
Beautiful Lies

-Tiffany's POV-

I ran inside the building before Jessica could slap me and waited for the elevator. Sica was already walking inside the building when the elevator just arrived. I frantically pressed the button for floor number 8, but Sica ran towards the elevator and got inside right when the elevator door was closing. Looks like I'm gonna get a beating. 

When she got inside, she stayed silent and was listening to her iPod. Maybe she forgot... The elevator stopped on our floor and I tried to run outside, but Sica pulled my hair. Ugh, maybe she didn't forget. 

"Uhm, you know when I called you deaf. I didn't mean it.. Ahaha.." I kept on talking but she gave me her famous death glare and I shut right up. "Give me extra meat for dinner and I'll forgive you," she simply said. Huh, that's it? Usually she would ask for more things.. Something must of happened, but I'm not arguing! 

"DEAL!" I screamed and she let go of my hair. We both walked in silence to me & Aram's room. 

-Jessica's POV-

When we got to their apartment, Aram was on her laptop, Ema was on her phone, & Jaylee was channel surfing. This is quite the sleepover.

"WE'RE HERE LOSERS. WE HAVE FOOD, BOW DOWN NOW," I said while posing like a diva. Ema bowed to us as soon as she heard the word food. Psh, I knew she would be the first one to bow down. 

Jaylee & Aram were still doing what they were doing. Playing hard to get, eh? I gave some banana milks to Fany & Ema and opened a pack of rice cakes. "Mhhhm, this smells sooo good," I said and peaked at Aram & Jaylee. I saw them look up and drool a litte. Check mate.

I took a bite and boasted, "This is so tasty! Oh look at that! It says it's from a 5-star restaurant!" Fany looked at me with a weird face and said, "Are you filming a CF or something?" I almost chocked on my rice cake. Ema chocked on her banana milk and kept of coughing. She started to laugh once the coughing died down. 

I saw Jaylee & Aram get up and come inside the kitchen to get some of the rice cake. "What are the magic words?" "Please?" I gave them the rice cake and said, "It was actually 'Jessica, you are the greatest friend a person could ever have!', but close enough." 

"Tiffany you go cook the food, I’m gonna go shower and then make hot water for my ramen," I gave her the thumbs up. She nodded and I went upstairs, while Jaylee and Ema were fighting over the rice cakes. Aram was just drinking the banana milk.

I went into Aram’s room and took my phone out of my bag. Coincidentally, I got a text as soon as I picked my phone up. Usually, people are happy when they get a text, unless you’re me. And to make it worse, it's from Henry. It said, ‘I’m sorry..’ Well thanks for adding fuel to the fire, Henry.

I replied, ‘For what' and put my phone away. I went into the shower and heard multiple beeps from my phone. I’m not one of those people who are on their phones 24/7 on the verge of using their entire data plan before it renews.

Aish shut up Henry, go talk to your precious Seohyun or whichever SNSD member you hook up with. I got out of the shower and got into my pajamas, which had Epik High's Tablo on the shirt (What can I say. They're one of my favorite groups) and a pair of white shorts.

I quickly gathered all my stuff and saw all the food on the living room’s table in front of the TV. I saw Fany already drying her hair. Wow, how long was I in the shower. I placed the CD in the DVD player and got into my sleeping bag. Ema clicked the play button and ‘The Exorcist’ started to play.

I saw Tiffany hiding behind Aram. She seriously needs to learn how to watch a horror movie.

I started to eat the ddeokbokk, but then my phone kept on beeping and it was annoying the out of me. '5 New Text Messages.' All from Henry... This guy.

‘I’m sorry for cheating. Can’t we just be friends?’ I smirked and deleted the the text. 'It kills me knowing that someone I love hates me,' I yawned and deleted the message. 'I still love you...' 'Please just text or call me back.' 'I regret everything, please believe me.' Delete, delete, delete.

All of this is giving me cancer. I wanted him to stop texting me, so I replied, 'Well maybe you should’ve thought about what you were doing with Seohyun, when I was right in front of you. Honestly, I was so hurt and I don't even know why I got back with TOP. Both of you guys are douchebags. Don't ever talk to me. Even if you do, I'll just ignore you. I want you to feel the pain I felt when I saw you with Seohyun.'

I turned off my phone, but dropped it because Fany suddenly screamed when she saw the little girl get possessed. Ema pouted and said, "Jessica give me your phoneeee, I wanna check my Insta."

I handed her my phone and she got on it. 3 minutes later she yelled at me, "AISH, SICA WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME THAT YOU AND TOP BROKE UP." What the , she’s looking through my texts now?

"We didn’t... I just want to right now." Jaylee patted my head and said, "You know what would cheer you up?" Fany screamed, "ANYTHING BUT THIS MOVIE!"

Jaylee stared at her weirdly and continued, "FOOD!" I smiled because I love food. It’s a fact all of my friends know. I ate some ramen and a lot more ddeokbokki. Aram made me drink soju. Well, I needed it, so thanks.

I think I drank one too many because I saw black dots and then a second later, it was all dark.

-Aram’s POV-

I stared at the TV screen and saw Jessica pass out. Fany also fell asleep. Like how though.. the movie was so interesting. I'm glad Fany picked his movie and not The Grudge. I forgive you now.

I realized it was freezing cold and Jessica wasn’t in her sleeping bag. I dragged her inside her sleeping bag and I heard Jaylee texting somebody cause I heard the annoying sounds from her iPhone and she suddenly screamed, "OMYGOSH! JAY IS COMING BACK TO SEOUL IN A WEEK!" Ema said, “Shut up, you’re addicted and you're gonna wake up Fany & Sica."

Jaylee slapped Ema on the arm and I swear Ema was about to throw her ramen at her face. Never make Ema throw her precious food at you.. Just never make her. I was about to put a blanket on Jessica, but she was so far... So I decided no to give her a blanket and I continued watching the movie.

-Jessica’s POV-

I rubbed my eyes and checked the time. It was already 8 and the others were still asleep. It was so bright outside. I went to the bathroom and felt goose bumps all over my body. I touched my head and it was burning hot. Am I sick? UGHHH, I have to go to Paris today to film the music video. Great timing freaking cold.

I quickly showered again because I smelled like disgusting carpet and ramen. I changed into a sweatshirt and leggings, when it was like 82 degrees outside. Fall, why do you have to be so hot. 

I just decided to wear a T-Shirt from Hollister from my high school days. It was so baggy, and it was a size small. "ARAM, WHERE’S YOUR WEIGHT CHECKER THINGY?" Aram screamed back, "YOU MEAN THE WEIGHT SCALE? IT'S BEHIND THE SINK IN THE BATHROOM."

 I found the balance and stepped on it. This can’t be true... I was 85 pounds, I lost 2 pounds in 2 days and I ate so much too.. What’s wrong with me. I got out of the bathroom and asked Jaylee, "How much do you weigh?" "105 why?"

"Step on this, I wanna see if this balance is wrong." She stepped on it and said, "No, it’s correct." "AIGOO, DO I HAVE A DISORDER OR SOMETHING." "How much do you weigh?" I stepped on the balance and Jaylee shrieked, "JESSICA-AH, are you sick or something?"

She touched my burning head and said, "We should bring you to the doctor!" "We have to go to Paris in 4 hours though.. I’ll just go when we arrive" "You better," she said while crossing her arams.

I went off to eat some food, but I didn’t have the appetite. Ema saw me trying to eat my cereal and said, "This is so rare, Jessica isn't eating right now and she has food right in front of her." I ignored her and took my phone out and checked my Instagram. Yay, more followers.

I saw I was tagged in a photo by @henrylau89. Aish, I looked at it and it was a fan taken photo of breakfast yesterday and a million people were talking about it on all of my photos. It was so irrelevant, since one of my photos was of my dog, Chocolate. I wish I the stupid fans would just leave me alone.

I threw my phone at the other side of the room. And since Aram has super human powers, she caught it and said, "I’m gonna charge it." I said, "Everyone get ready, we have to leave in 10 minutes." I quickly organized everything and was at the door last.. like usual. Tiffany made me deaf by screaming and waving her arm out for a taxi.

I guess I dozed off in the taxi because someone woke me up when we got there. I got up and got my stuff from the trunk.

We all met YG, the directors, producers, and Bigbang at the main entrance and Ema started to hug Jiyong. Love, it’s sickens me. YG asked, "Jessica, are you sick?" I nodded and Seungri said, "Yah, someone bring her to a doctor." I was actually thinking of going partying and getting more sick you know. Ahaha, no sherlock.

YG said, "Once we land, we’ll bring you to a doctor. Just sleep on the airplane." "Neh(Yes)." I was so weak, that I made Ema drag my suitcase. I finally passed through security and walked into the gate, without any fans bursting my eardrums. I sat down on my seat in business class, and put a blanket over me.

After 5 seconds of peace, everyone else came in and guess who sat next to me. TOP. Great, just great.

I was sitting in the window seat, so I turned to the window and he asked me, "Are you okay?" I didn’t answer him, so he just put his blanket on me. I guess you don't see there's a blanket on me already.

After a while, I needed to go to the bathroom, but TOP was still sitting next to me, so I decided to endure it. My plan failed because my bladder almost exploded. So I decided to up my pride and walk to the bathroom, with him watching my every move. It was creepy. 

When I got back, I saw that Ema was sitting in TOP's seat and TOP was sitting in Ema's. Jiyong & Tabi sitting together and Me & Ema sitting together. Not bad. 

Once I sat back down, I asked her why she was sitting here. "Cause you obviously need some cheering up." "Well you guessed right my friend," I said and opened my iPhone. 

I sat down and Ema said, "Tabi is staring at you." "Lol, did you just say Tabi." "Did you seriously just say lol." "I can’t believe it either. Us swag fags. Let's take a picture. I wanna put it on my instagram." We both made acted cute and I put it on my instagram. " 'Caption: #swagfags' How do you know anyways?"

Ema said, "Look at him, he’s staring at you." I turned around and he was staring at me. Like a stalking ert.

I said to Ema, "Aish, whatever. I’m gonna see how long I can ignore him" Ema said, "You go girl!" What is this, the 70’s? Whatever, I closed my eyes and went into deep sleep.


Finally made the gif. ^.^

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bigbangvip4evr #1
love, love, love it!!
boomshakalakaxD #2
Chapter 17: yeah i agree with bigbangvipforever!
like usually i dont want anyone to touch my bingu but i really want them to do that scene already XPPPP
update soon!
ashash532 #3
update asap unnie!
i wish jenry was still a thing )-:
koreanmaniac123 #4
update!!! i cant just live on one chapter every two days!
more like 5 a day!!!
pinkfluffydogs #5
seungri doesnt sound like the usual ert here anymore!!! make more parts with Ema,Tiffany, Bigbang's pov please!!!
i love this fan fic!!!
blackjacksonevipelf #6
Chapter 15: daesungs face! haha.
i love this fanfic so far!!! better than most tbh
bigbangvipforever #7
update this asap!!!!!
when will top and jessica do it! its so obvious.
Chapter 6: Omg update soon juseyo.
jessicajiang111 #9
Chapter 3: ugh stop getting tired. jisesus.