I Want You Back

After Goodbye, What's Next?

"What?!!" Jonghyun ask still in between his cough.

"Let's start living now hyung." Taemin repeat what he said. Even he, himself was not sure in what he was talking about. But all he knows is that, he is desperate to get away from Minho. And this is all what his mess up mind can think.

"Are you crazy?" Jonghyun recover from his choking and realize how serious Taemin is.

"But hyung-" the younger look up. He didn't expect this reaction from Jonghyun. 

Jonghyun took a deep breath to calm himself. It's not good to loss his temper now because he might scare the younger. "Look Taemin. You know that I am willing to do what ever you want, that's how important you are to me. But not this time." 

"W-why?" Taemin was confuse, Jonghyun never decline his favors.

"Because I know that someday, this thing will gonna hurt you." Jonghyun look at Taemin with so much worry in his eyes. "I am willing to accept that stupid proposal of yours if you really are  serious."

"But I am serious."

"No Taemin. You are not. You are just looking for a way to escape Minho, to escape your past, and this is not the right way." The he smile. "Besides, how can you live with someone you don't love?"

"But I like you hyung."

"Yes you like me, but you don't love me. There is a big difference between that two phrase." Jonghyun lean toward Taemin. "Think about it baby, I don't want you to regret this in the future." After saying that he pinch Taemin's cheek and stood up.

Taemin remain silent and keep his eyes on the plate.

"When you finish your food, go to bed okay. I'll stay here tonight since I am on afternoon ship tomorrow. I'll sleep on your couch."

'Why there? You can sleep in my bed." Taemin said.

"Nah. I'm scared I might harass you." After saying it, Jonghyun left the kitchen and made his way to the couch and lay down.

Taemin was still sitting in the kitchen, still thinking about what he said. But he really can not continue living like this. Thinking that maybe one day his love for Minho might over come his plan to forget the older. He stood up and wash his plate and went to bed.

Taemin was thankful that today is not that busy because he's not really in the mood to work but the same time he doesn't want to stay at his house and spend the whole day thinking about his mess up life. In the afternoon Jongyun stop by in his shop to help a little bit when Minho came.

"What are you doing here?" He ask Minho who just sat in the counter stool. 

"One latte." That's the only answer he gave him and open his case to bring out his paper works when he notice that Taemin is glaring at him. "I am just here to drink my coffee Temin Can't you serve me?" He ask and smile a bit but the younger just give him a sullen glance.

Jonghyun who just keep observing the two decided that it is better for him to left no. "Taemin, I have to go now." He sad and starts to pack his things." 

"But you said you are going to wait for me to close the shop and besides you don't have anymore work, right?" Taemin panic when he think that he will be left alone with Minho. Though there are still some customer, he knows that anytime soon they will gonna go. And it's only just thirty minutes before the closing time that means no ones gonna come anymore. 

"Yes Taemin. But I remember that I am on morning shift tomorrow and I have wash my uniform." He pick up his bag and hang it to his shoulder. He kiss Taemin's cheek before heading out the cafe.

Taemin look at Minho who is currently looking at him too. He turn around and make himself busy in the dishes. After a long moment Taemin pick up the 'close' sign and hang it in the door.

"The shop is close now. You should better leave so I can finish my work now." He said without looking at the older guy.

"You want me to help you, so that you can finish early?" Minho ask and walk toward him.

"STOP!!!" Taemin shouted that makes Minho shock and stop in his spot. "Please, stop this Minho. I am so sick and tired in this thing." Taemin put his hands  at the counter top and lower his head down. "Please, I am begging you now. Leave me alone, please stop on seeking me and meeting me."

"I am sorry, Taemin-ah. But I can't do that." Minho said and move towards him. "I made a decision. I want you back to my life and I will do anything just to win you back."

"That would be too late now. I decided to live with Jonghyun together." Taemin said softly, his head still looking down that why he didn't see Minho's expression. "That's why, you should better stop now."

"B-but, Taemin. It is me that you love. How can you be with him." He ask with shaking voice.

Taemin chuckle at what the guy said. How dare this guy say something like that. "So what if I still love you. I want to be with Jonghyun because he can take care of me and I know that I am important to him. And beside I like him to, I don't think that love is that important anymore as long as enjoy each other's company that okay now." It's a deafening silent is  what happen next, until he here Minho clear his throat.

"I don't care." Minho said with full of determination in his voice. Taemin look at him. "I don't care if you are now going to live with him. I still want you back." Minho return to his things and put it in his case. "I'm going to do anything even if I have to kneel in front of you I will do it. And as long as I know that you still love me, I will fight. No matter how many times you're gonna push me away."  Minho headed to the door. "I'll come back." After saying that he left the shop and left Taemin dumbfounded.

Just like what Minho said he came back the next day, the next next day and the next next next until was just like a normal decoration at Taemin's shop. The younger who was tired of sending him away, just give up. But he still ignoring the guy. There are times that Minho is waiting for him outside the shop and follow him until he reach his home. What makes Taemin irritated is that Jonghyun is not in his side when he needs him.

That night is the same as the other night when Minho is waiting for him outside. After he lock the the shop he starts to walk and pass Minho. But the guy just follow him. He was waiting at the stop light and texting Jonghyun when the sign change to go. Taemin started to cross but  stops when one car started to approach him and because he was in panic he cannot move immediately until he feels someone grab him and pull him back and both of them fell in the sidewalk.

"YAH!!!" Minho shouted at him. "Don't you know that it is dangerous to text while you where texting? Are you a kid to not know that?" Minho said angrily. His heartbeat is so fast that he feels like that his heart is goona jump out in his chest any moment. His body is shaking from the though of what gonna happen to Taemin if he is not there.

"Don't shout at me! And besides it's already go when I started to cross. I don't know that some stupid driver is gonna hit the red light." He shouted back but he is scared to. "And can you get off me." He push Minho and sat up. Luckily it's already late at night and nobody is in there.

"I'm sorry." Minho said and stood up. "Are you okay, you didn't get hurt right?" He observe the younger body and was relieve to notice that he didn't get any wound."

"I'm okay. It's just that---- your bleeding!" He grab Minho's arm and saw the cut in his forearm.

Minho look at it and was surprise that he didn't feel the pain. Maybe the thought of what happen dominated the pain in his arm, but now he is starting to feel the pain. "That's okay, I can treat that in my house." He said. "I am sorry that I can not send you home today, I have to treat this first." And then he stated to walk.

"It's not like I am obliging you to send me home." Taemin said in his mind. He was about to walk to when he saw Minho holding his arm while walking and it feels like the other is hurting so much and he feels so guilty. "Wait." He called him but still remain standing at his spot. "Let me help you to treat that." He saw Minho's shock expression after saying that. "Since my house nearer here, let go there." He starts to walk and Minho follow him.

"Shake the hand for the the brand new fool." Taemin thought about himself while he is getting his medical kit in his washroom. He don't know what comes to his mind inviting Minho in his house. But that guy save him and he just want to treat the wound, that basically, he is the cause. He sigh and walk toward the living room where Minho is sitting. He started to clean the wound and apply some medicine before putting some bandage. "Done."

"Thank you." Minho said and touch the wound that now is covered by a bandage. 

"Thank you." Taemin said softly and not sure if the other hear him.

"That's okay. But don't do that again. You really scare me out there I thought I am gonna loss you." Minho remeber how his adrenaline rush when he saw the car approaching Taemin. Fortunately he is not that far from Taemin, and he manage to pull him back in ahead of time.

"How can I repay you?" 


"I don't want to owe you anything. So, how can I repay you?"

"That's not necessary. I did that to my own accord." Minho said. But think of something as a payment if the younger persist on asking.

"Okay." Taemin said and stood up.

"H-hey wait." Minho was disappointed when Taemin just give up on asking. The old Taemin he knows will pest him until he gets what he ask. But he realize that this Taemin is no longer the Taemin he use to know.


"I think I know how will you gonna repay me."

"But you just said that it is okay since it's on your own accord" Taemin emphasize the last two words.

"But I realize that you will gonna feel guilty if I didn't accept your offer."

"Guilty? Me? Of course not." He said with a straight face.

"Aisshh." I know you are." Minho laugh and really hates how Taemin acts so cool. 

"I am not. And I realize that since I already treated your wound I am now paid. It's already late. Go home."

Minho panic, he have to think, think fast for something that he might use to persuade Taemin, The he think of something childish. "AHHH!!" He acted that he was in pain and grab his. "YAH!! I think you didn't treat my wound right." he said and take a quick peek to Taemin who just sigh.

"Stop being so childish." Taemin already know that Minho is just acting. What is it that you want?" Taemin surrender. Knowing Minho, he is going to do anything to get what he wants. Just like himself ten years ago. 

Minho smile brightly and look up at Taemin. "Can you go to the Amusement Park with me when it's gonna open? I think that is two week from now."

"No." Taemin answer immediately.


"I...I just don't want."

"But you have to pay me." Taemin look at him and he smile back at the younger. "Payment." He smile widely and show his wounded arm to Taemin.

Taemin sigh in grief and answer. "Okay." He said softly.

Minho smile reach his ear because of Taemin answer. His plan was success. 


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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 21: So cute! :)
Chapter 21: Wow~~~ Daebak!!! Jjang! Really sweet & perfect^^ :) I really love it^^ ♡♡♡
WinX0922 #3
Chapter 21: oh.....great story!!keep up the good work :)
Chapter 15: I knew it his kibum's twin haha, I love this story:-)