Chapter 20 : It's called TRAINING !

The Pretty Face behind the Curtains

Chapter 20 : The BEGINNING



We were at the airplane still confused as ever, but this time feeling a bit excited and

scares.  The whole trip was quite because we feel asleep easily. When we arrived at the

airport we were subconscious, well except for Aunt Soo Young who looks cool as ever.  

We then went to our vacation house in L.A.  It's located near the 2nd Street   and it

actually is a two storey house with 4 bedrooms and a swimming pool.











The rooms are just right for all of us, but Yuri and Cindy decided to stay in my room




We then went to our room to settle and washed up, after that we went to Aunt Soo

Young's room which is just across our room.  


"Unnie..." we asked while knocking.

"Ne?" she said while opening the door

"What are we supposed to wear?" Yuri asked.

"I'm glad you you ask." she said pushing us downstairs.  She grabbed her bag and keys and went to get the car which is a white Lexus

When we got in Aunt Soo Young drove off to the part of the street where there are lots

of boutique.  Our first stop is Victoria's Secret  well of course to get our undergarments.

 We have no choice because we didn't bring anything with us.

"Okay girls..put your undergarment in your basket okay. I'll wait here."  Aunt Soo Young

said while sitting.

We followed what she said and went on to shop for our undergarments.  After 15

minutes of picking we went back to her, she then inspect what we pick.

"WTH!! call this Lingerie ??" she said with a pissed look.

"but it's CUTE." I said smiling

"What are you grade 3???!! Put those back I'll just pick for you." she said kind of annoyed.

We followed what she said and place those stuffs to the stalls.  Aunt Soo Young went on

browsing some thongs and push-up bras for us, she place those that she like in our

basket and went on.  After 15 minutes we were done.  Even though I didn't like all of it

we didn't have a choice.  The day continued and we went to different boutiques  to try

different outfits and buy them.  Most of them we didn't want, but again what can we DO?

:( After 2 hours of shopping we relaxed for a bit in a restaurant to rest and eat.  After

that we continued again with the none stop shopping.  It's killing US!! and I mean it.  We

were so tired even Unnie is so we decided to went home and rest.  I know that's it's only

the beginning and I'm already hating it.  




sorry guys I don't know how to pick lingeries so please work with me.. :)) hahahah.. just imagine okay :)

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please update!!!
coming-on #2
ahhh i love the title
putriana #3
Continue pleaseee :(
I freaking love this fanfic...please continue with it :( i beg you
Please dont stop I really want you to finish it please •o
this is a really good story, so gripping! Keep going, ☻
beloved_yulvhie #7
To rein_kyuhae. We know U are now lose Ur inspiration. But think about the people who comment Ur story. Like them, I do too feel that this story is great, and it's soo not boring.

One for sure, U are a talented writer. And actually, ur idea is fresh. I really hope...I mean we really hope can read this one to final. Soooo Fighting ^_^