This is my Life???? Part 2

YooGeun, My Love...

*In the van*

“So.. why does YooGeun’s father wants to meet hyung?” TaeMin started the conversation a few minutes after  MinHo left.

“Well, I don’t know. Let’s just wait for him and we will ask him in the dorm later. Hey guys! Want chicken?”

“Yah! Onew hyung! Stop eating chicken!” all the members gave a glare to Onew.

“Okay okay. I’ll just stop eating. What you guys want to know?” Onew said as if he was very confident about what happened.

“Oh! Hyung! You know what happened?” JongHyun asked.


“I thought I told you about everything already?”

“Yah!!! KIM JONGHYUN! You didn’t tell me everything yet?!!”

“Ani~~!!! I told you everything that Onew told me… Oopps~~” JongHyun quickly gave his popular ‘puppy-look’ to Onew as he knew that he just dug his own grave.

“Kim JongHyun! You told everything??!!! It was supposed to be a secret! You’re getting it from me later!”


“Hyung!!! I’m fed-up with all of you. All of you knew about MinHo hyung’s past time. But, I didn’t! I was the only one who didn’t know about it!” TaeMin was really angry at that moment. He raised his voice as he said those words. He then took a pillow beside him, closed his ears and curled himself into the corner of the van and kept silent. His hyungs felt bad for what they did and they started comforting TaeMin…


“TaeMin ah~~ Don’t be angry please. It’s our fault, okay? Our fault. We’ll tell you now. Don’t be angry.” JongHyun and Key tried to pull the pillow away from TaeMin and pulled TaeMin to the front sit to join them. But, TaeMin stayed still in his position and pulled the pillow back from them.

“Ya! TaeMin ah~ Don’t be mad at me. I was not supposed to say this to anyone. I was forced to tell JongHyun since he threatened me with CHICKEN! Blame JongHyun for spreading the secret to Key”

“Hyung!” Key and JongHyun gave him the ‘look’ again.

“Fine.. I’ll just shut… up…”


A few minutes later, JongHyun and Key gave up, while Onew finished a bucket of chicken all by himself! A Chicken Maniac for sure~~ It was Onew’s turn to comfort TaeMin..

“TaeMin ah~ there’s no point acting like this. You wouldn’t get benefit. Why not just forget about how they betrayed you. I, myself Key and JongHyun will tell you about everything we know about MinHo. Okay? Be a good kid, TaeMin.” Onew slowly pulled the pillow and shockingly! TaeMin loosen his grip to the pillow and he adjusted his position, and followed Onew to join JongHyun and Key. Onew has proven his leader skill as he managed to comfort their little maknae,TaeMin.


“I’m sorry for my ‘childish-ness” TaeMin tilted his head and apologized.

“Aww~~ you don’t need to. It’s my fault.” Key smiled and ruffled his hair. As always the Key-umma.

They started telling everything they knew about MinHo’s past-time to TaeMin. TaeMin enjoyed listening to it. And he felt bad for MinHo and RynnA.


“So, this is the story of MinHo hyung… I felt bad for him and RynnA. Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I could hear him mumbling someone’s name. And I think it’s RynnA. I bet he dreamed about her everyday.”

“This is also the reason why I helped him during the interview few years back when he accidentally said her name out because I knew about it. I even asked him to hold his feelings towards the camera when he heard the name ‘YooGeun’ which was exactly his future son’s name.”

“Oh… I get it now. Which means this meeting, between YooGeun’s father and hyung.. None of you know about it?” TaeMin asked and the members shook their heads.


“Manager hyung! Do you know? Since you allowed MinHo to meet him?” Key asked and he could feel that their manager knew more than them.

“Urm.. I… I.. only allowed… But, that doesn’t mean I knew.. knew.. anything about this meeting..” their manager answered with a ‘worried’ tone.

“Eh~~ Manager looks like you know about this thing… You knew everything right? Tell us now!” JongHyun said that and at the same time Key went out of the van, opened the front passenger’s sit and pulled their manager out from his seat and pushed him to the back so that he could revealed out everything he knew about this meeting and also about MinHo.


Their manager was forced to sit between Key and JongHyun. He can’t help it but to gossip with them, revealing the truth about the meeting.

While SHINee members, except MinHo quietly listened to the SECRET….


I'm sooooo sorry for the late update!   Mianhaeyo~~ =(...

This is a random update~~ hehe~~ Just wanna show you guys the love bonding and the close relationship between SHINee members!!! =D

I got hooked up on writing a new fanfic!!!

But as what I have promised to you all, I won't abandon this story! I'll make sure I end it as perfect as I could!!

I'll try my best to finish this story nicely!!

Anyway, here's a new subscriber! the 10th! kimeki95 Thank You sooooo much!!! Gomawo yo~~!!! =)

As for the other new readers and the currently reading ones, SUBSCRIBE/ BOOKMARK my story if you want the latest update chapter for this story!!!

Keep supporting this fanfic! Will you??  ^.^~~ 0.0~~

And also about my new fanfic,

It is called Incident Love <<< click on the title to read the story!  Enjoy~~ SUBSCRIBE/BOOKMARK it too if you like this fanfic! =D

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awww T~T
DancingQueenHyoyeon #2
so sad!!!
aww.. nice ending.. !! ^^
new reader here!!
MaxZy23 #5
that's so sad~~ T.T
nice story anyways~~
So sad so sad , but loved it and it was cute and very mysterious everything I thought would happen next didn't so I was very surprised.
cutiekoala #7
T___T<br />
Love this story!!!
@HyungMi ,did you just comment at the wrong site~~? This is the comment site for YooGeun, My Love.. Not Incident Love~~ =D
Ahh I see and understand now. It was a great story. I'm gonna read your other fic,s hope to see more stories of yours. :D