
Beautiful Lies

-Jessica’s POV-

Tabi got off the waterslide before me and helped me out, because I’m just that disabled when I’m tired. I need my sleep, or it'll lead to world war 3.
I bet if I stayed for 2 more seconds, I would need back surgery because Jiyong and Ema were right behind me going down the slide.

He dragged me back into the pool, I said, "Ugh you bum, why can’t you stay in one place for more than 10 minutes." He stared at me and said, "Alone time." Oh TOP you naughty Asian.

The pool was so cold and empty, "Aigoo, I want my bed, it’s so cold." "It’s only 1:04, don’t you always sleep at this time since you’re a trainee?" "Yeah, but it’s so cold..." I pouted. He suddenly hugged me, and I was colder. I said, "Are you trying to take my warmth or trying to make me warm?"

"Neither,” he chuckled, "Is hugging my girlfriend that bad?" "No, but hugging me when we’re both freezing is." He smiled and kissed me on the forehead. I felt like this was the Titanic when Rose was floating on the door and holding Jack’s hands. Seriously, I don’t know. The references I get from my mom..

A little while later, we went inside. I ran inside, while Tabi walked. The pool is like 100ft. X 100ft. it's seriously long compared to other pools.

Seungri, you rich bastard.

When we got inside, everyone was already there. Did you guys like, teleport here? Ailee, Daesung, Seungri & Tiffany were watching a movie. Scary, I'm guessing because Dae was screaming like a baby girl.

Ema, Jaylee, Aram was all in the kitchen cooking. Didn't we just have dinner? But I'm not arguing, more food for me! Jiyong & Taeyang were watching the 3 girls cook and boy, did they look happy. erts.

2NE1 was playing twister, except for Bom. She was eating grilled corn and spinning the thingy. One thing I've learned about Bom is, whether she's on or off camera, she's always eating.

I saw YG, Teddy, & our choreographers drinking beer and laughing. Good, they're laughing. Maybe a day off tomorrow, if they're in a good enough mood. I must've stood there for a while because Tabi came inside and hugged me from the back. His hair, body, everything was soaking wet.

"If you're wondering why I'm wet, it's raining," he said while he used his towel to wipe his hair & chest. God, he's y. "I'm gonna go change," I said and quickly ran upstairs.

I changed into shorts & a tank top. I was about to go downstairs, but TOP pulled me by the wrist into a room. "You're going downstairs like that?" "Well, yeah. It's comfortable," I replied. "No, no." I stared at him in confusion. He suddenly got close and his face was right in front of mine, maybe an inch away.

"You are not going downstairs like that," he said as he stared in my eyes. "Wwwwhhhhyyyyyyy?" I lazily said. "Because, the other boys will stare at you," he said as he looked away. I grinned widely.

"Aww, is my Tabi jealous?" I said while I jumped on his back. He didn't reply, so I got off his back and said, "I'm gonna go downstairs then. Byeby-." He pulled me close and held me. He whispered in my ear, "Please don't." I suddenly felt like a bad person hearing him sound so desperate. I turned around and stared in his eyes.

"If you're worried about the other guys looking at me, let me tell you this. I, Jessica Choi, belong to you. My lips, my body, my heart." I cupped his face and continued, "I love you, Choi Seunghyun. And that's not going to change."

I kissed him on his forehead and he stayed silent and suddenly hugged me tightly for a few minutes. When he pulled back, he was grinning. "You know, you just said your body belongs to me," he said as he got on top of me. I tried to get him off of me, but he was too strong. Damn men and their too well built bodies. I got an idea and kicked his balls. He groaned and dropped on the floor.

I'm sorry Tabi, just trying to protect my ity. I ran outside, while he was rolling on the ground clutching his nuts.

Everyone was still busy. I wondered why we were up at like 2:00am in the morning. We have problems.

I ran downstairs since I smelled food and said, "Aish, move over Tiffany, you’re blocking all the food from me!" I saw Tabi on the staircase signaling me to come, I thought, ‘Aigoo, he’s going to kill me now.’

I walked up to him and he dragged me upstairs into Seungri’s guest room and said, "Aish, that really hurt." "I’m sorry Tabi... I would kiss it, but it’s that..." I don't wanna kiss your balls.

I sat down on the bed and stared into his eyes, "Your stare is really strong." "So is this a staring contest?" I nodded my head and we stared at each other for 3 minutes without blinking. He had no flaws, no pimples, no zits, perfect cheekbones, and an amazing jaw line. He is just simply perfect.

He said, "Can you change your clothes for me?" "Fin-"

Daesung and Ailee came in kissing each other and TOP said, "Aish, get a room you love birds." Ailee screamed and Daesung said, "Aigoo, hyung get out please." We laughed at them and I held Tabi’s hand and we went into Seungri’s room. "What if Seungri and Tiffany come in here?" He went over to the door and locked it and said, "They won’t."

"Wait I only need to change, you don’t have to lock it." Then I realized what he was going to do. "Tabi.. I’m not ready, it’s only been like a month and even though your hyungs are hooking up with their girlfriends after two days of being together, I don’t want us to be like that." He walked over to me and held onto my head. Was he going to kill me like how he did in IRIS? I shut my eyes tightly.

Well he didn’t, he said quietly, "All my life I’ve been looking for a brave woman like you, and I respect that of you. I love you." I started to sob on his T-shirt. This was like my mom buying me a YanYan snacks and Hi Chews.

"I love you too Tabi. I’ll change, wait for me?" I let go of his shirt and he smiled, "Sure."

I went into Seungri’s bathroom inside his room and changed into my turtle shirt and into my leggings. When I got out he said, "Let’s go eat again." It’s like I can become really excited when someone says food, I opened my arms and said, "Carry me."

He bent down and I jumped onto his back, "Aish, you’re too light and you eat so much Jessica!" I slapped him on the back. As soon as Ema saw me she said, "SICA'S HERE. She’s going to eat all the food! Eat it while you still can!" And she started to stuff the food into .

"Pffft. Ema you already ate half of all the food by yourself. Now move." I got off his back and stuffed my face with food. YG stared at me and said, "You don’t care about getting fat?" Aram replied for me, "She almost weighs as little as Dara! She eats like 10 pounds of food and gains half a pound."


I guess Dara likes to be the lightest. Don't worry, I'll let you keep that title. 

Seungri brought out his balance and Dara stepped on it. She said, "87 pounds." I stepped on and said, "87 pounds also.. Aish, I lost 4 pounds this week." Tabi said, "YG, you should give Bigbang and Beautiful Lies a break after we finish recording the music video in Paris."

YG said, "Fine, but only 3 days."

We all broke out into cheers and wide grins.

I guess it was cool since after we come back from Paris on Monday we get to have a break. I looked at the clock ’2:56’. "Aish, I’m going to go home now. Let’s go Ema." "Jiyong can bring me home." He nodded and I said, "Okay." TOP said to me, "I'll come with you." "Aish, you brought your own car though." Aigoo, this bingu. 

"We can both drive." "Fine, but you’re sleeping in Ema’s room then," I stuck my tongue at him. Ema screamed, "Sure, You ca- WAIT, WHA-" Tabi shut door and we walked outside. "All these paparazzi and fans.."

"..Let's make a run for it," he finally said. "Eh, make a run for it? When?" "NOW." And he sped off to his car. What just happened. 

"...YAH, BINGU CHOI SEUNGHYUN," I ran after him and passed all the flashes and fan girls. How does he live like this..

I went into my car and I saw him already in his sports car. I really need an upgrade on cars. I got back before he did, even though he got to his car first and it's a sports car for crying out loud.

I locked myself in my room putting a note on the door saying, ‘Go sleep on the couch, you bum. Goodnight.’ Before I fell asleep, I heard him laugh at the note. I smiled and fell asleep.


Sorry for the short update.__. And I haven't posted in a long time TT.TT I wanna make a scene where they do it already, I just can't. Well, comment! ^^

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bigbangvip4evr #1
love, love, love it!!
boomshakalakaxD #2
Chapter 17: yeah i agree with bigbangvipforever!
like usually i dont want anyone to touch my bingu but i really want them to do that scene already XPPPP
update soon!
ashash532 #3
update asap unnie!
i wish jenry was still a thing )-:
koreanmaniac123 #4
update!!! i cant just live on one chapter every two days!
more like 5 a day!!!
pinkfluffydogs #5
seungri doesnt sound like the usual ert here anymore!!! make more parts with Ema,Tiffany, Bigbang's pov please!!!
i love this fan fic!!!
blackjacksonevipelf #6
Chapter 15: daesungs face! haha.
i love this fanfic so far!!! better than most tbh
bigbangvipforever #7
update this asap!!!!!
when will top and jessica do it! its so obvious.
Chapter 6: Omg update soon juseyo.
jessicajiang111 #9
Chapter 3: ugh stop getting tired. jisesus.