Because Everyone At Making Plans

Everybody Loves Sehuna


Chapter Twenty-Three: Because Everyone At Making Plans

Word Count: 1700+      





“Come home in the morning light. My mother says, ‘when you gonna live your life right?’. Oh mother dear, we’re not the fortunate ones,” Lulu sang in her broken english, “the phone rings in the middle of the night. My father yells, ‘what you gonna do with your life?” Baekhyuna covered her eyes in annoyance.

“Chen, give me back my spoon!” Minnie yelled.


“Has anyone seen my homework?” Kris asked.

“Since when did you start doing your homework?” Sehuna asked, surprised.

“Chen that’s inappropriate!” Minnie yelled when Chen her spoon.


Suhonna sighed and steps in between Minnie and Chen’s fight. “Give it back.”

“Uewww, no way! I don’t want it anymore!” Minnie stuck her tongue out.

“Girls just wanna have fun.” 


The breakfast table was lively in the morning as always, but one thing was different from the usual; Channie never came home yesterday and Baekhyuna was freaking out. Nobody had noticed yet, perhaps they thought Channie came home without them noticing, but Channie’s always present during breakfast. Not even Suhonna and Layla had questioned her yesterday when she disappeared. 

“Baekhyuna!” Sookyung shouted right into her left ear.

“Yah, what the fudge!?” Baekhyuna shouted right back, gaining the whole table’s attention. 

Sookyung nervously smiled. “Sorry, you weren’t listening so I had to..”

“No, no, I should be the one apologizing.” Baekhyuna let out a nervous laughter and scratched the back of her head. “Anyhow, you were saying?” 

“Where’s Channie? I didn’t see her at dinner yesterday and she was looking forward to eating korean beef. I even made some of her favorite side dishes…” Sookyung frowned. 

“Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. It’s not like her,” Lulu said.

“Oh my gosh. So Lulu’s thinking about something other than how to ruin Kim Jonghyun’s life and Kris’ has been doing her homework?” Jonginna’s mouth dropped open. “Girls, I think we’re witnessing a miracle.”

“Very funny, Kim. You keep laughing.” Kris glared and continued, “Don’t blame me if something absolutely terrible happens.” 

Jonginna glanced at her friends, “You guys heard that right? I can sue her now, no?”

“Go dig a hole, and bury yourself. If you don’t, as a friend, I’d be glad to do it for you, my dear, dear, dear friend.” Kris flashed a menacing smile. 

“Someone call the police, Kris is out of control!” Chen yelled.

“Chen, how many times do I have to tell you that you can only call the police under an emergency,” Layla reminded, “Or does this count as an emergency? I’m not sure.”

Sehuna giggled. “Google’s your best friend.” 

Baekhyuna let out a tired sigh. The girls had escalated onto a new subject. She slipped away from the chaotic scene without anyone noticing. She should go to school early, maybe she’d stumble upon Channie on her way to school. Maybe.

Channie’s almost an adult now. She’s a childish adult, yet she’s old enough to take care of herself excellently. And most importantly of all, it’s not her fault, Baekhyuna convinced herself. She’d find Channie eventually and everything would be okay. 

“Are you going to school on your own?” She heard a voice call out. 


“Sorry, did I scare you?” Sehuna worried and approached her. “I didn’t mean to.”

“No I’m fine, and yes, I planned on going earlier today,” Baekhyuna replied.

“Oh, cool. Me too.” Sehuna grinned and grabbed her sneakers.

“Actually, I was thinking about going alone..”

“Well, then let’s go alone together.” 

Sehuna really didn’t understand what alone means, did she? Baekhyuna swallowed the urge to roll her eyes and reluctantly nodded her head while fake smiling. They prepared themselves and within two minutes, they were out the door. 

Baekhyuna was nervous as hell that Sehuna would ask her a question about Channie. But Sehuna just stared at their surroundings, not speaking a word. Baekhyuna forced herself to act as normal as possible…. “No, I can’t stand this silence anymore!”

Sehuna shot her an apologetic glance and smiled softly. “Sorry, Unnie. You said you wanted to walk alone so I figured I shouldn’t say anything.”

“No, I suppose you’re right….” Baekhyuna relaxed.

Sehuna really was innocent.

Her next words surprised Baekhyuna though.“Hey, can I ask you something?”

“Uh….” Baekhyuna nibbled on her lower lip. Don’t act suspicious! 

“Did you buy any cereal yesterday? Because I couldn’t find any..” 

Baekhyuna smiled.

“I forgot.” 

“That’s okay. I’ll survive without it.” 

The girls arrived at school and Baekhyuna breathed out in relief. She was safe, for now, at least. She’d have to come up with an excuse and quick or she’d be in deep . 

“I’ll see you at lunch.” Sehuna bowed her head. Baekhyuna did the same and watched Sehuna walk in the opposite direction of Baekhyuna’s classroom. Baekhyuna turned around to head to her locker when someone called her name. “Wait, Baekhyuna!”

Baekhyuna’s body froze when she heard the following words, “I know Channie’s missing.” 

“I’ll help you look after school and I won’t tell the others either. I’m not gonna help you with making any excuses, ‘kay? I’ll just say I don’t know anything.” Sehuna said. “I really hate lying, especially to people I care about, but I don’t want to do anything that might ruin your relationship with the other girls.” 

“Thank you,” Baekhyuna whispered.

“You’re welcome.” She heard Sehuna’s footsteps fade out down the hall. 

Sehuna, thank you. I owe you. 



“Channie’s such an annoying dweeb. I’m sure she’s fun and all that but she’s too stupid to even breathe the same air as me.” Krystal sighed. “I’m back to zero and I have no leads. Sulli, what am I gonna do?” She whined.

Krystal’s plan had back-fired, completely. She had no idea what she was going to do anymore. Baekhyuna and Jonghyun were still together, and things were progressing beautifully in between them, which is awful. If Krystal didn’t do something, anything, and soon, she’d run out of time. 

“Ask Lulu directly?”

“Ehhh, no? She’d get suspicious and there’s no way in hell she’d tell me. I’m the alpha female of my pack and she’s the alpha female of her pathetic pack. We’re enemies, rivals, you know.” Krystal rubbed her forehead in annoyance. Why were girls so complicated? Either they’re stupid and naive or they’re backstabbing jerks.

“Well, she’s good friends with Minnie,” Sulli said. 

“Minnie Who?” Krystal asked. “I swear to god Sulli if you’re talking about Minnie Pig I will cut you open using my newly manicured nails. You have to take these things seriously!”

“It’s Minnie Mouse,” Sulli corrected. “And I’m talking about that girl who always takes so much rice in the cafeteria. She’s like best friends with Lu, or they were.” 

“Baozi Girl? You should have said so from the start.” Krystal’s eyes searched for the girl known as “Minnie” but she couldn’t find her anywhere in the cafeteria. “Well, it would be an advantage if they’re not that close anymore because she won’t be as defensive. Then again, there’s a chance they’re not even close enough for Lu to tell Minnie about her plans.” 

“I guess.” Sulli nodded in agreement. “How about Oh Sehuna?”

“Oh What?”


“The , all of them have such weird names…” 

Sulli shrugged and reply, “Maybe their parents hate them?” 

“Well, everyone can’t have pretty names like mine,” Krystal bragged.

“What about my name?”

“Don’t push it.” 


14.00. Somewhere. 

Let’s do this, Channie thought. She was starving. She had spent the night on a park bench and someone stole both her wallet and her phone. She was lost, without any money or a way to contact her friends. All of them must be so worried… After thinking things through, she decided that she should rob the supermarket.

She re assuringly squeezed the weapon she had in her pocket. It would go quickly if she just stuck to the plan. She took a deep breath and with her remaining courage, she pushed the supermarket doors open.

“EVERYONE STAND STILL I HAVE A WEAPON IN MY POCKET AND I’M NOT AFRAID TO USE IT!” She yelled. Everyone stopped like she had asked, but instead of looking scared like she thought they would. Not that there were many people there, only a cashier, a young boy, and the boy’s mother. All of them looked amused. The child even bursted out in laughter while pointing at her face. “What’s so funny?”

“Mommy, why is she wearing spongebob undies on her head?”

Channie blushed.

“She’s probably a psycho who sneaked out from the mental institute. I told my husband at least a thousand times that it’s not safe in this neighborhood, did he listen? Of course not!” The woman complained.

“Hey, I’m not a psycho! I found them lying around the street and I figured I needed something to cool to wear if I’m going to be a robber.” Channie pouted.

“Well it’s not exactly intimidating…” The cashier muttered. “And that you actually picked up some random undies from the street proves the point that you’re mentally sick. Did you even check if they’re clean? Someone might have peed on them.”

“Ueeew.” Channie grabbed the boxers she had on her head and threw them on the ground. “I’m just hungry. I ran away from home and I’m lost.” Her voice trembled. “I’m cold, both my wallet and my phone got stolen, and my neck hurts ‘cause I spent the night on a park bench.” 

“I feel so bad for you, sister.” The woman who called her a psycho had tears in her eyes. 

“I’m not your sister.”

“That’s not the point.”

“But I’m not your sister.” Channie looked at the child. “I think your mommy needs to book an appointment with the doctors.” 

“Funny. Dad says that all the time!” The child giggled.

The cashier cleared . “Either how, I’ll give you ten bucks if you leave. I’m pretty sure you don’t have any weapon inside that pocket of yours, but I feel bad for you, kiddo.”

“Money?” Channie’s eyes widened. “Nah. I just want Cheerios.” 

“Cheerios? Seriously? You rob a supermarket only for some Cheerios?” The child scoffed. “You, my robber, are a disgrace to criminals.” 

After talking some more, Channie found out that the supermarket didn’t have Cheerios. Out of rage, Channie threw her weapon― a stick she found in the park, to be exact― and stormed out of the supermarket. She returned to the park and sat down on the park bench, admitting her defeat.

“Being the bad guy doesn’t feel very nice..” She murmured and closed her eyes. “I’m sorry Baekhyuna. Find me soon and I promise I’ll never be immature again. I’ll even change my whole personality if that’s what’s necessary.” 


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Luhanyo #1
Chapter 33: Take your time but pleas don't forget to update
I was searching for a crack ff and I found this one xD this is my first time reading a fic where exo are girls xD and yay! Everybody loves me . Not xD (my username)
Chapter 33: Oh my gosh, you are finally back
I love this story and am so glad you will continue it...
Even if it will be rewritten, i will read it all over again
I never realized how long it has been... but now im soo excited and cant wait
You are one of my favourite authors and this story is sooo addicting and interesting
So waiting patiently, I and im sure others Welcome you back ^^
**showers you with love**
Chapter 33: Just to make things clear, I won’t be deleting any of the old comments! They’re my fuel, haha. No but seriously, I’m stoked to be back! I just hope you don’t hate me (too much).
noddy1 #5
Chapter 32: Please update author-nim
samffeine #6
Chapter 32: channie all the way~! sorry I just think her love towards baek it's just too cute!!
Chapter 32: Part of me wants Channie while another part really wants Hyun Woo.. And a realllllllly small part wants Jonghyun, or at least he in the end likes her but don't end up together... Ughhhhhhhhh such a difficult question
This is nice. I like it!
Chapter 32: Duhh~Isn't it obvious enough?I vote for Channie!^O^ Although I don't mind some dramas with Hyun Woo first..>O<
Auww,poor Sehunna..Insecurities is so not cool!=,= And my Minnie!*frown even more* Jeez,speechless..Just try to cheer up okay all of you?Including Sookyung!
A duel?Gosh Lulu,your idiocity is just so limitless,huh?*facepalm*Let's just wait and see then..=_="
Chapter 32: I want more dohun !