Slowly Open Up

Married to a JERK



Taeyeon's POV:


It was a long day at the restaurant. So much problems, and all that is on my shoulder. I sigh, as I enter the house, it was silent. I eyed the whole place, scanning to see if he was still up.


Actually he was always up so late, and perhaps went to sleep around 4 in the morning. I couldn't care about it, we sleep in a different room,and never seems to be intimate with each other. I sigh again, walking straight to the stairs, but my eyes caught to a figure by room next to the kitchen.


Slowly I moved towards the room, his room of course. Pushing the door slowly, I peek in.


Kris was sleeping by the table. I look around, still. A cup of coffee on his side, but I bet its already finished. Then his right hand was still holding the pen.


I stood there thinking whether or not I should check on him.


After debating with my thoughts, heart. I walk in. Praying that he wouldn't wake up and yell at me for entering his office or work room.


Since I'm his wife, I can't really ignore him fully, I need to still look after him even if he hates it.


All the paper was in a really messy condition, I picked up all thats is on the floor. Looking at it, he was doing some sketching on new dress. I totally forgot that he is a top fashion designer. Stupid me.


I smile, "So pretty. He have such a creative mind." I praised, but continue on cleaning up the floor and picking all the papers.




Now that everything is done. The papers were all on the table, I switch off the light, cover him with a small blankets I found in the cupboard, took away his empty cup of coffee and dash out of the room. "Good night" I wished him and left the door as how it was.




Kris's POV:


I was awake by the sound of metal things colliding with each other. It wasn't that noisy but loud enough for me to wake up.


I sit up straight and felt that sore on my back. "Oww" I groaned, rubbing my back because of the sore. Perhaps, it was because I slept on the table and didn't move an inch, staying in the same position after I feel asleep till now.


I glance at the clock, thank god it was still early before I go to work. But wait, I stop. "Weird..Did I cover myself with this blanket?" I asked myself, checking out the blanket covering me. Then the cup of coffee I drank last night was not here and all the papers, is in order.


"Now who cleaned up all this." it still questioned me even after I exited the room, checking up the chefs and left to my room.


I came across 'her' room, glaring. I scoffed before walk to the opposite way from her room. But then something just stops me from walking even further. A loud thud sound was heard from her room.


I turned my head.




Author's POV:


Taeyeon rolls on her bed, she was gonna wake up but her dreams was making her to not wake up.


Grinning to herself, she rolls again until she was reall at edge of her bed. One more roll and she'll be on the cold floor.


"Hehehehe, that tickles." she mumbles and rolls, off she goes on the floor. Thud! So loud.


Taeyeon groans, "Ouch!" she winced. Taeyeon sat up, rubbing her . She flutter her eyes open, checking to see what hit her.


But find that she was on the floor, Taeyeon sigh. "Gosh, I just roll off my bed. Never imagine that I could dream jumping off the bed in the morning." she yawns, waking up, strecthing. She picked up her blankets and fold it.


She walk toward her room door and quickly open it, but the first thing that she find was Kris.


Standing, looking at her with his cold eyes. Taeyeon jumps, suprised. "Wh-What is it. Is there anything that y-you want to talk about?" stuttering, Taeyeon look away, afraid to meet his cold stares. He narrowed his eyes, and knitted his eyebrows.


He checked her room, looking with only his eyes, even when he was not in her room. Then walks away without saying anything. Taeyeon look at him confused. "If he didn't want to talk, why did he stood there like a statue?" she shrugged her shoulder and walk out to grab some stuff before continue on into her bathroom.




Today was the event day of Kris's work. And he was really busy handling it.


As the top fashion designer, he was the first person for all the people came running to him, Asking his opinion on what is best for the fashion show.


Also, Kris won't be the person that introduce the guest on his latest trend. Even some of his workers from his company came to check on him.


Kris is a great business man, and very powerful. He is even better than his own father, after he took on his father's company.


So easily Kris handle all the problems occurs in the company.




After he passed by the main door, Taeyeon came in with her crew. Her jaw drops, the place look so beautiful, grand and big.


"So this is how a fashion show looks like." thinking to herself.


She went on and meet the guy who came to her. "Oh, you're here. I'm sorry for giving you so much trouble. It just that my boss really want the best for this event." he claimed. Taeyeon only smile, saying it was okay.


He help her in organizing the food. She made it as a buffet, so everybody could just eat what they like. Cooking about 15 types of dishes, she hopes it will satisfied the boss of this event. Whoever the person is.





"I want this event to be perfect, one mistake and you'll be walking out of this place. Understand?" Kris strenly said to his staff, even the hired models.


Scary,they all nods and went to get ready for the event.


While the event is going on, some of the guest starts to check on the food that Taeyeon has prepared. It was bewitching them, all of the dishes looks delicious.


Even the idols who came as a special guest to watch and congratulate Kris love the foods.


One of them came on Kris, "Congratulation on the event, bro." the man smack Kris's shoulder jokingly (?), and Kris only smiles, chuckling and thanking him. "Have you tried this foods? Its really delicious. Whoever that you hired to cook this really did a great job. I'm so gonna check out the restaurant." he claimed, shoving in the food into his mouth.


Kris only look at him and smile, "Ahh really? No I haven't taste it yet. I really don't know who, I told one of my staff to hired them. Maybe I'll check it out."


His idol friend left and Kris made his way towards the crowding people.




He kind of feel excited to have a taste of the person he hired to cook for this event. 1000 people, but its more than that. At least he or she think further and made a buffet.


"I love your dishes. May I know of your locations? Maybe I'll come and dine there one day." lot of idols, reporters, even the staff asked for Taeyeon's restaurant locations. She gladly gave her cards to them. The address was also listed down.


One of her crew calls for help, and Taeyeon turned away right before Kris arrived and see whats left.


"Wow, the food looks nice." he grab the plate and scoop in the foods he felt like eating.


He shoved in some of it and widen his eyes, when the flavour mixed in his mouth. Never in his life have he ever taste something so delicious, tasty as this. All the dishes he took was really heaven in his mouth.

He went speechless, truly amazing. "I'm gonna thank this person who cooked for this event. Even pay doubles." he added.


When Taeyeon turned, she and him look at each other.


Taeyeon and Kris both was really suprised, even making Kris to choked on his food. He cough harshly. His PA, the staff that he tolds to hire the cook all gave him water.




After the event ends,


"So the cooked that prepared all that food is my own wife?!?" he turned, eyes so cold, stared straight to his wife.


His staff all calmed him down. Taeyeon wanted to run away, afraid that she will be blamed, but she herself didn't know that this event was conduct by her own husband.


She fidget, playing with her fingers, prays he won't scold her.


"You did great." Taeyeon lift up her head, and look at him. Shocked to hear him say that. Also finding that his expression was calm and gentle for once.


'Did he...just praised me?' Taeyeon thought to herself. Kris still with his both hand on his back went back in looking out of the window. "Thank you for the food. Now leave." sternly he said to her without even looking at her.


Taeyeon bows, "I'll be going now." and she ran off, exiting the building. She stop, thinking about why he just thanked her. Oh, maybe because this is his first time eating her dishes. Kris saw her standing outside and keeps his eye on her.


"Well at least I did something good for once to earn his praised. And not a yelling, or shouting, or scolding. I'm happy." she smile and went to her car.




"Sir, about her payment?" his secretary asked after seeing Taeyeon drove away. "Double it. And never tell her that I told you so. Just say that its an extra money from this fashion show." he warned him, and left the building.


The secretary nods, "It seems our boss starts to slowly give in for his wife."




Applause applause applause... /humming Lady Gaga's Applause song./

I apologize for this late update, sorry for the waits.

People, I'm sorry!! >__<

I hope this made it up for you guys...

Comments please :DD





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mzlyod #1
Chapter 26: They should....atleast take their breakfast...or regain energy u
Dominanttae is cute...;)
mzlyod #2
Chapter 26: They should....atleast take their breakfast...or regain energy u
Dominanttae is cute...;)
mzlyod #3
Chapter 25: favourite chap nim! Tqvm
And they are still married, just make love
Just so happy that they r in good term...
Chapter 25: OMG YOU COME BACK AUTHORNIM ㅠㅠㅠ and the update omg :''') please dont separate them anymore
Chapter 24: Continue plz~~~
kasterian #6
Chapter 7: Lmao I'm crying "Kris is gonna do something stupid" Damn I found this fanfic wayyy too late, but glad I did tho ^^ heehee
uida_usagi #7
Chapter 24: OMG you are back...
its so long time .. thank you for updating....miss u and your story
erahmaliati21 #8
Chapter 24: Omo! Omo! You're back author-nim, yay for kristae moments ♡♡
thank you for updating your story again author-nim, miss you so much :*
Chapter 24: THANKS THE HEAVEN FOR THIS RETURN! I just love so much this KrisTae fanfic
Chapter 24: OMG!!!! you are back!!!! I'm sooo happy!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!! ^_^