How should I explain myself?

Married to a JERK

'You can have my left ones and I will keep my right ones. I will keep wearing it even when we I grew old. I will never forget about you.'


"I hope you wear the right one, Taeyeon." 




Author's POV:


The man touches his silver ear ring that means a lot to him, given by a girl, known as Kim Taeyeon. As he felt the smooth texture of the earing, it made him feel as if he is feeling Taeyeon's texture of her soft skin. 


"I'm finally back in korea after my business trip, lets meet up, shall we dear?" The man thought.


He argued with himself a few times, whether to give her a surprise or to just inform her, or not even disturbing her, or giving her a present and others. He pondered for a few seconds, but as he saw some photos in his phone of him and her, made him very eager to hear her voice and see her beautiful face and smile again. 


"I miss your smile, your face, your everything, lets meet up then." He finally made up his mind, took in a deep breath and dialed her number. 




"Brrrrr~ Brrrr~" In the room where Taeyeon was in, feeling hurt still but somewhat better as well after some comfort from her friends, her phone rang. 


Taeyeon reached for her phone on the table beside the bed she was sitting on, with Jessica, Tiffany and Hyoyeon. But when Taeyeon saw the person who called her, even recognising his number, she was so shocked, was wide open, speechless. 


"Who is that Taeyeon? Is it Kris?" Jessica asked, first instict of the person who would call her. Taeyeon shook her head, and signalled for them to come closer, she was spazzing literally. 


"WHAT?! OMG! XIAH JUNSU?!" The 4 girls all gasped, they couldn't believe it's him. 


"Hurry, pick it up!" Tiffany rushed Taeyeon, Taeyeon quickly pressed the 'answer' button. 


"Hello?" Taeyeon started. 


"Heyya Taeyeon!" 


"Ju-Junsu oppa? Omg, what? Wait, you're back?" Taeyeon asked, out of words to say. 


"Yes my dear, Taengoo ah, are you free today? I just came back from overseas from my business work, so i thought i like to meet you. I miss your voice, your face and everything. But it's fine if you aren't free, we can meet other times." The man, Xiah Junsu pleeded Taeyeon to meet with him. 


"Oh my, sure! Lets meet up! Um, can my friends come along? They miss seeing you too." 


"Really? Then lets meet! At the usual cafe we always go for." 


"Okay sure!" Taeyeon and Junsu counted to 3 and hung up. 


"We can meet him??" Tiffany asked, squealing. 


"Yep! At the cafe!!" Taeyeon stood up from the bed, all of them squealed and hugged each other, then ran to get changed. 




At the "Vanilla Cafe", Taeyeon, Jessica, Tiffany and Hyoyeon entered the cafe that Taeyeon and Junsu always go to. They scanned through all the faces, no result of finding him. 


"Taengoo ah!" Then they heard a voice, which Taeyeon knew it was Junsu, they looked to their left, seeing Junsu sitting and waiting for them, he reserved a table for 5. Taeyeon and her friends then rushed to the table, Taeyeon hugged Junsu really tight, she misses him so much. 


They quickly ordered their pastries and started catching-up. 


"Taeyeon ah, are you still wearing the earing?" Junsu asked, scanning Taeyeon's ear. 


"Yep, it's here, I always wear it!" Taeyeon showed him, they both smiled. Their food came and they started eating while chatting. 


"How are you these days?" Junsu asked Taeyeon and her friends. 


"We're fine." Tiffany replied. They were all chatting happily with smiles on their faces, but Taeyeon didn't really enjoy it. Her mind was all over Kris at the moment that she didn't even focused on what they were talking about.


Her marriage with Kris which Junsu knows about made her feel guilty to be around him, her feelings for Kris since she is starting to love him and find out more about him, as well as her own feelings for Junsu, and her problems with Kris and Victoria. 


Taeyeon was silent for a moment, her eyes kept gazing at Junsu whom once her lover, and the man that she thought she would married to also she currently debating on her feelings for Kris and Junsu, she felt that she is trapped. She asks herself whether should she take her friends advice on finding another man and divorcing Kris, Junsu is one option, or should she stay with Kris and make him learn to stop hurting her.


"Taeng....Taeng." Junsu snapped his finger, trying to get her attention. 


"Yes, what is it??" Taeyeon snapped out of her thoughts. 


"You okay? Why do you look so hard on thoughts?" Junsu asked, worried for her. 


"Oh no, its nothing." Taeyeon plainly denied, her friends actually know the reason but they plan to have a discussion with Taeyeon first. 


Taeyeon was happy Junsu is back, making her mood lighten up, though she still has something to confess to him about, something that hurts her, and something that bothers her to death. 




Kris, on the other side was driving in his car, pondering about Victoria and Taeyeon, he really can't wait to see Victoria since she wanted to meet him, but he feels very worried for Taeyeon, her sadness and pain that was all his fault. 


Kris reached Victoria's place, Victoria was really happy to see him, so does Kris. Victoria got into the car and they drove off. 


"How are you? Did she do anything wrong to you?" Victoria asked, about the girl who challenged her. 


"Nope." Kris simply answered, focusing on the road. 


"Good then, don't worry, we will be together forever." Victoria was determined to make sure Kris dumps Taeyeon and divorces her and they can be together again. 


"Lets have a light snack at the cafe nearby." Victoria suggested, pointing towards "Vanilla Cafe". 


"Sure, lets catch-up while we eat." Kris nodded as he parked his car. 




They entered the cafe, ordered a table for two of them and sat down. They also got their food and started eating and chatting with each other. 


"How's your work and business?" Victoria asked. 


"Its fine, the usual." 


"Oh, then how's Taeyeon? What does she do to you?" 


"Truthfully, I don't know much about her, we don't interact much, just some troubles and its settled." Kris shoved his cake into his mouth. 


"Wow, simple enough to handle a kid." Victoria nodded with impression. 




"Wow, simple enough to handle a kid." Taeyeon and her friends then heard a familiar voice, from a female. It was really at volume, and it was coming from their right. 


They turned to their right side, only to be in shock. 


"KRIS?!" The 4 girls gasped, Junsu only glares at him.


"Well well, what do we have here? The girl, ahem i mean kid, who is still the wife of my lover." Victoria smirked, folding her arms, whereas Kris, was in total shock.


"Its not even a problem to me. I know that she is someones wife. But she is my own ex, which we were forced to leave each other." Junsu said bluntly, not even care about how kris would react.


He was still pissed that Taeyeon took some else as her husbnad and not him. But all this time, he has been praying that she will have a happy life with him, but to see Kris with some girl, made him angry.


"Shouldn't you be with your wife rather with someone else?" he asked, irritated by his presence. "I could ask the same thing to her." Kris appointed, looking at Taeyeon. She didn't look at him because she still mad with him and hurt by Victoria's words. Of all the place and time, why now. Why must they meet each other in this kind of situation.




"It seems I was wrong to be worry about you after all Taeyeon. You seems to be okay." Kris said it harshly. Eyes was cold like he once are in the past.


Hyoyeon slammed her hand on the table, "Hey hold up! Its this girl's fault that she is like this, !" she shouts, poiting at Victoria's face. "Open up your eyes, Kris Wu. That woman infront of you are a devil!" she added more. Tiffany try to stop Hyoyeon.


"Don't you point your dirty finger at me sister!" Victoria exploded.. "What!! I'm not your sister! And I can point to whoever I want when I'm pissed, example towards YOU!!"


Victoria and Hyoyeon starts to have a glaring war, so they all try to calm the two girls down.


"Hyoyeon! Manners! Vic, stop!" Taeyeon and Kris said in unison. Then the two look at each other, both cold and emotionless.
"Its not worth it to speak to him like that, Hyo. He is still the heartless, face, , bastard, jerk Kris that will never learn about being nice." 


Her words was so sharp, it made Kris hurt, but since he is that jerk guy, he keep his cold face on.


"And she is just some whinning, baby, that always cry and weak that will never learn the meaning of loyal towards her husband."




Taeyeon then laugh at his words. "Loyal? Who is not loyal to their partner right now? You or me, Kris Wu? I think the answer is you, who still kept strong feelings towards your beloved ex over there. Proves? Is that necklace around your neck. Both of you have the same necklace and ring with your letters on it. So I think, it is you who is not loyal! Screw you, Kris Wu! I hate you to death!!"


She then, pushed Kris put of the way and starts running from him. "Taeyeon!" Jessica, Tiffany, Hyoyeon and Junsu all shouts her name, and then they all glared at him.


"Great work, Kris Wu. I wish that you would just leave her alone. Thank you for all your hard work in making her cry again." Jessica spat and ran aftering Taeyeon.


Hyoyeon and Tiffany both glared at him till they after Jessica. Junsu just sigh.


"If you don't love her, then leave her. Let me make her happy." he pays for the food and start running for Taeyeon.




Kris stood in the cafe, regret with what he just said. The necklace dangling on his neck was gripped by him. Everyone in the cafe was staring at Kris and Victoria.


The girl placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a gentle squeeze. But within her, she smirk evilly. Praying that after this, they both will sign the divorce letter and he will be all hers again.


He thought to himself on why he said that, and again hurting her. She was right, the one who is not loyal is him, she's innocent.


'Now how should I explain myself. I know she won't forgive me, and with Junsu her ex that I dont know of returned, it will be much difficult for me to re-establish our relationship.'


Meanhwile Taeyeon keeps on running. 'Why is all this is happening to me!! I hate that jerk! He didn't changed at all! Let me die!! Kill me!! Take my life away! There is never a happy ending for me!!So end me!!


She cursed wishing that her life is taken away then all tis sorrow and pain will stop.




To be continued....


/tears/ T___T

Man, Taeyeon is always getting hurt..

She was happy that Junsu returns but sad that Kris did it again huhuhu

So guys, sorry if its not Jiyoung or Jaejoong or Jinki or EXO members ^^

Just want to make slight changes hehehe

So, just comments and enjoy the latest chap ^^






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mzlyod #1
Chapter 26: They should....atleast take their breakfast...or regain energy u
Dominanttae is cute...;)
mzlyod #2
Chapter 26: They should....atleast take their breakfast...or regain energy u
Dominanttae is cute...;)
mzlyod #3
Chapter 25: favourite chap nim! Tqvm
And they are still married, just make love
Just so happy that they r in good term...
Chapter 25: OMG YOU COME BACK AUTHORNIM ㅠㅠㅠ and the update omg :''') please dont separate them anymore
Chapter 24: Continue plz~~~
kasterian #6
Chapter 7: Lmao I'm crying "Kris is gonna do something stupid" Damn I found this fanfic wayyy too late, but glad I did tho ^^ heehee
uida_usagi #7
Chapter 24: OMG you are back...
its so long time .. thank you for updating....miss u and your story
erahmaliati21 #8
Chapter 24: Omo! Omo! You're back author-nim, yay for kristae moments ♡♡
thank you for updating your story again author-nim, miss you so much :*
Chapter 24: THANKS THE HEAVEN FOR THIS RETURN! I just love so much this KrisTae fanfic
Chapter 24: OMG!!!! you are back!!!! I'm sooo happy!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!! ^_^