Stars and Pizza Starring Celebrity Kris

Everybody Loves Sehuna


Chapter Twenty-One: Stars and Pizza Starring Celebrity Kris

Word Count: 3800+   


Kris had in only three days time become known as the girl who actually nailed the tests although she at school. Out of nowhere, she had raised her 20 out of 100 to 75 out of 100 in math. Teachers suspected that she cheated, but without any proof, they couldn't prove anything. The truth is that Kris had actually studied, and made it, thanks to Sehuna.

"Tell me your secret, Kris," Jessica whined. "You did cheat, didn't you?" Several seniors, even a few juniors from school had rounded up around the table where Tao, Layla, Suhonna and Kris were trying to enjoy a meal of pizza. Kris is practically a celebrity now, and although her friends find her 'famousness' irritating, Kris is loving the attention.

"I am telling you, I did not cheat. I studied with the help of one of the best teachers you could ever come across. She's totally exclusive, and you wanna know a secret?" The students nodded and she leaned closer. "She makes studying fun."

Everyone gasped, and Suhonna had her last nerve broken. "Look, I'm trying to not lose my temper here. If you wanna speak with Kris at school, then fine, but is it necessary for all of you to round up around the table when we're trying to eat?" She complained.

"We're not leaving until we find out who this teacher is!" Demanded Amber.

"Fine, she's not that exclusive, she lives in our dorm. Her teacher is Sehuna," Tao revealed.

The students groaned. "But Sehuna is on that stupid field trip!" "Oh Sehuna? She's just a junior, can't be that good, can she?" "I've heard she's a top student!" The seniors, and few juniors, walked away while chatting.

"Unbelievable! You chased all of my fans away!" Kris glared at Tao.

"They were never yours to keep," Suhonna reasoned and took another bite of her pizza. "And see things from the good side, your parents will open your account again and you can go back to your old ways, if that is what you want."

"This is exactly like when you threw out Ace, and he has still not returned." Kris whimpered.

"I told you, they're doing their best."

"Well, their best isn't enough!" Kris frowned. She angrily took a bite of her pizza and the three other girls decided that it would be inappropriate to interfere with her in this state.


"When they said we're going to a camp, I thought we were doing fun stuff, you know. Like swimming, swimming, checking out hot guys, and stuff. But the only good looking guy who came on the trip is Taemin, and he's not hot, he's more cute," whined Lulu. She didn't even care that everyone, literally everyone, there could hear her conversation with Sehuna and Baekhyuna.

"That sounds more like a vacation on the beach, Lu," Baekhyuna pointed out and Sehuna agreed. "If we came here to enjoy all the time, then wouldn't the top scorers be here instead of the ones who failed?" She reasoned.

"I hate when you make sense," Lulu murmured. She looked down at all her hard work. It's actually quite fun, but her friends would probably laugh in her face if she tells them that Xi Lulu enjoys picking up garbage. "The forest is going to be super clean after we're done," she changed the subject, "If someone dirties down our hard work, I'm going to shove a beer bottle down their—"

She stopped her talking when she realized that everyone was looking at her. What? She wanted to yell at them. "I think what my Lulu means is that if someone ruins our hard work and ruins everything after we've all been working together and cleaning the forest so neatly, she'll be very disappointed." Sehuna rephrased Lulu's sentence. 

A wave of proudness swept over Lulu as Sehuna said "my Lulu". But it quickly vanished when their stupid Mr.Shim decided to open his big, fat mouth. "Your talent with words is very impressive for someone as young as yourself, Sehuna."

"Yeah, MY Sehuna is very talented in everything she does. She's almost perfect." Lulu swung an arm around Sehuna's shoulder.

Sehuna blushed at the amount of compliments she were receiving. "I wouldn't say perfect..."

"And MY Sehuna is very modest too, and pretty, and awesome, and did I mention that she's MY BFF? That's because she's epic and I'm epic too and we sort of belong with each other because of that." Lulu babbled.

Sehuna hurriedly put a hand over Lulu's mouth. "Hah, don't you think you're talking too much now Unnie? Stop bragging."

"Mhmmmmm. Mhmmmmm." Lulu tried talking. But her words didn't come out as Sehuna's hand were covering . "Ah!"

"Unnie!" Sehuna squealed and pulled her hand away in disgust. "Did you just my hand? That's, ugh. Don't do that again!"

Lulu giggled and pulled Sehuna in for my hug. "Is my baby feeling angry now? Did I make my baby angry?" Lulu pouted while clinging onto Sehuna. The younger girl giggled while listening to her friend's nonsense. 

Changmin smiled at the two. It's reassuring for him to know that Sehuna has somebody by her side. And although he would have preferred if Sehuna liked someone on her own intelligence level, he's happy to see that they have a very genuine friendship. However, he became Un comfortable by Lulu's next sentence.

"What is it that you want me to tell you, HunHun? Huh? Fighting, Baby Hunnie? Is that what you wanna hear?" Sehuna might not have noticed, but the redhead's menacing eyes were glued on Changmin while talking. And Changmin had a feeling that Lulu might know about something that she shouldn't even be aware of.


After cleaning the forest from garbage, the students were finally free after three hours of hard work. Everyone except for Lulu, Baekhyuna and Changmin who were making food. Changmin and Baekhyuna chatted meanwhile Lulu stood quiet, glaring now and then at Changmin. I need to do something about you.

She was so busy with concentrating on Changmin's every move instead of noticing Baekhyuna's nervous glances. Should I tell Lulu about Jonghyun and the parents thingy? She shook her head. Lulu doesn't need to know. She turned to talk with Changmin to get herself distracted, but their teacher had left. But she'll be mad if I don't tell her. I have to follow the plan! She hesitated. But I sincerely did promise Jonghyun not to break his heart. He's really serious about me.

Baekhyuna didn't have time to dwell over her problems any further, because Hyun Woo decided to pay Lulu and Baekhyuna a visit. "Need any help?" He asked, a genuine smile lingering on his lips. Baekhyuna shook her head, not wanting to spend time with the annoying boy, however, Lulu nodded.

"Actually, Baekhyuna's a little slow with cutting the vegetables and I'm not very good at it either! I'll go help Mr.Shim and you help Baekkie, alrighty?" Lulu rushed to their teacher who was occupied with grilling.

Baekhyuna groaned, realizing that she's going to be alone with Hyun Woo now. "Great, I'm stuck with Carrot Head for the second time today. Look, you better not be in the way!" She frowned.

"As you wish, Eyeliner Grandma." He bowed. She bit her lip to prevent herself from smiling. Hyun Woo reminds her of Channie.

Come to think of it, she actually misses Channie a little. The tall giant had looked so miserable and abandoned when Baekhyuna told her about the trip. But she's probably used to disappointment by now. Ever since Baekhyuna begun dating Jonghyun, Channie has not been the same. They've grown distant, and although Baekhyuna's too stubborn to admit, she misses Channie, a lot.

"Lulu wasn't exaggerating like I though she were when she told me you were slow. You look dazed somehow. Maybe you should sit down?" He suggested. Baekhyuna shook her head and gestured to all the vegetables that were left to cut. "It's not too much," he lied. "I'll be fine, I can do it myself."

"But it's a lot of job. I'll be fine with your assistance," she assured. Usually, she'd jump at the first opportunity to stop working. Today though, there's so much drama in her life and she wants a break. Right now, this is her only chance.

"No," he said with a stern voice, "I mean what I'm saying, Baekhyuna. Go and rest." He persisted. The girl couldn't lie that she's not exhausted, she is. Ever since Sehuna came along, things have grown complicated and relationships/friendships are being tested. She'd though that the connection she and the ten other girls feel with each other was unbreakable, but she was wrong.

Jonginna and Sookyung are barely on talking terms again, but their friendships is really badly damaged. Lulu pretty much ignores Minnie now that Sehuna's here. And Baekhyuna and Channie's close bond is not that strong anymore. Before they could bicker about the smallest things and laugh at it the next minute. Now, she's afraid of arguing with the taller.

Baekhyuna's not blaming the younger female of course. She's just saying that things have drastically changed, both good and bad, since Sehuna came to SM High. Hyun Woo who had been talking with Baekhyuna although she seemed to not hear a word he's saying, sighed. There really is something wrong with her. But she's such a strong girl. Apparently even the strong have their weak moments. He pulled the knife she held in her hand, out of her grasp.

Baekhyuna turned her head to look at him, irritated. "So you are awake. Still spacey though. Seriously now, go rest." He demanded. She couldn't reject his offer this time and left the cooking area to rest in her tent (which she shared with Jonginna and Mira).

By the grilling area, Lulu and Changmin were grilling. Changmin was doing most of the work meanwhile Lulu attacked him with private questions like: Do you have a girlfriend? Would you date a younger girl? What are your thoughts on student X teacher relationships? Other people who weren't aware of the situation would think that Lulu had taken a liking to the older male.

However, it's quite the opposite in this situation.

Changmin would respond with a simple "no" to all of her questions. But Lulu knew she was making him nervous. He's sweating like a pig. If he wasn't good-looking, he would look disgusting with all the beads of sweat covering his body. She'll have to admit that he's pretty hot though. The few beads of sweat glistening his upper body that is a too viewable and a little too Un buttoned for Lulu's liking. However, the other girls, including Sehuna herself, must be cheering with joy over how y he's looking right now.

They probably feel blessed going on this trip, at least they'll feel some sort of joy after seeing Changmin like this. And they should be thanking Lulu, because she's the one making him nervous. If it is not her interrogation, it must be the warm fire coming from the grill. 

"What do you think of Sehuna?" She dropped the bomb out of nowhere, without a single warning.

"Ah, one of her finest attributes is her intelligent and fast brain that is capable of soaking up information like a swamp. She has a very wide vocabulary, and she's also a very charming character. I believe that many find her very like able, not only as a student, but also as a friend. I'm pleased to see how many of you are fond of her." He smiled. His words hinted that there was something more behind them. Still, they weren't suspicious enough to be counted as evidence that he's a e.

His next words caught her by surprise. "I believe she's gone through quite a lot in the past."

"Me too," Lulu murmured, forgetting about her real intentions for a minute. Sehuna seems to have had a hard life. She's constantly putting herself above others, yet she's very sensitive and vulnerable. She has stage fright for a reason she won't reveal, and she's a genius in school. Sometimes she speaks like an old lady, and at the thought of doing something crazy or risky, she freaks out.

"Anyhow, I wasn't talking about her personality, or what others think about her. When I was asking the question, I meant, do you think Sehuna's pretty?"

Of course he does. He's very easy to read. His radiating anxiousness is enough evidence for Lulu to figure out the truth. Lulu's not blaming him for quietly thinking that though, honestly, who doesn't want a piece of Sehuna? She's pretty, smart, and unique. What Lulu is accusing him of is stealing Sehuna way from her when he's old enough to be her dad (okay, maybe not THAT old, but you get the point in this argument)

"Mr.Shim!" Hyun Woo jumped into the conversation. A dark cloud hung over her head. She silently cursed the male for disturbing their talk. "Baekhyuna and I have finished the vegetables now!" He exclaimed, showing the nicely cut vegetables.

"You have done an excellent job," Changmin grinned, "stay here and help us grill, alright?"

She knew Changmin's only asking Hyun Woo to say so he can avoid her questions. The truth is that he doesn't even need her help. He could do fine on his own. She was slightly annoyed that she couldn't get something out of him this time. But there will come another opportunity for her to continue, and she's not going to let it slip away as easily.


By evening, after finishing their meals, everyone was getting ready for bed. Hyun Woo, Do Hyeong and Taemin had their tent, Changmin had a separate one, Lulu would be sharing with Sehuna of course, and Jonginna's sharing tent with Baekhyuna and Mira. Lulu smiled and almost literally jumped inside her sleeping sack the minute that she and Sehuna entered the tent.

Sehuna did the same and laid next to Lulu. "Did you see the stars? They're so different and brighter here. In the city you can barely see them," she admiringly spoke.

"You like stars, Sehuna?" The older female turned to look at the younger. Sehuna nodded her head in response. "Same here." The older smiled even wider.

"Unnie, what is your biggest fear?" Sehuna randomly blurted out the question.

Lulu's eyes widen in bewilderment for a second, before analyzing the question and taking a minute to come up with an answer. "I think my biggest fear is leaving this world and having no one remembering me," she confessed. "Selfish, huh?"

"No. Your fear is very common and reasonable as well. Don't worry though, nobody will forget you. I'm sure you'll come back from the dead and haunt them." A dry, bitter laugh escaped Lulu's mouth. "Besides, those days are far away. For now, you're here and can continue driving people crazy."

"Who told you all this crazy ?" Lulu poked Sehuna's stomach. "Baekhyuna's the guilty one, am I right? That punk."

"Everyone is a moron or a punk in your eyes!" Sehuna giggled. Her eyes were lit up like a twinkle of a star had been trapped inside, turning into crescents. When you smile, Sehuna. The sun shines. So promise me your smile will never fade. No, you don't have to promise me. I'll make sure you'll never stop smiling. And don't smile like that to others, only I can see your smile. And I won't be telling you this today, but one day I will, and that day, you better smile so hard that your cheeks hurt.

"Hey, Lulu. You know so much about me, but I feel like I know nothing about you." Sehuna frowned.

"What are you talking about? You know how much I love story-telling although nobody listens except for you. You know that I love dancing and singing, if it's off tune or not doesn't matter. You know that I'm Chinese. You know that—"

"I know that you tend to be overly possessive. I know that you're super silly, and you love doing stupid teenager stuff. I know that you use the words 'epic' and 'awesome' so much that I'm shocked if I don't hear the word at least 7 times a day. I know that you're my best friend, and I know that you're blinded by revenge and hatred for Jonghyun, but it's only because you're still in love with him." Lulu's heart stung. Is that what Sehuna thinks? That she's still in love with Jonghyun?

"I-I'm not," Lulu stuttered.

"Love is not about possession, it's about appreciation, that's what I think,…" Mumbled Sehuna. "Are you staring at my s?"

Lulu's eyelids fluttered several times. "What the actual? No! What are you saying?"

"Don't you remember?" Sehuna giggled. "You said that the first time we met. Are you staring at my s? Then I replied, why would I stare at yours when I have my own?" She reminded.

"No need to remember me, I'm trying very hard to forget how much of a fool I was." Lulu blushed. "Honestly, though. You were staring, am I right or am I right?"

"You're not giving me many options." Sehuna stuck out her tongue. "Hey, if your fear is being forgotten. Then what is your dream? Don't tell me about a dream that everyone else wants you to follow. Yell me about the dream you would like to fulfill." Sehuna anticipated the answer. She gave up her own dream, for the sake that Jonginna and she would be friends again.

Dancing is her dream, but not her goal.

Lulu's mind was occupied with something else. Her heart was fluttering, having Sehuna stare at her so intently. "I don't have a dream, yet. I might become a singer, or a dancer. It would be fun if I could be a soccer player too, but honestly, have you seen the professional women soccer players? I totally respect them but the bulky body thing doesn't fit me." She laughed.

"You sound indecisive? Everyone has to have a dream. Without your dream, what is your reason to live?" Sehuna frowned.

"The thrill and excitement you go through on your way to find your dream, that is a reason to live. Another reason to live is all the people that would miss you if you disappear. I could rabble on reasons all night but I'm too tired." Lulu pouted. "You can call me dreamless if you want, but I'm not the only one. I'm young and I have time to make mistakes, solve them, and make new ones."

"Yes, I suppose teens these days are supposed to be free from worries about their future. Teens should concentrate on their present. They should be worrying over things like that clothes they should wear on their first date, how to hide a hickey from their parents, how to get rid of acne, and other typical mainstream teenager stuff." Sehuna felt foolish. Lulu probably thinks she's dumb. "Sorry."

"Sorry for what?"

Sorry for being me. "Sorry for talking nonesense. I try hard to act more like you and the rest of the girls. It's hard though. It's more difficult than it looks to be as flawless as Kris, as brave as you, and as loyal as Sookyung. I can only wish that I had a relationship so loving as Suhonna and Layla's. For me, there is no care-free friendship like Channie and Baekhyuna's. And I'm not as talented and good like Jessica and Taeyeon unnie. I'm me, and me is boring." Her face turned sour. "I'm not like them at all."

"No, you're most definitely not."

"No, I aren't."

"So what though? You have your own unique appearance and I know plenty of people who are longing to have long, milky white legs like yours. Your hair looks like Channie was the one who dyed it, and you've gotta admit that it's freakish. But you know what? It fits you, because it's you. And nobody will truly ever love a picture-perfect plastic doll, no offense Kris."

"And you don't need to be brave either, cause you have me by your side to protect you! I may be more like a princess rather than a knight, but I'm a princess who kicks ! And what is this talk about you not being loyal? You're one of the most loyal and honest people in the world." Sehun's eyes perked upwards as she carefully listened to her best friend's kind words.

"One day you'll find your true love, and everything will turn upside down and then come crashing down around you. You will share a kiss and in your heart and mind, you will feel fireworks. He's going to spoil you too, cause if he doesn't, he has to mess with an angry Mama Lulu. Nor do you need a friendship like Baek and Chan's. You have your own friendships that they probably envy. And so what if you don't have sisters like Sica and Tae when you have me. I'll be your friend, your sister, your whatever."

Sehuna smiled through the few tears that ran down her cheeks. "I appreciate you and everything you've done for me, and everything I suspect that you will be doing in the future, Unnie. You're a very inspiring person and I feel blessed to have someone like you in my life. So thank you. Thank you for spoiling me, and taking care of me when I'm an insensitive brat or a burden."

"I should be the one thanking you!" The redhead smiled. "When we get back, next week, let's do some crazy teen stuff again."

"Let's do that." Sehuna agreed and turned around to sleep. "Oh, and Unnie, one last question. Do you still like Jonghyun? No lying allowed!"

No, you moron. I'm in love with you. I'm in love with you and your smile and your legs and everything else you have to offer. So please turn around and look at me. I want to wrap my arms around you so you can fall asleep in my arms. I want to hold you and rock you side to side while singing a lullaby. I want you to fall asleep in my embrace so I can watch over you at night. I want to protect you from all the evil that the dark unfolds. I want you to dream of me tonight. Because I like you, and you should like me.

"Maybe, I'm not sure myself," Lulu lied.

Sehuna nodded, and then drifted of to sleep. Lulu stayed up a little longer while though, thinking through things. Oh damn you Sehuna. I'm not supposed to feel this way until I've completed my revenge! I can't fall in love with someone from the present when I'm still stuck in the past. I'm not a freaking time-traveler!




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Luhanyo #1
Chapter 33: Take your time but pleas don't forget to update
I was searching for a crack ff and I found this one xD this is my first time reading a fic where exo are girls xD and yay! Everybody loves me . Not xD (my username)
Chapter 33: Oh my gosh, you are finally back
I love this story and am so glad you will continue it...
Even if it will be rewritten, i will read it all over again
I never realized how long it has been... but now im soo excited and cant wait
You are one of my favourite authors and this story is sooo addicting and interesting
So waiting patiently, I and im sure others Welcome you back ^^
**showers you with love**
Chapter 33: Just to make things clear, I won’t be deleting any of the old comments! They’re my fuel, haha. No but seriously, I’m stoked to be back! I just hope you don’t hate me (too much).
noddy1 #5
Chapter 32: Please update author-nim
samffeine #6
Chapter 32: channie all the way~! sorry I just think her love towards baek it's just too cute!!
Chapter 32: Part of me wants Channie while another part really wants Hyun Woo.. And a realllllllly small part wants Jonghyun, or at least he in the end likes her but don't end up together... Ughhhhhhhhh such a difficult question
This is nice. I like it!
Chapter 32: Duhh~Isn't it obvious enough?I vote for Channie!^O^ Although I don't mind some dramas with Hyun Woo first..>O<
Auww,poor Sehunna..Insecurities is so not cool!=,= And my Minnie!*frown even more* Jeez,speechless..Just try to cheer up okay all of you?Including Sookyung!
A duel?Gosh Lulu,your idiocity is just so limitless,huh?*facepalm*Let's just wait and see then..=_="
Chapter 32: I want more dohun !