Little by Little

After Goodbye, What's Next?

Jonghyun was surprise to see Taemin in his door front. The younger was leaning at the door and reading some books when he notice the other approaching him.

“What are you doung here Taemin? It’s a surprise that you are visiting me.” Jonghyun ask and open his apartment.

“Because I am going to kill you today for betraying me. I hadn’t done it yesterday because you didn’t went back in my shop after you run off. ” Taemin said and lay down at the sofa as soon as he enter the apartment.

“What are you talking about, baby? I didn’t betrayed you. We really are not going to live together since I rejected your proposal, remember?” He said and start preparing food.

“But you should have lied about that especially to Minho” Taemin emphasize the elder’s name and walk toward Jonghyun to watch him prepare the food since he can’t do anything that might can help the elder. He’s afraid that he will just make the work slower.

“But I am not a liar Taemin, no matter who am I talking.”

“Oh, really? That’s why you are always dump, right? Because you can’t lie to your partners that you are having an affair with other in the past.” Taemin tease Jonghyun and laugh.

“I am not lying to them. They just don’t want to believe me when I am telling them that those people are just a friend. And what can I do if the girls are keep on bugging me? But well I can’t blame them if they can’t really fascinated by me.” Jonghyun laugh.

“Wow. I am really amaze of your narcissism.” Taemin said and decided to leave the kitchen before he will get Jonghyun disease. He move at Jonghyun bookshelf to find a book to read since he already finish the book that he was just reading while waiting for the other.

“So Taemin? What really made you come here?”

“Nothing really. I just want someone to cook for me. I am staring to get tired of the convenience store.” He answer while looking at the books. When he pull one book one picture fell. He pick it up and saw it was Jonghyun together with one guy. “Hyung?” Taemin walk toward Jonghyun who was busy rinsing the rice.


“Who is this?” He show the picture at Jonghyun and he saw how the other’s expression change. Is that sadness that he saw?”

“Where did you find that?”

“It just fell when I pull this book.” He answer and look at the picture again.

“H-he’s my first love Taemin.” Jonghyun answer and stop what he was doing because he feel that all his strength left his body.

“Where is he now?”

“He’s already dead Taemin.” The younger grasp, Jonghyun grab at the counter. “I don’t know why there still a picture of him here, when I thought that they already took all his things from here.”

“What do you mean hyung?”

“His family hated me, hated our relationship. They said that I am the one who killed their son. After his funeral, they brag into my house and took everything that belongs to their son. I didn’t know that all this time, that picture is in there.” Jonghyun laugh bitterly. “Maybe they are right, I am the one who kill him. If I shouldn’t recommended to him to leave this town and move in the other place, we shouldn’t had got in that accident.”

“Hyung it is not your fault. As what you said, that was an accident.” Taemin walk toward Jonghyun and comfort him.

“I didn’t even saw him in his vigil and in his funeral. They are always blocking me.

Taemin just continue to comfort the elder since he don’t know what to do. He look at the picture again, looking at the other guy who is smiling while his arm is around at Jonghyun waist. The guy is good looking if he should not have that big burn in his face that is blocking his beauty. The burn almost cover half of his face. He look at it closely and notice that if the burn was not in his face he looks someone that he knows but no matter how hard he think he can figure out who.

Because of Jonghyun condition, they just decided to have a delivery for their foods. They are currently sitting at the living room and Taemin was busy stuffing himself with the pizza, Jonghyun attention was still at the picture.

“I almost forgot his face Taemin. All that is clear in my mind is this stupid scar in his beautiful face. And even in his body he had some small burns.” Taemin didn’t say anything and just look at the elder. Besie he is not sure if the other can hear if ever he say something. He wants to mention what he just notice at the picture but then decided not to, because that might hurt the other.

“You are so lucky Taemin since you have a chance to revive your past love. You should not miss that because fate is cruel thing. You might wake up one day and find that Minho is not there anymore.” Jonghyun said and put the picture at the table and rest his back at the couch.

“But I am scared Hyung.” He put his pizza down and look outside the window. “What if he left me again?”

“Because that is what you want to feed in your mind. What happen in the past should just be leave in that past. Why not enjoy what you have now and give yourself a try. And looking at Minho, I know that he is serious to have you back.”

I know that. I know that he is serious.” He wants to say but he can’t say it to the other.”I don’t want to talk about that now hyung. I don’t know if I can put my trust again in him but what is for sure, I don’t want to get hurt again. Not by the same person.”

“If that’s what you want. I just want to remind you that people, no matter how much they love you, there will be time that they will get tired of it.”

Taemin feel a little fear at what Jonghyun said. Tired? What if Minho starts feeling tired of chasing him and just give up. He unconsciously touch his pocket and feel Minho’s wallet. “Are you going to give up on me hyung, if ever?”


“Taemin to earth?”

Taemin was shock when he saw Minho in front of him.

“Are you okay? You’re not sick right?” Minho touch his forehead to feel if he had a fever but the younger took it off. “It is strange, you don’t have a fever but you have been spacing out since I came here.”

“How long have you’ve been here?” Taemin ask since he don’t remember seeing him entering his shop or maybe he is just absent minded from all this time.

“Taemin-ah, I have been here for almost ten minutes and I have been talking to you. But you just keep on spacing out.”

“Maybe because my eyes have been rejecting your face that’s why I didn’t see you.” He move away at the counter and starts cleaning the tables. There are only two occupied table and only thirty minutes before he close the store and as usual, Minho will be the last one to leave the store since the elder is waiting for him and follow him until he got home.

“Yah! That’s cruel. How can you reject someone as tall, good looking and perfect person like me?” Minho as the younger when he return at the other side of the counter and starts cleaning the dishes.

“Maybe because you are not really that perfect and you just thinking that by yourself.”

“Of course not. And as much I remember it was you who told me that I was perfect.”

“I’m sorry I don’t remember.”

“Aish don’t deny it. Isn’t it that’s why you fell in love with me?”

Taemin took a deep breath, how long this guy will keep on babbling the past. “Go home now. I have to clean the store.”

“I’ll help you.”

“No thanks.”

“Taemin-ah.” Minho called him with a sweet voice.

He hold himself not to look around. This guy is really messing up his mind. But no matter how much he stop himself to look around, his body is not cooperating with his mind. “What?” he ask with a blank expression. At least his face is cooperating today.

“I want to have something from you?”

“Have? Aren’t you being rude for someone who you asking a favor?”

“Do you…” Minho was a little hesitant to ask. “…still have our picture ten years ago?”

Taemin avoid Minho’s eyes and get back to his work before he answer. “Sorry, I already burned it.”

“I-is that so?”

“Why did you ask?”

“Ohh? Nothing I just suddenly remember it and ask you if I can have it so that I can make a copy.”

“Why you want a copy when you have your own copy of it.” Taemin pause shortly. “Oh, did you burn it too or did you lost it?”

“Of course not!” Minho answer immediately. “I just left it at my parent’s house.”

“Then get it there.” Taemin thought that they are even now. This is his revenge because Minho is still acting as if he don’t know that he is lying about him and Jonghyun living together.

“That’s too far from here.” Minho said.

“Then that’s your problem.”

“I really, really want to have that picture.” Minho said loudly. Luckily the other customer already left. “Because in that picture I can see the real Taemin and your cute smile.”

“I don’t care about your reasons Minho. And can you just go away. I am trying to work here you know?”

“I wonder when I am going to see that smile again. At least smile that was meant for me, not for Jonghyun or to anyone.” He said with a little jealousy in his voice.

“That is impossible to happen.”

“Of course it is. I can make you smile at me again Taemin, just watch for it.”

“No matter what you do I will not going to show my smile to you.” Taemin said and start sweeping the floor.

“Really?” Even if I do this?” Minho starts dancing stupidly while singing and grab the broom at Taemin’s hand to use as a microphone.

“Stop it, you look stupid.” Taemin grab the broom back and turn around so that Minho will not see the little smile that form in his lips. How he wants to punch his own body because it keeps on rejecting what his mind telling him.

“You did just smile, didn’t you?” Minho said with a happy tone.

“Of course not. Why would I smile at something stupid as that?” He starts sweeping but was surprise when Minho suddenly hug him from the back. “YAH!! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He try to struggle at Minho’s hug but the other make the hug more tightly. So tight that Taemin can’t breathe anymore.

“Just a little bit Taemin, please. I know I saw you smile.” Minho buried his face at Taemin’s shoulder sniffing the sweet scent that the younger is wearing. “I want to melt that ice that you build inside yourself. I want to return the warm Taemin, not this cold one. I know that you still don’t to trust me. But as what I said, I willing to wait for you, wait for you to bring yourself to love me again. I will not going to feel tired, no matter how long it will take, even if you will just accept me in my dying bed, I am still be happy with that.” Taemin didn’t say anything and just grip tightly at the broom handle. He thought that Minho answer the question that has been hanging in his mind. “I will going to repeat it over and over again until you will get tired of it and the only choice you will have, for me to stop it, is by accepting me again.” Minho said. He knows little by little he will going to melt that block of ice that Taemin covers his body.

Taemin can’t still not say anything. He’s mind was drowning at Minho’s words and can’t think properly. Then Minho release him and he feel a sudden cold as soon as Minho take his arms around him, cold that he didn’t feel even before Minho hug him.

“Finish your cleaning love. I’ll wait for you outside.” He said and patted Taemin’s head before he move toward the door and get out.

Taemin was still standing at his place. He touch his face and was surprise that it is so hot. How come that he feel cold but his body is burning specially his cheek and his shoulders where Minho buried his face.

“This is not right. I should not be feeling this way.” He said and buried his face at his palm. “I am going crazy.”


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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 21: So cute! :)
Chapter 21: Wow~~~ Daebak!!! Jjang! Really sweet & perfect^^ :) I really love it^^ ♡♡♡
WinX0922 #3
Chapter 21: oh.....great story!!keep up the good work :)
Chapter 15: I knew it his kibum's twin haha, I love this story:-)