
Beautiful Lies

-Jessica’s POV-

"Aish, get off me." Wait, I thought I was sleeping by myself.

I turned around and saw Ema’s feet in my face. Stupid , why is she here. "EMA GET OFF MY BED. Why are you here?" 

"Isn’t TOP sleeping in my room?" "No? I told him to sleep on the couch." I walked out of my room half asleep and confused. TOP jumped out from no where and I screamed and fell on my . I groaned, "I'm gonna need surgery to fix this." "Are you okay?" TOP said worriedly and gave me a hand. "No, I'm not... ow.." I reached for his hand and made him fall face flat on the floor. Aha.

He said, "Nice one. Urgh, Ema slept in her room but went into yours 10 minutes before so we could scare you." Ema came in and high fived him. Tch.

"You say that if it’s a good thing. What if I got a heart attack and died." They became quiet and I said, "It’s fine, just bring me on a breakfast date. You guys pay." Ema looked shocked and pointed at TOP, "Tabi, you pay." "What, why me?!"

"Cause you're the guy! DUH, and pay for your girlfriend's bestfriend too," she said and hugged me.  Barf.

"I’m gonna change, you guys go get ready, too." I changed into a white tank top with a cardigan and wore skinny jeans. I got my phone and ran back downstairs to find Tabi wearing a tuxedo. It's just breakfast, Tabi. Just breakfast. And I found Ema wearing yellow pants and Jiyong's 'one of a kind' sweatshirt. We're trying to NOT standout guys. And advertising your boyfriend Ema. Really. 

"Let's go!"  I said and walked to the door. I glanced at the two and only Tabi was following me. "You're not coming Ema?" "Nope, Se7en is on Strong Heart right now! He's talking about his next single! I can't miss thisss!!!" she squealed. I rolled my eyes and we walked outside.

We were walking to the elevator and Tabi said, "Someone’s going to join us for breakfast okay?" I said, "Sure." "Just don’t freak out when you see him." "I won’t..." Who was he even talking about? 

After we got out of the elevator, we got into Tabi’s sports car. We got there in 5 minutes, everything in Seoul is so close to each other. I guess being famous also has its perks because there was a long line to the restaurant and once the manager saw us, he escorted us to the front by himself.

Then a waiter came and asked, "What would you like to orde-. OHMYGOD! TOP can I please have your autograph?!" Tabi nodded and signed a piece of napkin and handed it to him. Tabi ordered for us, "One chocolate Soufflé and 3 espressos please." "Coming right up, sir!" The waiter scurried off into the kitchen squealing. Then more fans came over and asked for his autograph and finally they left when the food came. When the food came I said, "내 두 사랑 최 승 현 식품." (My two loves, Choi seung hyun and food.) 

The most Korean I’ve ever spoken outside of YG. I said, "Let’s eat!" Even though the Soufflé was burning hot, I still ate it. I got a text from Aram, ‘Let’s have a sleepover tonight at Tiffany and my place so we can all pack and watch movies, can you please come? It’s only us 5 just saying.’

I texted her back, ‘Yeah, I kinda need a break from TOP and watching Jiyong and Ema kissing on my favorite couch.’ She replied back, ‘Kk, come at 6! TTYL!’

I put my phone back in my pocket and continued eating, while more fan girls came over and were almost sitting on me. These faggets.

I ate the food while listening to flirts and seductive words. So that’s how Ema felt before... I looked out the window and it was raining. Stupid weather stop having mood swings. One second you’re sunny, then rainy. 

I saw Henry coming into the resturaunt. Aish, why.. go away heart nostrils. He came over to the table, where I was sitting and TOP and Henry were like, "Hyung!" Was I missing something, or did they actually stop fighting.

He sat down in between us and started to drink my coffee. "Aish, drink his!" Henry smiled back at me. This brings back so many memories. Henry said, "I heard you made a Instagram.. and got more followers than Jiyong in 1 week hyung. Also Jessie got the same amount as him.. 3 million?" Jessie? Um what, no just stop Henry.

After listening to them talk for like 30 minutes. Seriously, are you trying to make me jealous. With Henry.

I said, "I have to go back." TOP said, "I’ll drive yo-." "No, it’s fine, I’ll just walk. Thanks for the food." I was about to walk out, but someone’s hand grabbed mine. I turned around. Guess who. TOP? No. Henry? Yes.

He said, "At least take a umbrella." I was about to leave, but he said, "I know you still hate me for what I did but I don’t want you to be sick.." I said, "Bull. If you cared about me you wouldn’t have been with Seohyun." I left the room without the umbrella into the rain. I got all soaked. Maybe I should’ve taken the umbrella.

I had this wish of kissing my lover in the rain when I was little. Cross that off my wishlist. My mascara was running over my face and my makeup was all ruined. Not romantic at all.

I made someone get out of the taxi because it was already 1:30. That wasn’t a breakfast.. more like a quick snack. The taxi finally arrived back to my home and I ran upstairs after paying. I saw Henry and TOP in the lobby. Aish, why are you here.

Well I couldn’t stay outside, so I went inside. TOP said, "Aish. You’re so wet, what’s wrong with you?" Well, when I’m angry, I just start screaming in Korean. Just a habit. I screamed, "저리가, 그냥 내버려둬." (Go away, leave me alone.)

I ran into the elevator, but Henry and him chased after me on the stairs.. I guess living on the 8th floor is a good thing now. I opened the door and ran into my room screaming to Ema, "PACK YOUR THINGS FOR PARIS, WE’RE GOING TO ARAM AND TIFFANY’S PLACE." I quickly packed everything I needed and went to the bathroom.

Once I got out, I saw TOP sitting on my bed as if he was there the whole time. He said, "Aigoo.. What’s wrong with you, today morning you were all happy and hugging me and now you want me to leave?" I wish this was a kdrama instead of reality because I really wanted to just kiss him and get over it.

"I’m sorr-," I didn’t even get to finish what I was going to say, since he said, "Just save it, I’ll see you tomorrow." He left my room and I heard the front door close. Why does this always happen to me, I always have boy problems before a major event. Aish, I’m not crying for him anymore.

I slouched and walked downstairs to Ema saying, "Stop slouching! It’ll ruin your back." Honestly Ema, I don’t need your sayings right now.

"Aigoo, let’s just go to Aram and Tiffany’s place now." "Wait, I heard screaming upstairs, are you guys alright?" "Yeah, we’re fine." The first lie I’ve ever told Ema. Now I feel like I have bricks on my shoulder. 

Me & Ema got our suitcases and went to Aram & Tiffany's place. As usal, Jaylee was already there. That girl really has nothing to do. Ever. Unless, it's for work. She's a social loner.

"WASSSSSAP." We put out suitcases next to theirs and sat down next to them. "Whatcha doin," Ema asked. Are you a cartoon character now.

"Which movie should we see?" Jaylee asked us. "The Grudge or The Exorcist?" "Wait, why is it a scary movie..." Fany asked. "Cause you're afraid of them," Jaylee said slyly. 

We all laughed, except for Fany. "Why are we choosing a horror movie right now anyway? It's only 2:30!" "We're just deciding beforehand, so we don't fight about it. So which movie shall it be?" Aram asked us. "I vote for Exorcist!" I yelled. "You're going to make us go deaf. And I vote for Exorcist too!" Ema said. "I wanted to watch The Grudge, though.." Jaylee pouted. "Me too!" Aram said and they high-fived.

"I guess the final vote is up to you Fany," I said while staring a hole in her head with my eyes. You better pick The Exorcist, . 

"Umm... why don't we skip the horror movies and just watch Caillou!" Fany suggested. "No, pick one. Now," I stared at her with my 'death glare' as the girls call it. They say I can kill someone with this stare. A little exaggerated, but whatever.

"Ugghhh.... I pick ... The ........ Exorcist," Fany finally said. Ema & I cheered, while Aram & Jaylee threw pillows at her. "WHYYYYYY. I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS," Aram said while pretending to cry in Jaylee's arms. "There there, little moon," Jaylee comforted her. Aram's nickname is moon because Taeyang means 'sun.' So yeah.

"So what are we gonna do now," Ema asked. "Uhm, let's make lunch. We'll pick the who makes lunch with Rock, Paper, Scissors!" Fany said. We all stared at her with blank expressions. "What are you staring at me for."

"You're the only one who knows how to cook good food," Jaylee pointed out. "What are you talking about? Sica can cook!" 

"Yeah. Instant ramen," I said and the girls laughed. Tiffany frowned and said, "Well someone's going to have to help me out! I'm gonna pick a person," she smirked. "This person is my rolemodel, my hero." Why do I have a bad feeling about this..

"SICA, MY LOVE!" "UGH, GET OUT YOU FREAK. I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE," I threw more pillows at her. 

After a long pillow war, me & Fany went to the grocery store to get ingredients for lunch. We took the bus, since I didn't want to ruin my car in the rain. I just didn't want to get the garage wet. Fany payed for our bus fare. Aha, loser.

While, we were waiting to arrive there, Fany suggested we play Rocky, Paper, Scissors. "Are you serious. What are you. 10?" I rolled my eyes. "Just trying to be entertained," she stuck her tongue out at me and I smacked her head. "You're just jealous cause you're no fun!" she said. I covered my ears, "LALALA, CAN'T HEAR YOU."

The bus driver suddenly stopped and yelled at us, "BE QUIET! Aish, kids.." We stayed silent and I thought, 'if you knew we were going to debut, I bet you wouldn't of yelled at us, old ahjumma.' 

When we got there, it was still raining so we ran all the way to the front entrance. Fany got her hair  all wet, while I didn't have a drop of water on me. "AISH, WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE THAT GETS SOAKED," she shrieked. "Things just work out for me," I said and flipped my not wet hair. Haha, Fany. 

Tiffany grabbed the cart and so did I. "Okay, you get the ingredients for lunch and I'll just get snacks and goodies. Deal? Good," I ran off to the junk food section. "HEY, YOU LITTL- UGH." I grinned as I saw Fany storm off to the meat section.

I went throught the aisle and saw little packs of ramen and immediately took it. What can I say, I love ramen. I saw some Banana milk and thought of Fany and how she likes it.. I'll just get some so she won't be mad at me. 

After I was done shopping for snacks, I saw Fany already waiting for me in line. I walked over to where she was and she looked at my basket. "Why is it so full.. And why do you have this? Do you have a problem ting?" she held up a basket of Green Tea.

"Oh, I don't know. I just saw it on the floor and I picked it up," I shrugged. "Aigo, you idiot," she shook her head and put the green tea in someone else's basket. Atleast the person didn't notice.

We gave our baskets to the cashier and she stared at us strangely. What, we like food. Less staring and more working. Chop chop.

After she checked all of our items, she said, "That'll be 40,000 won." Why the hell is it so expensive.. Fany & I took out our wallets and searched for money. I gave the cashier all the money I had, which was 20,000 won and Fany gave her 15,000 won. Oh crap.

"Um, we don't have enough money... but we're going to debut soon and we promise to come here and give you a CD one day.." I tried to say, but she interrupted me. "I'm a poor old lady, I don't have time to listen to kids. Pay the money or get out." Ugh, freaking old lady.

"Do you like BIGBANG?" Fany suddenly said. I looked at her and she continued, "Cause we have their phone numbers you know.." 

".. I do like BigBang.. My favorite is Daesung-ah.. prove to me that you're not lying.." Wow, BIGBANG is famous with young kids up to old ladies. 

Fany called Daesung and put him on speaker, "Daesung oppa! This ahjumma says she's a fan of yours! Talk to her!" "Oh, really? Kamsahamnida!" I can seriously imagine him bowing right now. 

"Yoboseyo, Daesung-ah?" "ANYOHASEYO! DAESUNG-IMIDA!" I swear I saw the old lady almost cry. After a long phone call, the old lady said we didn't have to pay the extra 5,000 won. Psh, about time.

We got on the bus and it was empty. Good, more seats for us. Fany & I sat next to each other. While I listened to my iPod, she was texting Seungri. Ugh, lovestruck, much. Stupid Tabi.. making things complicated.

On the next stop, I saw Henry & Seohyun get on. I pretended not to notice and looked outside the window. Still with her, you freaking liar. I hate you even more.

I changed the song I was listening to, to BigBang's 'Stupid Liar.' I started to hum the song and someone suddenly pulled out my left earplug. "What?" "We're here," Fany said. "Oh, well could've just told me. You don't have to pull my ear plug out. I'm not deaf."

"Actually, I called you a billion time, so you are deaf," she said and got off the bus before I got to slap her. "Aish.." I cursed under my breath. I followed her, but looked around the bus to see if Seohyun & Henry were still there. They weren't. Must've gotten off at a differen't stop.

I shrugged and followed Fany inside.


I was too lazy to make a picture for this one, so it's Daesung! YOU GO DAESUNG<3 

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bigbangvip4evr #1
love, love, love it!!
boomshakalakaxD #2
Chapter 17: yeah i agree with bigbangvipforever!
like usually i dont want anyone to touch my bingu but i really want them to do that scene already XPPPP
update soon!
ashash532 #3
update asap unnie!
i wish jenry was still a thing )-:
koreanmaniac123 #4
update!!! i cant just live on one chapter every two days!
more like 5 a day!!!
pinkfluffydogs #5
seungri doesnt sound like the usual ert here anymore!!! make more parts with Ema,Tiffany, Bigbang's pov please!!!
i love this fan fic!!!
blackjacksonevipelf #6
Chapter 15: daesungs face! haha.
i love this fanfic so far!!! better than most tbh
bigbangvipforever #7
update this asap!!!!!
when will top and jessica do it! its so obvious.
Chapter 6: Omg update soon juseyo.
jessicajiang111 #9
Chapter 3: ugh stop getting tired. jisesus.