Everybody Hates Jonginna

Everybody Loves Sehuna


Chapter Eleven: Everybody Hates Jonginna

Word Count: 2800+   


"Someone is a teacher's favorite," Tao started teasing the moment that Sehuna came out of the classroom. "Seriously! Jonginna came out like five minutes ago, what took you so long?" She asked, interlocking hands with the rainbow haired girl.

"Nothing special," Sehuna shrugged and flashed a smile to her friend. "And what do you mean with that note you sent me? He doesn't like me at all!"

Tao: Do Hyeong is staring at you again! ;)

"Perhaps you haven't noticed, but Do Hyeong is into you! And I bet you're into him too. I know he was a jerk and all, but sometimes you might fall in love with the person you least expect," Tao insisted.

Sehuna didn't agree but there's no use for her to start bickering with Tao, she already has a lot off stuff on her mind. She has to find away to make Jonginna like her! But how?


Baekhyuna had forced Lulu to follow her to the restrooms during their fifteen minutes break, because Baekhyuna had to re-apply her eyeliner. Lulu had planned to search for Sehuna but she figured this could be a good oppurtunity to find out more about how things went in between Baekhyuna and Jonghyun!

"So, yesterday I was following you guys, after dragging Sehuna with me, but we sort of lost track of you two after we bought some bubble tea," Lulu explained. "How did things go? What did Jonghyun say? Did he say anything about me?"

Baekhyuna shrugged. "I know he's a douche, but when you hang out with him like that, it isn't really noticeable!" Her eyes lit up as the corners of curled upwards. Jonghyun is really a fun time, after hanging out with him, she feels really bad about this whole revenge thing. But Lulu is so eager. Lulu is counting on her! "I've got everything under control though," she winked, assuring her friend.

Lulu wanted to be as discreet as possible, but she couldn't restrain from grinning ear-to-ear like the biggest idiot in the world when she heard the good news. Her eyes were twinkling and her heart was beating so loud that it blocked out everything else in the world. She's not a vengeful person, but revenge just sounds so sweet at the moment. It's so close! She'll finally get back at that heartbreaker!

Not only for herself, but for everyone else who's been manipulated by his charm. She hopes this will set her free. She might not admit this if you ask her, but Jonghyun did really steal her heart, and he hasn't given it back yet. She hates him but she's still spellbound by his charm. The only solution she can think off is to make him suffer.

"Great! If we follow everything according to my plan, we'll have our revenge within a month!" The red-head squealed. "He's going to cry!"

Baekhyuna nodded, laughing along with her friend, but her smile soon faded when Lulu mentioned Jonghyun crying. Isn't it too far making him cry? I know that he sort of deserves it, but.... Baekhyuna shook away her sympathic thoughts. There's no time for empathy, sympathy or whatever. This is the time for them to bring justice to all girls who have been crushed by Jonghyun's player acts!

"I'm done now, anyway," Baekhyuna said and put back her eyeliner in her bag. "Let's go?" She gestured towards the door.

"Be my guest!" Lulu giggled and let Baekhyuna go first.

The two girls thought they were such geniuses. What they didn't know was that someone in the bathroom had been eaves-dropping on their whole conversation. And this someone happens to be one of the biggest gossipers you can ever meet.


All of the girls were rounded up at their usual table, excluding the girls who had yet not finished their class: Tao, Jonginna and Sehuna. 

Sookyung had told the girls about what Jonginna had done towards Sehuna, and everyone had different reactions. Channie started sniggering, she tried to restrain, but after a few seconds she started laughing loudly, hitting the table repeatedly with her fists.

Suhonna and Layla looked more symphatic and sad Sehuna, meanwhile Lulu was fuming that Jonginna messed with her best friend again. Everyone was complaining about how Jonginna is being immature and rude towards Sehuna. She's acting like a cranky old granny. Everyone except Chen.

"I think you're misinpreting Jonginna's intentions. I don't think Jonginna is holding a personal grudge against Sehuna or anything," Chen spoke her wisdom words.

Lulu cocked an eyebrow, "You've got my attention, Chen Chen. Explain further," she instructed.

"Think about the whole thing from Jonginna's perspective. She was pretty much our baby maknae before Sehuna came along! The only one she had to share attention with was Panda Tao, and even though we liked both of them, we mostly spoiled Jonginna. She was so used to the attention that she must feel weird now that everyone is constantly praising Sehuna," Chen explained.

Layla nodded in agreement. "It sounds reasonable.."

"Still, I don't know what happened in Sehuna's past, but she's really bummed out about it and Jonginna knows about it," Sookyung said. "I think she should realize that maybe she has to be the mature one and take care of her cousin. Then perhaps Sehuna will do the same in return one day when it's time for Jonginna to have her own problems. They're family, the least Jonginna could do is be more supportive."

"She's young and everyone makes mistakes," Kris murmured. "Even I."

"Yes, me too..." Lulu agreed. "Have I told you guys of the time when I—"

"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT! SPARE ME!" Baekhyuna interrupted before Lulu could start blabbering.

"You don't want to hear what?" Jonginna asked, popping up out of nowhere.

"!" Baekhyuna put her hand over her heart. "You scared the crap out of me!"

Jonginna let a slightly bitter laugh escape her lips. Lulu and Sookyung created some space between them so Jonginna could sit down.

"Seriously though, what were you talking about?" She asked, curiously. The senior girls exchanged nervous looks. "You weren't talking about me, right?" She laughed.

The seniors didn't answer. Jonginna's laughter stopped and she switched her attention to her untouched food instead. They were probably talking about how annoying and irritating I am. And how perfect and pretty Sehuna is. Everybody loves her. Jonginna stabbed her food with her chopsticks and started eating with an angry face expression.

"Don't be mad at your food!" Channie pouted. "Your food is innocent, I think," she joked.

Nobody laughed at Channie's joke. "Anyway, where is Sehuna and Tao?" Suhonna changed the subject.

"I don't know. I didn't walk together with them," Jonginna answered. She sighed and dropped her chopsticks. I don't feel like eating.

"Hey, Jonginna... Are you jealous of Sehuna?" Layla tried to ask the questions as considerate as possible because she knows that Jonginna is probably in a very sensitive state at the moment. But still, it was hard, and her question came out more as a statement.

"Are you dumb?" Jonginna asked. She's not going to play nice this time, she's had enough. "I thought all of you were my friends. My nearest and most trustable friends but I was so wrong. You're all jerks. Kris is a inconsiderate diva who thinks she's talented at everything! Channie, you always laugh even when others are feeling down and make them feel worse! Lulu, nobody freaking likes your stories okay? And this thing about getting revenge is STUPID. There, I said it! Your plan is STUPID."

Sookyung grabbed Jonginna's arm and tried to calm her down, but Jonginna shook her hand away. "And you, Sookyung! I am very disappointed in you. You're my bestest friend out of them all, but you defend Sehuna anyway. I am so sick of you acting like my mother. You're only one year older!" Jonginna yelled.

Everyone around them started staring and Jonginna became self-conscious. She sat back down, but she didn't stop her intensive glaring.

"Come on, calm down, Jonginnie!" Minnie said in a calming voice. "We can pay attention to both of you two girls."

"I don't want my irritating cousin anywhere near me, okay? I don't care that she almost got by her boyfriend! What I care about—"

"She almost got ?" Sookyung whisper-yelled.

The girls all stared wide-eyed at the words Jonginna had just uttered. Jonginna realized her mistake and covered shut with both hands. She can't afford to spill the secret! She might be mad at Sehuna, and she does wish Sehuna didn't have to enroll in SM High. But Sehuna does deserve to live a life where everyone isn't always going to judge her because of something her ex-boyfriend did.

"She didn't exactly get ," Jonginna assured, taking away the hands that previously had covered . "I can't tell you, guys. All I can say is that if she's a good friend and trusts you, she will be able to tell you herself. But I'm not going to be here when she does. You will have to make a choice. Am I going to sit with you at lunch or is she going to?"

The table was quiet again but Kris was the first one to speak, "I know you tons better than I know Sehuna. But this is not the Jonginna I've known and grown to adore. This is a different side of you, and until your old side return, I am going to sit with Sehuna."

"Me too," Lulu agreed. "I'm one of your closest friends, Jonginna. You know I hate picking sides. But I'm choosing Sehuna this time, and not because of personal preference, but because that is the right thing to do."

Everyone seemed to agree with Lulu, so Jonginna turned towards the last person she thought she could trust. She could feel a lump building in her troath, her eyes were ready to rain, but not yet. She can't cry in front of them. They will think she's weak and underestimate her. They will take her even more for granted.

"Look, Jonginna. You're a smart girl. I think you know what I'm going to say," Sookyung whispered weakly.

She bowed her head so no one could see how her cheeks slowly turned redder and redder. I'm sorry Jonginna. Don't feel betrayed.

"Okay, whatever. It's not like you are the only people in the world that I can hang out with," Jonginna shrugged. She didn't bother bringing her food with her and walked slowly towards the door. She can't look back. Don't look back, stay strong! 

She glanced over her shoulder for just a second. Nobody was paying her attention. They acted like nothing had happened. Like nobody was missing. But perhaps, no one is truly missing? They replaced her with someone new, after all.

The minute she had exited the cafeteria bathrooms and she was sure none of the girls could see her, she sprinted outside. She can't stay in school when she feels like this.

Jonginna felt a surge of adrenaline run through her body as she ran for her life. She tried to run as steady as possible with her thumping footsteps that echoed in her ears. She tripped over her own feet a few times but she didn't stop running. She ran as if her life depended on it.

I hate you, Sehuna!

Jonginna stopped in her tracks. She wept, the salt water hitting the ground below. Her racking sobs shook her roughly, she embraced herself and let her emotions pour. The knowledge that she had been betrayed - that nothing would ever be the same again, it hurts. But it hurts even more knowing that no matter how hard she can try, she doesn't hate Sehuna.

I don't hate you. I try, but I can't.


Meanwhile, Tao and Sehuna...

Sehuna had recieved a note from Taemin in the middle of class, asking her if she and Tao would like to meet up with him after class. Of course she had agreed.

She hesitated if she should invite Jonginna along or not, but she decided that it would be best to avoid her for awhile until she clears her head a little.

Immediately after class, Sehuna dragged her Unnie towards the meeting place, outside at the soccer field by the bleachers. A few boys were playing a non competitive soccer game, but otherwise the soccer field was quite vacant. 

It wasn't hard to spot Taemin. He sat on the bleachers, laughing with three other guys who Sehuna recognized as Do Hyeong, Jonghyun and another one of those guys who made fun of Sehuna in class.

"Hey!" Taemin stood up and shouted. He waved them over. 

The two girls were relucant, but Tao was the one to start walking towards them first and Sehuna had to hang along.

"Hi," Sehuna greeted, un sure. She fidgeted with her fingers, and smiled, hoping that it would ease her anxiety. She thought Taemin was going to be alone. She wasn't prepared that he was bringing his friends with him. And since when was he friends with Do Hyeong? "Eh, so what is it that you wanted to talk about so urgently?"

"We were wondering if you would like to join us after school! We're going to the mall!" Taemin exclaimed. "I thought you would like to go, so we can cheer you up about the whole Jonginna thing. I guess I was slightly wrong, she's pretty hopeless. I don't mean anything bad or so, but she's being really rude!" He said.

"She made Sehuna come late to class on purpose!" Tao agreed.

"Hey, let's not be to rough on her. I only came a few minutes late, and Changmin was okay with it!" Sehuna smiled half-heartedly.

Do Hyeong laughed and shook his head. "You're too nice and naive Sehuna, be careful. People might take you for granted."

"Anyway, we would love to join you. If it's okay that I bring along a few of my unnies?" Sehuna asked.

"Invite Xi and Byun?" Jonghyun suggested, a smirk growing on his lips.

"Okay? I don't know if Lulu Unnie's in the mood, but I'll ask!" Sehuna beamed.


"Where are Tao and Sehuna?" Minnie was the first one to interrupt the silence. "We're almost done with lunch and their break started long ago."

"I bet Tao threw Sehuna out the window, into a kidnapping garbage truck, and now she's fleeing the country. I heard her mention something about Mexico," Kris snorted.

Layla's palm made connection with her face, "You have got to be kidding me! I thought you got over that thing long ago. We've already called the ones who are responsible for trash pick-up and they're doing all they can to find Ace."

"Uew," Baekhyuna cringed. "Do you seriously still want Ace back even though he probably smells like rotten eggs and pee?"

Kris glared at her friend and rolled her eyes, making a "ugh" sound at the same time. "I'll spray some perfume on her, duh. ."

"That's not going to help," Lulu insisted. "But I know Ace means a lot to you. So if you want to keep him, then sure. All I'm saying is that I don't want to have that disgusting stuffed animal anywhere near me if you find him."

"You people are so inconsiderate!" Gasped Kris. "Ace is my baby, amd I supposed to abandon him?"

"Uhh, yeah? You can just buy a new one. Think of it as an upgrade!" Baekhyuna said.

"I.DON'T.WANT.AN.UPGRADEMENT." Kris paused on every word. "I want my baby, my son, MY ACE! It's not the same thing. I will never be able to love my new baby as much as him! And then I will hurt myself, my new baby and Ace."

"Stuffed animals don't have feelings," Chen pointed out.

Suhonna decided that it was time to step into the conversation before someone went crazy. "Hey, Sookyung, are you alright? You're usually more talkative!" Everyone's attention turned towards Sookyung.

Sookyung nodded, trying to assure her friends with a fake smile. But they could see through her lies, because her smile wasn't shining as bright as it usually is. This was a sad smile, and everyone could guess why she's feeling like this. Jonginna.

"It's just that I can imagine how sad Jonginna must feel right now. I know that she has to grow up and act more mature, but I have to confess that I feel really guilty. I can't really eat without Jonginna. She always steals my food, and then we'll laugh about it like crazy. She always say that I work to hard, and she's the one who always comforts me when I'm sad. She must feel like the world is abandoning her, and here I am, ignoring the fact that my best friend must be miserable."

Everyone had shame written on their faces. They know there's nothing else they could have done. Jonginna wasn't being fair towards her cousin. But perhaps they could have solved their problem in another way? Lulu swung her arm around Sookyung's shoulder, and let the younger girl rest her head on her shoulder.

"I don't feel like eating anymore," Channie frowned.

"Me neither," Baekhyuna agreed and pushed away her food.

"Let's not be silly, okay girls? We'll have a meeting about it tomorrow and discuss things, alright?" Suhonna offered.

"Alright," Sookyung nodded.


I'm supposed to write something funny, L*o*L.

But I don't feel like the mood in writing jokes when Jonginna's having her "depressing-sulky-former maknae breakdown" or whatever you shall call it. 

I promise, her whiny behavior will go away soon!





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Luhanyo #1
Chapter 33: Take your time but pleas don't forget to update
I was searching for a crack ff and I found this one xD this is my first time reading a fic where exo are girls xD and yay! Everybody loves me . Not xD (my username)
Chapter 33: Oh my gosh, you are finally back
I love this story and am so glad you will continue it...
Even if it will be rewritten, i will read it all over again
I never realized how long it has been... but now im soo excited and cant wait
You are one of my favourite authors and this story is sooo addicting and interesting
So waiting patiently, I and im sure others Welcome you back ^^
**showers you with love**
Chapter 33: Just to make things clear, I won’t be deleting any of the old comments! They’re my fuel, haha. No but seriously, I’m stoked to be back! I just hope you don’t hate me (too much).
noddy1 #5
Chapter 32: Please update author-nim
samffeine #6
Chapter 32: channie all the way~! sorry I just think her love towards baek it's just too cute!!
Chapter 32: Part of me wants Channie while another part really wants Hyun Woo.. And a realllllllly small part wants Jonghyun, or at least he in the end likes her but don't end up together... Ughhhhhhhhh such a difficult question
This is nice. I like it!
Chapter 32: Duhh~Isn't it obvious enough?I vote for Channie!^O^ Although I don't mind some dramas with Hyun Woo first..>O<
Auww,poor Sehunna..Insecurities is so not cool!=,= And my Minnie!*frown even more* Jeez,speechless..Just try to cheer up okay all of you?Including Sookyung!
A duel?Gosh Lulu,your idiocity is just so limitless,huh?*facepalm*Let's just wait and see then..=_="
Chapter 32: I want more dohun !