
Shadow Of The Moon [Second One]
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“Say goodnight, dog.” She spoke spitefully and then I heard another bang. My vision was still blurred but I felt no pain. Had I been in so much pain that I just didn’t feel it anymore? Was I dead? What was going on? I heard a thud beside me and it just made me all the more confused.

“Jaehee, are you okay?” Sehun’s voice approached me but all I could see were blurred features. “Jaehee, can you hear me?” Sehun’s voice was filled with worry and I smiled. I weakly nodded to him and I soon felt his warm embrace.

“What happened? I heard another shot.” I mentioned and Sehun gently my hair.

“Your father, he was shot. He was defending you.” Sehun mentioned and for some reason my eyes began to water in sadness.

“He defended me?” I clarified and I saw Sehun nod as my vision gradually became normal once more. I looked to my side and saw my father, lying there with a bullet hole in his chest. “Why did you do it?” I asked him as he gasped for air.

“You’re so young, you need to live.” He whispered and I sighed. “I did love you and your mother, but it was my duty and I have to live with the guilt of what I did every day.” He admitted and a few tears fell from my eyes and onto the ground between us both. “If I had killed you, the guilt would have consumed me and I wouldn’t have been able to live with myself. I’m so sorry, Jaehee.” He whispered his apology and I just watched him lie there. I know he saved my life, but at the same time he was the one that had ruined it and brought about my near death.

“I’m not expecting your forgiveness, but-” He started but a sudden shout of pain stole our attention. EXO were losing to the hunters, they weren’t strong enough and there were more hunters than there were wolves. My father suddenly grabbed my hand and I jumped in shock. “Use your necklace, the moonstone can give you power. The moon is high; now is the time.” My father instructed and I looked at Sehun questioningly, he nodded and I took off my necklace. Sehun helped me to my feet and I slowly walked a few feet away from them. I held my necklace up to the moon and Sehun defended me from any hunters that wanted to stop me.

“What is she doing?” I heard a few people whisper.  I suddenly felt a huge surge of power go through my body and I felt rejuvenated almost immediately.


+ + Sehun’s P.O.V + +

Whilst Jaehee charged up the moonstone, I fought off any hunters that went near her. But something made everyone stop fighting and stare at Jaehee. I looked out of curiosity and there was a beam of light entering the stone. My mouth fell agape as I witnessed the strange but spectacular event. Suddenly Jaehee opene

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Chapter 42: Wahhhhh I loved this part too.. But somehow I am disappointed with her.. Sehün was so loyal the whole time but she just cheated on him.. But in the end everything is fine.. Though I would love to read a third part too.. Thank you for such an amazing story..
Chapter 42: Wow....i expected that but at the same time not. I love the story though ^^ what if in the last book she miraculously had an older brother who has his own pack and that pack was the kingkas of the next school they went to (if they go). That probably isn't possible but I'm sure you'll think of something!
Lolypop123 #3
Coming here after reading the first story ♥
Chapter 40: I really like the first story, the second too but I feel like everything was going too fast ^^
Angelina09 #5
Chapter 40: So she never told Sehun about cheating on him?
Dukiepoopie #6
Chapter 42: Maybe you could have her find a long lost brother or something and it turns out he's in exo i understand if you don't use this idea in your story cause it's kind of a long story sorry for wasting your time on this comment ><
rianxx #7
Chapter 42: The first two story was amazing. If you want to write a third one please just don't do anything to make the couple break up. Thank u. And you are one of my favorite authors.thank u for everything.
Falling in love with this story ❤ Really great story. Daebak ❤❤❤
Dukiepoopie #9
Chapter 2: This is amazing authornim! you have all our attention with your amazing stories! Hwaiting ;)
jungraerim #10
Chapter 29: aish! i hate jaehee for being a two timer.. seems like she's playing with my boys' hearts.. anyway, great story authornim..