No More Games

Be My Tomboy!

~No More Games~

Zico waited outside of a small white house with a sigh. “I don’t even know what I’m doing here anymore…I mean what if one of the guys sees me here…”

The door opened and closed again, he was joined on the steps by Alex. “I was surprised when you texted me asking if you could come over.” She looked up at the sky and put a hand over her face to block the sun. “So what did you need?”

“I was wandering how Amber was?”

“She’s fine…she just got too hot and it didn’t help that she didn’t eat much that day.” Laughing she turned her head to face him. “Jonghyun was so worried that when I got there he told me he was gonna rush her to the hospital.”

“How are you doing, you seemed really worried.”

“I’m fine…come to think of it what where you doing at that garden yesterday? When I talked to Jaehyo after I helped out with Amber he said he had the place set up for lunch and told the caretakers to make sure no one else got in.”

Zico looked at her nervously. “Umm…Me and Taewoon went there real early but got lost. I guess they forgot we had went to look around.”

“Makes perfect sense.” Alex said as she focused back on the sky. “What a nice day.”

Zico starred at her as a small smile spread on his face. “Hey Alex I have an idea.” He stood up and stood in front of her with an extended hand. “Let’s go to the amusement park!”

“R..Really?” She said as she took his hand and stood up. “Why?”

“To have some fun why else?” He led her to his car and once inside he drove off. “There’s only one rule I have…seeing as I’m being kind I don’t want any distractions.” He held his hand out. “Cell phone…”

“But hyung…What is Amber, Jonghyun, or Key needs me?” After a second she gave him the phone and pouted. “Fine hyung…”

He smirked as he tossed the phone to the back seat, he tossed his phone as well. “Now let’s get this day started.”

Block B where relaxing at their usual hangout spot, Jaehyo was sitting by the window starring out at the sky. “I can’t believe she really thought that was a normal outing.” *Renting out that garden cost most of my paycheck…* He sighed.

B-Bomb looked at his watch. “Zico is late today…wonder where he went.”

P.O. looked at the t.v. as he played the game. “Who cares? He’s can handle himself.”

Taeil looked over at Jaehyo. “Dude, come over and play with us. I don’t know what has you mopping around but you have to get over it.”

“Wonder how is progress is with that girl…” U-Kwon said as he took a bite out of his pizza.

“Maybe there hanging out right now.” Kyung said as he laughed. “Now that I can see.”

Jaehyo’s ears zoomed in on the conversation at those words and he quickly took out his phone and called her. *No answer…* He then dialed Zico’s number and still no answer. “Could it be that there together…Alex…did I already loose?”

Alex laughed as the ride went down, Zico smiled as he watched her. *Why can’t I stop smiling all of a sudden? If I could stop things right now I would…but if I openly accept the feelings I think I have then things might take a turn for the worse…*

They went on plenty of rides, and ate a lot of food. At one point they got into an eating contest, Alex won but her reward was holding a garbage can for Zico. When they finally decided to leave Alex got into the car and let out an tired sigh. “That was awesome! I haven’t been to an amusement park since he was still here.”

Zico softened, he knew who that HE was that she was talking about. “I’m glad you had fun Alex.”

“Thanks for taking me Hyung, I like it when you act nice.”

“I have an idea…seeing as I was nice to you all day how about you do me a favor.”


“Try calling me oppa just once.”

“Wae?” She asked confused as she looked at him. “I like saying hyung.”

Zico laughed as he looked at her. “Please…”

“Fine..but focus on the road!” After she made sure he wasn’t looking she took in a deep breath. “Z…Zico oppa, it was really fun being with you today!” She blushed as he pulled over at her house.

Before she could leave he pulled her by the arm and in a flash there lips collided, Alex blush grew deeper. Zico’s eyes widened but he soon closed them and pulled her closer. When they parted she gave a confused look. “I..I should get going…”

“Yeah…” Once she left Zico smiled as he watched her enter her house. “I kissed her…wait a second!” His smile turned into a look of panic. “I kissed her and I liked it…” After taking one more glance at her house he sped off.

“Alex is that you?”

“Y…yes umma.” She looked back to see her mother standing there with Amber, Jonghyun and Key. “What are you guys doing here?”

“The bigger question is why are you blushing?” Key pointed out as he raised an eyebrow.

She looked at her mom who was studying her face. “Maybe we should take this convo to my room.” Alex walked past the group and grabbed Amber’s hand. “Come on guys.”

Amber followed behind in confusion. “Wait up Alex, your moving to fast!”

Jonghyun laughed as he bowed to her mom. “Thanks for letting us wait for her umma, we shouldn’t be long.”

Her mom laughed as she shook her head. “No worries, I haven’t seen you guys around since the move. If you want you three can stay for dinner.” She called, Jonghyun had already left to meet the girls.

Key smiled and nodded. “That’s sounds great, thanks.” With a bow he ran off as well.

Zico walked into a building to be greeted with his friends. “Zico finally showed up!” Taeil said as he sat up from the couch. “What took you so long?”

P.O. stood up and grinned. “What where you doing all day.”

“I quit.”


“I said I quite! I’m no longer gonna try and change the way Alex is…it’s best to leave her be and that goes for everyone here!”

Kyung looked at him. “What caused the sudden change in attitude.”

“I’m bored with her…now let’s drop it and do something.”

Jaehyo watched from his window seat. *Zico’s face is red…what did he do to embarrass him?* He looked away and checked his phone. “She never got back to me.” Jaehyo tried calling her once more but the phone just kept ringing.

In Zico’s car in the back seat a red phone sat there vibrating, the letters lite up read Jaehyo. 

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RainaTB #1
Lol thank you! :)
SuJuAngal #2
AWWWW such a cute story. Love the ending. hehe yay for Hello Kitty =)
RainaTB #3
Thank you! Not sure about the sequel thing though.
end alrd? sequel prz ;a; i super love the endinggg! :D
RainaTB #5
Thank you! TT_TT I'm glad u thought it was nice!
GamyeongjaTokki #6
That was a nice ending actually :D
parkyeon-ah #7
RainaTB #8
Surre thing! Thanks for reading still! :)
yess! win her back, before it's too late :D <br />
once again,thank you for updating:)
RainaTB #10
Thank you! :) I'll update as soon as possible!