A Big Surpise

Run and Hide (Hiatus)


A loud knock on the door woke the couple up. Sammy slowly opened her eyes and she heard Seung hyun let a low groan.

She moved away from him and quickly wiped the sleep from her eyes and ran her fingers through her hair. Seung hyun eyes finally opened and he lazily smiled at her. She politely smiled back then got up.

“We fell asleep.” She spoke.

“Looks like we did.” He smiled.

Sammy nodded feeling embarrassed.

“What time is it?” she asked.

“It’s ten in the morning.” Seung hyun replied.

“It’s ten? I was supposed to work with YG today.” She exclaimed.

“Really? We didn’t have a schedule today.” He said.

“I was supposed to work with another group umm… 2NE1 I think.” Sammy grabbed a towel.

Seung hyun stood up and stretched. Someone was still knocking and the two finally realized. Sammy walked over and guessed it was Eun mi. When she opened the door it was her. Sammy opened the door a little so she wouldn’t see Seung hyun standing in the living room.

“I’m so sorry Eun mi. I’m just getting ready. Give me ten more minutes?” she pleaded.

Eun mi laughed but nodded, “I’ll go down the street and grab us some coffee.”

“Thank you!” Sammy smiled,”I’ll be right down.”

Eun mi left and Sammy closed the door.

She was suddenly feeling guilty for falling asleep.  They didn’t do anything else but she still felt guilty.  Sammy sighed and went over to the bathroom door.

“I’m sorry but can you see your self out?” she spoke softly.

Seung hyun was surprised by her tone. It seemed like she was regretful. He didn’t know why she should feel that way because they didn’t do anything wrong.

“Sammy,” he said softly.

“I’ll see you around.” She smiled then locked herself in the bathroom.

Sammy leaned against the door listening for him. She wished he would leave. Sammy regretted what she said and did last night. She knew she shouldn’t have gone out with him, knew she shouldn’t show her attraction to his co-workers. She opened herself too much to him.

When she heard the door open and close she stopped herself from running after him. Sammy promised until she talked with Young bae she wouldn’t go on a date with Seung hyun again.

The small talk she had with Ji yong kept replaying in her mind.

A few minutes later she was downstairs. Eun mi was waiting downstairs with coffee in her hand.

“Late night?” she asked.

Sammy nodded, “Yes, I closed the restaurant last night while Mr. Shin and Seung hee went to visit family. I guess they stayed over night since I didn’t see Seung hee this morning.”

Eun mi nodded then the girls walked to the bus stop.

“You’re lucky I knocked on your door.” Eun mi teased.

“I am, “ Sammy nodded, “I didn’t realize I had slept in.”

The girls got on the bus and just talked about little things. They didn’t talk about the rumor or anything entertainment related.

They got off a few blocks from YG building and walked the rest of the way. Eun mi had said that they had to get coffee and tea for the managers. When they got the drinks they walked over to YG.

‘So what kind of shoot is it today?” Sammy asked.

“Another photo shoot. These girls are getting ready for another comeback after Big Bang. So we are just coming to help the creative designers with the possible concepts. Sometimes we even get to try some of the clothing but it’s mostly bringing in material and moving the story boards.” She sighed.

Sammy nodded feeling as excited as her friend. She was happy she wasn’t working with the Seung hyun or Young bae and that was all that mattered.

They joined the directors in a meeting room and everyone was grateful for the coffee and tea. Eun mi and Sammy sat and stayed quiet listening to the people brainstorming.

A few minutes later four girls came in and Sammy guess it was the group. They were all beautiful and she was in awe. They all said hello and sat down. The whole room started buzzing and it was very lively.

Sammy continued to sit there in her own world and her thoughts were always drifting to Seung hyun.

She was just thinking of sleeping in his warm arms when she felt a tap on her hand. She snapped her head up not realizing that she had fallen asleep.

“Hi, so are you Sammy?” a girl with red hair asked.

She nodded.

“Oh wow! You are beautiful.” She gushed, “I’m Bom. Nice to meet you.”

“Hi,” Sammy smiled.

“You’re working for us today?” she asked. “Is it because of that scandal you had with Young bae?”

Sammy was taken back by such a straightforward question, “Uh, I think so.” She smiled.

 “Yah, Bom don’t bother her.” A smaller girl next to her pinched her.

“I was only asking.” She pouted, “Did I make you uncomfortable?” she asked Sammy.

Sammy quickly shook her head, “Oh no just surprised.”

Just then Eun mi pinched her and Sammy looked her. She was about to scold her friend when she noticed she was standing up. Sammy looked at the table and everyone sitting there was staring at them. Eun mi looked down at her and eyed her to get up. She quickly listened and stood up.

“Could you two take the girls to the salon. They have a photo shoot in a few hours.” The manager told them.

“Yes, sir.” Eun mi smiled.

The four girls all stood up then waved at the people working. They all walked out and Eun mi spoke to them.

“This is Sammy. She’s filling in for a few weeks. She will help you getting dressed and styling between shoots.” Eun mi told them as they waited for the elevator.

“Hi, nice to meet you.” She waved.

“Hi, I’m CL.” A girl with blonde hair and big glasses smiled back.

“I’m Dara.” A thin girl with her bangs pulled back waved.

“You’ve already met me.” Bom laughed.

Sammy laughed with her and nodded.

“I’m Minzy. The youngest.” She grinned.

“Nice to meet you.” Sammy smiled.

They all got into the elevator and went straight down into the underground parking. The four girls quickly walked into the van that was waiting right outside the elevator. Eun mi handed over a black binder to Sammy.

“What’s this?” She asked.

“Lee is over seas right now working on another project… so you’ll be working alone today.” Eun mi smiled then dashed to the van.

Sammy stood there with agape.

“Eun mi!” she yelled and ran after her.

She was sitting in the front seat. Sammy was about to yell at her when she pointed to the back of the van. All four girls were asleep. Sammy looked at Eun mi giving her an annoyed look.

She sat by herself and opened the book.

There were photos of the clothes the girls were going to wear for the photo shoot. Sammy guessed it was her guideline. She internally groaned and sat back.

It was going to be an interesting shoot.

As soon as they walked into the building the girls were taken to the salon chairs to get their hair done. Since Sammy was only in charge of looking after the girls clothing she immediately went over to the clothing racks. Jut to make sure that everything was there.

After ten minutes she was done and everything was there.

She quickly rearranged all the shirts and jackets onto one rack sectioning them by name. She did this to the pants, skirts, and tights, then to the shoes, and finally the accessories. She then arranged the photos of each girl with the outfits they were supposed to wear.

After a half hour Dara was the first to be done.

“Hi,” she smiled, "What am I wearing today?"

“Hello,” Sammy smiled and handed over her dress.

"Wow! It looks great." Dara smiled.

Then she quickly went into the changing room. Sammy quickly got everything ready for her as she was changing. When Dara came out Minzy was walking over.

Sammy blew her bangs out of her face and took a deep breath.

“It’s going to be a long day.” She whispered and handed Minzy her outfit.

Six hours later Sammy was slowly packing everything up.

Eun mi came by and helped her load the clothes into the truck.

“So how did it go? Are you okay?” she asked.

Sammy nodded, “Yeah, I’m fine. It was hectic but I sort of liked it.” She laughed.

“That’s good because over the weekend we’re shooting a music video.” Eun mi grinned.

“Really? Wow!” Sammy giggled, “What time?”

“We arrive on set at five in the morning on Saturday and I don’t think shooting will be done until Sunday evening. Latest Monday morning.”

“Holy crap.” Sammy sighed, “Those poor girls. They work so hard.”

“Yep, they sure do but I think they don’t mind it. I mean they seem happy most of the time. Tired but happy.” Eun mi nodded.

“So did you want to grab something to eat before heading home?” Sammy asked.

Eun mi nodded and they quickly said good byes to the other workers. They walked down a few blocks until they found a street vendor near one of the busiest streets in the area. They were quietly eating when Eun mi got the courage to ask Sammy a question.

“Uh, so there’s a rumor about you again.” She started and Sammy’s head popped up, “That you were with Choi Seunghyun last night at the company.”

“That’s not a rumor.” Sammy sighed taking a shot of her soju.

Eun mi started at her eyes wide with shock.

“And before you lecture me or warn me I know I shouldn’t have done that.”

Eun mi only nodded.

“I don’t know why I agreed to go with him but... " she just decided to tell her know how she really felt, "He has this certain hold over me and I lose all sense of control. I have no idea what it is about him but I just can't stop thinking of him” She rambled, “I like him and I’m pretty sure he likes me too but I just can’t see us working out. He's a great guy. There's no doubt about that but then they're this thing with Youngbae and them being friends and me not wanting to let anyone in”


“And what happened last night… I wish that I hadn’t told him to come up with me.” She finally ended.

“Did you guys…” Eun mi left the question in the air.

“No, no of course not. I wouldn’t be so reckless with him.” Sammy corrected her assumption.

“I think the only thing I can say in this conversation is just to be careful Sammy.” Eun mi patted her hand.

“I know. The fans.” She nodded.

“That’s not what I meant. Just be careful of your heart Sammy.”

Sammy looked at her friend and smiled.

“Thank you.”

Eun mi nodded, “It’s fine. That’s what friends are for.”

Sammy laughed agreeing.

“Okay lets finish the bottle of soju then head home.” Eun mi proposed.

Sammy nodded and held out her glass.

The two girls took a cab back. When they drove by the noodle shop Sammy wondered if Seunghee and Mr. Shin had come back. The restaurant was closed for the day because Mr. Shin was out of town. The cab stopped outside their building and Sammy noticed the apartment light was on.

“Oh, Seunghee’s back.” Eun mi announced.

Sammy paid the driver and the girls rushed in finally feeling the cold air.

“Good night.” Sammy waved to Eun mi.

She waved back and slowly walked up the stairs. Sammy laughed then walked inside.

“I’m back.” She announced, “How was your visit?”

Sammy walked into the living room expecting to see Seunghee alone on the couch. She dropped her keys and bag seeing that she wasn’t alone. The man sitting next to her friend stood up.

“Hi Sammy.” Harry grinned.

“H- Ha- Harry.” She smiled and ran to her older brother.




Okay well it's been a while since I've updated. I'm sorry! But life just gets in the way T___T I hope you understand. I also hope you guys liked this chapter. I feel there's going to be 4 or 5 chapters. left.

thanks for reading!

(Sammy is finally beginnig to open up.)

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Okay, I decided to finish the story before I post it. I want to end it soon and I feel like I'm almost done. Sorry for the long update T_T


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lovis89 #1
aww she's confused. she can't date seunghyun and youngbae... sigh
TokioKills #2
Please keep updating, I really like your story. <3
SenyaG #3
top stalker?? hehe ^^
Aww cute update ^-^<br />
I would of kept the money though~ o:
Oh wow r going to have them fight over her? I hope that she doesn't come between their friendship. I wanna see some Beast!! Haha I need to cool down my fan girl reactions. Sorry for commenting so late I was having some Internet problems. Please update soon!!! <3
Lol TOP being a stalker~ kekeke ^^ please update soon!
Thank you for updating!!! Hmm..do I sense a little jealous, hostility coming from TOP?? I can't wait to see what happens next, and I like that shes working with them plenty of opportunities to have interaction between her and both Taeyang and TOP. And I also cant forget about about Junhyung. Wow im so excited to read the next chapters.Please update soon!!
Aww cute! ;D
Aww this was sweet! I love this fanfic! Hehe :D
Thanks for updating!! Hmmm, since she's gonna work part-time with Eunmi at YG, I'm kinda guessing TOP isn't gonna be allowed to like her, right? I love how TOP just makes up any excuse to see her, soo cute. I enjoyed this chapter and I'm excited see whats going to happen in the next chapters!!! <3