You Can't Hide From Me

Tongue Tied

After lunch was done and paid for, the girls all went on their separate ways. They promised each other that they’d all try harder to meet up for lunch at school and to hang out as often as their schedules permitted.


Senior year made it difficult for the girls to meet up as often, but after finding out the secret of Taeyeon’s boyfriend, they thought that maybe it was because they hadn’t seen each other often enough that she hid it from them. It was only senior year for the four of them, but all the girls were extremely busy.


Sooyoung and Taeyeon were running the end of the year talent show while both of them had performances with the show. Sooyoung was in her penultimate year but she was having trouble with her studies so she had to focus on them as much as she could. Taeyeon also had choir to worry about, although their biggest competition ended before midterms.


Hyoyeon was the leader of the school’s dance crew, otherwise known as The Chodings, while Yuri was her co-leader. She also dabbled in the world of track, preparing for the big meet in the next month. Yuri was involved in the basketball, soccer and volleyball team along with the dance crew. She was a popular girl for her athletics for despite her cool appearance during a game or on stage, she tended to be quite silly when alone or with her friends.


Jessica was the photographer of the school’s newspaper and was currently working on a mural with the school’s art club. She also has a solo performance planned for the talent show with her sister on the piano. Tiffany was the head journalist of the school’s newspaper and a member of the volleyball team with Yuri.


Seohyun was one of Taeyeon’s biggest stars in the choir and she was an important member of the school’s senior band as well. She was also a member of the school’s tutoring club where she helped younger or even older students with their work. Yoona was a part of the school’s softball team, continuing her legacy from middle school and was also a part of Hyoyeon’s dance crew.


All 9 girls were extremely hard working and did their best to keep their marks as high as they possibly could meaning different things for each girl. Seohyun even managed study dates for them every once in a while in case anyone needed the extra time or specific tutoring from the girl. It was also a good excuse to hang out as well. Although they did tend to get off topic every once in a while, the youngest in their group always managed to keep them on track.


Hyoyeon and Yuri left to work out at the gym for their upcoming competitions while Sooyoung was called home by her mother. Yoona begged Seohyun to let her come over, but only if she was to do her homework with her. She agreed, seeing as she had a test on the following Monday anyway but her purpose lying in her suspicions of Sungmin. Tiffany and Jessica went back to Tiffany’s place to work on the school’s next issue due on Sunday afternoon.


“Guys, my mom wants you all to come over for dinner, okay? You better show up! I’m going to invite Taeyeon and Sungmin too,” Sooyoung told her friends as they began to split up.


“Please don’t invite the blonde guy,” Jessica asked, slumping her shoulders, “Shouldn’t we use dinner to just hang out, the nine of us?”


Tiffany agreed with her best friend, “Besides, we need to tell TaeTae what we think of him and we can’t do that with him hanging around!”


The rest of the girls agreed and Sooyoung eventually and reluctantly complied with Jessica’s request. She was going to see the boy again on Monday anyway, so there was no rush. After all, she did want to talk to Taeyeon alone about all this again.


“Okay girls, my house at 7!”


Sunny and Taeyeon only dozed off for twenty minutes before Taeyeon got up from the bed first. She remembered that she needed to finish going over an arrangement for her choir group meeting on Monday after school, not to mention finish that essay she finally started last night that had been assigned two weeks ago that was due on the Wednesday of the week.


She held her head in frustration, wishing school didn’t exist so she could spend all her time catching up with Sunny and hanging out.


But then she remembered that once school started again, Sunny would probably be as busy as she was.


She started shaking Sunny from her sleep to tell her she was going, but Sunny only stirred.


“Yah! Soonkyu! Get up already it’s 3 in the afternoon!” Taeyeon yelled, shaking her best friend even more. “I need to go home and do some things for school!”


Sunny groaned as she slowly started to wake up. She looked up at Taeyeon who fashioned very lovely bed head and started giggling at the mess.


Once Taeyeon realized what the smaller girl was laughing at, she punched her arm in protest, “Yah! Ms. Goldy Locks you better look in the mirror before you laugh at me!” However, Taeyeon herself started laughing since the other girl’s laughter was so contagious.


“Do you really have to go?” Sunny asked, reaching for Taeyeon’s hand.


“You can come over if you want,” Taeyeon shrugged, “But I’m just going to bore you.”


“Don’t you have any games or anything?” Sunny finally got up from her spot and started stretching.


“You can borrow my DS I guess,” Taeyeon replied, starting her way down the stairs from Sunny’s room. She peeked through the hallway to see that her parents were sleeping on the couch downstairs. She smiled at them and wished them good health.




Sunny was just lying in Taeyeon’s bed playing one of her Pokemon games while Taeyeon was busy at her desk when her ring tone went off. It was the chorus from a drama OST that was recently popular and Taeyeon couldn’t help but blush at Sunny giving her a look for it.


She checked the ID to see that it was Jessica and she slapped her forehead.


“Aigoo, I forgot to call Sica! She’s probably mad at me,” Taeyeon started, looking at the phone worriedly before picking up and pressing it to her ear. She stood up and stared at the wall while conversing with her friend.


Sunny watched her girlfriend talking on the phone from her spot and couldn’t help but appreciate how good Taeyeon looked in just an oversized t shirt and shorts. She started to feel a little over dressed in her skinny jeans and sports jersey. Seeing that the conversation would probably take a while, she returned her attention to her game.


“Sorry Sica!” was the first thing Taeyeon said into her phone, “It slipped my mind, I was meaning to call you.”


“You owe me for forgetting about me, Kim Taeyeon!” Jessica declared strongly through the phone. Taeyeon swore that she could feel Jessica smiling and that she could hear Tiffany laughing in the background. The two were probably working on the next issue of the school’s newspaper.


“Aish, of course Sica, I’ll do whatever you want,” Taeyeon smiled into the phone as well, knowing that whatever punishment Jessica had would probably not be all that bad.


“You’re letting me sleep over tonight,” she then demanded seriously. Faint demands of wanting to sleep over as well from Tiffany were muffled in the background but not loud enough for Taeyeon to hear.


Taeyeon looked over at Sunny who was giving her full attention to the small device in her hands then thought about what she had planned for the night, “Um, sure, why not?”


“Good,” Jessica replied firmly, “And you better come to Sooyoung’s tonight for dinner. She invited all of us, except that um, Sunglim guy.”


“It’s Sungmin, Sica,” Taeyeon corrected with a laugh. One of her favourite things about Jessica was her not so subtle way of showing she was jealous.


“Whatever, anyway I’ll see you later, okay?”


“Of course, have a good day until then, Sica,” Taeyeon greeted before the two hung up.


“Talkin’ about me?” Sunny asked, having gotten up from Taeyeon’s bed upon hearing her ‘name’. However, before Taeyeon could respond, there was a knock on Taeyeon’s door.


“Ah, the kids must be back,” Taeyeon declared, walking over to the door, “Seohyun said that Yoona would be visiting.”


Sunny’s eyes widened at this, her defences shooting up suddenly. Yoona, would Yoona be dangerous right now?


However, the door swung open in the middle of her thoughts and Yoona stormed in, pushing Taeyeon out of the way.


“I know she’s here!” Yoona declared, looking around the room for her target.


Seohyun helped her sister up and apologized about a million time, “I tried to convince her otherwise, but honestly I kind of thought that Yoona unnie could have been right.”


“Hyunnie, of course I’m right,” Yoona yelled back, giving her friend a thumbs up.


Sunny felt corned as she sat with her knees close to her chest. Yoona stood at the foot of the bed and stared at her, her eyes digging into every inch of Sunny’s figure.


After a few minutes, Yoona nodded and jumped onto the bed, hugging Sunny tightly.


Taeyeon didn’t bother moving, feeling Seohyun’s grip on her as if she wanted to keep her still. But she couldn’t do that to her older sister. Taeyeon didn’t mind at all and let Yoona do what she thought she was there to do. She couldn’t stop the girl if she had found out on her own, right?


“Sunny unnie!” Yoona cried, burying her face into Sunny’s binded chest after knocking her over. She used her fist to punch Sunny in the shoulder repeatedly, “You jerk, you jerk, you jerk!” She repeated over and over again. She sobbed and yelled and soaked Sunny’s shirt but all Sunny could do was rub Yoona’s back apologetically.


“I’m sorry Yoong,” she spoke softly, pulling the girl close to her, “I knew I couldn’t get past you.”


Taeyeon and Seohyun watched the two embrace from the doorway. Seohyun turned to her sister and asked her if they should leave them alone and get some tea. Taeyeon nodded and the two closed the door behind them to give the two some time alone.


A minute or so later, Yoona let go of her unnie and wiped her face with her shirt. Sunny used her own fingers to wipe the tears from the younger girl’s face.


“It really is you,” Yoona muttered, smiling softly at her favourite unnie who she hadn’t seen in ages. Sunny nodded at Yoona, offering her an apologetic smile in return. “I knew it.”


Sunny rubbed the back of her head, “Was it that obvious?” she asked, hoping that none of the others girls were onto her.


“Not really,” Yoona answered honestly, placing a finger under her chin, “I just like over thinking things. Once I put everything together, I went with my gut instinct.”


Sunny ruffled her junior’s hair, “What gave it away?” she laughed, impressed that Yoona got it so quickly.


“Your timing,” Yoona replied, nodding to herself, “Sungmin oppa’s appearance in Taeyeon unnie’s life and the email you sent was what made everything make sense.”


Sunny cursed under her breath, she should have thought of that.


“Are any of the other girls going to barge in here and do the same thing?” Sunny asked a little deadpan, a little upset that her plan was ruined.


“I don’t think so,” Yoona said, pulling Sunny in for another hug, “I didn’t say anything to anyone except Seohyun because I figured you were doing this for a reason.”


Sunny smiled again, petting her junior’s hair as they talked comfortably, “You’re a smart one, kiddo.”


Yoona giggled lightly at Sunny comment and pulled away from the hug a little, “You really do look like a handsome oppa though, Sunny unnie. Everyone is so convinced of you and they all like Sungmin oppa.”


Sunny smirked at Yoona’s words, “They all think I’m handsome, don’t they?” she said with a cheeky expression that caused Yoona to roll her eyes.


“Sica unnie hates you,” Yoona said plainly, “Like a lot.”


Sunny’s mouth dropped a little as she said sarcastically, “No way! So I wasn’t imagining snow falling whenever she looked at me?”




Taeyeon and Seohyun were making tea and snacks silently. Taeyeon wondered if Seohyun was mad at her for lying, but she knew she’d be understanding, right? She would never lie to her innocent sister without good reason.


The tension was building up as both girls waiting for the tea to boil since the cookies were already placed neatly on a plate. Taeyeon glanced at her sister every once in a while who was staring at her with a small smile.


“I’m sorry?” she offered, looking at her younger sister with apologetic eyes. Seohyun could be scary some times and she wanted to avoid any sort of punishment whenever possible.


More silence as the water started to boil. Seohyun broke her gaze with Taeyeon before pouring the water into the tea pot.


“You owe me, Taeyeon unnie,” she finally spoke up sternly, giving her older sister a look, “You shouldn’t lie to your little sister.”


Taeyeon sighed before turning to the fridge to take out some of her sacred sweet potatoes, knowing exactly what her little sister wanted.

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I have read this 4 times already and will probably read it 5, 6, 7, 8 more times and I just realized this is not complete yet?! Anyway this is a really great story and I love it! :)))
PuddingBear23 #2
Chapter 41: It's already a year now I hope that you could continue this amazing story. End it with a bang and satisfying ending because we just want the happy ending author-nim. Hahaha
Chapter 41: Amazing chapter!! Ohhh Byuntae x)
Chapter 41: Jackpot for Byuntaeng LOL
Well done Soosun, that's what we called progress! XD
vnzdeath #5
Chapter 41: omigod! wattodo! wattodo!
Chapter 41: That Byuntae is always right on time to witness such "perfect" view XD
Chapter 41: That was the best!! Please tell me there is more! I love this story so much. If I could, I would marry it hahaha! Amazing job Bern, you managed to keep me hooked through it all!!
Chapter 41: HAHAHAHA omg the end =)))
I was smiling the whole chapter. finally they're together as sunny sooyoung :>>
sparklinpeas #9
Chapter 41: finally~~~
and please omg byuntae! haha
I'm craving for more updates! :3
KougraJetGel #10

The endless teasing coming soon from everybody hahaha I feel it yoooo

Hope they survive the teasing hahaha