
Beautiful Lies

I had TOP alone to myself for about 2 minutes, before everyone came into the car. Thanks for the privacy guys. Love you.


We basically did nothing, but talk about the concert since it was tomorrow. Then Taeyang, Ema, Jiyong, Seungri, Aram, Jaylee and Tiffany came into the car wearing fancy clothing… but TOP and I were still wearing the same things since the airplane ride. No wonder they took so long. Thanks for telling us. Love you! No, I hate you guys.


Fortunately, this car ride to Sushi Dai and the car ride wasn’t silent at all. I guess you can say someone popped open a bottle of champagne. Cough Seungri cough. We were going to a small restaurant and it wasn't even romantic because of all the noise. And the whole restaurant atmosphere was fun. So, I was kind of glad that we didn't dress up.


We all sat at a huge table. Jaylee wore something really fancy, too. A sky blue dress that perfectly curved her figure and her full.. bossoms.


After we finished eating, we went to a club. We went to the VIP section and ordered some drinks. I ordered something light, so I wouldn't get drunk. But the others... careless. They all ordered heavy drinks and got drunk. Even, my Tabi.. I crycry.


I was left alone in the VIP section with these other creeps around me. Ema was chatting with Jiyong, Jaylee was flirting with some random Japanese guy, Tiffany & Seungri were just dancing like they owned the dance floor, Aram was having a drinking contest with Taeyang, Daesung was... where was he? Oh yeah, at home. With his perfect noona.


TOP was smiling and dancing with another girl... My heart broke into pieces and I was shaking.


“You alone miss?” Some random guy asked me. “Um, I guess..” I said quietly.
He smiled and offered me his hand.. oh what the hell. Wouldn't kill me to have fun. I took his hand and we went to the dance floor. He started doing these weird moves and I started laughing like a hyena. “Do you know how to dance?” I asked.


“...I know ..this.” He started doing the running man. I burst out laughing and my stomach hurt. “Y-you're the one w-who asked me t-to dance a-and you don't e-even know h-how to d-dance yourself,” I said while trying to control my laughter. This guy is weird..


“I'm glad you're feeling better and my names Henry, by the way. Lau.” He said sheepishly and smiled. I looked at him and smiled. A real smile in a while. “My name's Jessica. Choi.”


“Thanks for making me feel bette-.” Before I could finish my sentence, someone pulled me by my wrist and it hurt like crap. Does this guy take steroids? “What the hell do you think you're doing?!” I pulled away and started massaging my wrist.


“You were with Henry,” he growled at me. I knew this voice. TOP. He was boiling mad. 


"So what if I was with Henry? And how do you know his name?!" I snapped back. I thought about why I like this guy. Just cause he has dreamy eyes, a y mouth, a charismatic personality... okay, I remember exactly why I like him.


TOP said, "You don't have to know why i know him, but the fact that you were dancing with him breaks me." I got angry and screamed, "Doesn't that seem familiar?!"


“WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?” He yelled. Are you kidding me? He was getting touchy touchy with that girl and I was only talking to Henry. “HENRY WAS ONLY TRYING TO MAKE ME FEEL BETTER!”


“Feel better? About what,” he asked calmly, this time. “None of YOUR business,” I glared at him. “And how does dancing with him break YOU?!”


“You wouldn't understand..,” he looked away. Does he think this is a movie or something? Dramatically looking away. Ugh. “And what were you sad about?” he asked.


“YOU wouldn't understand,” I mocked him and stormed out of the club. I walked a few blocks and looked back. Tch, doesn't even chase after a girl. It suddenly started raining and I ran under a tree in a park.


After around 10 minutes, the rain stopped raining. I stepped out from under the tree, but I got soaked. Okay, what the hell? I heard someone chuckle. Henry. He was holding an umbrella over out heads. Oh, that explains it.


“Hi again,” I said to Henry. “Do you wanna take a stroll?” Henry asked. “That would be nice..”


We walked in silence for a long time. “I'm sorry-,” we both said at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed. “Why are you sorry?”


“Because I saw what happened at the club.. I shouldn't have gotten so close to you. Your boyfriend must be really mad..,” he apologized. Boyfriend? .. Oh, did he mean TOP? It looked like we were a couple? My heart started to flutter, but then stopped when I remembered out fight.


“Oh, he's not my boyfriend.. He's just and overprotective.. friend,” I answered quietly. Actually, I'm in a one-sided love, he's just kind to me because he's like that to everybody, and he wouldn't even care if I got ran over by a truck. Yep.


Henry says, "Oh really? That doesn't seem like a true relationship." I start to nod, but I glanced at my watch and it was a quarter to 1 a.m. Oh, YG is going to kill me.


I realized I had the family concert, so I had to go back to the hotel quickly. I tried to make up an excuse on why I had to leave. So I said, "Agh, look at the time. My mom's going to kill me." I had to lie because I didn't want Henry to know that I was going to debut. Did I mention that I at lying? JUST BURN ME IN HELL, SATAN. JUST BURN ME.


He worriedly asked, "Do you want me to drive you home?" Sweet, sweet Henry. Once again, I apologize.


I rejected him, since I had to go to the hotel and not some fake house in Jeju Island. Mental note, remember to ask him for some coffee the next time we meet.


After running off and catching a taxi, I sat down and thought how bad of a situation I was in. My date, who I don't even know if I'm still with is mad at ME, and a soloist from SM likes me. Well, I don't know if he likes me, but I'm guessing. Who can resist this.


Then I realized I was back at the hotel. I paid the driver and entered the lobby with TOP crossed legged waiting for me. I remembered the fight again and immediately got pissed off.


I tried to ignore his apologies as I walked pass him, but he grasped onto my hand which pained me so badly that I just stopped. Why are you so strong, y.. NO, I'm supposed to be mad at you. Don't look in his eyes or you're going to give in.


I was barely listening to what he was saying, until he gave me that stare. Which no fan girl or hater could resist. I instantly stopped trying to get away or cry. Why TOP, why is your face so perfect. Just jump in front of a truck, you perfect son of a devil, you.


I was about to let my guard down because of his eyes... until Henry came into the hotel. I finally realized that SM was also having their family concert in Jeju Island. Ugh, wow worst timing ever Henry. Seriously, SM? Are you serious right now. Why can't you have it in... somewhere that's not here?!


I saw him and I glanced to see if also did, but then he was literally about to kill Henry. Luckily I stopped him by wrapping my hands around his perfect body. I blushed slightly, he had abs. This is not the time to blush. Stop getting lured into his man trap, Jessica. Pull yourself together. YOU ARE A FREE WOMAN.


I bet Henry thought I was a liar, so I just dragged Tabi to the elevator which literally made me almost faint. I guess fainting was better than having him almost kill Henry. Again.


After the elevator door closed, I was so happy that I almost started to dance. But Tabi started to question me, "You never answered my question. Why were you with Henry?" Why? Because you made me jealous, dense bastard.


"Well maybe if you didn't leave me, I wouldn't have." I never liked these kinds of conversations, so I started to tear up again. Guess I'm a crybaby.


I heard him ask me concernedly, "Why are you crying, dongsaeng?" Dongsaeng, yes. That's all I'll ever be to you.


I mumbled something that I also barely understood, but I said, "Because one second, you care about me and the next you..." Suddenly the elevator was at my floor. ing elevator. You should just be fast or slow. Not in between.


I didn't realize that there was no point of telling him that, if he wouldn't change. So I just went to my room finding Ema snoring as usual, but this time with Jiyong sleeping on my bed. His saliva was getting all over my pillow. Once you wake up, I'm making you switch pillows with me, fagget.


I thought to myself, 'doesn't Jiyong have his own room with Tabi?' Ugh, that little monster.


I didn't know what to do, so I pushed Jiyong off my bed. He didn't react, so I threw him Ema's pillow. She doesn't need it.. I think.


I went to change into my pajamas, and I quietly cried myself to sleep. Seems like crying myself to sleep every night has become a part of my daily routine. Yesterday... will be better. I hope.


-Next Morning: YG Family Concert-


I woke up to my annoying alarm clock, which I threw again. But Jiyong almost got hit, so I started to laugh, which made Ema wake up. I always, somehow, make her wake up with laughing.


I asked him why he was here, and Jiyong said, "Choi hyung wasn't in his room last night, so I got scared. The others were already asleep, so I came into Ema's room." He's 21 for crying out loud and he's still scared of the dark and monsters under his bed. I thought it was awkward so I just pushed him out of my room.


Then Ema got up and said, "Jiyong and I are dating, now I needa change." DATING. WAIT, how come everyone is dating now. In 10 years, you guys will be married and . And I'll be a lonely old granny with 50 cats.


She started walking away like the drunk loser she was. I changed into my outfit, that I had to wear for the concert and applied more makeup to my face than I ever did in my whole life. In my opinion, I looked horrible, but if it can hide my puffy eyes, I'm fine with looking like a raccoon.


After Ema finished changing and putting on her mascara, she told me, "Did you hear that Tae & Aram are a thing now!"


I was so shocked because I was probably the only one without a boyfriend, except Jaylee and I just guessed Seungri asked Tiffany out already. I'm just gonna go back to feeling like a fat loser.


After that 'lovely' talk about other people's relationship, Ema and I went to talk with Jaylee because she had her own room and we thought she would be lonely. Okay, if you compare who is lonelier, I would be second because of Jaylee.


We found out that she wasn't in her room, so we went to Aram and Tiffany's room and saw Jaylee wearing the same dress she was last night, smelling like beer, and talking in her sleep. Ugh, what are we gonna do with her... she's the oldest in the group already.


Since she was still sleeping and we had to meet YG in 1 hour, we all screamed in her ear and she woke up screaming, “WHAT. ALIEN INVASION!? DON'T WORRY, I KNOW KUNG FU.” Aha, I'm gonna kill her, along with Seungri for ruining my eardrums.


Tiffany and Aram were done, so we pushed Jaylee into the bathroom and I asked Aram, "Are you really dating Youngbae?" I knew they were, I just wanted to hear her say it officially.


"Yeah, I am. Isn't it so cool?" She said excitedly. I nodded since they were the cutest couple that I've ever seen. TaeRam was probably going to trend everywhere. And, of course, they would have anti's. 'YOUNGBAE OPPA IS MINE! BACK UP ! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?' I chuckled slightly at the thought.


Then us four played 'Kai Bai Bo*' until Jaylee was done. We played like 2 rounds. She's slower than Internet Explorer. That's slow.


After Jaylee got out of the bathroom with her outfit on and her makeup applied, which took ages, we finally went to meet up with YG. I asked Ema and Aram to help hide me from Tabi, since they were my best friends in the group and I didn't want to see him.


After walking down the stairs in 3 inch heels, I thought my feet were going to die, since my mom always gave me flats to wear. Thanks mom for making the loser of everyone and everything.


We finally climbed out of 7 sets of stairs, since the elevator was being used. We found 2NE1, and Bom said, "I heard yelling last night, are you okay?" I simply gave her a nod, which made Bom keep asking me non-stop, until we met YG outside of the hotel. I've never been happier to see you, YG. Seriously, ever. Cause when I see you the other times, it's when I'm in trouble.


When everyone was with YG, he told us that we had to stay with our partners. I officially hate that rule. Wasn't that a one day thing? Like yesterday only. Whoever made it, I will find you, hire someone to you, and then kill you.


After that, we climbed into our stretch limo and went to the dome where we were going to have the family concert. Fancy. 



I feel so tired. I wrote this chapter with my friend. LOL 

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bigbangvip4evr #1
love, love, love it!!
boomshakalakaxD #2
Chapter 17: yeah i agree with bigbangvipforever!
like usually i dont want anyone to touch my bingu but i really want them to do that scene already XPPPP
update soon!
ashash532 #3
update asap unnie!
i wish jenry was still a thing )-:
koreanmaniac123 #4
update!!! i cant just live on one chapter every two days!
more like 5 a day!!!
pinkfluffydogs #5
seungri doesnt sound like the usual ert here anymore!!! make more parts with Ema,Tiffany, Bigbang's pov please!!!
i love this fan fic!!!
blackjacksonevipelf #6
Chapter 15: daesungs face! haha.
i love this fanfic so far!!! better than most tbh
bigbangvipforever #7
update this asap!!!!!
when will top and jessica do it! its so obvious.
Chapter 6: Omg update soon juseyo.
jessicajiang111 #9
Chapter 3: ugh stop getting tired. jisesus.