
Beautiful Lies


-Jessica's POV-

I woke up seeing Tabi on my bed lying down on my feet. They feel so numb. Wait what, I though he was sleeping on Ema’s bed. Ugh. Ema, I’m going to kill her, along with Seungri. Those, heads.

I got up with struggle, since I heard no alarm clock and I love my bed. Once I got up I started yawning and then Tabi woke up, "Wait, why was I on your bed." "Ema probably moved you, that annoying loser. I’m going to kill her," I groaned. "Yeah, I'll just kill Jiyong," Tabi nodded.

I went to brush my teeth and shower, when I came out I saw Tabi waiting at the door to shower. Like a kindergarten student wanting to be line leader. Cute little kid.

When I got out, I brought out a cup of water and splashed it on Ema’s face. That’ll tell her to not put someone asleep on my feet when I go to sleep. Ema woke up right after cursing something in Japanese. I don’t get that girl, she knows more Japanese than Korean when she’s in a Korean band. Seems legit. All I know is that, she'll be the only one speaking fluent Japanese after we debut in Japan. 

After she woke up, Tabi came out of the shower with only a towel on. Aha, he must’ve forgotten to bring his clothes when he stayed over last night. Poor kid. Ema and I couldn’t stop laughing because he was using 2 towels to cover his private part and his unknown abs. After this long, he still hasn't showed the fans if he has abs or not.

After Ema went into the bathroom, I said, “Tabi show me your abs.” I smiled and he did also. He was about to take his towel off, but then Ema came out to get her toothbrush. Thanks a lot Ema, I could’ve known if my boyfriend had abs. You, .

Next time you’re in this position with Jiyong, I’ll be like, ‘oops I forgot to bring my towel’, even though I probably would have my towel. Revenge stings, .

I begged Tabi to show me after she went back in, but he only let me touch them, while they were still under that stupid towel. I sighed and said, "Go get some clothes, you loser." I’m so nice right.

Tabi said, "Woman, get me my clothes." Ugh that rude bingu, aha I love him too much.

I went to get his clothes from his room while Jiyong was sleeping and mumbling some words. Ugh, he’s afraid of the dark and talks in his sleep. I totally support Ema-gon. They're both afraid of the dark. When they're scared, they can cuddle next to each other.

I looked through his luggage and found a tiny box that said ‘Tiffany&CO'. I wanted to open it, but then Jiyong suddenly woke up. Luckily, I got out of the room with Tabi’s clothes and left the tiny box in the room. I should of grabbed it, but my fear is too great.

When I got back to my room, I saw Tabi without either of his towels. I started screaming and then he freaked out when he saw a face in the door. He started screaming himself. Haha, maybe if I wasn’t a singer, I could’ve been the next ‘Bloody Mary’ or something.

Tabi made me close my eyes, since Ema was in the bathroom. Yeah, thanks a lot Ema.

I watched him change and he didn’t notice. I wanted to get my phone and take pictures of his 6-pack. Wow, I am a fan girl. I was about to take a photo but then he saw me, and he threw his towel at me. I said, "Are you Seungri? Throwing towels now? At your es." He chuckled, "Maybe I am." 

"Yeh, Hyung. I like Tiffany, but I'm too scared to tell her," Tabi started imitating Seungri. And let me tell you, he was on key. If I didn't look at him, I would of thought it was Seungri.

We both started laughing and I started to pack up, since we had to go back to Seoul. Tabi left after I had to pack my undies. You sure you don't want to stay, naughty boy. He left me with Ema, I cry cry. 

After Ema finally got out of the shower, she attempted to rap ‘MichiGo’. That bum trying to be a rapper. Aha, no Ema. Just no.

When I was in the middle of packing, my phone started to beep, I checked who texted me, and it was Henry. Sigh, is this pabo trying to give me more trouble? He texted, 'I’m sorry Jessica, can you meet me in the lobby before the SM town concert.' I started to laugh because he was such a jerk, yet I found myself waiting for the next elevator. What is wrong with me.

When I met him in the lobby, there was no one there but Henry and me. There was a awkward silence so I said, "I’m sorry Henry, I should’ve told you the truth." "It’s okay dongsaeng, you can repay me back later." I don’t know why, but we started to laugh and then all of a sudden Jiyong came down. His face looked like he saw a ghost. I knew he was going to tell Tabi that I saw Henry. Ugh, Death Note - Jiyong, Ema, & Seungri. For now.

I told Henry, "I need to finish packing, but text me after the SM concert. Bye Henry, see you back in Seoul."

"Bye Jessica, see you later." I tried to chase after Jiyong before Jiyong told Tabi, but I was too late. I decided I would just deal with it later.

When I came back to my room Ema finished packing and packed all my stuff together, also. I guess it was the second part of trying to get my forgiveness, since she stole my ramen noodles last week. Ema and I went to Aram and Tiffany’s room because we knew Jaylee would definitely be in there.

When we walking there I told Ema, "I seriously hate Jiyong, ugh." "Why?" "Because he saw me talking to Henry, and he probably told Tabi some ridiculous story."

"It’s okay, TOP oppa probably wouldn’t freak out that much." I sighed, as I walked into Aram’s room, I saw Jaylee listening to ‘Know Your Name’ by Jay Park. Love struck, much.


I started to laugh as I saw Jaylee’s stuff all over the floor, so we all helped her pack as she was dreaming about Jay and her. JayPark fighting!


After we finished helping her pack, I said, “Let’s go to the stretch outside.” We all nodded, but once we were in the lobby. YG said, "Stay with your partners." YG you. Seriously, kill yourself.


I went into the stretch first sitting next to Tiffany and then Tabi suddenly came. I didn’t know how he would react but as he was sitting down, he whispered in my ear, "Check your phone, now." I was scared what the text said, but I didn’t want to ruin our relationship more than it was already. So when I saw it, my eyes instantly started to water. He texted, ‘If you’re seriously still talking to Henry, then I guess we’re done.’ Why does everyone else have a perfect love life but me..


I was about to cry 10 gallons of water, but then everyone started to climb into the stretch-limo, so I held my tears in. I gave Ema my iPhone and she gave a death glare to Jiyong. Thanks Ema, you're off my Death Note list.


Tabi just faced the other way talking to Bom the whole time. Way to make my heart shatter into a million pieces. 


To make it worst, Tiffany suddenly made a shocked face and gave me her phone, which showed TOP's newest me2day status update. He was barely on, so this was rare.. His status update said, 'Single.' Yeah, thanks for rubbing it in more top.


I decided to be quiet for the rest of the trip back to Seoul. When we finally arrived, TOP didn't even let me get out first like the gentleman he used to be to me. He just simple got off first. I really hate you Kwon Jiyong. I guess we were really over and he hated me.


When we were at security check, I was first so once I finished I took my stuff and left, leaving TOP alone there. YG's partner rule, I went off to board the plane by myself with fans waiting for our 'couple photo', clearly they didn't see his most recent status. They were shocked when they saw us walk into the gate at different times with a sad face. 'ToSica breaks up.' Can't wait to see that all over the internet.


Once I got onto the plane and put my stuff down, I saw TOP walking towards me since we had to sit next to each other. I just ran to the bathroom crying. But this time, he actually chased after me. I was just about to lock the bathroom door, but he pushed. We had a 'who is stronger' fight, and he won. Why must he be so strong? 


I started to scream at him, but he didn't say anything since a flight attendant was nearby. But since I was me, I didn't give a damn who the was near me, even if it was the president. He tried to shut me up by kissing me, but I left before he could even touch my face. You think you can kiss me, after we broke up? Even though you're handsome, no.


I speed back to my chair and covered my whole body with my blanket. TOP came back and tried to pull the blanket off my face. Can't you see I don't want to talk to you right now or ever again. I can't believe he broke up with me just because I walked to Henry. Why does he even hate him that much.. He didn't even see what happened, I'm never talking to you ever again Jiyong.


TOP finally pulled the blanket off my face and whispered in my ear, "I'm sorry Jessica, let's just be friends okay?" I didn't know what to do, so I just said, "Fine." Honestly, I'd rather be burned to death and eaten by sharks.


I feel asleep for like 1 hour, until we were really close. TOP just had to wake me up. Just let me ing be. 


After we landed back at Seoul, I ran out of the plane as quickly as possible, grabbing my luggage and running for a taxi. Luckily I got one. Unluckily, Tabi was right behind me. Sigh. ing stalker much?


It was awkward at first but then Tabi said, "Do you want to go out for soju? As friends?" I was confused since he literally sent me a hate text message and stared at me coldly before like he did when he was acting in IRIS. I said, "Sure, but you’re paying."


"Don’t I always?" I started to laugh. First time laughing for the whole day.


We went to a bar near YGE building so after we could just go back and work on B.L.’s debut with Teddy, Jiyong, and the other girls. After drinking one glass of soju, I felt tipsy and felt really drunk. Unlike me, Tabi is a heavy drinker. After 5 glasses of soju, he started to feel a tiny bit tipsy. He was still fine and I was on the verge of passing out. Ugh I hate soju. But I needed this.


He said, "I can drink 7 bottles of soju and then get drunk." He was about to reach for another bottle, but then I had to stop him. No matter how heart broken I felt, I made him not drink anymore.


After that we walked back to YGE, people saw us so all of a sudden photographers and the paparazzi came and a took a million flashy pictures of us. I swear I would’ve been blind if they took more, but luckily we escaped. I wonder what this week’s headlines would be.. 'On and Off TOP’. Oh well, let’s just wait and see.


We finally got back to YGE laughing and smiling with Dara and Lee Hi staring at us. They probably thought we were too drunk. Tabi wasn’t drunk at all, but I was about to pass out, right there and then. And I did.


Yay, cmon my silent readers. Say something. ANYTHING. 

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bigbangvip4evr #1
love, love, love it!!
boomshakalakaxD #2
Chapter 17: yeah i agree with bigbangvipforever!
like usually i dont want anyone to touch my bingu but i really want them to do that scene already XPPPP
update soon!
ashash532 #3
update asap unnie!
i wish jenry was still a thing )-:
koreanmaniac123 #4
update!!! i cant just live on one chapter every two days!
more like 5 a day!!!
pinkfluffydogs #5
seungri doesnt sound like the usual ert here anymore!!! make more parts with Ema,Tiffany, Bigbang's pov please!!!
i love this fan fic!!!
blackjacksonevipelf #6
Chapter 15: daesungs face! haha.
i love this fanfic so far!!! better than most tbh
bigbangvipforever #7
update this asap!!!!!
when will top and jessica do it! its so obvious.
Chapter 6: Omg update soon juseyo.
jessicajiang111 #9
Chapter 3: ugh stop getting tired. jisesus.