.

“Hi Seung Hee did you just come from work?” the girl asked.

“Hi Eun Mi.” she waved. “Yeah I did. This is my new roommate Sammy.”

Sammy waved at her.

“Oh, it’s nice to meet you I’m Eun Mi. I live right above you.” she grinned. “I wish I could stay and visit but the salon just called me in.” she huffed.

“Why at this time of night?” Seung Hee asked, “It’s almost midnight!”

“They needed another hair stylist because a group is coming in a few hours to do a shoot nearby.” Eun Mi rolled her eyes.

Seung Hee tsked at this but wished her friend a good night and she left.

“I wondered which group it was this time.” she sighed. “Well anyways here’s our home!”

Sammy walked in after Seung Hee and looked around the place. It was actually pretty and she couldn’t believe how she found such a good place to stay.

“I know it’s not very big but its home.” Seung Hee sighed.

Sammy shook her head, “What do you mean? This is pretty! I love it.” she grinned.

The place was small but the way Seung Hee had decorated made it extremely cozy.  There was a small futon in the corner draped in purple cloth. There was a small television opposite the couch and a nice throw rug on the floor between the two.  There was no wall separating the kitchen from living room and there only two doors in the place. Sammy guessed one of them led to the bathroom and the other was a bedroom.

“I’m glad. Your room is right here.” Seung Hee pointed to the futon, “I’m sorry.”

“Oh don’t be.” Sammy smiled, “I’ll take almost anything at the moment.” she joked around which made Seung Hee laugh, “Seriously though you’ve decorated this place amazingly.” she did another look around of the place.

Seung Hee smiled at her, “Thank you! So we’ll get another bed set for you so we can share the bedroom.” she nodded.

Sammy walked over to the couch and set her bag next to it, “Thank you Seung Hee.” she smiled.

Seung Hee smiled back then told her that they should get to bed. She promised that she would show Sammy around the neighbourhood and get better blankets for her tomorrow before work.

When Sammy was settled in and under the covers she stared out the small window at the stars outside. She knew she made a good choice in coming here.







Hello everyone! I'm so glad you're reading my fic! ^^ and enjoying it (I hope) as much as I am writing it!

Please be honest and tell me where I'm lacking and if I'm making mistakes. I don't have an editor yet so there might be some. Please bear with me. The next update will be longer. I'm sorry for the short update.

So I hope you enjoyed it so far and it'll get more juicy soon! Until next time VIP's


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Okay, I decided to finish the story before I post it. I want to end it soon and I feel like I'm almost done. Sorry for the long update T_T


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lovis89 #1
aww she's confused. she can't date seunghyun and youngbae... sigh
TokioKills #2
Please keep updating, I really like your story. <3
SenyaG #3
top stalker?? hehe ^^
Aww cute update ^-^<br />
I would of kept the money though~ o:
Oh wow r going to have them fight over her? I hope that she doesn't come between their friendship. I wanna see some Beast!! Haha I need to cool down my fan girl reactions. Sorry for commenting so late I was having some Internet problems. Please update soon!!! <3
Lol TOP being a stalker~ kekeke ^^ please update soon!
Thank you for updating!!! Hmm..do I sense a little jealous, hostility coming from TOP?? I can't wait to see what happens next, and I like that shes working with them plenty of opportunities to have interaction between her and both Taeyang and TOP. And I also cant forget about about Junhyung. Wow im so excited to read the next chapters.Please update soon!!
Aww cute! ;D
Aww this was sweet! I love this fanfic! Hehe :D
Thanks for updating!! Hmmm, since she's gonna work part-time with Eunmi at YG, I'm kinda guessing TOP isn't gonna be allowed to like her, right? I love how TOP just makes up any excuse to see her, soo cute. I enjoyed this chapter and I'm excited see whats going to happen in the next chapters!!! <3