
Beautiful Lies

When we entered the stretch, I sat down next to Tablo because he was the only one not annoying me. Later TOP came and sat down next to me, I would’ve just started to stare at him in a dreamingly way but I had to stay strong. For all the fangirls and fanboys around the world.

I decided to play ‘Fruit Ninja’ on my iPhone since I had no reason to speak now. I’m such a loser, omygosh. Well, better than playing 'What's that word,' I looked up all the answers on google. 

When we were halfway there my phone started to beep which meant that someone was texting me, and it was Tabi. I tried to ignore it, but he already saw that I opened up the ‘Messages’ button, so I turned off my phone. Hope he’s hurt like me right now. 

I just stayed silent for the rest of the car ride, wondering what that text said. When we arrived, I was one of the last to exit the stretch and enter the building since I sat in the back. As I was leaving, Tabi pulled me back in the limo and looked at me. I wanted to die, ugh where a knife when I need one. I'll need to start carrying a pocket knife around.

He started to apologize, I guess it’s because I’m his date to the after party where every socialite and many famous celebrities from Asia were going to be. I wanted to tear up. No Jessica. You can’t cry when you’re heartbroken every time. But I just started crying again. Ugh, why is love such a . 'Love is a wonderful thing.' My .

I didn’t know what to do, so I just got out of the stretch but after Tabi hugged me. Way to make me so heart touched right before my first concert, just kidding I love you for that. We both ran together to the changing rooms, which was a struggle since I wasn’t used to heels. Once again, thank you so much mom. I almost tripped over a flat surface, wow it takes talent to do that. So Tabi carried me to my changing room, and when we got there everyone was saying aw, so cute. I guess we did look cute together. Holla. 

After that huge commotion, Tabi went to Bigbang’s changing room and I reapplied my makeup since it was messed up from my tears. I tried to make myself look prettier, but Dara came up to me and said, “Aigoo, obsessing over the makeup to wow the fans, ah?” I nodded in embarrassment, we both laughed after. Ugh, Dara. Never aging vampire.

Then everyone gathered around YG. Ema, Jaylee, Aram, Tiffany, and I all stayed backstage since we weren’t going to be performing, but we would be the most important part of the concert, since YG was announcing that their new girl group is going to debut somewhat in October. All of a sudden I saw a moth, so I literally flipped out and made Aram kill it since she was the oldest next to Jaylee. I started to tear up, since I was deadly afraid of insects, bugs, reptiles.. 

After all of us five screamed because a moth was torturing us, we had to go get ready because it was time for the final performance and we had to go upstage once they finish. After Epik High finished ‘Up’ featuring Bom, we headed up and were facing thousands of fans. I was already nerve wrecked by the moth and now this. Great, that’s just great. I looked around to see the reaction of the girls' faces and Tiffany was sweating buckets. Not sure if it was from running away and screaming because of the moth or just nervous.

I was watching this one person in the crowd… and I realized it was Henry. Front row seats. Really? Ugh, now he knows I’ll be debuting in Beautiful Lies for YGE. I felt like the biggest liar in the world. But it's just a a small white lie. Not like we were BFF's in the past life or anything.

But right when I was processing that thought, YG asked me to say a couple of words with the others about our debut. But all I said was, “When we debut, we’ll most likely be on your bias list. The whole YG Entertainment staff will work day and night just to make this debut perfect. Anyohaseyo, I'm Beautiful Lies's leader, Jessica. Nice to meet you!” I bowed a 90 degrees angle.

After that I just kept on smiling and my mind went blank, like I forgot how to do math or something. I woke up from my blankness when Tiffany grabbed my shoulder almost making me trip again to take the annual YGE photo. I hate her for making my ankle hurt more, yet she saved me, so we’re okay Tiffany. Buy me some food, and we'll be more than okay.

After the concert we had a few hours to go shop and get ready for the after party. So the girls and I went out to shop and got the perfect dresses to wear. Also Jaylee found a date to bring to the after party, it was Jay Park. That y boo muffin. What, why am I thinking about this. TOP's my date. TOP TOP TOP.


Anyways, after we finished shopping we went back to our hotel rooms to change since we only had 1 hour left. But as I was walking into the lobby, I saw Henry waiting for me. Ugh, why must all hot boys wait for me here in the lobby, but with bad news.

The girls just left me, yeah thanks. I’ll make sure to not have you as my bridesmaids when I marry someone. I growled, “Why are you here?” “Well, I found out you’re more of a liar than I actually thought you were.”

I became mute, luckily seconds later, Aram and Super Junior entered the lobby. Yes, great timing guys, how about faster next time. Maybe you can just walk with me. Yeah? Yeah. Good? Good.

Aram asked me, “Do you have my dress?” I nodded and went in the elevator with her as I saw Siwon staring at her. Aha, Super Junior members are such creeps to me now. In the elevator Aram said, “I saw Henry, he used to be my bias when I was younger.” I started laughing and I thought, ‘Wow I wonder if she still likes him.’ We started to talk about something personal about my family, but then someone entered the elevator so we just stopped talking until we reached to our designated rooms. I changed into my black mini dress, which all the girl members of YG decided to wear. Black dresses, not the same dress. That'd be weird. 

Since YG wanted us to be formal and make an appearance, YG ordered several stretches just for the dates you were supposed to be with. Alone. Ugh YG, you naughty bastard. Can you actually trust Jaylee with Jay Park? They're going to get married in there.

I took the elevator down to wait for TOP, but he was already there. What a gentleman. I saw a million photographers outside, so I guess I had to smile and wave. Smile and wave. Smile and wave. I feel like Emma Watson. What. That’s not my thing, but I still did it.

We both entered the stretch alone and the chauffeur drove us to the ‘Red Carpet’. Once we arrived, I saw Ema and Jiyong already walking down the Red Carpet together, while holding hands. Are they dating already!? Or is it just for the publicity.. Augh, whatever. Them skinny people. Jiyong weighs 124 pounds. I asked Ema how much she weighed, and she said 95 pounds. She weighs 4 more than me. Woop.

Tabi and I got out of the limo, holding hands. Sigh, just watch my face on the cover of every gossip magazine. Sorry fan girls, don’t hate me though.

Everyone started screaming, I wonder if I had earplugs in my purse. We walked down the carpet like a perfect couple, but we were barely anything close to that. I saw people wanting TOP’s autograph, so I told him to walk over while I stood alone staring at Jaylee and Jay Park getting out of the limo, after Tiffany&Seungri. Aha, when they date, I’ll call them JayPark. Aha, clever me. After they become a thing, I'll be the first one to post their couple name. #JayPark4evar


-Aram’s POV-

We finally arrived, since Taeyang couldn’t find his right shoe. I was annoyed but then he smiled his tiny eyed, cute smile. He's so adorable, dammit. 

After we got out of the limo, I saw Siwon staring at my body. What, ugh Super Junior members are really giving Jessica and I a hard time. But suddenly, Taeyang held me tighter, I think he saw Siwon. Sigh, that jealous cutie patootie. I don't know what I just said, but it sounded like a cute nickname.

After we entered the building, my stomach started hurting from that squeezing. I ran to the bathroom finding drunks throwing up. Yeah kids, don’t be an alcoholic. I wanted to poop. But I didn’t want to stink up the bathroom. Ugh, I think this is high school all over again. So, my stomach pretty much died.

I walked out of the bathroom and started to dance with Taeyang on the dance floor. Like we owned it. Well, YG rented the place for the night. So we did own it. For the night.

Super Junior's 'sorry sorry' suddenly started playing and Taeyang and I hunched over and started making sorry gestures with our hands. We looked ridiculous. Hey, kill me for having fun. 

We got so tired that we started sweating, so we went to the bar to get a drink. After drinking, we went to the VIP section and started talking about music and stuff. "Are you excited about debuting?" he asked me. "Excited? I'm more than excited! I am so-," Taeyang suddenly got up and kissed me, before I finished my sentence.

I froze and stared at him. He was looking straight into my eyes. Those hypnotic eyes.. I blushed. "Do y-you... wanna play p-pool?" he asked. I shyly nodded and we played pool for the rest of the night, but the kiss lingered in the back of my mind. Did that kiss mean anything to him? Or did he do that because he was drunk..


-Tiffany’s POV-

As Seungri and me walked down the red carpet together behind Aram and Taeyang, we were probably the fiercest date there. We walked down the carpet like we basically owned it. 

Since we decided to dance down the carpet instead of being mainstream by walking, we made everyone laugh and all. We were the fiercest and coolest date there. We saw Ema and the others at the bar, so we also had some drinks. Sadly, Seungri went to hard on the beer and almost threw up. Well, you only live once, you know. 

I also started drinking like there was no tomorrow, but I got too drunk and fell on top of some guy. I couldn't see his face clearly because I was dizzy. The next thing I knew someone started to carry me and I feel asleep, before I got to say 'sorry' to the person.


-Jaylee’s POV-

As Jay and I were getting out of the limo, we both strutted down the carpet like movie stars. We’re swaggertific, be jealous. 

After we made a huge scene, we went inside and saw Lee Hyori. And since I’m a fan of her, Jay, Hyori and I went to get some drinks from the bar and stayed there for a while. I hope I don’t get drunk again. People tell me I'm crazy, when I get drunk. 

Jay and I started joking with each other and we laughed so hard that our stomach hurt like .

"Hey.. do you want to go to a hotel?" I nodded and thought, 'It's only as friends, nothing else.'

-Ema's POV- 

I was walking into the club with Jiyong, but then some girl pulled him away from me. I turned around and saw SNSD's Yuri. "Hey Jiyong! Cmon, let's hang out!" "Um, I don't know..," he looked at me if he was asking me for permission. I nodded. What am I? Your mom? 

He lit up and walked away with Yuri. Stupid .. I was going to hang out with Jiyong.

I sighed and snuck over to Super Junior's table. I knew most of them because my brother was friends with them. "Guess who?" I whispered with my hands covering EunHyuk's eyes. "Ema," he said blunty. "You're good," I said as I sat next to him. 

"Actually, I don't know anyone else as childish as you," he joked. I hit his left arm, since it was close to me than his face. I studied him closely. He looked seriously handsome. His blonde hair waving over his face, his suit framing his buff body... What am I doing. 

Super Junior's 'sorry sorry' started playing and I had the urge to get up and dance, but I just did the gesture under the table. Siwon eyed me, "Just do it over the table. We know it's a great dance." I glared at him, "What are you talking about? I was just.. scatching my thigh." Nice cover up Ema. Very nice, you idiot.

The SUJU members laughed and I just stayed silent. "I heard you're debuting in Beautiful Lies in October," Henry said. I lit up.

"Yeah, Jaylee & I are going to write the song. Tiffany & Aram are going to make the choreogaphy up and .. Jessica is going to take watch and make sure everything goes well." 

"She seems pretty useless," I heard Henry mumble, but I ignored it. Excuse me? Did you just call our leader useless, you little, ugh. I never liked you anyway.

I got up and said my goodbyes to the SUJU members except for Henry, of course. Calling our leader useless, hmph. 

I walked over to the others having a drink, but Aram & Taeyang ditched me for the VIP room, Seungri & Tiffany got too drunk, so they went home, Jessica & TOP.. somewhere in the other side of the room, Jaylee & Jay, no idea, Jiyong left me for Yuri. I hate you guys. 

Someone asked me to dance with them, so I nodded. Nothing to do anyway.

I was about to take his hand, but someone grabbed it and pushed the guy away. "Sorry, she's mine tonight." Kwon Jiyong. Hmp, where's your precious Yuri?

It was silent for the next few minutes, but then he said "Wanna dance?" with his famous smile. My heart started beating like crazy and I just nodded. You're supposed to be mad, you ing idiot. Stupid heart, listen to your brain next time.


-Jessica's POV-

After Tabi signed papers, hands, and even fore heads, we walked inside and it was just amazing. The lights and everything, I even saw other Korean idols. Lee Hyori, BoA, Lee Minho, Girls' Generation, SHINee... Woah, a world of super stars.

I went inside with Tabi, with our arms locking each others. We sat down at the back table, where there was barley anyone. But the speakers were in the back, so it was loud as hell. We moved to the middle of the room, where it wasn't too quiet, nor too loud.

All of a sudden, Leeteuk came with a bottle of champagne. I decided to open it, but then it spilled all over. It went all over Seungri and he said, "Hyung, she's exactly like you, she's clumsy!" I started to laugh, Leeteuk I won't kill you for that. For now.

I went to the bathroom to clean up since the champagne was all over my dress, but I thought it looked better. I seriously need fashion lessons from Jiyong. Once I came out, Tabi, Leeteuk, and I had a couple too many shots, but then I realized it was 2 am and everyone was still here. Sigh, I must return to my first love, my bed.

I told YG that I had to sleep and he looked at me, confused, since it was one of the biggest events of the year, but he let me go. Tabi and I left the party, I think he was sad because he wanted to stay. Oh well, that’s what you get for hurting me so much in 2 days. Just kidding. For 2 and a half days. 

After we got into the limo, there was a silence. I don’t know, maybe we just drank too much. After 2 minutes of silence, Tabi said, “What a nice party, right?” I got bored so I finally my phone, then I checked the text message Tabi sent. I started crying again. Seriously, I need therapy if I cry one more time today. My feelings 

He wrote, ‘Saranghae Jessica, please forgive me. Will you be mine forever?' I texted back ‘yes' while literally making my eyes cry a river, even though we were sitting next to each other. I fell asleep, I’m a light drinker because my mom never drank. I woke up once we got back to the hotel where Tabi was almost about to carry me in like a princess, what a gentleman once again. I pretended to be asleep, so he would still carry me.

I decided to be carried like that to my room, but once we entered, I saw Henry at the elevator. He held the elevator for us, which I thought was really awkward since our last conversation. He didn’t speak at all, so when it was my floor Tabi and I got out and he brought me to my room. He put me on my bed and then collapsed on Ema’s bed. Aha, that’s what you get Ema for letting Jiyong sleep on my bed. 


I died writing this with my friend. This took such a long time, you guys have no idea. Thanks for reading, comment & subscribe. But comment more because we need inspiration. Cmon, silent readers. Just comment.

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bigbangvip4evr #1
love, love, love it!!
boomshakalakaxD #2
Chapter 17: yeah i agree with bigbangvipforever!
like usually i dont want anyone to touch my bingu but i really want them to do that scene already XPPPP
update soon!
ashash532 #3
update asap unnie!
i wish jenry was still a thing )-:
koreanmaniac123 #4
update!!! i cant just live on one chapter every two days!
more like 5 a day!!!
pinkfluffydogs #5
seungri doesnt sound like the usual ert here anymore!!! make more parts with Ema,Tiffany, Bigbang's pov please!!!
i love this fan fic!!!
blackjacksonevipelf #6
Chapter 15: daesungs face! haha.
i love this fanfic so far!!! better than most tbh
bigbangvipforever #7
update this asap!!!!!
when will top and jessica do it! its so obvious.
Chapter 6: Omg update soon juseyo.
jessicajiang111 #9
Chapter 3: ugh stop getting tired. jisesus.