
Beautiful Lies

-Jessica’s POV-

I bet I wouldn’t have woken up, unless Ema screamed in my ear. Making me more deaf than I already am. When I get a regular check up and they ask me why I can't hear, I'm blaming her.

I got up and shoved my phone in my jean’s pocket and walked slowly out of the plane. I shrieked, "Aigoo, why is it so cold." Aram said, "Maybe it’s because you’re wearing short sleeves when it’s fall and you’re sick." Tch, know it all.

I slapped her on the arm and quickly ran to the luggage checkout, but then I suddenly slipped. I groaned in pain and everything went black.

-Jaylee’s POV-

"Jessica? Are you okay?" Aish, was she playing dead or is she actually that sick to faint.

I screamed, "YG-AH, JESSICA WON’T WAKE UP." Basically everyone started to run towards us and even people we didn’t know came over followed by a million VIPs. YG and TOP pushed me away, and I poked her forehead. It was burning hot.

I asked Tiffany, "Why did you turn on the AC when it’s already freezing, stupid Tiffany."

"Aye! Don’t judge me, I didn’t turn it on!" I saw a tear rolling down TOP’s face, while YG was calling for an ambulance. Also a million flashes from fan girl’s cameras and phones. You’re not making the situation better you little brats.

We waited for 5 minutes and then a stretch came in and took Jessica away. YG sighed, "Aish, now we have to delay the music video filming.. For now just go to the hotel and pray for Jessica." I saw Ema and TOP crying, and a million TOP fan girls also crying. I guess I had to deal with boredom because Jessica was gone.. I went to get my luggage and YG made me bring Jessica’s luggage also.

Her suitcase was so light, I miss that skinny loser already. Everyone was silent the whole car ride to the hotel, so I broke the silence by saying, "Are we going to visit her?" Ema said, "Of course we are.." I saw TOP staring out the window, like he was depressed.

YG said, "We can visit her once the hospital lets us, but for now I guess we’ll have to do the scenes in the music video that she’s not in. We’ll go to a restaurant and eat after we check into the hotel, arasso?" Everyone silently nodded.

We finally arrived at Hotel Le Meurice, five stars. I can’t believe YG would spend that much. I went inside the lobby. Wow this makes my place look like a dump and the rent is like ₩3,373,590 per month. YG gave us the key-cards for our rooms and I was alone.. But luckily Ema moved in with me because she was supposed to be with Jessica.

We went into ours rooms and I saw the bed, ermergerd, it’s like 5x bigger than the one I own. I jumped on the bed and used it like a trampoline. "This... is.... SOO... MUCH... FUUUN," I screamed. Ema said, "AISH, LOSE SOME WEIGHT YOU FAT !" I bet the whole floor heard it. "But I’m underweight for my height. And I’m hungry now."

"Yah, we’re supposed to go downstairs an-." Suddenly TOP opened the door and came with Jiyong. I stopped jumping on my bed and sat down next to Ema. TOP said, "Aish, how did this even happen to her.." Ema said, "We all had a sleepover yesterday at Aram and Tiffany’s place, and it was freezing, but Jessica wasn’t in her sleeping bag. I feel like they had their AC on or something."

Jiyong said, "You crazy fools, it’s like freezing outside right now, and even in Seoul it’s cold. It was only hot like 2 days ago."

I said, "I really want to visit her.. and I'd rather get over filming the music video already." TOP said, "I wanna see her also, it’s almost our month anniversary. Oh yeah, Jiyong isn’t your anniversary with Ema soon." I saw Ema blush and I screamed, "EMA ARE YOU BLUSHING? AHAHA."

She punched me and I fell on the floor. If you want to live, never mess with Ema. Augh, my sides.

I stood up and she was the same color as a red pepper. TOP also said, "Yah, what are you guys going to do? Did you guys already do it?" Jiyong’s face got so red, but less than Ema’s. I said, "Oh, so you guys did do it." My eyebrows raised up like a ert, like how TOP does it.

TOP and I started to laugh like hyenas. I actually really love TOP right now for saying that, because he embarrassed Ema and no one ever embarrasses Ema. Now I realized why Jessica liked TOP so mu-. No stop Jaylee, you have Jay. I said to TOP, "So what are you and Jessica going to do?" "I don’t know if we’re even still together.." he said and frowned.

Jiyong said, "Aish, hyung you guys can’t start dating and stop. If you break up with her Seungri might as well go ask her out."

TOP stayed silent, but then he said, "Aish, we won’t break up. I promise." Ema screamed, "I SHIP JTOP!" "ME TOO!" I screamed. We both started chanting, "JTOP, JTOP, JTOP.."

Jiyong said, "Yeah, JTOP is so much better than Jenry... Guys, I’m hungry... Augh, Let’s go meet up with the rest." Ema said, "Yeah, I want food." My stomach started to growl and I agreed.

We all headed out to meet up with the rest in the lobby, but grabbing out phones and wallets first. When we got to the lobby, YG said, "You guys can meet Jessica tomorrow, but we aren’t sure if she’ll wake up." TOP said, "I’M GOING." Ema raised her hand, "ME TOO." Aram also said she was going, and Jiyong, Seungri, Taeyang, Tiffany, so I decided to go.. Maybe I am the loner..

YG then said, "Let’s go eat at Macéo!" Yay more delicious food! I better get there before Ema.. She might eat all the food.


I didn’t even realize that we arrived at Macéo. All I could think about is how Jessica also got sick because she left our breakfast date into the rain. I suddenly felt really bad because I didn't go after her.. Henry did. And I was her boyfriend. She probably hates me even in her coma.

When we all got seated at the restaurant, I had no appetite even though I was hungry a few minutes ago. But YG made me eat because we had to wake up early tomorrow to film the music video.. without Jessica.

After 1 hour of eating, we finally went back to the hotel and I went into my room finding Daesung lying on his bed texting someone. I hugged him and said, "Texting Ailee?"

"Yah, get off me Bingu TOP. I miss her so much!" Did he just call me Bingu. Daesung you little- .. Wow, he misses someone he can talk to, but I miss someone I can't talk to because she’s in a coma. I asked, "What time is it?"

"11:45pm." "No duh, it's PM. I thought we ate dinner in the morning," I mocked him. He threw a pillow at me, but he missed. I smirked, "I’m going to shower." Daesung said, "Whatever, I don't need you anyway, hyung." Psh, like the time you said you didn't need me at the haunted house.

I went into the bathroom and checked myself out. I took of my shirt and thought, 'Maybe I should show my abs to the VIPs one day', but not that much as Taeyang. That boy is all the time.

I went to shower and changed inside. When I got out, I found Daesung waiting at the door with his towel and pajamas saying, "Aigoo, so slow hyung." I ignored him and got my phone out and posted a photo of Jessica and I on Instagram saying, "Jessica혼수 상태에있다 ... 더 나은 아기를 느낌, 그녀를 그리워 ... (Jessica is in a coma... I miss her, feel better baby...)"

Let the fan girling begin in 5, 4, 3, 2... 1. Thousands of comments and likes came in instantly. Even Jiyong commented, "VIP를,기도하고 Beautiful Lies' 데뷔 전에 더 나은 제시카 소원을하십시오! (VIPs, please pray and wish Beautiful Lies' leader, Jessica, to feel better because they have to debut soon!)"

Bless your heart, Jiyong. I forgive you for making me wake up early yesterday.

I put my phone under my pillow and turned off my lights. I was about to go to sleep, but Daesung’s phone on the other side of the room on his bed kept on buzzing.

Shut it Ailee.

I got up, turned it to silent, and went to sleep.

-Jessica’s POV: Next Morning-

I saw nurses and doctors rushing toward me and saying, "Is she awake," "What’s wrong with her doctor?" Nothing's wrong with me faggots. Stupid nurses, you should know yourself.

A doctor came over and said, "Is the tip of her tongue alright? Are her eyes dilated?" What’s wrong with me? "Doctor, her tongue is slightly bitten and her eyes aren’t dilated." Did I bite my tongue? It's probably nothing serious..

Then the doctor said, "Go call her guardian or whomever she came with." "Right away sir!" All of the nurses ran off and the doctor said, "Jessica, are you alright? Blink if you can hear me." I rolled my eyes and blinked. He said, "Who did you come here with?"

I tried to say ‘YG Entertainment’, but all that came out was "YTH." Aw, you stupid tongue.

"Who’s YTH?" Then YG came into the room and chuckled, "YTH would be me." He came into the room followed by everybody in YG who came to Paris to shoot the music video.

I saw like 5 bouquets of flowers and chocolate. Maybe being sick was a good thing because I get food. Just kidding, my stomach feels like a volcano, my feet is numb, my hands are cold, and my head hurts like constipation.

I overheard YG saying to the doctor, even though it was super loud from everyone trying to talk to me, "What happened to Jessica?" Durand (It says on his name tag) said, "She had a Epileptic seizure from a fever leading to febrile convulsions."

"Do you think she’s all fine now?" YG asked worriedly, while looking at me. "Well, her temperature is cooling down and she woke up, so I guess she's alright." "When do you think she’ll be able to get out of the hospital? Because we have to shoot a music video and quickly head back to Korea." Doctor Durand said, "If she’s all fine, maybe later today. She’s a Korean Pop artist?"

"Yeah, do you know Bigbang?" "...um, Fantastic baby? My daughter talks about them all the time at the dinner table," he guessed. "They’re right there, and the girls are out soon to debut group. And they’re collaborating for their first song."

I stopped listening to their conversation and turned around. I saw Tabi sitting on the chair next to me staring at me. I tried to get up, but fell back down on the bed when the doctor gasped, "I never saw a patient recover that fast from a seizure in 10 minutes!" Well, I'm special. Mentally flipping my hair.

I said, "I’m hungry." YG said, "Don’t eat yet, you have to get a blood test to see what’s wrong." I had a waffle in my mouth, but Ema took it before I bit into it and threw it into the garbage. I groaned and started to complain, "But I hate taking shots and blood tests.."

Seungri rolled his eyes and said, "Aish, just hold onto to hyung’s hand or something." Before I could even think, the needle was so close to my arm. "AH WAWAWA-, TABI COME HERE." I held onto his arm, while the thick needle my blood.

Taeyang said in amazement, "Woah, so red." Tiffany said, "It’s blood, idiot."

Daesung and the others started to laugh hysterically. Um hello, shut up, my arm is in pain while you guys are laughing.

The doctor finally took the needle out and put a 'Get well soon!' bandaid. Seriously, you don't let me pick. Rude.

I let go of Tabi's arm and he groaned, "Aish, you’re too strong. Now my arm is in pain also." Durand then said, "We’ll have this quickly checked out and then we’ll see if Jessica can get out of the hospital." I screamed, "GIVE ME FOOD NOW." Ema started to throw fruits at me.

"I want candy, not nature’s candy," I said as I stared at her intently. I threw a banana at Ema’s head and I swear Jiyong was about to rage. Aram quietly whispered to me, "Over protective Jiyong." Apparently Jiyong has super hearing and he said, "It’s not over protection, I love Ema," and hugged Ema.

Daesung looked away from them and said, "Aish, you love birds make me feel lonely." Jaylee pouted and said, "Dae you , Jay isn’t here either." YG then said, "Don’t curse Jaylee, you have to set as a role model since you’re the oldest one." I smiled as she got in trouble, "Yeah, don’t curse Jaylee."

"You too Jessica, don't mock your unnies," YG turned around and walked outside. I started to mock him in his nasally tone, " 'Don't mock your unnies Jessica.' "

TOP the TV and then Seungri smirked, "It would be funny if hyung used the bed controller, instead of the TV controller. Like in the movies." Tiffany slapped him on the arm and I laughed a bit and watched some basketball for like 20 minutes.

The doctor came back and said, "Jessica is fine, her temperature is almost back to normal. I guess you guys can check her out." They all cheered. Ugh shut up I want to stay here alone. Ema and Aram dragged me off my bed and threw me a set of clothes and pushed me into the bathroom. I can walk, you know.

I changed and when I got out there was no one there but the doctor, I asked him, "Hey doctor Durand, I have a question. I’ve been losing a lot of weight and I eat a lot of food everyday. Do you know what’s happening?" He said, "I’m not sure, you should go ask your doctor when you get back to Korea." Only answering questions if you get payed. Ugh, doctors.

I left the room finding the others outside and someone hugged me from the behind. I turned around and it was Tabi. The others were already walking toward the exit. Thanks for waiting guy.

I guess he was expecting me to hug him back, but I kissed him on the cheek. He said, "Now you have to make it even! Kiss this cheek too!" I slapped him on his cheek and we walked to the exit and met up with everyone.


So tireeed. I'm slowly dying. Augh.

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bigbangvip4evr #1
love, love, love it!!
boomshakalakaxD #2
Chapter 17: yeah i agree with bigbangvipforever!
like usually i dont want anyone to touch my bingu but i really want them to do that scene already XPPPP
update soon!
ashash532 #3
update asap unnie!
i wish jenry was still a thing )-:
koreanmaniac123 #4
update!!! i cant just live on one chapter every two days!
more like 5 a day!!!
pinkfluffydogs #5
seungri doesnt sound like the usual ert here anymore!!! make more parts with Ema,Tiffany, Bigbang's pov please!!!
i love this fan fic!!!
blackjacksonevipelf #6
Chapter 15: daesungs face! haha.
i love this fanfic so far!!! better than most tbh
bigbangvipforever #7
update this asap!!!!!
when will top and jessica do it! its so obvious.
Chapter 6: Omg update soon juseyo.
jessicajiang111 #9
Chapter 3: ugh stop getting tired. jisesus.