
Beautiful Lies

-Jaylee’s POV-

I was in the middle of a water fight with everyone, until VIPs screamed, so we all ran to the lazy river. Oh come on, I was winning that water fight. VIPs have the worst timing.

I bet the pool would’ve overflowed, since everyone was jumping into the pool after someone screamed ‘BIGBANG’. Fans.. pfft. We’ll be more famous than Bigbang.. hopefully. It would take a lot of work, since they are basically the main reason for the hallyu wave!

I wanted to double with Tiffany, but she left me for Seungri, so I had to go on a single floatie. I sat alone, but then I saw Jessica and TOP, so I decided to be the third wheeler since Jay was in America. 

I walked over with my float without the lifeguard noticing and I screamed when I got to them. Jessica’s face was so priceless that she almost fell off the float, I should’ve had my camera with me. 

Then the others caught up all in doubles, but Daesung and me. I said, "Daesung, where’s your secret noona?" Jiyong said, "Oohlala." Daesung pouted, "She’s at her house, you could’ve told me to invite her."

Seungri said, "Call her, so when we eat later she can eat with us."

I saw Ema and Jessica freak out and both screamed, "GIVE US FOOD ALREADY!" Daesung pulled out his iPhone from his trunk’s pocket, those life-proof cases, I wish I had one. When I'm rich, I'll buy everything I ever wanted.

He called his girlfriend and said, "Noona, can you come to Seungri’s place now? We’re near the pool." He kept on talking on the phone and we were all silent. He hung up and said, "Okay, she’s coming." I heard Aram’s stomach growl, I think everyone heard it and we all laughed.

Taeyang said, "Wow you’re that hungry?" Aram blushed and nodded, then Taeyang put his arm around her. Them couples, I ship Taeram more than Emagon and JTOP.

I turned around and saw Jessica’s feet on TOP’s stomach and they were both sleeping. I whispered to the rest, "Should we sing the Bigbang Deuce song?" Seungri said, "Aigoo, how do you know about that?" "BECAUSE I AM THE GREAT JAYLEE." 

Jiyong said, "I wanna see hyung and Jessica fall. So on 3 let’s scream it." We all nodded,"1... 2... 3!"

We all started to scream and Jessica spassed on the floatie, which made TOP fall. Everyone was literally dying when we saw TOP fall over, and Jessica screamed, "Aigoo, it’s the lazy river. I don’t have food, so let me be lazy you damn peasants."

TOP got up and pushed Jiyong off his floatie, which made Ema fall off also, and then he went back onto his float. Then Tiffany said, "Aigoo, just relax you losers, it’s called the ‘Lazy River’ a reason."

"Preach it Tiffany," Jessica said while giving her the thumbs up, then everyone shut up. Finally peace.

-Aram’s POV-

I relaxed on Taeyang’s shoulder and let the water’s flow drift us, but then freaking VIPs found all of us and took a million photos on flash. Before we got blind, Jiyong said, "Aigoo, everyone let’s go to Seungri’s place now and eat."

I heard Jessica scream, "FOOD!" And then I heard the fans say, "She’s so skinny, I thought she was anorexic and didn’t eat." Naive fans, she eats more than you. 

We all got out and waved bye to the fans. We grabbed our stuff from the chairs and headed towards Seungri’s apartment. Because wearing bikinis and swim trunks to someone’s house at 11 during the night is really normal.

We started to run to Seungri's house as if it was the zombie apocalypse. But Ema tripped cause yolo. No she tripped because she was trying to keep up with us, sprinting while wearing high heels. Jiyong laughed at her and helped her get up. Good thing we were in the building before they attacked Jiyong and Ema.

I walked into Seungri’s apartment and it was like 5 times bigger than my dorm, dammit. I wonder how many zeros are on a Bigbang paycheck is.. I saw Ema drag Jessica to the table full of food. Hamburgers, Chicken legs, Chicken wings, Corn, and anything you could think of. This is heaven.

Once we settled down, the doorbell rang and Daesung said, "It’s probably Ailee!" Seungri said, "Ailee?"

"My noona!" He ran to the door opening it, ohmygod I thought he meant just a regular girl from his hometown, but it’s Ailee as in ‘Korean Beyoncé’.

All of a sudden Jessica spassed, "Ohmygod, Ailee you’re my role model." Ailee blushed and sat next to Daesung. Daelee.

They both have tiny eyes when they smile, so cute. All of a sudden, the door opened and there came 2NE1, YG, Teddy, and Trainee Lee. Maybe this was a legit party. We were all still in our bathing suits, so they stared at us as if we were aliens. I saw Jessica about to shove a chicken wing in , but then she saw Trainer Lee so she put it down. 

YG just stared at us and said, “You guys went to the pool without us?” Was he disappointed?

-Tiffany’s POV-

I said, "We went swimming, but we might go back I think because it’s always opened to residents." YG said, "Then let’s go swimming after we all eat." We all said, "Arasso."

Chaerin said, "What about us? We don’t have bathing suits?" Jessica said, "Go ask one from Seungri, he has plenty for guys and girls." Bom looked confused, so Ema passed her a corn. And her facial expression literally lit up.

I ate so much, that even Jessica and Ema were staring at me. What, I like my food. Not as much as you losers, but I like my food. Major workout tomorrow... but then YG popped open a bottle of champagne. Jessica said, "Aigoo, YG some of us are too young to drink that!" 

"Then don’t drink it. Go drink water." That bastard.

After we finished eating everything, Jessica disappeared, but TOP was still here. I asked Ema if she knew where she was but she didn’t, so we went to find her. We went into Seungri’s room and found her on his bed sleeping. I guess you’re officially a bum, when you go to sleep right after you eat. We woke her up by shaking her and she finally got up.

"Aigoo, why did you wake me up. I’m so tired," she yawned. I said, "Let’s go back downstairs, we’re all about to go back swimming." Ema pulled her off the bed and we brought her downstairs. TOP took her and they both went to the swimming pool with the other Bigbang members, 2NE1, Teddy, and YG.

Then Ema, Aram, Jaylee, and me left and headed to the pool.

-Jessica’s POV-

I probably would’ve drowned, if I weren’t sitting on a floating chair because Seungri and TOP picked me up and threw me into the pool, while I was trying to sleep on the lounge chair.

Also, Dara wouldn’t let me out because we were the only girls who actually went into the deep section. But once Ema, Jaylee, Tiffany, and Aram came, I got out of the pool and went back to the lounge chair and tried to sleep. I really don’t want to be a panda like Seungri. I

was about to climb the ladder, but then Dara pulled me back in and all of a sudden someone threw in some beach balls. Ema suddenly jumped into the pool with the others and Jiyong screamed, "JESSICA, WHY SO DEPRESSING."

"I want to sleep," I glared at them. Dara screamed, "NO YOU CAN’T."

"Fine, I hate you guys," I sulked in the shallowest part of the pool.

I found Tab,i so I climbed onto his back and held onto him napping. I asked him, "What time is it?"

"12:25," he replied. "Ugh, it’s so early and I’m already tired."

Suddenly he went underwater and since I was on his back I, too, got wet. He said, "Are you still tired?" "Not anymore, you Bingu."

I got off his back and we played ‘Marco Polo’, those childhood memories. Seungri was Marco because he volunteered, he almost got me twice, but at the end he got Bom. Then Bom went to try to get me, she was so close and I smelled her breath, which was corn, scented. But I swam away making her face wet and she said, "I’LL GET YOU JESSICA!"

"No you won’t, your corn breath makes everyone go away anyways."

I looked around for the others, but I saw they were going to the waterslide, so I said to Bom, "Unnie, let’s go to the waterslide." She opened her eyes and we quickly got out and raced towards the slide, this time there was no lifeguard telling us not to run, finally. 

I was talking to Bom and Teddy, but then TOP pulled me away and said, "Let’s go on it together, because it’s a two person thing." I nodded. So now he wants to stay with me.

I looked at the slide, I guess it was okay since I went to ‘Splish Splash Water Amusement Park’ when I was living in the U.S. I said, "I wonder if anyone’s going to get hurt since it’s so late." Seungri said, "There’s still lifeguards here." Wow they must be paid extra since it’s midnight.

I walked up the stairs, so tiring. After TOP and I got to the top. Hah that sounds funny.

Once we got to the top, I sat in the front, probably because I was lighter than him and he wanted the water to be splashed more on me than him, thanks. I went in first and then he wrapped his legs around mine, I said, "OHMYGOD, YOU’RE LESS HAIRY THAN TIFFANY."

"I don’t shave though.." I wish. I never shaved and didn’t have hairy legs, stupid genes. But then the water suddenly moved us, before I got to catch my breath. TOP was was screaming, as if it was chanting some Indian dance or something. I bet I looked like how Beyonce looked at the 2013 superbowl.

Once the slide ended, I got up and started to hyperventilate. No big deal.


Ailee is Daesung's secret Noona! AIGO, DID YOU EXPECT THAT. THEY'RE LIKE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER. Both with amazing voices, cute eye smiles.. *sigh* Comment, my babies. <# ^^

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bigbangvip4evr #1
love, love, love it!!
boomshakalakaxD #2
Chapter 17: yeah i agree with bigbangvipforever!
like usually i dont want anyone to touch my bingu but i really want them to do that scene already XPPPP
update soon!
ashash532 #3
update asap unnie!
i wish jenry was still a thing )-:
koreanmaniac123 #4
update!!! i cant just live on one chapter every two days!
more like 5 a day!!!
pinkfluffydogs #5
seungri doesnt sound like the usual ert here anymore!!! make more parts with Ema,Tiffany, Bigbang's pov please!!!
i love this fan fic!!!
blackjacksonevipelf #6
Chapter 15: daesungs face! haha.
i love this fanfic so far!!! better than most tbh
bigbangvipforever #7
update this asap!!!!!
when will top and jessica do it! its so obvious.
Chapter 6: Omg update soon juseyo.
jessicajiang111 #9
Chapter 3: ugh stop getting tired. jisesus.