
Everybody Loves Sehuna


Chapter Twenty-Three: Minnie The Not - So - Loyal

Word Count: I'm too lazy to count, sorry  :c    


After a long day, the night had arrived. Everyone else was getting ready for bed, but Lulu and Sehuna snuck out to the lake to grill marshmallows. Apparently Lulu was craving for the mushy white delicious treat and Sehuna, being her BFF, would be (and I quote) "an evil " if she didn't agree to tag along. No problem though, Sehuna was craving from them too.

Sehun smiled, her eyes glued on the midnight blue sky. "Unnie, have you ever made a wish? I haven't. Let's make a wish!"

Lulu who had her cheeks stuffed with marshmallows gestured towards the sky. "There are no shooting stars, we can't!" Her speech was un clear thanks to the food in , but Sehuna still understood what she meant.

"I know, but we should still make a wish! It's not like it'll come true anyway." Sehuna shut her eyes closed and Lulu followed her actions. I wish that Lulu and I will be besties forever and forever. She opened her eyes, then looked at Lulu who was still concentrated on making her wish. "Are you done?" She asked when Lulu opened her eyes.

"Yup," the redhead nodded. "Hey, we're hanging out this weekend, right? So where do you want to go? What do you wanna do?"

"Let's go to a movie!" Sehuna offered. "I'll bring my wallet this time so we don't have to argue with the lady who works there."

"That's the boring way, but it's your choice." Lulu rolled her eyes at Sehuna's innocence. Although it gets annoying, she's happy that Sehuna's innocent and shy, instead of outgoing and daring like herself. That's why they fit together so well. Sehuna's the cake, and Lulu's the icing. Lulu's the layout and Sehuna's the content. "Tomorrow we're going back home."

"I had a lot of fun here, but I'm still looking forward to going home," Sehuna confessed before taking a bite of an un-grilled marshmallow. "I miss the unnies," she said, while chewing.

"I miss our TV, my manga books, my computer, and dance classes," Lulu rambled meanwhile Sehuna giggled, "Honestly though, I still sort-of had fun. The outdoors are pretty fun, if you're occupied doing something. I'm happy I agreed to come here."

"I'm happy too, I don't think it would have been as fun without you," Sehuna smiled.


The next day, somewhere around Sunday morning, the students returned to school grounds. The bus dropped the students off at their respective houses/dorms. Lulu had noted that Sehuna and Changmin looked a little too friendly, and smiled to widely at each other when they were bidding goodbye. She convinced herself they were happy to get away from each other though.

"I'm ready to go," Seuna said, lifting her bag from the ground. She groaned, realizing that her bag was heavier than she thought.

Lulu who saw how her best friend was struggling, scurried over to the younger girl. "I'll carry it for you," she offered, stealing the bag from Sehuna's grasp. "You see? I can carry this bag easily!" She grinned, proudly.

"No, I can't make you carry two bags. Your shoulders are going to be sore," Sehuna tried to grab her bag again but Lulu took a few steps backwards, out of Sehuna's reach.

"Hey, I'm an independant and strong woman. I am more than capable of carrying two bags," Lulu persisted.

Sehuna, given no other choice, nodded her head. "You two bicker like a married couple," mocked Jonginna.

"What? We do not," Lulu protested.

"You're right. Sehuna's not the type to bicker since it's immature. She's only defending herself from you childisness."

"Blah, blah, blah. I can't understand the alien language you speak, future Mrs.Lee!"

Lazy Baekhyuna who wasn't involved in their conversation, figured that if Lulu could carry two bags, she coudl carry a third one too. The more the merrier, and excersise is good for you, afterall. 

"Aish, my bag is so heavy! I can't carry this although I have extremely big mucsles, someone please help me from this exhausting, tiring and...., erhm, owwie activity," Baekhyuna whined.

Lulu glared at Baekhyuna, hushing her. "You're being loud and obnoxious, Baek. Watch your mouth," she scolded, "besides you really need the strength. You've been really weak these days."

Lulu continued her fighting conversation with Jonginna and Sehuna while approaching the house. Baekhyuna frowned deeply at how Lulu had ditched and even hushed her! Who dares hush THE BAEKQUEEN? 

The red-headed fox must have lost her dignity under their trip, forgetting how you properly treat royalty. She'd totally pay for this the day when Baekhyuna becomes a world famous ballad singers. She scoffed, thinking about how Lulu had called her a weakling. Her muscles are hidden, and that's a good thing. 

When people attack her they'll think she's harmless and vulnerable, then she'll surprise them and go all ninja. Besides, Lulu should be glad she's not some body-builder, Jonghyun likes petite girls, not busty ones like Kris or curvy ones like Minnie. 

When they got inside of the house, they were all greeted by the smell of fresh pancakes. Sehuna smiled, enjoying the delicious scent. All of the girls were tired and hungry from travelling, had to hold onto their tummies to prevent them from grumbling out loud.

"Didn't Changmin feed you guys?" Sookyung came inside the room, cracking a joke. "You look like you've never eaten any thing more but sallad and breadsticks." She smiled.

"We have missed your food." Sehuna pouted, hugging Sookyung's waist and resting her chin on Sookyung's shoulder. "Unnie, will you make us some korean beef tonight? My stomach's craving for some," she giggled.

Lulu felt a jolt of jealousness, how come Sehuna never hugs her like that? She frowned, wanting to tear Sookyung and Sehuna away from each other. She knew that would be suspicious though, and Sehuna might be offended. 

"Sure, we'll go shopping later. For now, shall we go and eat pancakes first? We've been waiting for you," Sookyung revealed.

"Oh, really? Channie and Minnie actually managed?" Jonginna questioned.

"Well they tried. I didn't say all of them were able to absolutely not touch the food at all," Sookyung laughed.

A few minutes later, they were all crowded around the table, eating a meal of pancakes with whipping cream, strawberry jam and honey. Kris elegantly ate her food, meanwhile Layla and Suhonna were feeding each other like the lovebirds they are, giggling and flirting. Channie played with her food, making different creations out of toppings and showing them off to Baekhyuna.

Lulu was telling her stories like she always does, only this time, there were more recent ones about their trip. Although they were new stories, everyone listened half-heartedly excluding Sehuna who laughed and smiled while listening to Lulu's over-dramatic twist. Lulu tends to bend the truth quite often.

"Ah, by the way!" Sookyung interrupted everyone else. "A few of you requested for me to grill some korean beef and I figured, why not? However, we don't have any at home which means that some of you will have to go out and buy groceries."

"It's about time we buy more groceries anyway, our fridge has been looking both lonely and empty these days," Suhonna said. "I'd like to go, Layla, you'll join?"

"Of course," she smiled.

"Great, we have space for three more in the car, who wants to go?"

"Me, me, me, me!" Channie chanted. Layla and Suhonna nodded their heads, agreeing that Channie was more than welcome to tag along. "Yes! Hey, Baekhyuna. You should come too!" She grinned.

"Why? I'm sleepy," Baekhyuna yawned. It had been a long time since she slept in her warm and soft bed. 

"You should come so you can buy all the things you want and you get them for free since unnies are paying!" Channie replied.

Baekhyuna nodded her head. It sounds like a reasonable enough explanation. "Fine, I guess I can't say no to such a good offer. I'll make sure to buy organic and expensive high-quality food!" She beamed. Suhonna and Layla who were the wallets that would pay for Baekhyuna's nonsensial groceries and items were the opposite of happy. But as they say; one woman's garbage is another woman's eyeliner. 

"Anyone else wanna go? What about you cousins, Sehuna and Jonginna?" Layla questioned.

Both of them rejected the offer, Sehuna giving the excuse that she's tired and has homework to do, and Jonginna explanining that she's going out with a friend = Taemin. She's not telling them she's going out with Taemin though, he doesn't need to know, hah.



Sorry, I'm in a super hurry right now. The next part will come out tomorrow, hopefully. 

I know it's a short chapter, really sorry for that 2.

I gotta go now, bye! :)





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Luhanyo #1
Chapter 33: Take your time but pleas don't forget to update
I was searching for a crack ff and I found this one xD this is my first time reading a fic where exo are girls xD and yay! Everybody loves me . Not xD (my username)
Chapter 33: Oh my gosh, you are finally back
I love this story and am so glad you will continue it...
Even if it will be rewritten, i will read it all over again
I never realized how long it has been... but now im soo excited and cant wait
You are one of my favourite authors and this story is sooo addicting and interesting
So waiting patiently, I and im sure others Welcome you back ^^
**showers you with love**
Chapter 33: Just to make things clear, I won’t be deleting any of the old comments! They’re my fuel, haha. No but seriously, I’m stoked to be back! I just hope you don’t hate me (too much).
noddy1 #5
Chapter 32: Please update author-nim
samffeine #6
Chapter 32: channie all the way~! sorry I just think her love towards baek it's just too cute!!
Chapter 32: Part of me wants Channie while another part really wants Hyun Woo.. And a realllllllly small part wants Jonghyun, or at least he in the end likes her but don't end up together... Ughhhhhhhhh such a difficult question
This is nice. I like it!
Chapter 32: Duhh~Isn't it obvious enough?I vote for Channie!^O^ Although I don't mind some dramas with Hyun Woo first..>O<
Auww,poor Sehunna..Insecurities is so not cool!=,= And my Minnie!*frown even more* Jeez,speechless..Just try to cheer up okay all of you?Including Sookyung!
A duel?Gosh Lulu,your idiocity is just so limitless,huh?*facepalm*Let's just wait and see then..=_="
Chapter 32: I want more dohun !