
Beautiful Lies

-Jessica’s POV-

I sat in the front of the car, cause I’m too cool compared to them. Actually, I sat in the front because they were afraid if I would seize again and release bubbles from my mouth. You guys make me feel so secure.

We were going to eat, even though I was full from Ema throwing fruits at me. When we arrived, I swear I was being treated as royalty. Taeyang offered to pick me up out of the car and Aram was staring at me. Aha, that jealous loser.

I said, "Aish, I’m not disabled you guys." I got out of the SUV surprised from all the VIPs, but then I realized they weren’t VIPs because of their signs.

'잘 곧 제시카보세요!' (Jessica, get well soon!) , '빨리 잘보세요! 우리는 당신의 데뷔를 위해 기다릴 수 없어!' (Get well soon! We can not wait for your debut!) '최 제시카 우리는 당신을 사랑 해요!' (Jessica Choi we love you!) Aw thanks, I guess.

Someone asked me for a hug and I hugged him. Followed by 10,000 other people.

After a million hugs from people I went inside, it was freezing outside. Thanks for only giving me a tiny jacket guys, while you get huge puffy jackets.

We went into a hotel, which has a fancy restaurant, but I hate authentic French food so I just ordered pizza. And they actually had pizza, considering that this was a fancy French restaurant. I ate my pizza in 5 minutes, while the others weren’t even done eating their appetizer. I guess I am a fatass. Sigh.

I said, "I’m full and you guys are gonna take way too long to eat your dinner. Where's the hotel?" Jaylee said, "We’re here."

"WHAAAAAAAAT. YG SPENT THAT MUCH MONEY ON US? THIS IS A FIRST." We all started to laugh because we knew YG only bought us rooms to 3-Star hotels and business class airplane seats. Cheap YG, even though you're one of the biggest companies in South Korea.

I asked, "So, what room am I in?" Ema stuck her tongue , "I left you for Jaylee because I'm scared to sleep alone.. But you’re on the 21st floor, room 215." I sighed, "Thanks for leaving me." I didn’t mean that out of sarcasm actually. Next time, I'm leaving you for someone else.

I walked out of the restaurant and headed toward the elevator. Just when the elevator door was about to close, someone came in before.

I glanced at him and screamed, "OHMYGOD, is that you Chris?" He stared at me for a while, "Uhm....! JESSICA?! Hey girlfriend!" We hugged for a few minutes and we both finally let go and he said, "Wow... you look... different," he said while scanning me from head to toe. "Is that a good thing?" I said and twirled around, while posing.

He laughed and said, "Still the same old Jessica! Yeah, it's a good thing. But what are you doing here?" I said, "I have to shoot a music video.." "Ohh, You’re the director?" Psh, I guess you don't think I am capable enough to be an idol.

"Noooo, don't you know YG Entertainment?" "Yeah, don’t they have that really popular girl group and guy group 2NE1 and Bigbang?"

"Yep, I’m the leader for they’re soon to debut group, Beautiful Lies," I said and flipped my hair. "Wow.. Never expected you to be a singer.. or anything big, in fact.." I puched his arm and he laughed, "Just kidding, I'm just kidding! I’m just studying abroad for more credits."

"Still the same old cute nerd, I know. I missed you so much!" "I missed you too! Didn't I get cuter?" He said, while trying to do aegyo. "Anyway, how is the rest of the gang?" "I seriously don’t know, but Ema's going to debut in Beautiful Lies too! But I bet the rest don’t even know that I’m going to debut, since I was forced to close down my Facebook," I rolled my eyes.

He said, "Oh so you guys are going to debut together? Well, best friends do everything together, I guess..." Yeah, a best friend switches roommates because her roommate was sick for a few days. 

"Anyway, what floor are you going to?" "21st, what about you?" "Same. So expensive though, but I’m sharing the room with my girlfriend," he grinned. "Oohlala, who’s your girlfriend?" I smiled widely. This kid hasn't had a girlfriend since 6th grade. 

"Do you want to come meet her?"

I said, "Of course! .. Ugh, but I just got seized a few hours ago and the doctors let me check out of the hospital but I have to get some rest. I’ll see you and her tomorrow?" "Sure!" I waved goodbye. We both bid our goodbyes and got out of the elevator. He headed to the East wing, while I headed to the West wing.

When I got into my room, all my stuff was there and a king sized bed awaited me. I think I was having an affair with the bed because I was hugging it with my body when I got on. But then someone came into my room. I turned around and saw that it was Tabi.

I groaned and said, "Go awayyyyy, I’m so sleepy." He got on top of me and said, "Aish, I need what a man needs right now." I felt my face get hot, so I turned away fro him, "Stop it Tabiiii. I’m still kind of sick and I don’t want you to get sick also. And my parents would kill me if I did pre-marital because my whole family is full of Christians."

He looked at me for which felt like such a long time, but really it was like 30 seconds. "I’m not going to wait 5 years to do it Jessica," he looked at me seductively. I whined, "Why are you making this so difficult.. It’s not like Aram and Taeyang did it already." Or maybe they did.. but I doubt it.

"What if they did?" "Can’t we be the good couple Tabi.." I pouted.

He grunted and got off of me. He went on the other side of the bed and I said, "I’m going to sleep. Don’t attack me or anything." He started to laugh. I'm being serious here.

He put his arms over my waist and I tried to get out, but his grip was too strong. I bit his arm and he released me, "Oww, you’re trying killing me right now." I opened my eyes and before I knew it he slammed my apartment door. Hard. Was he mad?

Augh, atleast I have some peace and quiet. The next thing I knew, I fell in a deep slumber.

-Jessica’s POV: Next day-

I woke up at 6:30, since I slept pretty early yesterday. I went into the bathroom to take a shower and I changed into what I had to wear for the music video because we were shooting it today. I wish we filmed it yesterday. Curse my clumsyness.

I combed my messy hair and got all the things I needed and headed toward the lobby, where everyone else was. I guess I was the last one down there because I didn’t set up an alarm clock.

When I got there YG said, "Alright let’s go now." I probably had really deep dark circles, since I barely slept last night because of what TOP said. Why are you doing this to me TOP.

I got into the SUV listening to the others asking me useless questions, as if I was an elderly almost dying. I was on my phone the whole time looking at all the comments and pictures I was tagged in when I was in a coma. I thought it was sweet, until I saw one that said, 'You ! You're just doing this for attention from TOP oppa, aren't you!?' Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine.

I honestly just want to deactivate my Twitter and Instagram, but I didn’t and just posted a photo of a selfie that I just took in the car with Daesung, since he was sitting next to me.

I turned my phone off and put it back in my bag and closed my eyes. I thought about how close our debut was and if we were going to get a good response like 2NE1.

We got there in 20 minutes and there was this one kissing scene with me & TOP... Do the producers WANT me to get killed by fangirls? I ran into the large studio where we would record everything. I wanted to get over with everything so I said, "Am I the only person who has to film the Music Video?" The director nodded and said, "We only have 2 parts left and they're both your parts. You have to sit on that white couch, while looking at old photos and the kiss with TOP-ssi. Maybe a few tears, too. For the emotional side."

I sighed and went to the make up artists, whom made my face feel like it weighed 10x heavier.

After they put my make up on, they made me go to the huge field outside and it was raining. I complained, "UGH, I’M GOING TO GET MORE SICK NOW. AND MY MAKEUP IS SCREWED." YG said, "All you have to do is a kiss for like 2 minutes, arasso?" That is the longest kiss scene in the history of MV's that I have ever heard of.

"Fine," I mumbled and got an umbrella. I walked outside and it was ice cold because I only had a trench coat on and leggings, but I felt bad for TOP because the only thing he was wearing was a fancy sweater.

He came out 5 minutes later after me. Yah, thanks for making me freeze to death.

Ema came up and took my umbrella away. Even though it wasn’t supposed to be in that music video, I hate her. I used my hands to cover my head, but it was no use since it was pouring down too hard.

They didn’t even start filming until like 5 minutes later. WEADSJVXFDBZ HELLO CAMERA DIRECTORS, I’M FREEZING HERE.

Then the set director finally said, "잠시 동안 서로의 눈을 응시하고 키스를, 그것을? (Stare at each other's eyes for a while and then kiss, got it?)" I screamed back, "OKAY! JUST HURRY UP AND FILM IT!" I really wanted to get over this.

I stared at him and whispered, "Your stare is really strong.." In response, he just stared at me harder. But I couldn’t look away because if I did we would have to do it again and freeze more. First world problems.

YG gave us a hand signal and we, you know, kissed. After they finished filming, I ran inside because they said it was perfect. Tiffany came up to me and said, "How was it?" She was smiling like Seungri. Oh Seungri, why did you steal all her innocence.

I was confused and said, "What?" She hit my head and screamed, "You stupid fool, THE KISS!" "It was okay.." I whispered. Actually, I liked it a lot and I wanted to do it longer, but the camera director said cut and I had to pull back.

"Now move, I have to change." I pushed her out of my way and walked over to the changing room, where I had to change into casual clothing that they assigned me to. I had to sit on the couch and look at old pictures, which meant old memories of our relationship in the song.

I quickly sat on the couch and they gave me a million photos of TOP & I. They took it during the photoshoot for the MV we did a few weeks ago. I saw this photo of Tabi & I hugging before we even dated. I smiled because of the memories.

YG told me to cry a bit during the scene. I’m an artist, not an actress.

My eyes were blinded by all the lights that shone on me, as I tried to sing my part. But the lights helped me tear up. Do you know how hard it is to cry and sing at the same time. If you don't know, well it's hard. 

After 10 minutes of acting, crying, and singing the same part over and over again, they told me that I was done for the day and that it was Jaylee’s turn to be filmed.

I ran off happily and changed into a sweatshirt with leggings, also my precious Vans.

When I got out I sat next to Ema and took out my phone and she said, "You’re addicted to your phone."  Um, obviously. I'm on it every second that I'm not working. I bragged and waved my phone in front of her face, "Yah, Ema look I have more followers than you and Jiyong."

"Only because you and Tabi are dating." Maybe that was true, "But you’re dating Jiyong." Ema rolled her eyes, "Yeah, but everyone thinks TOP is ier than Jiyong, because Ji is cute." Did she just say TOP was y, she finally admitted it. It was more funny since Jiyong and TOP were like right in front of us.

And they over heard. Jiyong denied and said, "Yeah but, I’m more y than all of you, even as a girl. Didn’t you see Secret Garden?"

Ema checked her twitter and said, "Mhm, you and TOP kissed." TOP said, "Aish, forget about that. It was only for our fans. Don't remind me of that dreadful day." "What are you talking about TOP. I know you liked it," Jiyong said and made kissy faces at Tabi. Ew, no. He's my boyfriend. Get out, Jiyong.

I pushed Jiyong and said, "HAH, NO. I’ll always remember it. Here Ema look at the scene." I showed her my phone and we both waited for the kiss scene.

-The Drama-

"Yah, why do girls always get cream on their lips and act like they don't know around guys?" Jiyong was about to wipe it off, but Tabi stopped him and said, "Ah, that's dirty. Come here." And then he kissed him.

Ema & I started to laugh like crazy. Even though the couch Ema and I were sitting on was a 2 person seating, Jiyong sat right in the middle.

So I had to get off, "AISH, JIYONG SIT ON EMA OR SOMETHING." I walked over to a counter in the kitchen and made some cup noodles, since I woke up too late for breakfast. Breakfast is like 5:30 in the morning, why so early YG, ugh.

I poured hot water in the cup and waiting for it to be ready. Why does cup noodles take forever to be cooked. TOP came over seeing me being stubborn to the cup noodles and said, "You know, putting the lid makes it cook faster."

I slowly tilted my head and said quietly, "I threw the lid out.." He laughed and said, "Pabo."

I rolled my eyes, "Aish, whatever I’ll just eat it a bit uncooked. Do you wanna share?" TOP said, "All the carbohydrates and calories though... Yeah, I’ll share with you." "But there’s only one chopstick. I'll get another one," I said and was about to leave, but he grabbed me and said, "Woman, feed me."

I smiled a bit and kissed him on the cheek. But before I reached his face, he turned and I ended up kissing him on the lips. This naughty boy.

"?!" I broke the kiss and slapped Tabi's hand. He said, "Aish, feed me." I handed him the cup and the chopsticks but didn’t take them, so I guess I had to feed him. I sighed and fed him uncooked noodles, but then YG came in with food, so I quickly threw the noodles away.

He was carrying kimbap, kimchi, rice noodles, and other stuff. I looked around the food and saw my favorite street food. Yes there’s ddeokbokki! Holla, nobody's eating ddeokbokki except for me today.

YG announced, "We’re going to have a party for you guys inviting some of YG Entertainment’s collaborating partners and friends. Wear something fancy, it’s at the hotel’s club!" I saw everyone cheer and grab food from the counter and TOP led me into an empty room with chairs and we ate the ddeokbokki there. Aigo, I wanted it to myself, but he begged me. And who can resist those eyes?

I said, "I really like ddeokbokki. I eat it too much these days.." I started to tell him a childhood story because you know, one thing leads to another.

"When I was young, my parents didn’t let me eat ddeokbokki because it was fattening and they don’t really sell it in New York." Tabi said, "I want to meet your parents one day." I nodded, "Yeah, we should travel there. But shouldn’t we meet yours first because they’re closer since they live in Seoul?"

"Mhm, let’s go after we finish filming and meet them during our break. Also a getaway for us two?" I almost chocked on my ddeokbokki, "AFTER FILMING? I am not ready. I have to get myself ready and plan everyth-" "Don't worry. You're perfect the way you are. And my parent's aren't evil like the ones in the dramas." It might sound cheesy, but he said I was perfect. I fangirled a little inside.

"..Okay," I whispered. "I'll plan out the getaway. It's gonna be a surprise," he smiled. I looked at his eyes and then the plate and said, "Tabi you ate all the ddeokbokki and I only ate like 3 pieces!"

I started to pout, but thenAram and Taeyang came in with plate loads of food and gave us. I said, "Thanks guys, this guy ate all my ddeokbokki. I'm not sharing this time."

Aram said, "Aish, TOP oppa, don’t you know how much Jessica likes ddeokbokki? The first time she ate it was exactly like Seungri in 19:Nineteen." Taeyang said, "You better get her some more food, she’s like 75% your weight hyung."

TOP said, "Aigoo. Now you guys are against me, too. Aish, I’ll be back soon."

Once he left the room, Aram and Taeyang said, "I heard your anniversary is soon." I replied, "Aish, stop it. What about yours? Did you guys go boomboomjiggity? If you know what I mean."

Aram said, "We didn’t. We’re just the good couple. What about you guys?" I said, "HAH, do you think I would allow Tabi to touch me." They looked at each other and Aram was about to say something, but I interrupted her, "Cause I wouldn’t."

Taeyang said, "But every VIP and fan of TOP would love to have with him." "LALALA, CAN'T HEAR YOU. You guys are so weird, aish."

Once we finished talking about it, Tabi came back with my food and I gave my full attention to the food, nobody else.


I'm thinking about adding Jessica & TOP 'doing it' in the next chapter or the chapter after.. Cause of my erted readers. Love you guys, though. <3 Comment!

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bigbangvip4evr #1
love, love, love it!!
boomshakalakaxD #2
Chapter 17: yeah i agree with bigbangvipforever!
like usually i dont want anyone to touch my bingu but i really want them to do that scene already XPPPP
update soon!
ashash532 #3
update asap unnie!
i wish jenry was still a thing )-:
koreanmaniac123 #4
update!!! i cant just live on one chapter every two days!
more like 5 a day!!!
pinkfluffydogs #5
seungri doesnt sound like the usual ert here anymore!!! make more parts with Ema,Tiffany, Bigbang's pov please!!!
i love this fan fic!!!
blackjacksonevipelf #6
Chapter 15: daesungs face! haha.
i love this fanfic so far!!! better than most tbh
bigbangvipforever #7
update this asap!!!!!
when will top and jessica do it! its so obvious.
Chapter 6: Omg update soon juseyo.
jessicajiang111 #9
Chapter 3: ugh stop getting tired. jisesus.