The "Us" Ten Years ago

After Goodbye, What's Next?


Taemin had been spacing out through the whole class. He has been bored and tired thinking why the hell they have to study about the history of the country. He wants to be a barista and own a cafe not to be a historian who wants to study the life of the dead people who is is now enjoying their time wherever they are now. It's not like his customer will ask who save the country from bad people when they are ordering their coffee. 

Taemin sigh and look outside the window. Well maybe today is not really that boring day since he is now looking to the apple of his eye, Minho. Its been almost a month since he discovered his feeling for Minho while watching him playing soccer. He was amaze how good he is and he is so damn hot while wearing his wet shirt because of the sweat. Minho is hard to approach since the  guy is, from what people say, snob. But it didn't matter, because for Taemin that one of his charisma.

But Taemin didn't try to approach, for him admiring Minho from a distance is more than enough for him . Besides he doesn't to get rejected if ever he confess his feeling and he knows that he is far from Minho's league.  Taemin who is still engross by looking at Minho got distracted when he hear someone is calling his name. 

"Lee Taemin!" he heard his teacher calling him. 

"Yes sir. Sorry but I don't know the answer." he answer immediately.

" What answer are you talking about? I haven't even giving you any question." his teacher stated while glaring at him which make the whole class laugh.

"Oh ." he mumble to himself.

"I wish you should pay more attention to this class because even if your grade is good  your performance during the discussion can affect your grade. " his teacher lectured him who starting to organize his thing in the table. " Okay class, I think that's for today. Prepare for any surprise exam this week. Class dismiss." that is all and his teacher got put of the room. 

"Yah Taemin, what are you doing staring outside this whole class?" his friend Kai ask.

"Nothing." he answered avoiding to say anything about Minho. he pack his things and headed out together with his friends.

Kai accidentally found out that he have a crush on Minho when he was busy fantasizing Minho's stolen photo in his phone. And now, if he  happen to know that it is Minho that who is occupying his mind this whole class he is sure that Kai will tease to him again to death which he doesn't want because there might be someone who will hear it. and pass the message to Minho. And he is afraid the Minho might think that he is a weirdo admiring someone who is the same gender as he is.

"Are you going home now Taemin? Wanna go with me in the karaoke." Kai ask him while they are walking at the corridor.

"Sorry Kai but maybe next time. I want to go home now." Taemin answer and he wants to smile when he saw Minho at the at he school gate.

"Okay then maybe next time. I gotta go now I have to meet Sehun. Bye." Kai say his goodbye and run away.

Taemin decided to grab a coffee before he going home when he saw Minho walking the same way as he is. He feel so happy when he saw Minho enter the same cafe he is planning to eneter too. After a he took his order se notice Minho sitting at the corner of the cafe and it's like some devil enter Taemin's body because he just found himself asking Minho if the sit beside him is free. 

"Yes, you can sit there." answer Minho and Taemin feel like his heart is going to jump out of his chest because of happiness and nervous.

"Thank you." He said and pull the chair and take his sit. "He look at Minho's cup and notice that he is drinking a latte. "Your drinking latte?" he ask Minho but didn't look at him. He was afraid that Minho might ignore him.

"Yes I do." Minho answer which make Taemin look up to at the guy. He didn't really expect that Minho will answer him. "How did you know?" Minho added a question.

Taemin was so happy, so happy that he just want to jump out because Minho is talking to him. "I just love coffee and I am studying different kinds of coffee right now." Taemin answer. His smile is still plastered in his face.

"Oh really. I love coffee to I love drinking it whenever I am tired." he takes a sip in his latte. "So? You want to be a barista since you love coffee and you said you are studying different kind of coffee."

"Yes you are right. I want to have my own cafe someday."Taemin answered looking straight at Minho's face. How he wish the Minho will not notice his blushing face.

"What are you smiling at?" Minho ask when he notice that Taemin is still smiling.

"Oh?" Taemin look away and he swear that his face was red as tomato from blushing and he is sure that Minho notice it too. "N-nothing. It just that I am surprise that you are talking to me since from what I heard you are a snob person." He explain with his face looking at his coffee.

"I am not. I just don't want to talk to the people I don't like." 

"So that means you like me?" Taemin gather all his courage to ask that question.

"Of course. Especially when you are smiling like that and you seems nice, so yeah." Minho answer which bring butterflies in Taemin's stomach. He already dream about this kind of thing but he didn't prepare himself how to handle it in the reality. 

He and Minho spend another time talking about their interest and some small things. And not long enough after that first time they started talking, Minho and Taemin got close with each other. They are regularly meeting in the cafe and sometimes spend their break time together. Taemin feeling for Minho evolve from crush to love which he doesn't know how to handle anymore. That's why he decided to confess his feeling.

They are in the rooftop that day when Taemin started to confess his feeling/

'Minho hyung I want to say something to you." Taemin started with fear in his voice.

"What it is Taemin?" Minho ask. He is lying in the ground with his arm covering his eyes.

"I- I just want to s-say that I- I love you hyung." Taemin stammered in nervousness.

Minho didn't say anything instead he sit up and look at Taemin beside him who is looking at the ground. "Look at me Taemin." He grab the boy's cheek which is so hot. "Thank you, Taemin for loving me but I want to say sorry." Minho answer looking straight to Taemin's eyes which is starting to get watery.

"It's okay hyung. I am not really expecting a good answer. I just want you to know this feeling of mine." Taemin tried to pull out his face into Taemin hands but the older didn't let it go.

"No Taemin. I am not sorry because of that but because my answer will might give you heart attack." Minho answer and then smile.

"W-what do you mean?" Taemin was confuse .

Minho hug him. "I'm sorry Taemin but I like, no, I love you too." Minho answer.

Minho is right he really did have a heart attack, he feels that his heart stops at that moment. He push Minho away from him. "How dare you hyung making me nervous like that. " Taemin said when his heartbeat return.

Minho hug him again. "Sorry Taemin-ah. That's why I said sorry in ahead of time." Minho said while laughing.

"I hate you now." Taemin said returning the hug.

"And I love you too."


Minho was shock in Temin's words. "What did you just said?" he ask becausee maybe he just misheard it.

"You hear me Minho-hyung. I wish I didn't meet you again." Taemin answered and turn araound to continue washing the dishes.

"Taemin look. I-"

"Stop it Minho-Hyung. You should better stop coming here." Taemin look at Minho with cold expression "Let's end this now before everyhting will get mess up again." Taemin end the discussion and Minho doesn't want to bother Taemin anymore. Atleast not today.

"Okay, I'll go now. But Taemin I am going back."Minho stand up and get out of the cafe.

Taemin who is been making himself strong, break down. He sat down and hug his knees and his tears started to fall down just before he could stop it.

There is the same sentence that keeps on repeating on Taemin's mind since the day he saw Minho again. And it seems like the wound which is he thought had been healed started to open again.

"Let's end this here now, I just realize that i want to have a normal life. And it's hard for me to have that if we continue this relationship. I am sorry Taemin and goodbye."

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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 21: So cute! :)
Chapter 21: Wow~~~ Daebak!!! Jjang! Really sweet & perfect^^ :) I really love it^^ ♡♡♡
WinX0922 #3
Chapter 21: oh.....great story!!keep up the good work :)
Chapter 15: I knew it his kibum's twin haha, I love this story:-)