
Run and Hide (Hiatus)


“I’ll see you later?” Seung hyun looked into Sammy’s eyes.

She nodded, “Yeah.”

He lightly brushed her cheek making her heartbeat faster and then he left with a grin on his face. Sammy closed the door behind him and leaned against it. She felt the heat rush to her cheeks and the spot that Seung hyun touched was tingling. Sammy ran her fingers through her hair and couldn’t believe what had just happened. Her heart was still racing and her mind was going a mile a minute.

She couldn’t believe what had happened. In her happiness she ran to the couch and hugged the pillow to make sure that this was surely reality and not some cruel dream her mind made up.

In the moment of her giddiness she didn’t hear the door open.

I’m home.” Seung hee called out.

Sammy sat up straight to see her friend walk into the living room.

“Hey,” she said, “How are you?”

Seung hee let out a sigh and flopped on the couch, “He made me do so much cleaning and making kimchi!”

Sammy laughed, “I should have came with you.”

She shook head, “I wouldn’t want you to suffer what I did today.”

Sammy laughed and nodded her head.

“So how was your day?” she asked.

She felt her lips tingle and the spot Seung hyun had touched started tingling again as well. Her heartbeat sped up and she felt butterflies in the pit of her stomach. She looked to Seung hee and then coughed when she realized that she was taking a long time to answer.

“It was fine. I was with Eun mi for most of the afternoon.” She nodded.

"Did you try phoning me earlier? I noticed I missed a few calls but there was no ID." Seung hee asked.

"Ah, yeah I did. But it wasn't an emergency." she smiled thanking Seung hee for not picking up.

“Ahh I see,” Seung hee readjusted her legs, “Oh! How was breakfast with Jun hyung?”

“Oh umm it was good.”

“Come on! Tell me the dirty details.” She teased.

“Yah! Seung hee that’s embarrassing!” Sammy laughed and pushed her friend.

“I’m only joking.” She pushed back.

They both went quiet and Sammy closed her eyes for a bit.

“So do you like him?” Seung hee asked.

Sammy opened her eyes and looked at Seung hee. She looked embarrassed.

“I only like him as a friend.” She sighed, “But I can tell that he likes me.”

Seung hee nodded. Sammy looked at her friend and grinned.

“Don’t tell me!” she gasped.

Seung hee looked at her. Sammy jumped up and pointed at her. She giggled then hugged Seung hee.

“You like him don’t you.” She grinned.

Seung hee blushed and hid her face, “Ah! I knew it!” Sammy laughed.

“Sammy enough.”

“What? I’m happy you like him. He’s cute right?” Sammy smiled.

“Yeah but he likes you.” She sighed, “I don’t even stand a chance.”

Sammy shook her head, “Yes you do.”

“That doesn’t get rid of the fact that he still likes you.”

“Seung hee, don’t worry. I’m not leading him on.” Sammy tried her best to comfort her.

She nodded, “I’m going to take a nap.”

Sammy nodded, “Okay.”

She watched her friend go into her head with low shoulders. Sammy felt like such a bad friend. She walked over to the kitchen and thought she make tea for her. When she put the kettle on the stove a scream came from the bedroom.

Sammy ran into the living room and Seung hee ran out of her room with her laptop.

“What’s the matter?”

Seung hee placed her laptop on the couch and then placed her hands on her shoulders. Sammy looked at her friend with a worried look.

“What’s going on?” Sammy asked again.

“Is there something you’re not telling me?” Seung hee raised her eyebrows suspiciously.

“Seung hee what’s going on? I’m getting worried.”

She smiled and pointed to the laptop, “You should take a look at this.”

Sammy looked at her extremely confused as to what she was talking about. She looked at the screen and gasped.

There was a photo of her at the restaurant that afternoon. It was only three hours ago that she had lunch with the guys. She didn’t even see anyone with a camera.

“What... how?” she was bewildered.

“How was lunch?” Seung hee snickered.

“It was only lunch!” Sammy exasperated, “Oh my! What does it say?” she grabbed the computer and read the article.

Big Bang and V.I. Who?!

Early this afternoon Big Bang members minus the power rapper T.O.P were seen having lunch at a near by barbeque restaurant.

It wouldn’t be a surprise to see the four members to take a break from their full schedules but what adds the surprise to fans is WHO there are with. In the photo we can see Taeyang and GD sitting between a girl. There has been no confirmation on who the girl is or where she is from.

All we know is that she works for YG Entertainment. Many fans speculate that she is a choreographer since she and Taeyang seem to be sitting very close in the photo. Many netizens have said (most were negative comments and we cannot quote), “Who is she?” “Why is she sitting so close to Taeyang?” “She’s very pretty,” and “She’s a foreigner! Why is she with them?”

Sammy closed the laptop and scoffed, “Well this isn’t good.”

“That’s for sure.” Seung hee agreed.

“What should I do?” she asked.

Her phone went off and Sammy picked it up.


“Sammy? Where are you?” it was Eun mi asking.

“I’m home.” She answered.

“Okay good stay there. Have you seen the photo?”

“Yeah, Seung hee just showed me.” She sighed, “What do I do?”

“Just lay low for a few hours. YG deals with these rumours all the time. It’ll blow over in a day or two.” Eun mi comforted her.

“Okay. Thanks. I’ll talk to you later.” She sighed.

“Don’t be down Sammy. This will be over quick.”

“I hope so.” She sighed.

“It isn’t true right? You’re not dating Young bae?” Eun mi asked.

“No I’m not,” Sammy sighed again.

“I’m just making sure because in the photo he looks like he’s leaning into you.” She commented.

Sammy closed her eyes. She didn’t see the appeal that apparently she had towards men. Sammy never once thought of herself as pretty. She was average in her eyes, just a normal girl who didn’t do much to make herself attractive. She didn’t like all this attention.

“Yeah of course.” She told Eun mi, “I’ll talk you soon.”

With that Sammy hung up the phone.

“Who was that?” Seung hee asked.

“It was Eun mi. She said I should lay low.” She sighed.

“Yeah that sounds like a good idea. Just to be safe. You never know about fans.”

“I knew I shouldn’t have taken that second job.”

“You were just helping out a friend. It’s not like you’re always going to be there.” Seung hee told her.

“True. Maybe I’ll just head to Japan earlier.” She thought out loud.

“What! No you’re not! It’s only been two months!”

“I know but I’m just not liking this attention. Maybe it’ll be better for me.” She nodded.

“Not for me! I don’t want you to leave Sammy.” Seung hee pouted.

Sammy was taken back by her reaction. She never guessed that Seung hee would say something like that. Sammy was even surprised that she didn’t actually feel like leaving. Just as she opened the kettle started screeching. Sammy sighed, stood up and walked over to the kitchen.

“Was I too dramatic?” Seung hee shyly called out.

Sammy smiled, “No that was perfect.” She called back.

She could hear Seung hee sigh of relief. Sammy walked back in with a cup of green tea and gave it to her friend

“Thanks, I’m just going to have some of this then take a nap.” She nodded.

Sammy nodded sipping her tea. She felt her phone vibrate and took it out of her pocket. It was from Seung hyun. She instantly grinned and read her message.

Hey, how are you?

She was puzzled and replied.

I’m fine. Why?

She the TV waiting for his reply. It came quickly.

I saw the article. I was worried about you.

Her heart flutter as she replied telling him that she was fine and that she was staying in doors for the evening. A minute later he replied.

Should I come over later?

I don’t think that would be a good idea.

I’m just worried about you.

I’m fine Seung hyun.

Sammy smiled at how he seemed to care about this minor miscommunication. Her cell phone went off and she guess it was him calling.


“Is this Samantha Edwards?”


“This is Taeyang’s manager. Do you have a minute? I need to talk about this rumour.” He bluntly spoke.

“Yes.” She answered.

“I already talked with Taeyang and I believe him but I just need it confirmed that you two are not dating. Is he correct?”

“Yes, we’re only friends” she spoke.

She heard the manager give a big sigh of relief, “That’s good.” She could hear the smile in his voice, “That’s all I wanted to confirm. Sorry for disturbing you. Have a good night.”

“Yes, you too.” She answered back then hung up.

She tossed her phone onto the floor and flopped on her “bed”. She could feel a headache coming and decided to go to bed early that evening.


Hi! Just a short update! (Funny how an assigment that's due will make you want to write xD)

I hope you still support this fic! and I'll see you soon! ^^b

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Okay, I decided to finish the story before I post it. I want to end it soon and I feel like I'm almost done. Sorry for the long update T_T


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lovis89 #1
aww she's confused. she can't date seunghyun and youngbae... sigh
TokioKills #2
Please keep updating, I really like your story. <3
SenyaG #3
top stalker?? hehe ^^
Aww cute update ^-^<br />
I would of kept the money though~ o:
Oh wow r going to have them fight over her? I hope that she doesn't come between their friendship. I wanna see some Beast!! Haha I need to cool down my fan girl reactions. Sorry for commenting so late I was having some Internet problems. Please update soon!!! <3
Lol TOP being a stalker~ kekeke ^^ please update soon!
Thank you for updating!!! Hmm..do I sense a little jealous, hostility coming from TOP?? I can't wait to see what happens next, and I like that shes working with them plenty of opportunities to have interaction between her and both Taeyang and TOP. And I also cant forget about about Junhyung. Wow im so excited to read the next chapters.Please update soon!!
Aww cute! ;D
Aww this was sweet! I love this fanfic! Hehe :D
Thanks for updating!! Hmmm, since she's gonna work part-time with Eunmi at YG, I'm kinda guessing TOP isn't gonna be allowed to like her, right? I love how TOP just makes up any excuse to see her, soo cute. I enjoyed this chapter and I'm excited see whats going to happen in the next chapters!!! <3