secret angel


            It is a very long day for BAP. Just finishing their first debut stage and now heading off to their dorm in the middle of the metropolitan city, Seoul. Meanwhile the other members sleeping because of the tiring day they ever had, HimChan looking outside without focusing. His mind keeps thinking something and he slightly smile. What am I doing? Here? He asking himself. Honestly, he still cannot believe on what he becomes now.

            “ I really does not, no, I really hate boy band. Why on earth you are so crazy with TVXQ, huh? They are just handsome, just to attract person with their face. Is that..” He did not able to finish his words when Taeyeon slap his back. “Ouch! What is this, noona?” as he thought, her noona’s face seem like to eat him on that time.

            “You just shut up. And you..” she pointing out her finger.”…just jealous of them, right, huh?” Taeyeon holding the album tightly. Oh, my new treasure… she smiled.

            “By the way, thanks for this album, I’m asking you to not buying it..” Taeyeon smiles at her brother finally while holding the album.

            Without realize, he smile alone, I hate boy band. And now.. I am a member of a boy band? His smile keeps sticking on his face. What are you doing right now, Kim Him Chan? He asked himself.

            “Hey, why are you smiling alone, are you crazy, huh?” his memory broke into pieces when Yongguk asked him surprisingly. This friend.. he smile slightly towards him. HimChan slightly slap Yongguk ‘s shoulder. Bang Yongguk, his team leader and his first ever friend he has after he move to Seoul. Some sort of his closer new friend here.

            “Yah~ I’m just remembering something,” He look at his friend, Yongguk who has just wake up from his sleep. Himchan then, took a fan letter from his pocket and give it to his leader. “It’s yours..” he give it to Yongguk. A letter named as lily_Bby is now change from Himchan’s hand to Yongguk.

            “Eh? How come you have this? It should be mine?” Yongguk smile, but still take the letter.


            Six cup of ramyun already finished. All BAP members still not going to sleep although the clock has already show 1.00 am. Although, it is a very tiring day but today, it seems like a memorable day for all of them. One of the members, Daehyun give the other member a tin of soft drink each from the fridge.

            “’s amazing!! Today is really a surprise for me..” he talked before take a seat behind Himchan. Yongguk and Zelo who just sitting on the dinner table just watching him and slightly smile. Yes.. it is just a good beginning. Youngjae who sit on the sofa in the living room just laughing. “the beginning for stardom, huh?” he smile. A matoki doll he receives from their fan he hold it tightly. Such a cutie...

            “ Hey, Zelo…can you bring me a glass of water?. My throat is sore.” Jongup asked slowly. Zelo just raise his hand up. “No, take it by yourself, I’m so bloody tired..” He just close his eyes while Yongguk who watch them earlier just smile before he asked Jong Up to take it himself.

            “ hey, Jong up-sshi, don’t bully him anymore.. such a lazy person.”.He smile and Jong up is just sulking. Huh, that is the maknae role.. he’s mumbling.  But honestly he never wants to bully Zelo. It’s just a habit maybe? He likes to disturb the maknae and make fun with him because he was his close friend among them, he thought.

            Himchan put his hand on his pocket before taking out a fan letter written by a person called Secret Angel. A yellow letter written by computer is now opened. He started to read.

            “the start of human life is when he know what he is doing.  As long as you know what you’re doing and never give up on what you’ve done until now. I’m thankful to be your fan. And the best person I look up, you know what, he never look back on what he regret but he made it as a starting point to achieve his goals. I hope you are the one who I can look up for. I’m sorry. I never write a fan letter before, I hope you read it.”

p/s: isn’t a bit salty food make it nice to eat?

            This word…seem familiar. He thought. He folds back the letter before he entered his room. Daehyun follow him and smile.

            “ you’ve already has a fan. I’m jealous, seriously..” daehyun put his hand on Himchan’s shoulder, together entered the room as they shared the same room.

            “ Don’t make a joke, Daehyun. No, Busan Won Bin..hahaha..” He laughing.. He already crowned as the handsomest person among them  and now jealous of me? What the heck? Too much greedy chromosome in his DNA, huh? Himchan mumbling. Daehyun just hitting his back. “Don,t. ever. Said. That”  he talked to him before lying on his bed.

            “ it’s worth to reveal on tv. Hehehe..” evil laugh. Daehyun suddenly get out from his bed. Looking at the evil laugh of Himchan, he knew that the person in front of him just planning some disastrous move towards him. “ What?”

            “ there..” Himchan pointing his finger to the cute pink strawberry pants of Daehyun which lying on the floor. Daehyun who follow his hand shocked and suddenly take his pants before hitting his room ate for the second time.

            “ You..” Speechless. Oh God, why on earth I’m in the same room as him? Daehyun sighed. This person, is dangerous..

            Himchan just laughing. What a funny person. What he realizes now, his relationship with all BAP members can be considered as becoming closer day by day and he is so thankful for that.

            “Hey~ I got it too..i’m just take it for you. You are not even thanks me..” He complained before both of them laughing. He took his fan letter and show it to Yongguk. Send by Secret Angel.

            “What a typical name..hahaha, you have a guardian already, huh? I thought you are the popular one in our group, Himchan-sshi”  Yongguk smiles. He looks at his new friend again. This friend some sort of mystery, hmm but I still can hang out with him. he mumbling, thinking of their friendship which has  begun just 6 month ago, to be closer like this is just like a miracle for him cause honestly, he really hard to be close with a new person he meet. But meeting Himchan is really a different story.

            “I’m used to hate boy band, you know..”  a fan letter written by Secret Angel he take it back from Yongguk’s hand and keep it in his pocket. I will write your letter after this, miss or mr SA, thanks… his heart talking.

            “huh?” Yongguk just looking at Himchan, waiting for an answer.

            “I am really an anti towards all these things..huh. and finally, I am here, becoming a member of A BOY BAND. It’s just…funny when I think it back.” Himchan keep talking while looking at the road. Jong up who sit beside Yongguk has wake up already and trying to join their conversation. He also listens towards Himchan’s words.

            “then? Why you join us?” finally he asked. Himchan never told it before and its seem interesting to him. Honestly, he want to know his personality and his background well as Himchan is the newest member who join their group.

            “ I love music. But honestly, it’s all because of my senior and that person..” he smiles. Taeyeon’s face is now look like a screen in front of his eyes. He really misses his sister so much. It’s already a long time since their last meeting in the airport before he move to Seoul.

            “Huh? That person? Your..crush?”

            “Hey~ no! it’s my noona..” Himchan slightly smile but something in his mind suddenly stop him from smiling again. Crush? In A noona? He slightly moves his head. Is there a chance to meet you again, noona? Thinking about it, he still hope that Yoo In A will accept him although he had been rejected before, and he really don’t know why he still hoping for that. He really doesn’t know.

            “ oh.. I hope you will introduce her for us, Himchan, she seems like close enough and a very caring sister to you, huh. You are really lucky dongsaeng..” Himchan just smile. His mind keep thinking about the other person, another special one, who still be miss by him. Yoo In A noona.. he sigh. 

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credit: ainaMysra 4 the lyrics...althought it ridiculous..^^


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