
Beautiful Lies

Once we entered the club, there was another ‘Red Carpet’, this time Ema left me for Jiyong. Go leave, you peasant.

As Jiyong and Ema were walking down the carpet and a million more fan girls and photographers flashed their cameras or screamed, I saw Tabi… but with some other girl. I started to tear up as he saw me. I tried to look closely who that girl was. It was HyunA, ugh that .

I started to run back out, but right before I could, someone grabbed me on the arm. "Leaving already?" I remembered that voice. It was Henry, sweet, beautiful Henry. "Why are you here?"

"Well SM was invited, even JYP and some other companies." "Wow, no wonder its such a big event…" Henry said, "So why were you about to leave?"

I stared at TOP and HyunA and then Henry realized why. "He doesn’t deserve you, no one could break up with someone like you 2 times in a week." I started to smile and Henry said, "Will you be my date for tonight?" I nodded, and smiled so much that my cheeks started to hurt. We locked arms and looked like a legit couple. Choi Seunghyun, you will regret all your actions. And first I’ll make you jealous.

I heard screams and yelling of disapproval and fan girling when TOP and HyunA walked down the carpet, I also heard, "TOP YOU’RE OUT OF HER LEAGUE." Wow, then who would be in his league.

We walked down the carpet hearing clapping and cheers. This is a good day. I heard, "Perfect couple", "Jenry", "Couple of 2013". Damn, they even made us a couple name in a few seconds.

I saw HyunA and TOP turn around, this time I smirked right back. You go, Jessica.

After we finished walking down the carpet, we went to the bar and had some martinis. I barely finished mine and felt kind of drunk. I need Jaylee to teach me how to drink.

"I need to use the bathroom, I’ll be right back Henry." I walked to the bathroom, but once I entered… I saw HyunA. Once she saw me she said, "Why are you here, I didn’t know trainees were invited to grand events like this." Suddenly someone came out of the stall, and it was Tiffany. Tiffany said, "Why are you here HyunA, I didn’t know s were allowed." AHA, I love you Tiffany, I’ll buy you ramen one day. 

I smirked, "Atleast I don't give s for a living." Fany & I high-fived each other. HyunA groaned and left while stomping her feet. Tiffany washed her hands and splashed some water on me. You make me love you and hate you in a split second. 

"... Go.. before I dump 5 gallons of water over your head." She basically ran out of the bathroom. Aish, now I have weird spots on my dress. I'll just wait for it to dry off. I walked outside and found HyunA & TOP smiling and flirting with each other. It was across the room, but I saw it. They make me sick. 

As I was walking to where Henry was, I heard someone say 'HyunA & TOP look great together.' My blood boiled. Stupid good looking people. 

I got back to the bar where Henry was sitting and smiled. Then I ordered a ‘Bloody Mary Cocktail’. He said, "Wow, isn’t that kind of strong though?"

"I really need it tonight." I looked across the room where TOP and HyunA were, HyunA was literally offering her body to him. Henry saw me looking at him, so he said, "Do you want to make him really jealous?" I nodded my head without resistance. All of a sudden, Henry kissed me. Like not a peck, but we made out. For like 3 minutes.

After we kissed, I saw TOP walking toward me and he looked angry. He suddenly grabbed my arm and brought me to a part of the club where no one was. Ugh, his grip hurt made my wrist seem like I just got a new tattoo. 


All of a sudden he started screaming at me, "WHY ARE YOU STILL SEEING HIM. DO YOU NOT REMEMBER WHY WE BROKE UP SO MANY TIMES? IT’S BECAUSE OF HIM!" I wanted to cry. But this time I didn’t, I knew he wanted me to cry so I could be weak and I would be his. "WELL, WE'RE ALREADY DONE, SO WHAT'S THE POINT OF ME NOT HANGING AROUND HIM ANYMORE?" I swear if he were fat, he would’ve had a heart attack.

I saw his vein in his neck bulging out like crazy. I was about to walk away, when he grabbed me on the waist like how I did when he was going to literally kill Henry in the lobby. I kicked him in the shin and he finally released me. I walked back to where Henry was sitting very lady like, but as a boss. He smiled and I smiled back.

Once I got back, Henry said, “Want to make him more jealous?” "Let's make him explode of jealousy," I smirked. We laughed and kissed again.

Suddenly a million reporters took pictures. 'Headline: Jenry is real! No more JTOP.' Henry held me close as we smiled, finally someone I could trust. I stared at Jiyong and mouthed a ‘Thank You’. If he didn’t tell TOP, I wouldn’t have this much publicity and publicity is good.

I called over Ema, Jiyong, Taeyang, Aram, Tiffany, Seungri, Jaylee, and Jay Park. Everyone, except TOP and HyunA. Reporters and photographers took pictures, and all we did was look fabulous and smile. 

-Jaylee’s POV-

As we were smiling while the photographers were taking photos, I saw TOP and HyunA disappear to the back room, where TOP brought Jessica before.

After we finished taking photos, I went to see what they were doing. When I saw them, I screamed, “TOP OPPA, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” I saw TOP’s shirt almost ed and HyunA’s shoes were off. Ew, was he doing it to make Sica jealous. Like really TOP, just say you’re sorry, you fagget.

He stared at me and I was about to run and tell Jessica, but he caught me and said, "Don’t tell anyone Jaylee, please." I agreed, because I didn’t want YGE to break apart because of TOP and Jessica. "Are you guys really going to do it?" I asked. 

They looked at each other and then at me, "Yes" they said in sync. I froze and quietly left the room. "Wear protection!" I yelled back at them. 

Choi Seunghyun, why did you have to sink so low, you dirty bastard. I returned back to Seungri, and we danced on the dance floor and everyone started to stare at us. Haha, us hipsters when it comes to dancing.


"Are we really going to do it?" Hyuna asked me. I sighed and said, "No."

HyunA says, "Then why did you lie to Jaylee?" "Because she's Jessica's friend."

"Oh so this all about Jessica now?" HyunA started putting her clothes back on. "No, I'm sorry.. I just.." I trailed off. "What? You're just what? You're in love with her. Until, you get over your little 'crush' , we are not talking." She left the room and I just sat there, thinking about what she said.

"BIGBANG CENTER STAGE FOR YOUR PERFORMANCE PLEASE." The speakers rang. I buttoned my shirt quickly and went up stage. 

-Jessica's POV-

Finally, it was the most important part of this party. BigBang finally got up stage and I saw TOP’s shirt’s top button wasn’t buttoned. Well that sounded weird. It seemed like he took it off or something, whatever.

Henry and I stayed in the back, so TOP wouldn’t freak out when he was rapping. I hate him, but I don’t hate the other members of Bigbang. After a few songs we went back to the table and Henry said, "I want to make us legit, not just some couple to get TOP jealous." I was so shocked, yet happy. I said yes, and both of our facial expressions lit up. I thought about how much TOP would rage. I mean I hated him, but I guess I still have some feelings for him.

10 minutes later, the DJ was playing a few tracks and everyone was dancing on the floor. Except for HyunA & TOP. They sat far away from eah other and looked pissed. I guess something bad happened. Oh well, now I just have to enjoy myself with Henry. I smiled at him and he smiled back. 

"Do you know this move?" He started doing the running man. I started laughing and said, "Of course! That's the dance you did, when you tried to cheer me up." He smiled and held my hand, "..Wanna do the running man together?"

"I wouldn't be caught dead doing it," I said. But I ended up up doing it and looking ridiculous, which made Henry go in fits of laughter. 

I asked, "Hey Henry, do you want to leave? The amount of s and manwhores in this room is too much for me." He nodded, so we both went out without eating anything, only drinking cocktails.

We went to a tiny tent, which sold Hot Pot on the same block as the club, as we entered, a million people took photos of us. Everyone kept on chanting, "Kiss, kiss, and kiss." Ugh, it’s like they never saw someone kiss each other. To please the crowd, Henry kissed my each. I saw TOP staring at me. He covered his face, I bet he was crying, his lesson was learned. That's not even half of my pain, Choi Seunghyun.

After the crowd of photographers and fans left, I finally got to enjoy my hot pot with Henry.


Finally figured out how to put in pictures. Someone help me with putting gif's in descriptions? *cries*
Thanks for reading. And remember to comment, comment, & comment. Love you guys^^

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bigbangvip4evr #1
love, love, love it!!
boomshakalakaxD #2
Chapter 17: yeah i agree with bigbangvipforever!
like usually i dont want anyone to touch my bingu but i really want them to do that scene already XPPPP
update soon!
ashash532 #3
update asap unnie!
i wish jenry was still a thing )-:
koreanmaniac123 #4
update!!! i cant just live on one chapter every two days!
more like 5 a day!!!
pinkfluffydogs #5
seungri doesnt sound like the usual ert here anymore!!! make more parts with Ema,Tiffany, Bigbang's pov please!!!
i love this fan fic!!!
blackjacksonevipelf #6
Chapter 15: daesungs face! haha.
i love this fanfic so far!!! better than most tbh
bigbangvipforever #7
update this asap!!!!!
when will top and jessica do it! its so obvious.
Chapter 6: Omg update soon juseyo.
jessicajiang111 #9
Chapter 3: ugh stop getting tired. jisesus.