Use the chance wisely

Love Confusion

I swear my english is turning rusty.

and sorry for the late update, again. haha.



Huff. Huff. Huff.

Thump. Thump. Thump.


The fast-breathing and fast-heartbeat take into place when I arrived infront of the gate to my house. I ran while pulling Myungsoo with me, afraid that my parents would suddenly fly away. Just in case there's an emergency even though Myungsoo already told me that they would stay for two months.

Myungsoo chuckle a little when we stop.

"Wow, are you really that happy?" I glance at him just to see his eyesmile. I join him laughing a little.

"Are you crazy?" I let out a little humour in my voice as I laugh a little. Myungsoo understood how I felt and tap my back, his smile never left his face.

We walk slowly for the door, trying to take some time.

"Go ahead." He said, hinting for the door.



Hesitating to open the door..because the sudden feeling of not ready.

But instead of hanging around infront of the door, Myungsoo decided to volunteer in opening them, probably tired of waiting for my decision. A sudden gush of excitement fill my heart but at the same time the feeling of nervous joins in.

I swallow the small lump in my throat just in case I wont be able to talk soon. A preparation.

Myungsoo push me a little and I can hear Baekhyun's whail.

"W-why now..?! J-just w-why...." Fear etched at my heart now. Is Baekhyun throwing a fit? He sounds tired at the same time, and by the croak of his voice, I can tell he cried.

I felt a small push, encouraging me to join the commotion. And I did.


I entered the living room, just to see Baekhyun hugging our parents. Relief flood in my heart.

I ran towards the big pile and grasp my mom's coat and Baekhyun's shirt.

Tears fell almost immediately.

We all hug and feel each other warmth. This had never made me so happy. Our tear stained faces didn't make us embarassed, even for the diva Byun Baekhyun.

I swallow the lump in my throat as I let out a small whine. 

"W-why now..." Baekhyun hiccup a little as he hit my dad's chest.

"Atle-least we g-got h-here didn't w-we?" Mom flash her infamous gummy smile. Her cheeks grew red from the exhaustion of crying.

I decided to say something, "Why are you n-not like th-this when I ar-rive, O-ppa?" and take a deep breath afterwards. It was to not make the situation more tense.

"I am emotionally i-in terror w-when y-you arrive, Princess," He chuckle a little and our parents join in, including Myungsoo. Wow, he even dare to make a joke about it? What a bad boy.

I punch him right on his right arm.



"Ahhh...this feels nice," Myungsoo flash his grin towards everyone.

Baekhyun scoff, "Didn't feel that nice now that you're here, you problem."

"Byun Baekhyun.." Mom sternly said, giving a warning look towards Baekhyun. "That's not nice to say to our guest."

"It's okay, omonim. I'm not really a guest, but a part of this family!" Myungsoo shamelessly spoke back, earning a smile from my dad.

"Who allows you to say such things? You're not even blood related." Baekhyun shot back.

"I'll be marrying Baekhee. Didn't your parents told you that?" Myungsoo innocently blink. I felt a rush of goosebumps but decided to play along seeing how dumbfounded Baekhyun looked.

"Y-yeah.. We're going to get married." I flash a smile towards Baekhyun and he look speechless.

"What the..." He almost cursed, "Omma~~~ Look at them ganging up on me using marriage topic!!!"

"It's true, you didn't know? Omo, I must have forgotten about you." My mom fake a gasp.

Baekhyun gaze turned cold. "What?! It's not a joke?" He frown as he judge Myungsoo up and down. "You don't even suit to be my brother-in-law, and the fact that Baekbeom didn't even have a girlfriend since born.." he had a dark aura around him almost immediately.

"He does, we're planning to let him and Baekhee marry at the same time," Dad responded as he stretch his body. I glance at dad and he wink at me secretly.

"WHAT." Baekhyun frown in displeasure. "How can you guys not tell me!" He whines, "and you!!" pointing his finger at me, he continues, "What about Sehun? Are you playing with him? and Hyukjin!" Wow, now he's thinking about Hyukjin? Huh.

My cheeks turn red in embarassment when all eyes settled on me. "I-It's not like t-that!!" I stutter while screaming in a high pitch voice.

"Who's Sehun?" Mom shot a look towards me.

"Yeah, and Hyukjin, who is he?" Dad had this defensive position.

Baekhyun sneer, "Let's not forget that you went out with Luhan just now."

"You went out with three boys at a time?!" Dad mouth left hanging with his eyebrows meeting at the centre of his forehead.

"Well, let's not forget about Myungsoo. It's four!" Mom shouted.

Myungsoo join in, "Was it that purple head girl?"

Baekhyun snort, "purple head girl?"

"It's none of your business," I sigh and shot a glare for Baekhyun. Why did he even have to mention those names? I glance at the other three before explaining. "Sehun is my friend, Hyukjin is my idol and Luhan is not the purple head girl, he's Baekhyun Oppa's friend. The purple head girl is my friend too, his name is Lee ChanHee. "

"Lee Chanhee? Is he really a girl?" Myungsoo look uncomfortable.

"Lee Chanhee? You kidding me? And Myungsoo? Care to explain?" Baekhyun have this look of injustice.

I shot a look, "You clearly know he's a boy like seriously. And Baekhyun Oppa, don't worry that chanhee won't bite me." Baekhyun was about to teach me a lesson but probably let it be. "And, we're not really getting married. It's just a joke, don't be too emotional about it." I stood up and left.

"Now who's emotional." Baekhyun scoff but I heard it.


After done packing the gifts that i'm giving Sehun, I walk down.

"Where are you going, young lady?" Dad interrupted, raising his eyebrows.

"Birthday Partyyyyyyyyy~~~" I grin like an idiot and dad seems to disapprove my activity for the night. "Don't worry, Baekhyun Oppa is going too." I made an excuse and dad seems to soften a little.

"Can I join?" Myungsoo walk in with orange juice in his hands.

"Uhh how about no? Our dear Sehun won't be happy to meet you like I am. I'm still not going to approve you." Baekhyun style his hair as he walks towards the nearest mirror.

"As if you approve Sehun." I stuck out my tongue.

"So you really are dating that Sehun?" Dad seems to be in shock, "I want to meet that boy, Baekhyun."

"He's fine, just a little rude to me." Baekhyun reply nonchalantly.

"I don't want a rude boy for my daughter," Dad frowns, "Don't go to that party, Baekhee-ah."

I gasp in disbelief, "You actually believe that bacon? Oho, Dad. You know how he's still holding grudge for what happens just now. He is still in jealousy as if the marriage is real and he can't have a girlfriend!" I accuse, earning a scowl from Baekhyun.

"Kim Myungsoo, you're going. Stay with my daughter." Dad instructed, making Baekhyun run towards dad who's sitting in front of the television.

"But dad! He can't go. He's not invited!!"

"Your own fault, hah! Take that!" I sneer and usher Myungsoo to go and get ready, he went away immediately leaving his orange juice at the coffee table.

"Great, now we're going to be late and Sehun won't be happy meeting that guy." Baekhyun mutters and sigh. He's right, Sehun would totally look at Myungsoo suspiciously. But I bet that he would ask Myungsoo to go away.



Ding Dong.

The door opens, and Sehun face pops out. He meet eyes with me and immediately let out adorable smile. I guess he met eyes with Myungsoo that made his eyebrows met. Who wouldn't be suspicious? It's a stranger.

"Who is he?" Sehun mumble in wonder.

"He's our bodyguard." Baekhyun roll his eyes.

"Ehem, to be exact, I'm Kim Myungsoo. Nice to meet you and happy birthday." Myungsoo held out his hand with his dimple smile. Sehun seem to hesitant in meeting Myungsoo hand, but he did it reluctantly. "You must be Sehun. Heard a lot about you."

Sehun cough a little and pinked, "Heard"

"Yeah, I said you're an ." Baekhyun grin innocently and pat Sehun head before going in. Sehun face fell as he roll his eyes, not trusting Baekhyun at all.

"Do come in." He step aside to give way for the incomer.

Myungsoo got in first and I followed after but stop in front of Sehun. "Happy birthday Ohsen." I hand his birthday present and his eyes twinkle in appreciation.

"Thank you." He muffled and took it carefully. "Your brother didn't even bother wishing me or even give me presents." He huffed making me chuckle lightly.

"Well I thought boys don't do that?" I questioned with a small smile before walking towards the living room where my friends are at. Well, just a friend I guess.

I stood beside Myungsoo who's getting a punch for himself. "Want one?" He offered, showing the punch and I nod slightly. He immediately hand it to me and I took it gratefully.

"Thanks." I mutter before looking around the apartment. It's big and comfortable. You can see the night view of the city and the sky from the wide window. I saw Baekhyun laughing hideously while punching Chanyeol right arm who have a frown on his face. The others are teasing them too. Dani was there with Chen, smiling lightly. I would like to talk to her, but I will wait for her to notice me first. I'm not gonna be all friendly in my original form, it would be totally weird.

"Who you staring at huh?" Myungsoo's voice emerged in my thoughts. I glance at him with a big smile.

"My best friend."

"You have a best friend?" Myungsoo look amused and I shot him a look.

"Well yeah sure, but you're not one so yeah." I scoff, walking away leaving him dumbfounded. I walk towards the window to watch the beautiful scene only to be disturbed by some whiny voice.


"Oppaaaaaaaaa~ pleasssseeeeee? Let's skip school tomorrow, oh? We are having a party today, and we should enjoy tomorrow too~~" I look behind me just to meet gaze with Luhan who's having this expressionless face while Jiyeon is clinging onto his left arm.

"Skipping school is not a good thing," He replies, still looking at me, "Right, Baekhan?" He tilt his head lightly with a small smile and I swear I'm changing from a human to a potato. Do I always have this ear problem? Wait, Eyes problem too. This is no good.

"Baekhan?" Jiyeon questioned and look straight ahead. She looks shocked. Well now if she's shocked, what am I? I'm more like got shot. I don't even know what I'm saying in my mind, i guess I have mind problems too. "You're here too?" I give a stiff nod before looking away.

Myungsoo stood beside me and slip his arm around my waist. "I'm not going to complain, but why are they calling you Baekhan? and please, let's let our matter pass for this party, atleast." He refer to the matter about the best friend thingy and I couldn't agree more.

"I'll explain when we're at home." I whisper lightly.

"Oh? You have a boyfriend already, Baekhan-sshi?" I heard Jiyeon annoyingly cute voice. Not a compliment, okay. Well, it sounds like a compliment though.

"Let's turn." and I sense Myungsoo agreeing, so we turn to face Jiyeon and Luhan with big smiles. "Uhm no, he's my best friend. He just arrived today from London." I decided to not talk much about Myungsoo. And Jiyeon seems to not want to ask much about it.

"He's handsome," She break into a small smile as her eyes grew small. "Do enjoy yourselves!" and she pull Luhan with her. Luhan gaze at me longingly, if i'm not mistaken.

Well, I guess I really did mistaken about that.

"She's pretty," Myungsoo commented with a sly grin. I suddenly remembered her intro to me when I first entered school. I make out unpleasant face. "But what's with that boy? He looks weird, I swear. Are they dating?"

"Mhm." I hum shortly before drinking the punch that I've been holding.

"They are cute together but it's as if there's something missing. As if they don't love each other." Myungsoo said exactly what I've been thinking when I first encounter them. 

"Hey, Sehun, did you not invite your nerd friend? Byun Baekhee?" Jiyeon voice emerged again, and me,myungsoo stare at Jiyeon.

"Since when are you concern about her?" Sehun ask, feeling annoyed. "Luhan hyung, take care of your girlfriend and ask her to take care of her business." and I couldn't agree more.

Jiyeon scoff lightly, "I know how to take care of myself. I'm just trying to make sure that nerd doesn't step in your house and make it dirty, Oh Sehun!"

Sehun smirk lightly, "What if she is already in here before you even got in? What are you going to do about it?" He ask mockingly before walking away.

"She's here?!?!?!" Jiyeon shreak in a beat before looking around in horror. Am I really that scary to her?

Myungsoo glance at me with a confused look. I just shook my head as a reply to him and he nod his head. As if we're telepathic.

I look around just to notice Baekhyun sending me a worried look, Sehun is nowhere to be found, Dani probably noticed me as she looks at me wide eyed, and Luhan still staring at me. I shuffle uncomfortably, making Myungsoo look at me curiously. "That Luhan guy." I spoke with my mouth barely moving. Myungsoo took it as a hint so he spare a look towards the said guy.

"He's still weird." Myungsoo nod his head.


Dani suddenly stood infront of me with mesmerizing eyes. "You really have a boyfriend?" She whispers as if it's a secret. I laugh uncomfortably.

"Well, no, he's my best friend."

"You're pretty too," Myungsoo joins in with his dimple smile making Dani blush.

"He's e." I attempt a joke making Dani laugh while covering , like a girl. I mean, she is a girl, but now she acts like one when she usually laugh hideously like my brother. I react with a baffled face.

"So i'm younger than him?"

"You actually care about that? OhmyGosh." I shook my head with a frown.

Myungsoo had this victory face, "That means she approves i'm handsome." He said it proudly that I had to smack his face with my hand.

"By the way, you going to school tomorrow?" Dani spoke casually making me smile. She was just joking just now, I knew it.

I shrug my shoulders. "How could I not? You skipping?"

"Planned. Since you're not in for skipping like your brother did, I'll join you." She show me her pearly white teeth. I shook my head.

"My brother skipping? Meet my parents first before making such decision." and Myungsoo cackle beside me, probably agreeing.


The mic suddenly buzz. Everyone gave attention to the cause of the sound and spot Sehun standing like a pole. Looking stiff as ever.

"Well..uhm...Hi?" he sheepishly smile.

"Well, YO?" Baekhyun shouted, making people let out small laugh.

"Thank you..hyung.." Sehun roll his eyes,"Since you're all here, I would like to say thank you for wishing me a happy birthday and even think of giving me presents when i'm big already." Sehun start his speech with a small smile, "I invited you guys, friends from high school, middle school and even elementary school. Thank you so much." He nod his head and looks down. "Well, to be honest, I'm not really good with speechs, but since i'm good looking, it's not a problem," He joked, and I heard Baekhyun making some background sounds like 'booo'. "Thank you, Baekhyun hyung." Sehun let out sarcasm and Baekhyun replies back nonchalantly.

"I hope you guys enjoy this party and please, I beg you to not throw stuffs across the room, especially Baekhyun and Chanyeol hyung. And do have fun!" He finishes and people start the party with big applause. Sehun walk away but made a u-turn to the mic, "Ah, Byun Baekhan meet me at the stage please." and he walk away almost immediately, making people muttering my name in confusion.

"I knew it, he likes you." Myungsoo drink his punch with a calm face.

I join him while raising my eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

"That birthday boy, he likes you. It's obvious."

I laugh lightly, "Then what if I say that my friend likes you? It's obvious too." I put some sarcasm and he scoff at me.

"He's going to confess to you, I swear. Good luck. Never knew you would grow up this fast, buddy." He pat my back before going away. Probably going to make new friends.

I roll my eyes as a reply. He seriously have this weird issue going on with him since ages ago.

I suddenly felt a pull on my right arm just to find out that Dani was pulling me. "Hey, what's wrong?" I shouted over the blasting music but Dani didn't even bother explaining and just pull me. I look at my surrounding just to find out that it's nearing the stage, where I was suppose to meet Sehun. We finally stop in front of the stage and Dani just show me her innocent smile. "I'm not trusting whatever stupid thing you're going to do." I cross my arms infront of my chest.

"Just..don't be too awkward, okay?" Dani keep on smiling and pat my back.

What is this, do people have this obsession to pat my back or what.

"Hey..." I heard this soothing voice from behind so I turn myself to face the owner of that voice. "I just want to use my chance."

"...Chance..?" I inquired.

"Remember you owe me something? You should be having punishments because you left me at the Lotte World. Remember?"

I squint my eyes, trying to remember..

''But don't forget, you still have to take a punishment since you went away from the bench, although you're helping someone.''

And i did.


"But I was helping Minji!" I scowl and he just wiggle his finger in disapprove.

"I don't care, you still owe me. So let's go have fun together!" He spoke with happiness as he jump lightly while holding both of my hands.

I decided to spill out an excuse, "But i'm tired!"

"I don't care! We're going to hang out tomorrow, okay?" He grin childishly.

"Well, sorry not sorry but I have to do assignment with Ricky." I sigh, making him look at me with a pout.

"Tomorrow night?"

"Sehun, we hang out today, and please, how about next week?" I put some effort on trying to make him agree, but he just shook his head.

"Then right now. Let's go!" Sehun stuck out his tongue when I refuse to accept the reality that he's pulling me with him. I guess, I should have fun before school starts, huh?




We look at the sky together with big smiles.

"You know, I thought that thing as a star when I was a kid." I admit my thoughts, pointing at the satellite. Sehun just reply with a small laugh.

"I always thought of it as a shooting star." He mutter embarassingly.

I chuckle lightly, "Why are we talking about nonsense stuffs?" I shook my head with a big smile.

He shrug his shoulders, "Nonsense stuff that we trust when we were kids." and I nod my head in agreement.

The next few seconds turn out to be quiet and I guess that Sehun was into his thoughts. I just kept on yawning since I was tired with my activity for today.

There was suddenly an aeroplane passing by and I stare at it while smiling.

"Hey.." Sehun suddenly call for me, and I just hum as a response. "I was wondering...What if there's one more thing that I thought as nonsense but actually it's just me denying it?"

I thought about his words for a while before sighing. "You know you're denying it, so why bother thinking of it as a nonsense?" I reply with slight confusion.

"Because it's just...funny.." He suddenly chuckle beside me and I just chuckle along without me knowing.

"What's that funny thing?" I raise my eyebrows towards him, and he gaze back straight into my eyes.

Sehun let out an eyesmile before looking away, "The fact that I like you." and he just shook his head. "Let's go," he lend his hand towards my way, but decided to take back his hand since i'm not lending mine, so he walk away silently.

Sehun thought that it was funny, how he likes her...and he confess...but didn't confess the other part that's bugging his mind that makes him think of it as nonsense.

Atleast, to him, he uses his chance wisely to confess.



I don't know what did I just do. I postponed the chapter(when I already wrote it a month ago lol i just didn't post it bcs it needs to be edited)

and hey, sehun confessed! dun dun dun. just not in the romantic way, i'm sorry. i'm not romantic haha lol :B

I got a beautiful trailer from Sha Hae Nim, HazelNim Graphics Shop.

Check it out! <3 <3

I replay for like lots of times! It's beautiful!~




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lol i just noticed it's been 2 years for this story haha xD


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gummysmilesunhwa #1
Chapter 30: i just started reading this fanfic and its fantastic ♡ please update soon omg!!!
Chapter 30: Aw, I'm still here! I've always loved this story :D Thank you for updating!
kimmyungsoo9299 #3
Chapter 29: Y did sehun cry?? Update soon.. I want to know it badly..
ko tahu, aq x berape paham sangat.. lagi2 rink? rink tu ape? diorg kat mne? haha xDD
HyukMing #5
me here so blurr really blurr....